Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-30

Knight Takryn Malkovi Empty Knight Takryn Malkovi

Fri May 08, 2020 9:37 am
Name: Takryn Malkovi
Species: Zabrak
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Rank: Jedi Knight
Master: N/A

Detailed appearance.

Sturdy, well built member of his species. His skin is so pale one can mistake it for white and his horns are a deep grey. The black tattoos on his face from a distance resemble a set of scales. His hair is closely shaved to his head, and is completely black. He towers over most of his peers at 1.98 meters(6'6"). His eyes are a stunning gold.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

Takryn is noted to use all basic skills, having a natural talent in Telekinesis and Precognition. He is advancing swiftly in Farsight, further proving his talent in Precognition.

Telekinesis(Push, Jump, Pull, and Throw included): Intermediate Training
Telekinetic Defense: Trained Talent
Crucitorn: Intermediate Training
Precognition: Trained Talent
Farsight: Trained Talent

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.

Sentinel Training: As a padawan, Takryn has been training towards becoming one of the Jedi Sentinels, learning combat as well as stealth skills.

Forms I-V: Intermediate Training
Form IV Ataru & Form V Djem-Sho: Trained Talent

Known interests of the candidate.

Takryn holds little interest in things outside of History and Exploration. He is quite fond of exploring new places and seeing the vast worlds the Galaxy has to offer. Takryn often explores ruins whenever he can and often spars with other Jedi Knights to test his strength.

Biographical Records:
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