Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-24
Age : 27

006 - Week 3 Day 1: Endless Empty 006 - Week 3 Day 1: Endless

Mon May 11, 2020 4:02 pm
Dominik sat up from his cot, legs over the edge of it as one hand rubbed his eyes. He couldn't sleep. There was so much uncertainty in his mind and pain washing through his body. Sleep was impossible.

A headache plagued his senses as his eyes opened and closed. Dominik faintly remembered his eyes stinging and aching after he had collapsed a few meters away from the boulder those days ago following the ambush. The thought of Lo still out there, missing, alone, it pained his heart. As Dominik opened his eyes again for the fifth time in a row, he realized exactly what was happening now. This wasn't temporary, his eyesight fading. Not by the way the toxin in his body was acting. The man seized momentarily as a surge of pain washed over him; a common occurrence in the past few days.

Eyes closed again, his fingers rubbing his eyelids as the man sat there in silence. One elbow rested on his knee while the other arm laid over the other leg. To many he probably didn't look comfortable, but the older Jedi did not care. There were a million other things plaguing his mind. Comfort was not one of them.

Cora walked in to see Dominik sitting up. "You should be resting." Cora set down the bowl of water and poured Dominik a drink. Handing him the cup she looked him over.

Dominik heard Cora enter and listened as she chastised him. He remained still for a moment, an exasperated sigh escaping him and he listened to the water being poured. “I’ve already tried that, but there is too much on my mind right now.” He retorted, his tone reflecting a tinge of irritability. Though it wasn’t Cora’s comment that irritated him, it was the problem he was currently facing. Eyes opened and Dominik gazed at his hand, though the man was thoroughly concerned at the fact he could hardly make out its shape or color. He didn’t even notice as Cora handed the glass to him, or rather he didn’t see it.

Still holding out the cup Cora watched as Dominik’s eyes tried to focus. "Dominik?" Keeping the cup steady she watched him closely. "Dominik, take the cup."

Cora stepped forward but kept the cup where it was, just at the edge of his reach so that he had to reach out and take it. She tamped down the rising panic of something more happening to him because she couldn't stop it.

Dominik snapped into his senses at the sound Cora’s voice. He looked up from where his gaze had been and reached out with an unsteady hand. Slowly he found Cora’s own and took the cup, steadying it and pulling it back to himself before taking a drink. He took in a deep breath after he pulled the cup away from his lips.

“My eyes have stung ever since the attack. And everything seemed too dark and blurry, I thought it was just my body trying to fight off the toxin. But I think I understand now.” He mumbled, the hand holding the glass started to tremble as his other hand moved back to his face to rub his eyes.

Cora came to his side. Tilting Dominik’s head back and looking at his eyes she could see the strain. "One more thing to add onto a rush of reactive medicine. You cannot see, can you?" She said it matter of factly and without hesitation.

"I need to find an antidote and quickly." Cora shook her head. "I am worried about you. We have yet to receive word on the state of Lo's disappearance and Kayda may be dead. My Padawan is worried about me. I have not heard it from him but he is feeling it. Oh and I do not appreciate the interference in my slow moving love life."

Dominik allowed Cora to pull his hand away and tilt his head up, giving no effort in stopping her. “No, I cannot.” Dominik replied. Everything was nearly dark, He could hardly make out any shapes or light except for the random spark of a shape or flash of light. With all that he had experienced lately, he hadn’t thought much on what his eyes could no longer see and what the cause could be. The toxin was still flowing through his body and affecting him everyday.

“Your love life? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Dominik said. Despite the grim situation and realization that he may be losing his sight, the man smirked slightly. Suddenly, his body seized as another wave of pain washed over him, causing the man to drop the glass in his hand and hunch over, his arm resting on his knees as he attempted to regain himself.

Springing into action Cora caught the cup and placed a hand on Dominik’s arm. "You know exactly what I mean." Cora pushed healing through him and revitalized his fatigue enough that he would be able to hopefully start to Detoxify himself.

"You are in pain. It will not lessen until the toxin is out of your body. I am waging a war that I cannot have help with and I fear I am not winning as much as I would like. I would take you to Manaan but I doubt you would let me. So until we find another way I will have your word that you will cooperate. I have a plan… if it comes down to it I will save you and you will not have a choice. And quit stepping in between Sar and myself. I am grown. I am allowed some male company that finds me attractive rather than intimidating."

Dominik seized again as Cora finished talking. He gripped her arm tightly as he tried to remain upright. Teeth clenched, deep breaths going in and out, Dominik tried his hardest to make sure he would not fall under. And then it hit him. His heart suddenly dropped and his mind threatened to give in as one of his most precious bonds suddenly snapped. It wasn’t the same sensation as when Evin had died, but his bond with Lo was suddenly gone. It was as if she had ceased to exist.

Dominik’s grip on Cora’s arm remained as he suddenly started to lean. It was as if all of his strength had suddenly left and the man had succumbed to gravity.

The grip on her arm was brutal in it's intensity and Cora managed not to flinch as the wave of pain from Dominik washed over her. His pain was raw, brutal and she sought to divert it with a wave of calm radiating from her. She laid a small hand on the back of his neck. Empathy worked even better if she had hands on the person. "Dom… what just happened? Do not make me invade your privacy. Thus far I have not attempted to pry but I could…"

He had his secrets as she had hers. He would not have been pleased to know the things she considered to keep him alive. She would keep her council for the moment.

"Lo." He began, taking a deep breath as nausea washed over him. "She's just-" Dominik paused, his grip releasing and dropping to his lap. "Gone."

Cora stilled. "Gone? Is she…?" Cora paled, recalling Pyter’s death. Keeping her hand on Dominik’s neck she swallowed hard as she wondered just what happened to Lo.

"No… it's different than that. She's gone, as if she was never there." He said, breathing slowly as nausea continued to threaten him. Another brief seizure swept through his body, causing Dominik to sit up and freeze for a moment, his face reflecting the pain he felt as the seizure passed.

Leaning over Dominik pressing him to the bed as he seized yet again Cora shook her head. "Lay. Down. Now." Her tone was one rarely heard from her. She was not taking no for an answer. She was stiff and unyielding in a frightening way. She issued the command and expected it to be obeyed or there would be hell to pay.

Whatever strength Dominik had left had failed him as Cora pushed him to the bed. He took in a sharp breath, eyes shut tight as he attempted to reach out for Lo. It was as if darkness was shrouding the bond that they had; hiding it and making it unable for even the Jedi Master to find. Dominik laid down completely, taking slow and deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself from the storm that was brewing in his heart.

"Dominik Rothul you listen to me. You have a Sith Alchemical toxin in there and I need you to fight it. I need you better so that we can find out what is happening here. And if that does not convince you then you need to do it for Lo. Do you hear me? Tell me can you feel our bond?"[/color] Cora was very serious as she leaned over.

“I can.” Dominik mumbled quietly, body relaxing slightly as he allowed himself to rest fully as he laid there.

Breathing a sigh of relief Cora checked him over. "Can you detox this poison?"

"I've been trying to Cora. I've never encountered a toxin so aggressive." Dominik said, tensing again at another wave of pain. "My attempts have done nothing."

Grimacing Cora steeled herself against the thought of Dominik not approving of what she was thinking might actually have to be done. "You should probably know that if I have to make a hard choice I will. I will not be happy about it."

"The many over the one, Cora." Dominik stated quietly. His eyes opened, though he still couldn't see anything. His chest rose and fell slowly as thoughts passed through his head. "I need your promise that should something happen, you will do your best to ensure the safety of the group."

Flinching Cora put her hand on his chest. "Only if I have your word that if you are emotionally compromised you will let us handle things. I will not have you going off half cocked and risking all of us. If there is no other recourse I will do what I must. I would prefer not to lose the man I call father."

Cora swallowed heavily. "I will make you proud."

"The many over the one, Cora." Dominik muttered, his heart aching as he thought about Lo. All he could do was trust that the Force would lead her back to them, and help her through whatever she was enduring. Dominik started to grow quiet as his body started to fall back away from consciousness. One hand moved and rested gently on top of Cora's. "You have always made me proud, Cora. And you always will."

Cora waited until someone else came in to relieve her. She greeted them and walked out of the hut, not even paying attention to whom it was. Escaping to the far side of the cavern Cora stood there and attempted to regain her composure. She began to breathe easier just as Dominik’s words echoed in her head and her throat tightened as hot tears down her cheeks. She managed to not sob aloud but her body shook in anguish.
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