Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-25

Jedi Padawan Lo Lyra'Tre Empty Jedi Padawan Lo Lyra'Tre

Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:58 am
Name: Lo Lyra’Tre
Species: Bothan  
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Rank: Padawan
Master: Master Dominik Rothul

Detailed appearance.

Lo considers herself pretty average in looks for her race. She is a young Bothan and she looks like a younger version of the adults, her body having an athletic build. Her height is about 5’1”, the tallest she will likely ever get. A long, canine-like snout dips from her face with neatly trimmed beard along her chin and jawline. Her ears are long and end at a narrow tip. Long brown fur flows around her head, tied back into a ponytail at the bottom of her neckline. Her Padawan braid dangles at the right side of her face and ending just underneath the jaw. The same colored fur covers her body in a shorter fashion. It has a tendency to betray her emotional state by flattening, bristling or puffing out. She has eyes as green as the grass on a perfect day.

Her usual garments are the traditional padawan uniform in a tan and brown color. This consists of the inner tunic, tabard, sash, belt, trousers and boots. Nothing really fancy and appear have some wear and tear.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.


Pending: Dark Sith Alchemy


Force Jump
Force Speed
Force Throw
Telekinesis Defense
Mind Tricks


Force Healing- While at H’Ratth, Lo learned she had a natural knack for healing. At this small display of talent, the Jedi instructors felt it was a skill worth developing for her. Her force healing is at a basic level and requires heavy concentration to maintain it. With education and experience, it could become a valuable skill for her.

Force Sense- Lo is sensitive to changes in the world around her. She is quick to pick up on danger aimed at her and noted to react much sooner than her peers. With time, this could turn into an ability to sense other force users.

Force Bonds (Budding)- Lo's force bonds developed at a faster rate with only a small effort on her part. The longer she is connected to an individual, the stronger and more influence it has on her. For her, it's something to draw strength from based on those she connects to.

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.



Martial Arts- This is one of her weaker skill sets compared to her Force abilities. While she has the stamina and ability to fight, she lacks confidence in it. This affects her assertiveness in defending her position and she second-guesses her instinct. Mistakes happen to leave her open to counters, disarms, and more in combat.

Survival Skills- The best thing that Lo got out of these lessons were what herbs and plants would heal. This was the main reason she actually developed an interest in it and it stuck in her head. Now she can survive in nearly any environment for long periods of time.

Basics of Republic History- Lo finds it hard to recall her lessons over Republic history. It wasn’t the fact she didn’t pay attention, but she held no interest in it. At least, she got a general idea that the Republic was worth protecting and assisting.


Basics in Speeders and Starship piloting (including navigation) - She took to the basics in speeders and starship piloting well. Not only did she love the adrenaline rush and wind in her fur, but she was also good at it.

Medical Knowledge- Due to H’Ratth’s specialty in Healing, Lo has gained basic knowledge and experience in how to treat others. This is one of the lessons that Lo gravitated toward and enjoyed learning about. Seeing this, a few instructors encouraged and helped develop her basics. This included natural healing and with the force.


High Stamina/Energy- Like many youngsters, Lo has high levels of energy and gives everything her all. This can lead to good and bad things.

Known interests of the candidate.


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