Star Wars: Order 66
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Age : 27

Jedi Knight Aren Bec Empty Jedi Knight Aren Bec

Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:24 pm
Jedi Knight Aren Bec

Jedi Temple Public Records
Name: Aren (Ah-ren) Bec
Species: Human (Hapes)
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Rank: Jedi Knight
Master: N/A
Padawan: Jedi Padawan Val'Ko Sate

Jedi Temple Internal Records
☁Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.
Jedi Knight Aren Bec Xay39EW
☁Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.
-Psychometry || Expert Talent
-Telekinesis || Advanced Training
-Mind Trick || Intermediate Training
-Force Sense || Intermediate Training
-Telepathy || Intermediate Training
-Basic Force Uses || Advanced Training

☁Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.
-Niman || (with the addition of Jar'Kai) Advanced Training
-Shien || Intermediate Training
-Shii-Cho || Intermediate Training

☁Names and pertinent details for all political and social associates. Including allies, enemies, rivals, underlings, apprentices and more.
-Jedi Knight and Healer Cora Alcyon
-Jedi Master Dominik Rothul
-Jedi Master Kyla Vondin

☁Personality analysis of candidate.

-Aren is a quiet yet bold Jedi. She is often seen meditating or learning something new on her free time, and never allows herself to become bored. She enjoys constantly being on the move, which is one thing she shares with her Padawan. Aren is decisive and strong-willed, and does well in focusing that energy into training her Padawan and performing her duties as a Knight. She is very insightful and is able to see through dishonesty and disingenuous motives. She is selfless, decisive, and passionate. Anything and everything she does is for the betterment of the Jedi Order and her Padawan. She is always able to follow through on her word and will leave no stone unturned when the answer to an issue isn't present.

☁List and description of known and suspected flaws, obligations, vices and weaknesses.
-She is lacking in patience, something that must be built upon in working with her Padawan. It has grown better over the past two years they've been together, but sometimes Val's energy is something she needs to keep in check, which tests this patience.
-She is slow to share her thoughts and feelings during a mission if she knows they are gruesome or dark in nature. This flaw was built upon by her Psychometry, for sometimes there are things even she did not want to see or know.
-Aren can come off as callous to those who do not know her well. She is always willing to talk to others, especially her Padawan, but should she be in deep thought or focused, her callousness can come out.

☁Owned equipment of note.
-Her two sabers, one green single-handed and the other a more yellow-green Shoto saber.
-Defender-class light corvette, the Pathfinder.

Biographical Records
☁Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
⛅Aren does not remember much of her younger life. Most of what she knows is that she was born and raised on Hapes and had numerous fits and scares as a young child do to, what once was, her undiscovered talent in Psychometry. Once it was discovered that she was Force sensitive, Aren was taken to Arkania Praxeum to begin her Jedi training.

As she grew, Aren quickly caught on to the use of dual blades, a regular blade and a shoto were preferable to her style and form. Her Psychometry was a focus of her training as well, and she was taught about the visions she'd see, why it happened, and most importantly how to control it. The young Jedi passed her Initiate trials with ease at the age of eleven, and moved on to join a Jedi by the name of Reco Kalasar as she moved through her years as a Padawan. From her master she learned that her patience was always lacking, but that she had a good heart and mind behind it which was almost enough to balance it out. She was encouraged to share her ideas, her visions, anything she would see with her Master, especially when they came to her through her Psychometry. Many times Aren saw things she had preferred not, which only solidified her constant training regimen to learn to focus her Psychometry and control it.

Her life through the war and into the period of the treaty had been filled with trials and tribulations. Her hardest and final Knight trial had been fulfilled after she watched her Master cut down by Sith in front of her, to which she took her blades in hand and fought them back until support had arrived. She was Knighted only a few days later and spent much of her time afterwards taking a form of independence and training to improve areas of herself that she had felt lacking. She spent much time on Tython as she trained, in between the assignments she took and the travels she made. If she was not in the library reading, or in the sparring hall training, she was out on her own in Tython, taking in the feeling planet and all of the flora and fauna it held.

Now, at age thirty, she still has much to learn. She and her padawan, Val'Ko, have spent much of their first two years together constantly on the move, and constantly learning from their experiences and from each other. Training never stops for Aren or her padawan, but it is something she embraces and it is a part of who she is.
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