Star Wars: Order 66
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Evemari "Evie" Barral Jedi Knight Shadow Empty Evemari "Evie" Barral Jedi Knight Shadow

Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:22 pm

Jedi Temple Public Records

Name: Evemari “Evie “ Barrall
Species: Human
Homeworld: Chandrila

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Rank : Knight(Shadow)
Master: None
Former Master: Graddon Bayasto

Jedi Temple Internal Records

Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.
Evie stands at about 6ft tall and with piercing green eyes. She has an elegant beauty that is often complimented with her white robes and eerily warm smile. She often will wear her hair down and always seems to be well kept.


Evemari "Evie" Barral Jedi Knight Shadow DvuZgHY

Evemari "Evie" Barral Jedi Knight Shadow ITxrSq4


Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

Force Speed- Intermediate Talent
Tutaminis- Intermediate Training
Telekinetic Defense- Expert Talent
Force Stealth- Intermediate Training
Force Cloak-Intermediate Talent
Basic Force Powers- Intermediate Training

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.

• Form I Shi-Cho Intermediate Training
• Form II Makashi Expert Talent

Names and pertinent details for all political and social associates. Including allies, enemies, rivals, underlings, apprentices and more.
Aren Bec- Surrogate sister from her days on Arkania Praxeum and often will write her.

Graddon Bayasto- Her former master and often will train with him in-between missions

Personality analysis of candidate.
Evie has a patient, warm, and gentle aura about her that is grounded by a distinct sense of duty. A polite confidence that is a balanced by her unrelenting tenacity to achieve her goal or the goals given to her by the Jedi Order. This sense of duty and tenacity will override her gentler nature that allows for her to thrive as a shadow. The code is but a set of guidelines to her as the terror of the Sith often require more aggressive measures to stamp out. If it can be helped she would much rather turn Sith back to the light whether it be by persuasion or force. She’s them as lost souls that need to be guided back to the light or become one with force as the blight of the Sith can never be allowed to fester.  

List and description of known and suspected flaws, obligations, vices and weaknesses.
She has the tendency to not have a filter and often will speak what is on her mind. She can be a bit forlorn at isolation that involves being a Shadow. So much so that she desperately wants the approval of her peers, however this can come off as wooden and tends to agitate them. She worries that she will succumb to the tragedies that often are apparent to shadows such as social isolation and paranoia. She is not very trusting of any captured Jedi unless they have shown their worth as they can potentially be agents to the Sith. She has smidgen of her master’s paranoia that was instilled in her since she was a Padawan as “The darkness is all around us, often hiding in plain view.” This saying has never left her mind and often present when meeting someone new. She does her best to rationalize that there is no definitive proof that they are aligned with the darkness and should not assume the worst given the state of the galaxy. She wonder if anybody will care for her or will her life be destined to that of tragic isolation.
She enjoys music and often will go to dance halls to take her mind off the situations that are going around her. This is the one vice she enjoys to partake in as it helps her feel somewhat normal and offers her a brief respite from the tragedies of this age.[/sub ]

Owned equipment of note.
A curved hilt Green Saber
Data Dagger

[hider=Biographical Records]

Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.  She was born to a loving family whom worked a modest farm on the rolling hills of the Planet Chandrilla. Much of this time is but a blur to her as the green rolling hills and the loving songs that her mother use to sing her is all that she remembers. She vaguely remembers her father before he enlisted into the Republics Military but what she does is a very gentle soul that always knew how to make her feel safe. Once her force sensitivity was discovered by Graddon Bayasto and promptly taken to Arkenia Praxeum.

Her new environment was quite strange to her as the rolling green hills of Chandrilla were replaced with harsh frigidness of Arkania. She was a quiet child that often initially kept to herself. This shyness prevented her from making many friends initially and was bullied .However Aren Bec swiftly put an end to that and seemed to take her under her wing as she adjusted to life in the Order. Evie saw her as an older sister and often would be seen following her around. Evie started to come out of her shell becoming more confident and carefree. However Aren kept her grounded and encourage her to redirect this new found confidence into her training. With this support she would go on to diligently train as she hoped to catch her surrogate sister someday in ability. However such pleasantries don’t last forever as she passed her trials and was gone to continue her training. Things could have gone back to how they were but she persisted with her new found confidence becoming more tenacious in her training. Keeping to this rigor she eventually would pass her initiate trial 2 years later at the age 11 and become the Padwan of Graddon Bayasto.

Graddon was a no nonsense master and immediately began drilling Evie in the techniques required to thrive in this time of strife. She began to transition into learning Makashi to combat Dark Force wielders and often would drill with her master for hours on end. If they weren’t drilling they were meditating and working on the different force techniques that specialized in defense. Evie disliked the urgency in which her master trained her but understood this was a time of war. However her master would not take her on every mission and often would have her stay with the ship to train. She dutifully obeyed and would constantly train as this was needed to be able to eradicate the Sith. After 4 years on intense training he began to take her on more dangerous missions. It was around this time that he began to groom her to become a Shadow as her devotion to the order is absolute as well as her resolve to end the tyranny of the Sith. These often had to deal with searching for Sith artifacts as well as spying on potential Jedi suspected of being Sith agents. Such Missions caused her to withdraw in and begin to become suspicious of captured comrades. She put up a wall and became vigilant as “The darkness is all around us, often hiding in plain view.” However she would observe her master and worry as he often would be constantly look for the Darkness, even when it seemed illogical to her. It was at this time that she began to reflect and wonder if it was right to have this attitude when one had no proof. It conflicted with her sense of hope and began to ponder if it was possible to guide them back to the light. Such thoughts would be pushed to the back of her mind as she was about to take her final Knight trial. As she prepared she began to observe her master more and more wondering if her fate was sealed to end up like him. She would keep in correspondence with Aren and this helped put her mind at ease as he was all he had. She had him but also had Aren and was actively going to make it a point to get along better with her peers, even if her first instinct is to see if they are potentially Sith agents.

She would pass her final Knight Trial at the age of 21 and would begin her work as Shadow further training with her former master in stealth and espionage. During this time she would start collect information on potential Sith artifacts as well as potential Sith agents. Occasionally hunting for them and as it stands has only been able to retrieve 2 as most other times it would turn out to be nothing but a wild bantha chase. In between missions she is constantly training while occasionally engaging in her musical hobbies as well as attempting to learn how to cook.

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