Star Wars: Order 66
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Age : 40
Location : Ask

014 - Week 3 Day 4: Spiraling out of Control Empty 014 - Week 3 Day 4: Spiraling out of Control

Fri May 15, 2020 5:36 pm
6 ATC Month 8 Week 2 Day 1

Jaslyn had mulled over her predicament after she'd been released from Medical. She wanted off Tython. And she'd overheard Healer Mara talking about supplies for Ryloth. They were pressing the council for at least one more shipment and Jaslyn had the bright idea to be on it. She walked quickly to her room planning how this was going to happen. 

Jaslyn had just rounded the corner and was almost to her room when she felt a tingle run through her. She stopped and looked around and saw Takryn.

“Going somewhere, Padawan?” Takryn scowled down at the smaller jedi. He was dressed in his uniform, both sabers at his belt. “I don’t think you’re allowed out here.”

Jaslyn glared at Takryn. “Don’t even Takryn. Push me and I’ll avoid you for days maybe even weeks.” She put her hands on her hips and thrust out her chin defiantly.

“I did go years without being able to see you, Jaslyn.” He raised an eyebrow spike. “A few weeks wouldn’t be too bad. Especially since they have me watching you now. Doubt you’d be able to avoid me since I’m trained to track my marks now.”

Smirking Jaslyn tapped her foot the lack of motion getting to her. “I have been here longer than you have. I could lose you if I wanted to. You couldn’t find me if I wanted to hide.” She was bluffing. She was hoping he wouldn’t call her on it by mentioning their deep connection that was becoming deeper with each minute they spent together. There were times that she woke up not realizing that she was not in the same room he was.

“I would like to see you try and lose me.” Takryn grinned. “You’re stuck with me, Jaslyn Dayne. So, the only thing leaving the planet is the ship headed towards Ryloth. What’s so interesting there, hm?”

Looking away from Takryn Jaslyn pushed past him. “I was on the way to my room thank you. You’re the one not supposed to be in here. You’re a Knight now as you like to remind me. You still haven’t collected on that childish bet that we made. What is it that you want? Or do you not know as usual?” She threw over her shoulder as she walked to her door.

“I’m still thinking. Small brain remember?” He chuckles. “And I had a feeling that you were about to do something stupid.”

Whipping around so quickly Jaslyn’s hair slid over his chest and arms catching her hair in a button she winced. “Ow!!” Her curl was caught and it smarted. “!!”

“Oy…” Takryn did his best to get her free, grumbling at how he hates buttons on his clothes as it is. “Sorry…”

Growling Jaslyn looked at Takryn and bit her lip. They hadn’t been this close physically since the bond. Something fluttered in her insides. She put her hand on his chest over one of his hearts. She felt it beating and she looked up at him. She felt breathless and her mouth was dry. He was one of the few people that she had to look up to, and she wasn’t short.

Takryn grinned down at her, nostrils flaring slightly. His pupils were dilated and he gave a soft pant before blinking and pulling back. “We probably shouldn’t be doing this out here.”

Jaslyn winced as her hair tugged again and she stepped with Takryn. She swallowed hard at his reaction feeling his intensity wash through her. "Don't move! You'll take my hair with you!! And don't look at me like that." She'd meant to snap at him but it came out breathless. She cleared her throat softly. "And it was your fault. You were too close. I… uh… I don’t think… we can't be… it's not proper."

Takryn nodded, extracting himself. “You’re still a Padawan.” He chuckles. “Better hurry up then.” The zabrak winked, adjusting his uniform, expression serious. “If you are thinking of doing what I think you are… Don’t. It’s stupid and dangerous and you’ll get hurt.”

Looking up at Takryn Jaslyn stuck her chin out. "You're not my Master. Plus you have no idea what I'm thinking anyway." She pushed a finger into his chest blushing prettily. "That was all you. You wanting to… to…" Her blush deepened and she stuttered.

Takryn leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “You forget I’m stuck in your head now, Padawan.” He winked and turned to walk away. “You’re terrible at guarding your mind. You should probably learn to do that.”

Growling Jaslyn put her hands on her hips as he turned around. He can't possibly know I was thinking about him kissing me! She was still blushing and she fought to not blush.

"Don't you patronize me! Oh yeah what was I thinking then?" Jaslyn tapped her foot. The stubborn challenge was in her voice, the way she stood, her choice of words.

“Considering how you keep trying to put distance between us, you either want to punch me or kiss me. I assume the latter as your face is red.” He shrugged. “Other than that, I also assume you want to get out of your forced grounding to the Temple.”

Jaslyn blinked. "If I wanted to punch you I would. As for being grounded, I'm not in favor of it and I don't exactly have an option now do I, Takryn?" She shrugged as he had done. "And you're the one who keeps thinking about a kiss and constantly retreating. It's getting annoyingly frustrating you going back and forth. You say one thing and feel another. At least you could be honest with yourself." She opened her door irritation at his back and forth swinging emotions snapped her temper to a taunt thread.

Jaslyn knew she was pushing buttons but she was done walking around the issue. She walked into her room and started to gather up things. Her lightsabers she clipped onto her belt. Bringing out a pack she started to pack clothes. She glanced up at the open doorway since she'd purposely left it open.

Takryn sighed. “Maybe it’s because if I started, I wouldn’t stop. And we can’t do anything about… Us. Yet.” The zabrak scowled at the ground, arms crossed. “I already told you how I felt. But this wait… I never wanted to wait again.”

Looking over at Takryn but continuing to pack Jaslyn thought about the experience. "Then why are you? What are you waiting for?" Jaslyn had never been the sort to dance around a subject. If he wanted to have her drag it out of him she would. She was tired of not knowing who's emotions were pressing in on her. She knew that he loved her but she wanted to be sure that she had a handle on her own. She wanted to be sure that what she felt was hers not some bleed over. Takryn deserved better than to have her gain total control and find out that she didn't feel just as strongly. She deserved better.

“Because I’ve been told to.” He sighed. “I don’t want to, but if it keeps you safe, I will. Since you’re being scrutinized by the Masters and you aren’t a Knight yet, Rekka has all but ordered me to ‘maintain a friendly distance lest they order me off-world’. In my hearts, I’m sick of waiting but I know Rekka wouldn’t say that without reason. She’s wiser than I’ll ever be, and I look up to her a lot.”

Nodding Jaslyn retreated into her room. Leaving the door a jar she grabbed a bag and started to pack. She ignored Takryn as she moved about the room. She looked like she was packing for a long stay. A really long stay.

The other jedi sighed. “Wait for me since I can get you into the hangar unnoticed. You’ll be caught otherwise. Meet me outside Bay 3 in an hour.” He left to go get stuff packed too, leaving a signal for Rekka that they used during his trials. He was certain they’d be fine, but he didn’t want to let the older jedi worry too much. After all, she was like a surrogate mother to him.

Meeting Takryn at the appointed Bay 3 Jaslyn fiddled with the bag she carried making sure it was closed properly. She was looking around taking in the sights as she watched for Takryn. Noting the shift change was about to happen she tensed feeling that this was the right time. She almost stepped out but something warned her not to before a Knight made one last pass before he turned away.

Breathing finally Jaslyn pulled on the end of her hood making sure that her bright hair was covered. She didn't want anyone to see her and stop her. Quickly she gathered her determination and stubbornness and moved towards the ship that she'd known would be going to Ryloth. 

As she went she noticed a Knight slumped over on the ground just out of sight and Takryn standing over him, a grimace on his face. “I think I went a bit too far with the usual haze… This whole Telepathy thing is a bit difficult for me to control sometimes. So I just knocked him out the old-fashioned way.” He nodded towards a ship. “That’s the one, doesn’t have much room on it though. There is a small smuggler’s cache we could use to keep out of sight. It’s not listed on the manifest.”

Starting at the downed Knight Jaslyn looked up at Takryn in surprise as he admitted that he was having issues. It brought back up a subject that was bothering her. The whole "bond" issue came rushing to the forefront of her mind and she fought for dominance over the emotions spilling up to fill her. 

Shaking her head Jaslyn turned and stepped lively toward the ship. "Where exactly?" She asked as they entered the ship.

Takryn chuckled. “It’s not the most comfortable spot but... It’ll fit us.” He headed towards the back by the reactor. Tapping along the side he found a hollow panel, taking out an omnitool and pulling it off. “It’s undetectable since it’s a maglock. But if you have the key... “ He winked and ushered her into the small space. “Better than some boxes, eh? And just after it’s been inspected, so they leave in an hour.” 

Jerking to a stop Jaslyn reached out as her head swirled with the thought of Takryn being so close. "Us?" She caught up to Takryn just as he was opening the door. "That is far too small for you and your… shoulders and… we won't fit."

“Well, I’m not letting you venture off on your own.” He motioned for her to enter. “It gets a little bit bigger. I’ve ridden in one of these with one of Rekka’s contacts. They were an odd sort. Had a massive Zabrak bodyguard with them. Wasn’t sure if it was a man or a woman. Either way they were bigger than you and we fit in there fine. It’s a bit cramped but it’ll have to do.”

Swallowing hard Jaslyn walked into the compartment. She turned and looked for a place to put her bag. He was right it was a bit bigger than she first thought but it still put her practically on top of him with their bags. “How long do you think we’ll have to be in here?” She was nervous and her heart was beating loudly enough that she could swear he heard it.

He shrugged, settling in and leaning against the corner. “Depends how long it’ll take to get there. It’s a pretty much direct flight there.” He thought for a moment. “It should be leaving soon, though. Jenson always falls asleep at his post so no one would really notice.”

"That's almost a whole month! Takryn you can't spend a whole month cramped in here with me! What would your Master say?!" Jaslyn just about panicked as he shut the door.

Takryn shrugged. “It’s only till we get about a day’s travel out, then we can ditch this area and maybe hijack the ship. They’re only sending a couple of knights and I’ve bested them both.”

Jaw dropping Jaslyn watched him shrug it off. She started to sputter. “H-hijack the ship?! You can’t be serious?! And you can stand there and tell me that you can be this close and keep your hands off?! You haven’t been able to before now!!” Jaslyn knew that she wouldn’t be immune to Takryn if they were in close proximity and his emotions would run over her and influence her even if he didn’t know it. He was indirectly more dangerous to her loss of self control than anything else, which she had hidden fairly well, mostly due to avoiding being around him for long periods of time or being alone. Like they were right now.

The ship shuddered as the engine started up. Takryn held out a hand as he listened closely, feeling the ship lift off and start heading into space. He frowned at how jarring it all was, like the pilot wasn’t super well trained. He shook his head. “I’m pretty sure I can keep my hands to myself. We’ll be fine. You seem the most concerned about-”

A distinct clink sounded as the maglocks disengaged and a Jedi peered in, frowning. “Of course my vision was right. At least you brought someone with you. Jaslyn Dayne, you are supposed to be grounded on Tython. Takryn, get into the pilot chair. You’re flying us to Ryloth. It’s on auto, some droid assistant they gave me is doing it but I’d rather have you in the seat. Padawan, do you know how pissed off your Master will be at you? I’m used to this behavior, I practically raised this lug over here, but I’m currently not taking a new Padawan and I have a feeling this business on Ryloth will be more than I think you can handle.”

Takryn sheepishly grabbed his bag and left the smuggler’s cache, heading to the quarters to drop off his things. He sighed, knowing Rekka would be giving him an earful about his actions, as he wasn’t fully cleared for Combat. He trusted Rekka, however, as her visions rarely proved false and he was nervous about what was to come.

Jaslyn breathed a sigh of relief when Rekka actually found them. She almost hugged the other woman. She nodded to Rekka and moved to brush past her.

Rekka stepped aside, the pale umbaran looking at the two of them. “Regardless of what you believe, young Jaslyn, Takryn will never take advantage of you or your feelings. He’s much too dense and honorable.” She smirked, colorless eyes filled with mirth. “I remain uninvolved, as it is not my place, but I do sense a great deal of darkness from the both of you. I do hope that the path you follow will guide you to where you must go.”

Jaslyn nodded and decided that she would find a quiet corner to sit and think in. It was going to be a long ride...

Above Ryloth 6 ATC Month 9 Week 3 Day 4

The ship shook as it took a direct hit that knocked out it's weapon systems. "Weapon systems offline. Takryn this isn't good. At all." Jaslyn had taken to stating the obvious. It made her feel better. "We need to send out a signal and-"

Jaslyn looked down at the monitor as it flashed red. An airlock had been breached. Or she thought so. She watched in fascinated horror as the light stopped blinking. She had a bad feeling about this. Something was off.

Getting up Jaslyn moved to the airlock that indicated it was opened then shut. She made her way to the back of the ship. As she did so she heard the air lock open and loud gruff voices of multiple men could be heard.

They were speaking Huttese. Concentrating the words came to her. "Bring it down. We get paid only if it comes down."

Jaslyn raised an eyebrow. Oh this is bad. Since Rekka left it's just Takryn and me… and he's flying. She peaked around the corner she had ducked behind for cover. There were five of them and only one of her.

Watching from her hiding place Jaslyn watched one of them pull out a data spike. She felt the stirrings of anxiety well up inside her as he plugged it in. I don’t like this. I've got a bad feeling…

Stepping out from around the corner Jaslyn cleared her throat. Heads turned her way except for the one planting the spike. "Lay down your weapons and no one gets hurt." 

"Hummm… No." All four of the men staring at her pull out blasters and leer at Jaslyn.

Jaslyn turned on her sabers just as they opened fire. Redirecting the bolts she easily wounded all four. The one messing with the data spike squeaked and retreated. "I didn't sign up to hunt Jedi. I'm out."

The rest of them tossed their weapons and followed suit exiting the ship. Jaslyn watched them leave and wondered why they hadn’t fought harder. Suddenly the ship stuttered and the engines died.

"Really bad feeling about this…" Jaslyn stated as she felt the ship start falling out of the sky. She leapt to the nearest console seeing it dead. She hopped it was just engines and not steering. Buckling in she decided that next time she wouldn't ignore the signs.

Takryn grunted as he did his best to hold the ship up, however this wasn’t a good ship to avoid fire in. He grunted as the controls spiked, snarling as he drew on his force talents to dull the pain. “Get over here and strap in. I’m bringing her down. Gently I hope.” He hissed as more sparks blew from the console and the engines went out. “Oh bloody hell… There goes the smooth landing.” He took a deep breath and reached out with his force abilities. The console sparked again and he shook his head as steering went out. “Well, there’s that. Good thing I have fine control.” He unbuckled his harness. “Stay here. I’m going to try and see if I can straighten us out with the force. I need to move the right wing to get us into a wide spiral.”

"Like it or not I'm helping!" Jaslyn yelled back at him unbuckling and following Takryn.

He sighed. “Fine. Take the left wing. It just needs to be stilled.” He grunted and as she got close, he strapped her in and broke the level, trapping her into a harness on the wall. “Sorry Jas. But I’m not risking your safety. This is the safest part of the ship if it crashes.” He ducked out of the area and headed off to the wing. 

Placing his hand on the side he reached out and slowly started moving the wing. He grunted as he started feeling the heat of the reentry, something he had started before they went down to minimize damage to the hull, however he failed to miss the mountain forest below, which swiftly clipped the wing off and he closed his eyes, doing his best to try and force the ship into a spin, dread filling him as he looked back at Jas, mouthing “I’m sorry.” as the side ripped open and he fell.

Jaslyn shrieked at Takryn as he broke her harness. She looked like a pissed kitten and growled at him as he steadied the wing. The bad feeling increased and came to a crest as the side ripped open and Takryn fell. Jaslyn watched in mute horror as he disappeared and the ship crashed into the forest and she was rendered unconscious.
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Join date : 2020-04-25
Age : 40
Location : Ask

014 - Week 3 Day 4: Spiraling out of Control Empty Re: 014 - Week 3 Day 4: Spiraling out of Control

Thu May 21, 2020 6:16 am
6 ATC Month 9 Week 3 Day 4

Groaning awake still buckled in, Jaslyn looked around. The scene was half ship half forest. Her sabers were pressing into her hips uncomfortably and she realized that in this position she was on the ceiling and the only thing keeping her up there was the broken five point harness. 

A crack of sticks and a fallen trunk being tossed to the side revealed a large armoured Sith. His eyes were cold and deadly, honing in on Jas as a grunt sounded from his mask, his voice almost raspy due to the filter. “Looks like I don’t even need to chase anyone down... “ His deep rumbling voice was calm. “How you Jedi ever manage to do anything still leaves me clueless.”

Turning her head at the noise Jaslyn expected to see a large predator stumble out but something far worse happened. A Pureblood Sith stepped out. "Leave me be I can get out without your help. Besides you'll only kill me and I have no wish to die."

“Why would I want to kill you? There are plenty of other things I could do.” Caxal examined the ship. “Pity you’re the only one who survived.”

Pausing Jaslyn wondered if she should cover for Takryn. She felt deep down that she would know if Takryn was dead. Jaslyn shuddered at the thought of just what a Sith could do. "Why wouldn't you kill me? No matter what you do to me I will not bend, I will not break." Jaslyn said in a haughty tone. "Pity? More likely extraordinary, almost as if the Force willed it."

He shrugged. “Well, Jaslyn. There are some people who would very much like to meet you. Maybe even a friend of yours. The way she screamed about you seemed to suggest it…” Caxal scanned the nearby forest. “Selene was about your age I think. Shame, that. Lot of life left to live.”

Raising an eyebrow impertinently Jaslyn smirked. "I think you have the wrong Jedi. Too bad. Your Master will be less than pleased. Perhaps Selene should have come herself to verify this Jaslyn person. All humans look alike just like all, Sith do as well." 

“Copper red hair, a penchant for sass, just under six feet in height, hair pulled back to the face. Freckled.” Caxal shrugs. “Saw her memory of you. Pretty spot on. If not I would have killed you like I did that other one. Seems he’s not as strong in the force as I’ve been told to believe. Doubt he’d even be a fight.”

Selene had apparently given her up. Jaslyn swallowed hard thinking of the things she must have been through with this Sith. Then he started talking about Takryn. "You lie as you breathe. Tell me what he looked like." 

Looking around Jaslyn saw a flash of red hair just like hers. Shae Koda. Jaslyn tilted her head slightly looking intently at the woman. Blue eyes met green as Shae Koda motioned for silence. Jaslyn nodded and quit talking. 

Twisting in the harness Jaslyn jerked the belt stubbornly. She didn't want to have to cut the harness away with her lightsaber but it looked more and more like what was needed. Jaslyn pulled against the harness again. 

For once the moment was free from any emotions but her own she almost sighed with relief. 

Caxal’s eyes narrowed when she looked away and focused on something. He knew it couldn’t be the fool he’d ripped from the ship. While she was distracted he stealthily released both chakrams and set them into the forest. He was a tactician and a warrior, and while he’d be able to stop a surprise attack he wanted to have the upper hand. Raising his hand he called Jaslyn’s saber to his hand and pretended to study it. “Looks like you haven’t even made your own saber yet. You’re one of those Padawan. I’m guessing the one I ripped from the plane must have been your Master. They really are making weak Jedi…” 

Losing her temper Jaslyn yelled at Caxal. "That is mine I made it you have no right to it!" 

Smiling, Caxal levitates it. “Well then… Guess it does mean something to you.” He clenches his fist and the saber starts to crumble, leaving the gem intact. Caxal collects it and puts it in a pouch inside his armor. “Attachments are a weakness. Useful for exploiting. Now, I think I’ll leave you here while I check the area. I want to make sure your master is dead.” He grins, becoming a blur as he jumps onto the ship and vanishes among the canopy.

Seething Jaslyn pulled out her other saber and managed to cut herself free. Landing on her feet she climbed into the room she had left her pack in, grabbing it she slung it on, a weight resting at the small of her back. Leaping across the hall that was now a long drop she forced open Takryn's room. Panting she looked around. There wasn't much to see and it seemed cold without Takryn in it. 

Gathering up his clothes and putting on his father's tags Jaslyn put the things away and decided she needed to get out. The Sith knew where she was and the ship just became a liability. She jumped down and left the ship, keeping to the shadows. It was heart-rending that she lost one half of her saberstaff that she worked so hard on. It was like a part of her was missing. She didn't even want to think about how she'd feel if the Sith were to kill Takryn. 

She was as quiet as a mouse as she moved in the forest. Stopping to listen intently and concentrating on where she put her feet so that she didn't upset any of the bushes too much thereby giving away her position.

Takryn slowly came too, blinking as he felt a deep pain in his side. Shifting as he laid on the ground told him he’d definitely broken something. He focused on himself, numbing the pain and rising to his feet. As he had fallen he’d used his force skills to try and levitate himself, slowing the fall immensely. Still didn’t account for the branch he’d slammed into on his way down. Gritting his teeth he forced his shoulder back into its socket, hissing as he looked around. His sabers were not in sight but he focused on them and grimaced when his normal saber came to him in two pieces. He’d have to fix that when he got a chance. His other saber seemed perfectly okay, though he wasn’t too ecstatic about using it.

From his perch in the trees, Caxal grinned as he tracked Jaslyn. She was an amusing prey and he’d already sent the signal when the ships fell. They wouldn’t be getting off the planet. He did not see what she was looking at but he was good at what he did and he knew that she wouldn’t find him. He didn’t find her all that bright. Her emotions were too unstable. Her Master was another story. He’d been able to lift several hundred pounds for a few moments, which led Caxal to believe he most likely survived, injured and in pain, but alive. He’d keep an eye out as he followed, as he’d see if the Jedi was worth taking out.

Jaslyn could feel the contempt and evil that the Sith had expressed was following her. She was already tired of it. She was not going to lead him to Takryn. She thought about how she'd last seen him and shook her head. He had to be alive otherwise she'd know. 

At the moment she had to lose the Sith. If not lose, draw away. She looked over her shoulder in the direction of the feeling and saw something, no someone, decently far away. She blew a kiss and took off running. 

Dodging around trees, over fallen logs, around boulders, across a stream or two; Jaslyn utilized the Force as she ran. She had plans on leading him on a merry chase. She had to draw him away from Takryn and not get caught. Let him assume that Takryn was her master but she refused to give him any information on Tython. That had to be the reason why she was alive.

Caxal followed. It occurred to him that she was leading him somewhere, away from the crash site. He sighed and sped up, cloaking himself in Force Stealth as he got close enough to grab her, tossing her blade to the side and dismantling it partially. He didn’t fear her trying to use telekinesis to stab him in the back with it, as his own ability was much greater.

“Well then. Looks like I’ll just have to take you. Be good and quit struggling. I don’t enjoy harming children.”

Jerked to a halt Jaslyn fought against the Sith male's hold. "I am not a child! Why does every male treat me as such?" She reached out and reformed the saber calling it back to her hand. Her innate talent with the fine techniques and intricacies of reforming the saber were second nature to her. She was a match to his brute strength in the Force with her delicate precision, dexterity and swiftness. 

Caxal’s eyes narrowed, tossing her to the side and slamming down his fist. He proceeded to begin crushing her under the weight of the Force. All around her, the ground flattened and began to crater under the extreme pressure. Pulling out his own weapons the twin chakrams hovered just outside her physical reach, as if waiting to strike. He sneered at her, eyes glinting with fury. “I do not have the patience to deal with you, girl. If it were up to me, I’d have just ripped the ship from the sky.”

Tossed like a rag doll Jaslyn rolled with it and stood up only to be forced to a knee with the Force. Gritting her teeth she pushed to her feet slowly against the pressure. She pushed against the pressure and it eased off her. "Your fury blinds you to your actual objective then? Perhaps you should try a different approach. Intimidating me isn't working. Your emotions are pouring off you right now. Stop reaching out with them and draw them back in."

Scowling he increased the pressure, charging forward to slam a fist in her stomach. “Don’t need my emotions.” He snarled, his rage slipping slightly to the surface, a hot angry and volatile thing. “Pretty sure I don’t need my saber to show you where you stand.”

Jaslyn pushed back the pressure with a flex in the Force. The charge and fist subsequently in her stomach doubled her over but she kept her feet over her, barely. Coughing she caught the Sith’s arm. "So much anger. Why? What did I do to you? Nothing. I have not even attacked you. Not even retaliated to your rage." 

The words and feelings on the emotions were more of a pressing concern for Jaslyn than his physical attack. She was quickly losing control over blocking out his rage. She had no idea what she'd do if it swept her away, and that frightened her more.

Pushing out with the Force Jaslyn let go as she moved the Sith back out of arm's reach. The connection lessened and she took a stance to defend herself. 

“Well, if you want to be a punching bag, be my guest. I’ve been needing to relieve stress for a long while.” He continued to shove her down with the force, using his superior speed and physical strength to dodge her blows, using his boot to deliver a kick that sent her into a tree. “They really make you Jedi weak. I fought stronger opponents at the Battle. I was hoping there’d be some threat but this is highly unsatisfying.”

Picking herself up off the ground at the base of the tree Jaslyn stood up. She was getting tired of people pushing her around and taking her for granted, tired of being called weak. Gathering strength she pushed against the Sith throwing him across the clearing and into a tree. She yelled at him, her anger making the tone hard and sharp. "Enough!" Jaslyn didn't want him near her again. His rage was bleeding into her and the calm that she normally had while fighting couldn’t be grasped. It was the loss of her pushed her. "All of you are the same! You see kindness as a weakness! You see not wanting to take a life as the wrong choice! Well I don't! I am defending myself! Need I remind you that you went hunting for me?! Not the other way round!" 

Caxal grunted as he slammed into the tree. He spat out a bit of blood as his rage began to spill over. “Oh the things you don’t know…” He lunged forward, his brute strength enough to pin her against the tree. “You’ll see for yourself…” He began to pull at her energy, sapping her strength  as he used Force Drain. He didn’t have much time for this. If he was to get her off-world and alive as Katherion wanted, he’d use this disgusting ability.

Struggling Jaslyn fought against the Sith’s grip. His nearness set off a rage in her. Something snapped in her. Her gray eyes changed as golden rays seemed to shine in their depths, like lightning across clouds. Her face reflected the rage as the pull of it swept Jaslyn under her own emotions for once. 

Force Rage ran through Jaslyn as he used the Force on her. She felt her strength bleeding off her even as she struggled, only gaining a slight purchase as she felt consciousness start to slip away. An inhuman scream tore out of her as she at the last moment her eyes flashed a little piece of regret. The scream poured out of her just as she tipped her head back.

The air rippled above the pair as Jaslyn screamed at the heavens her rage. Not once did she reach for her saber in her rage. A burst of raw energy pulsed through the Force, the center of which was Jaslyn. The violence of the energy carried out on the pulse which flung the Sith from her as well as tore out small trees and bent others as if a great wind had passed. The trees shook violently as she staggered and collapsed to her knees, then hands and knees and finally stomach fully unconscious. Her eyes still reflecting the change that had come over them.

Caxal rolled with the blow, standing to his feet as his cape came free. He took off his mask and snarled at the jedi. “Fuck.” He looked around and shook his head, lifting her off the ground with the force. He drew his cape to him and attached it, making his way through the forest. “This one better be worth it…”

Takryn huffed as he hiked through the forest. He could see the smoke from the crash and if Jaslyn was smart, she’d be there still. He kept moving, using his crucitorn to keep the pain away. He found it came a bit easier and soon he hardly felt anything at all. His thoughts were too focused on finding her. He’d never felt a raw power in the force like that before. It ripped away the wing he had been holding with such precision it scared him. Whoever did that was definitely stronger than him and Jas.

He’d gone on for a while when he felt a tight pain in his chest. It rapidly spread around as he was overwhelmed with a sudden rage. For a moment he could see him, a red Sith punching him in the chest and throwing him into a tree. He let out a scream as he felt Jaslyn let out her outburst, grunting as he dropped to a knee.

He stood up, dizzily, looking off in the direction he felt she was in. He could feel her stronger now. He started to run after her, to stop whoever had taken her. As he passed the ship he slowed and looked around, seeing the shattered remains of a lightsaber. He guessed she had her other one and he nodded, chasing the Sith.

Groaning Jaslyn woke slowly. Blinking, she tried to rub her forehead and was unable to. She tried to roll over. Nothing. She couldn't move. "Let me go."

Jaslyn had no idea how long she'd been out but she could still feel the rage simmering, as if it were just beneath her skin. Watching, waiting patiently for another chance to assert itself. Stilled as she was, she could not move to relieve her physical or mental trauma, knowing she had strayed off the path she had worked so hard to stay on.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” Caxal grunted as he checked a transponder, grimacing as he noticed he had a bit to go to his own ship. He kept moving, not caring much about Jaslyn’s state, keeping her tightly held in his Stasis. ’Hopefully Vex’s mission can get some of the insight I need…’ He didn’t let himself drift into inner thought, making sure he kept his control over Jas.

He got to the ship, to head over to the base of operations on Ryloth. He grunted at seeing a data transmission for the new location, about to toss Jaslyn in when he felt the strike coming. Tossing his captive inside, he deflected the large rock that had been thrown at him, scowling as he activated the cell. “Well, well. Looks like your master did survive... “

Takryn burst through the trees, eyes aflame with a simmering rage. “Release her now, filth.”

“You don’t look nearly old enough to be a master... “ Caxal looked the zabrak over. “Tsk. A child like you is hardly worth the challenge. Leave, or I’ll kill you.”

Takryn growled, lunging at Caxal. “Give her back!”

“Oh… I see..” The Sith Warrior grinned as he expertly dodged all of Takryn’s strikes. “You’re her lover… Pity.” He kicked Takryn hard enough that Jas could hear the audible crack as he slammed into a tree. “I went easy on the girl. Been meaning to have a proper fight.”

Takryn coughed up blood as he shook his head to clear it. He pushed back the intense pain he knew was definitely a broken rib and kept attacking. He used his burgeoning talent to strike. However as it quickly became apparent to all, Caxal was in a league of his own. He easily sidestepped and dodged all of the other man’s swings, only using the force to subtly push the attack away from himself.

“Don’t even need to draw my saber for this... “ Caxal tsked at him. “How are you supposed to fight if you can’t even keep up with me. At least the girly had some decent strength with the Force. That Force Scream was something else, let me tell you. But you,” He paused as he delivered a hammer blow to Takryn’s back, dropping him for a perfectly timed boot across the clearing. “You can’t even begin to compare. What do you have, hmm? A burning rage inside your heart? Pathetic. I don’t even think I can count you as a Jedi. You’re just a boy with a blade, nothing special.”

“Shut… Up.” Takryn pushed himself to his feet, one eye nearly swollen shut as he glared at Caxal.

“I’ve seen Apprentices with more drive and strength than you.” Caxal lifted him off his feet, dangling him in the air as Takryn struggled to breathe. “What limbs should we start with. To remove, of course. I’m thinking… This one.” His saber was out in a flash and he severed Takryn’s left arm at the elbow. Takryn screamed in pain as he felt the savage cut, the burned stump cauterizing as it went. Caxal dropped him, smirking. “Now that was more entertaining. I think I like this look better. Shall I do the other, girly?” He showed off the severed arm to Jaslyn, throwing it so it landed just outside her containment cell. 

The hold was released on Jaslyn as the containment unit roared to life. The situation became abundantly clear as the fight processed. Gasping in outrage and pain she watched the Sith beat Takryn, who wouldn't seem to give up. She realized that Takryn was going to die and she could do nothing about it. 

Tears rolled down her face as the Sith picked Takryn up and severed his arm. As the Sith tossed the dismembered limb at Jaslyn she flinched. His words more of a blow than she had realized. She and Takryn had been careful but this Sith had pulled assumptions from thin air. She wished that they'd had more time together, perhaps more time would have made them what the Sith accused them of being. Sharing one kiss years ago and another in a non physical realm seemed so insignificant. 

Raising her eyes from the limb to the Sith’s Jaslyn shook her head, her voice choked and hoarse with tears, raw from the scream. "Why when you know you've already won? What can he do to you now? What do you want? What assurances could I give you that would stay your hand?" Close to begging for Takryn's life Jaslyn knew she'd do whatever the Sith asked if he let Takryn live. 

Jaslyn didn’t need to see his face to see his savage grin. “Nothing. I already told him what would happen if he didn’t leave…” He cut off Takryn’s other arm and dropped him. The jedi gasping as a second blade stabbed him through the stomach. The warrior picked him up, tossing aside his mask into the ship, revealing his scarred face. “I want you to look closely at him. You too, boy. Look at her…” He opened himself up to his desires and started to draw out Takryn’s life force, though the jedi fought with a last ditch effort to get free. Caxal grinned as he fought, spinning him around and looking him in the eye. “Your life is mine, boy…” He started ripping at him with his Force, relishing the sweep feeling he was getting. He felt a sick euphoric rush and sought to rip it free from the Jedi's broken body.

Takryn screamed as he fought a losing battle, feeling not only his own life fade but his connection to the Force. He felt it being torn asunder under the assault. He cried as he felt his bond with Jaslyn get torn free from him, the Sith warrior tearing it to pieces as he took a sliver of it for himself. Pain wracked his body as Caxal dropped him, leaving him on the forest floor twitching as both body and mind were ravaged completely. Still, the Jedi clung to life as he saw the ship take off, Caxal heading towards the other Sith. His eyes unfocused as black tingled on the edges of his vision and eventually he slipped into unconsciousness.

Caxal, having composed himself, shuddered internally at the sight he’d left behind. He felt sick to his stomach but couldn’t stop here. He had a mission. Katherion’s punishments weren’t something anyone wanted and if he had to face that stupid kid apprentice in the Chamber, he’d rather cut off his own head instead. He’d tossed the arm out before he left, not wanting the smell of burnt flesh stinking up the ship. It was on loan after all, and he didn’t like to leave a mess where he went all the time.

Watching Takryn be drained as he fought. It seemed to take hours and Jaslyn could feel the bond start to give. She felt like she was losing a part of herself as she felt it stripped away. Before it was fully gone she looked deep in Takryn's eyes and knew the response that she would have eventually given him. "I love you, remember your promise."

Feeling the bond move to the Sith Jaslyn’s eyes widened and she somehow blocked off her end. She wasn't stupid enough to think that he wouldn't notice it and it almost distracted her from the moment at hand. She slumped going numb as tears still rolling down her cheeks escaped her eyes. Eyes that now bore the markings of her brush with the Darkside. She watched Takryn lay there till the door of the ship shut. Numb from shock and slightly queasy. Clutching the tags of Takryn’s she had a feeling this was only the beginning.
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