Star Wars: Order 66
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Posts : 67
Join date : 2020-04-24
Age : 27

Jedi Knight Bryethe Farlance Empty Jedi Knight Bryethe Farlance

Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:13 pm

Jedi Temple Public Records

🔸Bryethe Farlance
🔸Human (Corellian)
🔸20 (Born 14 BTC 10)

🔸Padawan Learner
🔸Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan (Together from ages 16-19)
🔷Former master(s):
🔸Jedi Knight Rularrn Lonn (Together from ages 11-16)
🔸🔹 Praxeum Instructor and her only former master.
🔷Trials Completed:
🔸Trial of Courage
🔸Trial of Insight

Known Skills:

Known Lighstaber Forms
Form III: Soresu || Advanced
Form V: Shien || Intermediate.
[/hider]🔸Is quick and light on her feet, allowing for proper use of both Soresu and Shien.
🔸Is cautious when making decisions, allowing her to think through her actions and their consequences before committing.
🔸Listens well to her Master. Takes constructive criticism well, seems to learn well from her mistakes and misfortunes.
🔸Due to her strong knowledge of Soresu, and part knowledge of Shien, she has grown strong in terms of maintaining a solid defense for an extended amount of time. Has impressive stamina and endurance, allowing herself to how a defensive line in battle, or last out against an enemy of equal or lesser skill. Always needs improvement in this, is constantly working to improve her endurance as she realizes how vital it is to Soresu and Shien.


Trained Force Techniques:

🔸Basic Jedi Techniques || Has grown to focus on the Force, utilizing it, more than average, during combat and in use to help with movement about her environment.
🔸🔹Strengths lie in:
🔸Intermediate Training Telekinesis
🔸Intermediate Training Force Throw || **Uses a healthy mix of lightsaber combat and Force techniques when she fights. Prefers to use the Force as an offense as Brye usually stays defensive when fighting with her saber.
🔸Intermediate Training Force Sight || Has always shown an understanding for paying attention to her surroundings and using her environment to her advantage.
🔸Intermediate Training Force Sense || **See above.
🔸Intermediate Training Force Jump || **See above.
🔸Intermediate Training Precognition
🔸Intermediate Training Tutaminis || Wants to work towards become more skillful with this.
🔸Expert Talent Droid Disable || When spare time allows, and when not training or meditating, Brye enjoys to tinker to a certain extent. She finds droids fascinating at certain times and wishes to learn as much as she can in her free time.
🔸Intermediate Talent Mechu Duru
🔸Undiscovered Talent Crucitorn
🔸🔹((OOC: I wanted to include an interest for my character that I myself might not usually go for. I feel like this is one such opportunity!))


Known associates:

🔸Jedi Padawan Jaslyn Dayne || Jaslyn is felt as a sister to Brye. They grew up together, training as Younglings, Initiates, Padawans. Brye is very critical of Jaslyn's decisions as they are usually more reckless than she'd appreciate.
🔸Jedi Knight Cora Alcyon || Brye attended Cora's classes when she was a young Initiate.
🔸Jedi Knight Rularrn Lonn || Former Master, was killed while they were both on an assignment together.
🔸Captain Nimat’ualin || Not friends, nor enemies either. Brye and Nima have had a few run-ins with each other, all ending in stalemates as a few required the two to work together, while other's forced Brye to choose the welfare of others over Nimat'ualin's capture and arrest.


Favored Equipment and clothes:

🔸Utility belt: Holds her lightsaber, food capsules, holomap/holoprojector, grappling spike launcher, Jedi beacon transceiver, and a Jedi breathing mask.
🔸On the gauntlet on her left wrist, she wears a comlink, which allows her to communicate even during a battle, as she wields her lightsaber in her left hand, leaving her right to utilize the comlink's few controls.
🔸She wears lightly padded, white-colored armor over her chest, shoulders, lower arm and upper thigh.
🔸Wears a dark brown under-tunic that covers her waist to her shoulders.
🔸Wears a dark brown over-tunic, and a reddish-brown tabard with a straight-cut bottom.
[hider=Clothing Reference Picture]
Jedi Knight Bryethe Farlance LdXH60e
🔸Brye's new lightsaber.

Laser Sword:


Personality type:

🔸Quiet, Reserved, and Cautious.
🔸🔹Brye tends to remain in the shadows, listening to others and taking in information. She is cautious when making decisions, which is one of her weaknesses. Is very loyal and willing to help her Master whenever possible. Despite being rather reserved and quiet, Brye is not one to be taken advantage of. She has strong bonds with those she holds close to her. She holds a strong sense of duty to the Jedi Order, and does not easily fold to mind-tricks and manipulative talk.
🔸 Mischievious, and loves to tinker.
🔸🔹 Before becoming a Padawan, it took Brye a long time to grow out of her mischievious mindset. She and an old friend, Neith, would constantly get into trouble while training at their Temple; starting silly rumors, such as the one where they convinced other Younglings that Dark Force spirits lived in dirty socks, and often re-wiring droids to fetch snacks and talk backwards.
🔸🔹Brye loves to figure out how droids work, often taking apart droids who need servicing and putting them back together, even though they just need servicing. When time allows, Brye can be found in her quarters, researching droid schematics and looking up the most recent updates to droids used both by the Republic, and in battle.

Known Flaws:

🔸[color:54d1=0072bc]**Was unable to control her emotions when she was a Youngling. (see [color:54d1=0072bc]Major Failures on Record for correlation.)
🔸🔹Due to this, Brye had constantly been on watch for issues with her emotions. The incident with her former Master was looked as acceptable behavior for her emotions, but had issues when she was younger. She made a close friend and needed help coming out of her grief when she had thought that friend died. She has been doing better with control in the near two years that she's been under Satele's eye.
🔸Bryethe is very cautious, and sometimes lacks confidence in herself. Sometimes her fiery spirit balances this flaw out. Although it sometimes causes issues on assignments where her lack of confidence in herself stalls the mission, puts more danger on to Brye or others than necessary, or makes Brye doubt herself when full concentration is needed.
🔸Constantly on the defensive. Strengths lie in Soresu, so she prefers to wear an enemy down than make a powerful strike. Good endurance and stamina but if she is up against a powerful enemy, her lack of offense could prove extremely unfavorable.

Jedi Temple Internal Records

🔷Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.

[hider=Bryethe Farlance]Jedi Knight Bryethe Farlance Rxq2knp[/hider]
*Small scar on lower left jawline. Recieved from a glance with a lightsaber during the fight in which her first Master was killed.

🔷Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill level.

Voice Logs:

🔷Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill.

🔸Brye has had a focused interest in the art of technology that can be used to better the Jedi, the Republic, and the individual. Because of this, Brye shows much interest in droid technology, ship tech, and in a more unrelated field, prosthetics. She's proven to be a valuable asset in the field of prosthetics and the creation of prosthesis. She has spent her recent years, when not with her old Master, spending much of her time at medical research facilities and medical stations putting her knowledge and talent to work.

Voice Logs:

🔷Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.

Voice Logs:

Since the Treaty of Coruscant was signed six years ago, Brye hasn't seen much in terms of heavy combat. She's been training for combat for the last six years should something come up, but in terms of participating in any, she's only been in small battles and skirmishes.

🔷Detailed notes on political influence and associates.

🔸None as of yet.

🔷Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Order and Republic.

🔸🔹Brye and Nima have had several run ins together, all ending in stale-mates for one reason or another. Bryethe doesn't know what to think of Nima, as there have been times they've helped each other, but also times they've fought each other. She's still trying to figure things out.

🔷List and description of other known associates, including intimates.

🔸Helea Neith Arundhati
🔸🔹 The only other person Brye has known that she would regard as a "sister." The two were extremely close. Close enough to warrant action from the Jedi Masters at the Arkania praxeum. The two were deliberately separated multiple times, but their relationship as "sisters" was not easily broken. Helea's "death" was the cause of emotional turmoil within Brye; enough to require guidance to get over her grief.
🔸Jedi Knight Rularnn Lonn
🔸🔹 Brye's previous Master, Lonn himself a Jedi Knight. He died two years prior in an incident involving rogue Sith. One that nearly cost Brye her own life as well.
🔸Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan
🔸🔹 Brye's current Master. Someone the young Jedi looks up to in all aspects. It was Satele who was one of the first to respond to the incident which killed her Master. Master Satele helped fight off the rogue Sith, and helped Bryethe get out with her life.
Taking Brye under her wing, the young Jedi was quickly given someone to fall back on while dealing with the grief of losing her Master, and quickly was pushed to focus on healing and jumping full force into training. Brye quickly found a reason to better herself after the incident, and has been learning much from Master Satele during the two years since it happened.

🔷List of all known ownerships, including vessels, (non-standard) equipment, and locations.

🔸None as of yet.

🔷Psychological evaluation of Jedi Order member.

🔸Taken into the Order at the age of two, Bryethe quickly fell into the ways of the Jedi Order and caught on very quickly. She grew up eager to learn, her willingness to learn being reflected in her successful studies and the eventual passing of the Initiate Trials.
Brye is very level-headed. After learning to control her emotions after the passing of a fellow Initiate, Brye is very skilled at maintaining focus on and off the battlefield. To a point, she enjoys the thrill of battle, but also enjoys her down-time away from the field, taking any time she can to study from Holocrons or work on droids and machinery.
After the incident, Bryethe tries to enjoy her life a little more than she had before. Taking in her environment is something Brye loves. Sitting on a high point and watching the sun set or rise, taking in a breeze; allowing herself to enjoy life for a brief moment.
Brye follows Satele closely, sticking to her Master mission after mission unless told otherwise. She's constantly watching, listening, and learning, the eagerness from her childhood never having waivered through her Padawan years.

🔷List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.

🔸🔹Has learned to control her emotions, but is afraid that she may not be able to keep control over them forever.
🔸🔹Is overly cautious, which may sometimes lead Brye to lack confidence if she thinks for too long on her decisions or their outcomes.
🔸🔹Is comfortable staying on the defensive, has trouble taking the initiative and making the first offensive strike. Has taught herself good endurance and stamina but sometimes fails to see where constant defense isn't enough to win a fight.
🔸🔹Being overly cautious can also affect her on the battlefield, which can stall the mission, put more danger on to Brye or others than necessary, or makes Brye doubt herself when full concentration is needed.

🔷Major achievements on record.

🔸Successfully constructed her first lightsaber.
🔸Completed Initiate Trials.
🔸Survived the incident that took her former Master's life.

🔷Major failures on record. Confidential.

🔸Beaten in a Padawan lightsaber tournament in the early rounds.
🔸[color:54d1=0072bc]**Developed strong emotional attachment to a fellow Initiate. Needed guidance to get over said attachment. The relationship was not romantic, but she and Neith grew very close, and treated each other like siblings.


🔷Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.

🔸Bryethe Farlance was born on Corellia on 10.20.12 BTC. She displayed knowledge of the Force at age two, and was quickly taken to the Jedi praxeum on Arkania to be trained. Brye has no recollection of her parents, nor has really ever asked about them. Growing up, Brye encountered many trials and tribulation. She formed a sisterly bond with another Padawan, then went through immense guilt when said Padawan was reported dead later in her years. Losing her Master in a skirmish with two treasonous Sith, she was rescued and taken under Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan's wing.
In the current year, Brye isn't far from needing to turn focus to her Knight Trials, but is also still learning a lot about the universe; the war, politics, and overall feel of the current era leaves a lot for Brye to grasp and improve upon. [/hider]
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