Star Wars: Order 66
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037 - Week 3 Day 5: New Beginnings  Empty 037 - Week 3 Day 5: New Beginnings

Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:06 pm
In the ship after the fight between Takryn & Caxal...

Jaslyn looked at Caxal, eyes determined. "We should probably leave. I contacted the Jedi and rigged boobie traps throughout the base. And I think I killed some troopers. Maybe. I don't want to think about it." She sat down next to Caxal staring off into space.

“I was told there was a jamming frequency out scrambling all comms.” Caxal grunted as he smacked a button on the shuttle. The ship lifted off, and Caxal calmly raised a hand and stopped a soldier from running out into the path of the ship. He tapped the communicator and signaled his pilot. “Alright, Mando. You better know what you’re doing.”

“Of course I know what I’m doing you oversized biped.” The reply was quick. “I’m waiting in Dock 4. We have a launch window that is rapidly decreasing thanks to whatever the hell your cargo pulled. I’ve not seen such destruction since the War.”

“You don’t get paid to idly chat, Mando.”

“You don’t pay me at all. I work directly for your boss, beardie.” The pilot laughed over the comms as they got into the spaceport. Caxal led the party to a Lethisk Class Armored Freighter. It was a beautiful ship, all black with golden accents. Standing on the ramp, leaning against the door was a Mandolorian. “Holocron doesn’t do you justice big guy. Long time no see.”

“Shut up.” Caxal brushed past him, entering the ship. “Where’s the carbonite bay.”

Jaslyn growled behind Caxal. "Don't. After what I just let slide and I have relinquished to you, don't do this." She was hanging on by a thread. Seeing Takryn again was pushing her over a cliff that she wasn't sure she could come back from. "Nimm didn't keep her word. The Padawan wasn't released uncollared. She'll pay for that but I can't do anything about it now. However I can see to it that Takryn is not frozen. The rest of them will be scrambling down there after what I just did. We can get away. And communications haven't been scrambled since Takryn… did what he did. I was able to tell the Jedi what to expect and what the coordinates of the base were. I still don't want to talk about the rest." 

“Girlie. You're absolutely positive you can keep the boy under your control? Because the answer is no. I’ve seen what kind of damage they can dish out and I’m not risking my ship for that. He goes on ice, or he stays on the planet. Since you don’t want the latter, go have a seat and don’t touch anything.” He shook his head, turning to Caxal to show him the way to go. “I’m guessing she’s a padawan and he’s her Knight crush.”


The armored man sighed, opening the door and letting the Sith into the room. There were several other slabs of people. “Don’t mind the clutter, picked up a few strays along the way. I’ll be dropping them off after you.”


Jaslyn tightened her jaw. The 'Mando' had a point. But she'd touch whatever she wanted. That is if she knew what it was and it wasn’t going to interfere with him piloting the ship. Dressed in that black get up that clung to her a cloak and boots in, you guessed it, all black. She looked the part of a Sith Apprentice. She supposed she was especially now after what she had done down there. "He's my bonded. I'm sure you can work that out yourself Mandolorian." There was no mocking in her tone but respect. She smirked as she picked up a piece of random cargo and looked it over settling down with it and turning it over in her hands. "I could tell you more if you're interested." 

The man grunts. “Not really interested. Knowing that particular Darth.. You won’t last very long. I’m just under contract and he’s far from courteous.”

“If you Mandos know how to shut up you wouldn’t be in the situation you are in now.” Caxal arranged Takryn into the machine and hit the button. “Your leader is a puppet and you don’t even have a clan anymore.”

The Mandalorian clenched his fists. “At least I know where I came from, orphan.” The two men got into each other’s faces almost instantly, the Mando glaring up at the larger Sith. Each had drawn a blade and had it against the other. “Don’t disrespect me on my ship, Warrior.”

Jaslyn raised an eyebrow at the two men. "If you two kill each other I'm going to be very upset since I'll have to pilot the ship. Just know that I'll take care of it. So by all means let's play the game of insult king." She got up and put a hand on each one's arm. "I don't expect you to kiss and make up so how about we just lose the name calling."

The men kept glaring at each other before the Mando huffed and stormed off. “Your rooms are on that side. I modified my entire side so I can have some extra space. The storage is down below, yes I have a smuggler’s cache, yes the entire thing is a custom retrofit and yes, I paid for every damn credit. I’ll be in the cockpit. Don’t fuck with my equipment. Oh and the armory is back there.” He quickly pointed off the areas before heading into the pilot’s seat and looking over his displays. His voice crackled over the comms. “Rations are in the kitchen. The trip is going to take a few days, need to go roundabout to pick up his bloody daughter.”

“Vex isn’t my daughter. She’s my apprentice. She’s supposed to be on Telos.” The Sith grumbled, heading over to a room and entering, shutting the door behind him.

Jaslyn looked over at the Mandolorian then back to Caxal then back again. "Wait daughter? Apprentice? I have competition? What other secrets are you keeping from me?" Instead of going after Caxal she decided to head for the cockpit.

Caxal ignored everyone, settling down for a long ride. The Mando grunted when the cockpit door opened. “Don’t touch my dials. I mean it. Not sure why you’re out and about but frankly it’s not my problem unless you make it so.” He grunted and sat back. “Damn I could use a drink after today. Your new “master’s” clearance nearly started a standoff in the station.”

Jaslyn grinned. "I have no intention of touching your dials and I don't want to be a problem. Just looking for a decent conversation." She held up her hands as she sat down. "I'm sure I didn't help in that area. Pretty sure I got some hackles up."

“It happens in these parts.” He looked over at a dial, spinning his chair to face her. “Not all of them are “evil”” He draws air quotes as he says it. “It’s that indoctrination shit they have. I’ve noticed how it works, similar to your Jedi. From what I understand they take you lot young, on both sides. The earlier the better.”

Jaslyn nods. "I was three. I have parents. I know their names. I couldn’t tell you what they're favorite food is or their jobs." She shrugged. "I guess when it's fairly normal you try not to think about it."

The Mando shrugs. “Mine weren’t the best, but they raised me to be as strong as I am now. It was intense hard work. All to uphold a legacy that will die with me. They got caught up in the wars, and now they are on the other side of the stars.”

Jaslyn raised an eyebrow. "Metaphor or are they just that far away? And why would it die with you? Didn't want to have kids or adopt?"

“They died. Saving my life. It’s why I have such good armor. All of our Beskar went to me. My father was our leader, and after everything happened, the betrayals and oathbreakers, I was the only one remaining.” He sighed heavily. “I don’t think I’ll have kids. Maybe adopt a foundling or two someday, but I’ve only got one focus, finding that Oathbreaker. Nothing else matters to me.”

Jaslyn looked fascinated. "You know who it was? How long did that take? How long have you been hunting them? Is it a man or a woman? What's their name?" She seemed much younger than her nineteen years as she fired off questions wanting to know the rest of the story.

“Look, girlie. If I knew who it was, they’d be dead.” He turns back around. “I’ve already said too much. Go get some rest. It’s going to be a long trip.”

Jaslyn frowned. "I have a name ya know."

A soft chuckle emanates from the Mando. “Whatever you say, Girlie.”

Jaslyn shook her head. "And I actually considered getting you that drink. Too bad Mando. I really am a great friend to have." She stood up and tapped his shoulder. "Oh and the temperature gauge is off by a half a degree too low."

“Helmet stays on, lass.” The man shook his head. “And no, that’s the internal temp, it’s supposed to be there because I like the cold. Now go.” He focuses on his ship, laying a hand on the console. This ship had been part of his Clan, and since he managed to buy it back, he’d been keenly aware of the notes in his father’s journal on it. The Horizion’s End had many quirks, but his focus had been reclaiming what he’d lost. He had been in the ship many times with his parents, learning to fly until it had been second nature.

Jaslyn grinned. "You sound like you're going to swat me on the backside if I turn around. Besides that you're trouble Mando. I'll make sure to lock my door." Laughing Jaslyn backed out of the cockpit.

The man shook his head. He stayed in the cockpit for a few more hours, before turning around to see Caxal. “Can I help you, big guy?”

The sith leaned against the wall. “I make an effort to know who exactly I’m dealing with. Especially those who are supposed to be dead.”

“I wouldn’t disagree with the sentiment, Caxal Konahrik.” The man crossed his arms, leaning back his chair slightly. “Name’s Talos. Lost Legion Clan.”

“Valorian.” He blinked then narrowed his eyes. “How the hell did you survive.”

“I wasn’t there. That’s how.” Talos spit out the words venomously. “Father knew about the attack, only had time to get me out. I’ve recovered much from the losses. Like my armor.”

“Hmph.” The man nodded. The pair shared a solemn moment together, remembering the dark history they had. Caxal merely nodded, requesting time for sparring after they all rested. “Need to hit something.”

“You Warriors and your brutish natures. I’ll see you in the storehold, big guy.” After he left, Talos looked around the room and sighed, heading to his room, locking it behind him. It was here, that he finally removed his helmet, looking himself over in the mirror. ’Hopefully the layover in Nar Shaddaa will reveal more info. That broker I found in Courscant should have found the info I needed by now. I wonder if they managed to acquire that ship…”
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