Star Wars: Order 66
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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Sun May 31, 2020 11:46 pm
Late Morning

From the surface of Ryloth should one’s eyes move to the sky, all was silent and clear. Not many ships had passed through the desert planet’s orbit in quite some time, for most of the life of Ryloth was far from where the Jedi and Twi’leks called their home. When the sun had finally risen fully and began to warm the planet’s surface, a Twi’lek scout’s eyes moved to the sky as he saw movement in the blue expanse above. It made no sound, yet for some reason the scout’s heart felt heavy as his eyes examined the large ship that had just exited hyperspace above Ryloth’s orbit. He knew that judging by the size it appeared as from his vantage point on the ground, in person the ship would have been massive. He didn’t dwell on these thoughts however before the young Twi’lek turned and bolted back towards the cavern.

The arrival of this ship was not ordinary.

In Orbit…

As the massive Terminus-class destroyer, dubbed the Hâsk by its commanders, emerged from orbit over Ryloth, Admiral Sion Vahle, a veteran of the wars and an expert in his field, immediately began barking orders as he took in the Hutt-aligned planet below.

“Pull us into a defensive position, I want our good side shining down at the pests below. Jam all transmissions from their location from frequencies 241A-Zed through 482R-Delta and monitor the Standard Clear Frequency for any indication of them. Notify Darth Nyiss of our position. And let that disgusting Hutt know of our position.”

“At once Admiral.” Came the voices of the bridge crew as they quickly got to work on their terminals. In a few short minutes, all transmissions would be blocked for the Jedi, the Hutt council would be notified of their position given their previous agreement, and all Sith involved could now move in to begin their extermination of the Jedi infestation on Ryloth.

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:07 pm
The Twi’leki scout ran as fast as his legs could take him. He didn’t know the exact model of the ship, but he knew it was Sith. Years of fighting in skirmishes and seeing the enemy loom overhead taught him well in terms of identifying enemy ships. He got to the cavern in minutes, breathing quickly as his lungs burned from the air.

“Ootay so sar? circoo so uza ship in orbit.”¹ The man asked in his native tongue. Sar, being not far from the mouth of the tunnel the scout approached from, heard his summons and quickly dropped what he was doing and turned to the older Twi’lek.

“Ayyn'fortaa, qa so eti do muchi?”²

The scout quickly explained the ship he had seen, to which Sar’s heart dropped into his stomach before he bolted to find Cora. Immediately he went to Dominik’s tent, knowing Cora and Zhȃlu were working on saving the Zabrak that had been brought back from a ship crash. There were rumors that it was another Jedi, but the Twi’lek were all unsure of what was being spoken amongst the Force users.

Parting the tent entrance, Sar looked to the red-haired Jedi.

“Cora. One of our scouts spotted a large ship that just came out of hyperspace above Ryloth.”

Hearing this, Dominik’s head moved to face Sar, but the man remained sitting on the edge of his cot. He had been contemplating their next move considering their newest and very injured guest. Dominik still wasn't sure who he was, though he knew the Zabrak was a Jedi. 
“What kind of ship?” he asked, his focus turned in and mind racing awake as his blank eyes looked directly at Sar.

¹(Where is Sar? There is a ship in orbit.)
²(Ayyn'fortaa, what is it my friend?)

Last edited by Bea on Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:45 pm
“Cora. One of our scouts spotted a large ship that just came out of hyperspace above Ryloth.”

Hearing this, Dominik’s head moved to face Sar, but the man remained sitting on the edge of his cot. He had been contemplating their next move considering their newest and very injured guest. Dominik still wasn't sure who he was, though he knew the Zabrak was a Jedi. “What kind of ship?” he asked, his focus turned in and mind racing awake as his blank eyes looked directly at Sar.

"Excellent. That is just what we need. I am busy at the moment or I would give that statement the attention it deserves. Can I get someone to get Aren and Evie please?"

Cora's movements were efficient and quick. The Zabrak had lost limbs. Evie had found them. He had lost them to a lightsaber. Who was this person that was taking limbs? Where did they run off to? Cora pushed the thoughts away and focused on the task at hand.

Channeling the Force and healing the Zabrak was not the issue but the tunnel vision was an issue. Healing the Zabrak all he needed now was time.
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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:24 pm
"Perhaps one of the runners? All the leaders need to be in one place for this to work efficiently. Master Dominik, we're running out of time." Zhâlu was aiding his master in healing the Zabrak that had been brought in not a very long time before, focusing making sure that he could function with some degree of normality until they could get him prosthetics that would properly work in replacement for his missing arms. After ensuring that the young man's healing process was underway, the Pureblood stood up and patted his master's shoulder as he passed. They should be able to see most ships from just outside their hidey hole anyways.

As he walked towards the exit, he pondered on what it was that had appeared in orbit above the planet. While he had his suspicions, prodded on by the events that had taken place before his own arrival on Ryloth, and furthered supported by the newly arrived armless man he'd just left in the care of his master. That damage was done with a Lightsaber, but given the need for urgency, no one had searched for any tracks. But now there could potentially be a Sith on the ground who now knows where we are... Stopping at an intersection, he watched a pair of armed Twi'leks run by, heading for another part of the caverns.

Armed members of the group meant that while no one was sure what was floating in orbit or who it belonged to, no one was willing to take any chances with it being friendly. In fact, as he walked, he thought of something that they could do. Pulling out his communicator, he attempts to reach Cora as he walks. When someone finally answered, he spoke quickly. "We need to check our long range communications, try and reach Tython or even just the medical center on Manaan."

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:27 am
Sar left immediately at Cora's request for Aren and Evie. He sent two runners to track the Jedi down, knowing they were still in the vicinity of the cave because of the recent discovery of the Zabrak. Dominik had moved to stand, he wanted to leave and go with Zhâlu to get information on the ship. The Sith Pureblood had moved quickly though, which was probably for the best. The older Jedi knew he'd just slow Zhâlu down.

He heard the communicator beep from across the tent. One of theirs, his or Cora's, he'd lost track. Following the sound of its beeping he quickly moved to pick it up. Listening to Zhâlu's transmission, the older man leaned heavily against his walking stick as he relayed a reply. "The only forms of communication we have that may be able to reach friendly systems are Knight Bec's ship, and your Master's. We would have to power up the ship to get a transmission out. It could give away our position." He responded, blind eyes closing as a million thoughts ran through his head.

Just a few minutes later, Aren came through the entrance to the tent. Her eyes saw Dominik first, then moved to Cora. "A runner said you needed me, Cora?" she asked, walking up to the healer so that she could easily relay instruction should she need.

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:38 pm
Evemarie could not help but feel a sense of dread upon returning to camp. The blight of the Darkside in that area was so strong and confirmed that they may be dealing with something far more insidious than typical Sith Apprentice. If it is a Lord or a higher level then things are going to be far more difficult considering he situation… I can’t help but feel frustrated as they have the upper hand and we are trapped. These difficult times may cause for more drastic measures and I worry that my colleagues may be adverse to them… However it can’t be helped   Evemarie thought to herself as she enjoyed her caf. Her pensive moment was interrupted by a runner whom stated that Cora required her presence she. Evie did not say a word as she nodded and cracked her unsettling half smile.

She collected what she had found and headed towards Cora’s medical tent. She popped her head in through the flap to see Aren, Cora and the poor Zabrak.

“I was requested, how is the Zabrak doing Cora?” she asked in a concerning voice looking forlorn at the state of the Zabrak.

Last edited by Belisarius on Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:25 pm
Cora looked up from the Zabrak male, her hands still on him. "Brilliant just the two people I wanted to see. He is in shock. We cannot reattach the limbs, which were; as I am sure you both know, taken off by a lightsaber. He will need cybernetic replacements, if he survives. Which is up to him. I will watch over him or have Zhâlu do so. Hopefully he will pull through. Maybe he can tell us what is going on."

Taking a deep breath Cora closed her eyes then opened them. "There is a ship that just came out of hyperspace above Ryloth. Can we get a look at it and also what did we find regarding our friend here? Anything could help me pull him out of danger."

Looking expectantly at Aren and Evie they could tell that Cora was very tired. Exhausted but pressing on.
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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:10 pm
Zhâlu didn't slow down as he went, he simply dodged around the Twi'leks as they went about their preparations. When Master Dominik responded, the Pureblood found himself unable to keep from grimacing. "No disrespect or jab meant, Master Dominik, but I would like to remind you that at least one of their agents has known where we are the whole time. If this is the Sith, all we're doing is making them think we're panicking. And if it isn't the Sith, same thing. Either way, we can use it as a way to draw them out." Checking either way at the next intersection, he noted a pair of Twi'leks setting up a series of traps before he crossed and continued on his way. While clearly some kind of trouble, likely from wildlife, had been expected, trouble like Sith hadn't been part of the expected number of issues.

"Also, how much hardware did you bring on an aid mission? Whoever this is will be packing some serious weaponry and Jedi can only do so much to stem that tide."

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:42 am
 "Well from what I gathered it is quite grim to put it bluntly. The remains of the ship were in disarray and the mangled remains of a light saber were found. However our injured friend here appeared to make his way away from the ship and to an area that was blighted. Not a living thing could be felt in the clearing, not even the wind stirred... The work of a ghoulish power that far surpasses that of most Sith Apprentices. A wretched power that can only be wielded by one whom had ascended higher in that wretched heretical order." Evemarie said in a huff. The disdain for the Sith was strong in her tone but she took a breath to compose herself before carrying on.

What I also discovered where the signs of a ship that had landed in the area... The arms cast aside like a dejected trophy left by the victor...They let him live as a creature that powerful would have either finished the deed or captured him... I fear that the ship is most likely unfriendly and the harbinger of what is to come. A playful mocking warning...
The situation is grim and we need to start treating this like a potential guerrilla campaign as opposed to a good will mission. I have no intent to be starved out by those creatures or waiting like a cornered rat. A more aggressive posture is required."
She said solemnly as she laid out the situation before them.

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:32 pm
Dominik hesitated for a moment at Zhâlu's question. "All we initially brought was my ship, which has since then been destroyed." Dominik explained. He wished he had a better answer. "We have nothing, Zhâlu, which is why we have been on the defensive. All aid from the Council has stopped, we haven't received anything that helps us for far too long. The Twi'lek have blasters and we have our lightsabers. Our weaponry is limited."

"Evie, do you still have the parts of his lightsaber? May I see them?" Aren asked, looking over at her friend as she waited. "I may be able to see what happened. Just enough for us to get an idea as to why it happened and exactly how."

Last edited by Bea on Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:26 pm
"That's...not a reassuring prospect." The closer to the entrance to the tunnels Zhâlu got, the more a sense of dread built up in the Sith Pureblood and before long his speed walk had become a Force Augmented sprint. The last few minutes of the tunnels seemed to pass in seconds and before long, the sky and it's dark inhabitant were over the red-skinned male as he slid to a stop and looked up towards the indicated direction from the guard outside. Following the finger to the shadow, his heart dropped into the pit of his stomach as he recognized the distinct shape of a Terminus-Class destroyer in a holding orbit over the planet.

"Master Dominik, we need to run. And we need to run fast. This group of Twi'leks cannot hope to hold out against what has come to hunt us."

Last edited by Zarkun on Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow Empty Re: 015 - Week 3 Day 4: In Their Shadow

Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:31 pm
Evemarie nodded and handed Aren the bag that contained the mangled remains of the light saber. The remains of the saber were missing it's kyber crystal, I'm not sure how it would help sister as it is a fairly generic saber design. Granted it was odd that it was found in the ship as opposed to where our friends arms were severed." She said with a sigh doing her best to mask her frustration. She took a deep breath before turning to Cora. The poor thing looked exhausted and that she needed break.

 "Cora you should rest, with  how things are escalating it is best to take a bit of reprieve while there is a lull."  

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