Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-24
Age : 27

010 - Week 3 Day 3: One Can Only Trust Empty 010 - Week 3 Day 3: One Can Only Trust

Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:55 pm
Dominik Rothul had endured much in his life as a Jedi. Death of his comrades, of his Padawan. Seeing his allies tortured and turned. Living for nearly a year in the hands of the Sith as they tried to turn him too. It never seemed to end.

One thing he had never expected was to lose something so vital to him, and live on to deal with it. His eyesight continued to deteriorate since the day of the attack. Now, he could see nothing but darkness and the occasional flash of a light that he knew wasn’t an actual light. His eyes playing tricks on him, he now relied completely on the Force to guide him. Trusting in the Force was his life’s mantra, and now it was the only thing he could do. It was evident from the outside what the Jedi Master was dealing with. His pupils had faded slightly, becoming a duller color than they had been previously. His eyes still remained partially open, a habit that would not end as it was normalcy for his sixty years of life. He still glanced in the direction of a sound or voice, still blinked, though slower and less frequently than before, and still closed his eyes on occasion to reflect his mood or thoughts.

Dominik had been adamant on moving from his cot and starting exercises that would allow him to function better even with the lack of eyesight. The older Jedi would not rest any longer. Seizures still frequented him, nightmares still plagued his nights, the occasional coughing fit and dizziness. The Master Jedi would not stop. He could not. Not while his Padawan was still missing, not while Kayda was still absent and missing as well.

Despite his blindness, Dominik could still mostly find his way around. Thanks to his ability in Force Sight, when he truly focused he could see certain things around him to a small degree. Light-sided beings appeared as white figures. Obstacles appeared as murky, dark outlines and splotches in the area around him.

Sitting in the center of the main cavern, Dominik found himself simply meditating on the past week and the events that constantly plagued his mind. The Dark Side tainted his situation, the toxin in his body, but how exactly did it get into his body; how did it get into Lo’s salves? Who was the traitor?

Today was the second day he and Cora would work on his reflexes, on his senses and using his Force Sight to see. It wasn’t perfect, he had much work to do, but the Master Jedi refused to rest any longer. He had finally convinced Cora to help him. He knew that Cora’s Padawan, Zhalu, was going to be much help in assisting the female healer in many tasks and allow her more rest and peace of mind. Today would start with a simple walk, but it was necessary each day to make sure Dominik still ‘saw’ in the way he should be when using the Force. He hoped later in the day to actually attempt simple movements with his lightsaber but the veteran Jedi also knew he should not rush his body, as the toxin was still present and affected him numerous times throughout the day.

Cora's day always started early so she was just coming back from checking on her patients. They were getting fewer and fewer as the days progressed. Dominik was blind and had tasked her Padawan with doing Force exercises to heighten Dominik’s abilities to make up for those.

While Cora was checking on her other patients and as Master Dominik took to his morning meditations, Zhâlu worked his lightsaber forms, having shed his shirt about an hour before after Cora had insisted she didn’t need him that morning.

He spoke to himself as he moved through the motions, his twin white and blue blades hissing through the moisture of the cave. After his tenth repetition, he stopped with a sigh and deactivated the blades and retrieved his shirt as sweat rolled down him, heading for where Dominik was meditating. ”Are we ready to begin yet, Master Dominik?”

Zhâlu's words rang through Dominik's head, but it was a few long moments until Dominik made any motion that he was ready to move. A deep sigh escaped the older man's lips before he relaxed his meditative posture and began to stand. It was a slow movement as Dominik placed on hand beside him, allowing his body to maintain its balance as he stood.

"Yes, I believe we are." He said quietly, stretching his arms out to his sides before he turned to face Zhâlu. "Have you asked your Master if she'll be joining us today?" Dominik asked, stepping closer to the older Padawan as the Master Jedi regained his bearings.

Zhâlu shakes his head, though more out of habit than an effort to let him see the acknowledgement before the Pureblood spoke. ”No, she simply said that she didn’t need me this morning, despite my best efforts to aid her anyways. In fact, I annoyed her enough with my efforts that she threw a tray at me and told me to go ‘play with my lightsaber,’ as I recall.”

"You were bungling the tistane for the cold that a young lady needed for her grandmother. She had you tongue tied and stuttering by simply fluttering her lashes at you coquettishly. I simply thought to save you the embarrassment of your lack of eloquence." Cora appeared at Zhâlu's side suddenly. Smirking at Zhâlu she raised an eyebrow. "You would think that the Sith prize chastity with how you fumbled at her less than secret overtures. Or mayhap you view it as more of a way to attempt to prove that you are a Jedi. Zhâlu you have no need to prove what is already known to those who but look beyond appearances. If they cannot see the good in you they are blind."

"And what is wrong with being blind?" Dominik chimed in, the irritated look on his face reflecting his feelings at the question he asked. The older Jedi flared his nostrils in his frustration. He reached back towards the place he had been sitting, using the Force and pulling his old walking stick into his palm before Dom positioned it at his hip. "Perhaps if more of the universe were blind, character would be judged by one's presence and aura, not by their looks."

Zhâlu chuckled as he continued drying off and looked at Cora with a surprisingly devilish grin. ”Or perhaps you were jealous one of the young Twi’leks took an interest in your handsome padawan. Afraid to share me, Master?”

Looking up at Zhâlu and at once realizing his state of undress Cora’s eyes widened and she blushed. "That is just preposterous Zhâlu. Afraid to share you? You make it sound so lewd to be your Master. Besides that it is unthinkable. Best keep those thoughts to yourself you cad." She playfully tossed him his shirt. "I swear you will be the death of me walking around half nude a bunch of females will trample me then where will you be?"

Turning back to Dom and giving Zhâlu a glare out the corner of her eye Cora shook her head. "And you old man do not need to be so sensitive about something that is possibly temporary. Your sight in the Force has gotten better, has it not?"

"That is beside the point and you know it." Dominik muttered, huffing in frustration as he leaned into his cane for support. So far the older Jedi had taken his loss of eyesight in stride. Outwardly he was calm, grounded. He knew that there were two other Jedi in a far worse place than he was. With Kayda and Lo both missing, Dominik's issues were just minor inconveniences compared to the whereabouts of his Padawan and Kayda. There were far more important things to worry about.

Turning from the two, Dominik's usual grumpiness remained as he started towards the beginning of their daily walk. He knew the others would follow sooner or later, and he would continue on his path regardless.

Finishing drying off and putting the shirt that was thrown at him on, Zhâlu follows Dominik as he walks. "Joking aside, I was hoping to bait out the traitor. If it gets out that I’m a bumbling fool when talking to attractive young women, perhaps it will embolden the spy within the Twi’leks to make a play.”

Nodding Cora mused about the ploy that her Padawan was running. "Careful Zhâlu. It also means that we could be close to someone who would recognize you." Moving along the path with her former Master and father figure as well as her Padawan Cora mused to herself how long Dom would be in a temper. I suppose until he can see again. I begin to doubt that if we actually collect Lo and Kayda his attitude would change for long. Perhaps it is time to remind him of his favorite saying 'Trust the Force.' I am sure that will go over well.

Grimacing Cora shook her head and shrugged as she sighed. "Dominik. You should heed the words I speak. Trust the Force." It was one of the shortest conversations she had with her foster father. She was falling into old habits of which her Padawan was familiar with. Less talk, more action.

"That is all I can do, Cora. All I have been doing. I have to Trust the Force to be able to see, to defend myself. I'm have to trust that my Padawan is still alive, that Kayda survived the attack. I have to trust that the Council can send support and that I can safely get everyone off of Ryloth before it's too late. Do not speak to me of Trust, for it's all I can do now." Dominik argued, growing more and more flustered as he explained each aspect of Trust that he had to rely on in the Force. The man stopped suddenly, stepping to the closest tunnel wall and leaning against it as he felt his body tense up. One hand gripping his cane, the other shot out to keep himself balanced while he let the small seizure pass.

Zhâlu was right next to the Jedi Master, a soft glow emanating from his palm as he used his limited knowledge of Force Healing to reduce the strength of the seizure. In his observations, the Pureblood had noticed that they never lasted for long, and seemed to be getting shorter, but they were powerful. ”Master, are you sure you’ll be ready for lightsaber training?” His slight Imperial accent snuck through a little stronger than normal in the moment as he was concerned for Master Dominik’s well-being.

Dominik took in a deep, sharp breath as he felt Zhalu’s hand on his shoulder. He attempted to ground himself to the physical world, listening to Zhalu’s Imperial accent closely, listening to his and Cora’s breathing, the slight echo through the tunnel. Blind eyes closed tightly as he took those last few moments to ground himself.

He heard Zhalu’s question and immediately sought to argue. “I am doing better. Training either comes now, or when it’s too late. I can handle it.”

Shaking her head, Cora looked from Dominik to Zhâlu. She grew weary of Dominik's moods but allowed him the concession of acting like a child. Who would not, in his position? "Better? This is better? Never mind I will not argue with you about this. I refuse to waste my breath or your own, which is why I indulge you at present. Perhaps you shall remember that at a later date when you attempt to berate me about my workload or personal life."

She was still a bit aggravated at Dominik for his high handed attempt to thwart a possible budding romance between herself and Sar, the Twi’lek leader. She was not a barely out of the temple Padawan any longer and it chafed that he saw her as such. She was a grown woman and she knew her mind.

Cora’s sass at Dominik’s response promptly resulted in a glare back at her from the old man as his nostrils flared in irritation. Afterwards he quickly regained himself, thanks to Zhâlu’s help, before he quickly started back down the tunnel, leaving both of them behind him while he stormed off in his usual grouchy attitude.

Zhâlu watched the older Jedi storm off with a sigh, turning back to Cora and crossing his arms. ”Is this how it always is with you two, or just since he lost his vision?” He shook his head as he turned to catch up to him. ”Though I can now see why his condition caused you such panic. He’s done a lot for you, hasn’t he master?”

Looking up at Zhâlu, Cora nodded. "Dominik has done a lot for me. And he is not always this cantankerous. But when he is you can bet I let him have all the sass he deserves. He expects no less."

It wasn’t long before the group arrived at the small cavern Dominik had used many times, both in training himself, and in training the group of Jedi currently under his watch. Despite his complete loss of eyesight, the older Jedi had lived in the cavern for a long time now, which helped in his memory of where to go, and what turns to take and when.

Following in the wake of her former Master and current Padawan Cora took a mental note of Dominik’s walk. Which way he leaned, which side he used less, if there was any lingering numbness; all this done in the span of a few seconds. She was worried about him. Her face set into a mask of emotionlessness. Nodding to Zhâlu to start.

Dominik’s injury to his right hip had worsened ever since the attack. And since Lo was missing, her supply of pain relieving paste had already been used to ease the ache that Dominik was enduring since that day. His limping had returned, though he was good at subconsciously hiding it, the error in his gait was still there.

As they arrived at the cavern and as Dominik took in his surroundings, the man began to allow himself some inner peace; he let his attitude calm down into a light simmer before it finally subsided. Just as the days before, the man wasted no time as he settled himself. He set his wooden cane aside as one hand pulled his lightsaber from his belt.

Nodding to Cora, Zhâlu pulled his double bladed saber from its place on his waist and ignited not but a single blade as the white-cored blue blade came to life. ”Is this to be as our other matches, or are we to switch to our more normal forms for today’s session?” While Cora was officially Dom’s caregiver, Zhâlu more or less filled the role of rehabilitation lead, helping him build his strength and mind back up that he could work with his new handicaps.

“Our normal forms.” Dominik said, not hesitating for a moment. His green blade ignited from his saber. Eyes closed fully as he took in a deep breath. A few silent moments passed as all that could be heard were the humming of the two blades. He took a defensive stance, his saber placed in front of him as his free hand moved behind his back. “I’m ready.”

Cora stood off to the side to watch. Zhâlu would be careful but she needed to test his patience at some point. His temper hadn't presented itself for some time now and she knew if anyone could do it then it was Dominik. Her old Master had tested her limit on patience recently as well. She had yet to really snap or lash out at him but he was a better choice than Evie for Zhâlu.

Cora mentality rolled her eyes when she thought of the girl. Sometimes she wanted to strangle her, others pat her on the back. Mostly she wanted to toss her at someone else to deal with. She was a joy, when she wasn't questioning everything that came out of your mouth. Bringing her attention back to the present she watched the combatants.

Zhâlu nodded and spun his saber so he held it horizontally before igniting the second white-blue blade with a snap-hiss sound. From there, he slid into a fighting stance that held his lightsaber at an angle in both hands that formed a diagonal line as one tip of a blade pointed at the ground and the other the roof of the cavern. Breathing in deeply, the Sith Pureblood allows his focus to be primarily on the man in front of him, but with an awareness of the surrounding area that would avoid unpleasant surprises. ”You take the first move, Master Dominik. This is for your benefit.”

Dominik let just a few short moments pass by after Zhâlu spoke. He took those moments to allow his full focus to go into his Force Vision. He saw Zhâlu, he saw Cora, he saw the cavern. Though blurry and unrefined, Dominik was confident with his bearings. The Master Jedi pushed forward suddenly, striking out with his lightsaber and allowing that slight pause to ensure Zhâlu would be able to parry before he went on to his next strike. He let all of his frustration out, his ferocity showing immediately as he jumped right into pushing himself to test his limits.

Zhâlu reacted flawlessly, his blades moving to deflect the two blows before taking the offensive, a thrust towards his abdomen, aimed slightly off to avoid hurting the Jedi Master before flowing effortlessly into an upward diagonal slash and then into a flourish of three quick strikes aimed high, mid, and low. While the poison would fight to limit Dominik’s movements, another observation the Pureblood had seen was that he was getting better at fighting through the lesser symptoms, but his limp…I’ll have to talk with Cora about it.

Dominik parried Zhâlu’s thrust to the side before bringing his saber down to parry the upward slash. The man turned, avoiding the first two strikes towards his body before parrying the third and moving in to counter. He could feel his heart beating, though he wasn’t sure if it was because he was already feeling exhaustion creeping into movements, or if it was due to the thrill of the fight. The Master Jedi had avoided duels for a long time whilst he’s been on Ryloth. Besides training with his Padawan, he hadn’t the need to draw his saber in defense of himself. It was both a blessing and a curse for a man born into and raised as a Jedi in war. He took in a deep breath as he moved in for the offensive again, his feet moving forward as he laid down a flurry of strikes, attempting to make Zhâlu give up ground as he pushed.

Last edited by Bea on Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:37 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 30
Join date : 2020-05-01

010 - Week 3 Day 3: One Can Only Trust Empty Re: 010 - Week 3 Day 3: One Can Only Trust

Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:07 pm
His lack of eyesight hampered nothing as the Master Jedi pushed forward, seeing the cave around him and seeing Zhalu’s, albeit slightly unclear, form in front of him.

Zhâlu offered a riposte to the first counter move, dancing back before coming back in with a pair of quick thrusts in classic Juyo fashion, keeping the Jedi Master back and at the very edge of his own reach. Another exchange and the pair soon found themselves in a blade lock, their lightsabers sparking. ”I can’t quite tell how much of your edge you’re supposed to have lost, Master Dominik. You sure you didn’t practice before Cora and I arrived?”

Holding the blade lock and hearing Zhâlu’s words, they drew a playful smirk from the old master. His blind eyes opened slightly as he re-evaluated his surroundings. He chuckled next before offering an answer, “I may have put in a few of my own personal training sessions without Cora or my Padawan knowing.” he teased, listening and waiting for Cora’s argument in return. He pushed back on the blade lock, holding his blade in front of him in defense before he went back in with a flurry of strikes. All in quick succession and with impressive accuracy and control considering the man’s circumstances.

Smirking Cora stated. "As I recall I fought you to a draw. You are casting out signals that your right hip is bothering you. Stop it. Zhâlu, stop ignoring your opponent's weakness. It does neither of you any good to pretend. If you were truly Sith he would be dead already. This helps no one unless you learn from it Dominik. Zhâlu."

Spinning back from the series of blows, the Sith Pureblood slides into a stance he had created as he had combined both Juyo and Jar’kai into a single form, though it was by no means an official form, nor did it have a name. His feet were spaced apart and his right arm was up and back, holding his saberstaff in the middle with his left hand forward and open, crouching slightly. ”You’re right, of course master, but then you usually are.” He lances forwards quickly, striking with a spinning flurry unbecoming of a traditional Juyo form and then finishing with a powerful downwards diagonal slash from the right. ”So then perhaps we had both best stop holding back.”

Hearing Cora’s words, Dominik couldn’t help but chuckle. She was a great and powerful healer, but somewhat of a savage when she felt like it. Mess with a healer and sometimes they’ll make you wish you had been put to sleep. Dominik parried each of Zhâlu’s strikes as they came. He took deeper breaths, pushing his endurance farther as both he and Zhâlu revved up their intensity. He pushed forward with the ferocity of the older days, a thing the Master Jedi was known for in his fighting technique. Heavy, precise strikes when the moment allowed, otherwise using smaller strikes and parries in between. His movements slowly became more and more wild and unpredictable, his fluid motions reflecting his mastery in Shii-Cho and showing just how much of a master in it he had become.

Where Dominik didn’t parry, he moved as he gracefully dodged and outmaneuvered some of Zhâlu’s attacks. He randomized his movements to the best of his ability, finding a cap at just how quickly he could move but realizing his less than mastery of Force Sight seemed to be failing him. Their sabers flashed with every parry, showing just how dedicated each Jedi was in the fight.

Despite having years of battlefield experience under his belt and recent hunting expeditions with the few friends he’d made on Manaan, Zhâlu found that the Jedi Master and his assault was different from what he had faced before and while his experience lended handily to making the fight more fair, it was clear that the older Jedi before him had more experience than the color of his lightsaber crystal would let on. During one exchange, the green blade managed to lance inside the Pureblood’s guard just enough to singe his shirt, leaving a burnt out cut in the sleeve. However, there was little time to consider it as they began a fresh trading of blows, with Zhâlu still heavily on the defensive. However, his temper didn’t show, as it rarely had when he was a Sith on the battlefield. Emotions are dangerous when fighting, especially on a battlefield, and often lead to missteps that cost beings their lives.

Smirking the savage little voice in the corner came again. "Your Jyuo is lacking in panaché Padawan. You are not practicing it correctly. Do not disconnect from yourself or you do not do it justice. You know as always I am right. And you old man, have a care. As much as you enjoy a pretty woman fussing over you, you know I'll make your waking hours hell." She was out to see if Zhâlu had made any sort of bond with Dominik, which would allow her to possibly search for an antidote to the toxin.

Both Jedi seemed to be matched in their side of the fight. Dominik knew he had more in him, but his body just would not cooperate. Already he could feel a couple of his movements feel sloppy on the delivery, but he kept going. Their blades constantly screamed as they parried blow after blow from each other. Dominik’s breathing had heightened, he could tell he was out of shape still. His heart beat fast in his chest as he swung his lightsaber in defense of Zhâlu’s.

After a few more minutes, Dominik and Zhâlu’s blades met again in an awesome clash of white and blue versus green. If one was paying close enough attention, there was a sense of excitement and tenacity in those blind eyes. Each Jedi held their blade in place, neither wanting to make the next move as they waited for the other to go. Suddenly, Dominik felt a tinge of pain in his chest. Small, brief, but constant. Again, it flared, causing the man to choke as he took a breath in. The expression on his face quickly transitioned from that of determination to one of pain and agony. As he felt another wave edging on, Dominik summoned all of his strength and pushed Zhalu back with everything he could, just to get some distance between them before suddenly it hit.

Instantly, the Master Jedi withdrew his saber as his grip failed him, his saber falling to the dirt as Dominik collapsed to his knees. One hand shot out to the ground to keep him upright while the other clutched the robes over his chest. It was all a quick instance as screams started to fill his head and a sense of dread started to drown his mind. There was so much pain flowing through his bond with Lo. Immense, physical pain similar to that which he had experienced while held prisoner with the Sith. The man’s body seized, the grip over his chest tightening as he began to gag. Mucus quickly built up in the back of his throat for a few short moments, but the man fought it back. Seconds after the first wave of pain hit, Dominik collapsed completely to the ground, his face buried into the thin layer of dirt as his body seized and his mind began to drown in the agony that was his padawan’s pain.

Cora hissed at the wave of escalating pain she could feel in Dominik and therefore echoed back within herself. Damn that stupid, stupid girl. She knew that shouldn't have been her first thought but the longer Lo was alive and apparently in Sith hands the longer this could affect Dominik. She had enough on her plate as is.

Unfortunately it was all Cora could do to hold back the pain from translating to Zhâlu through her. Gritting her teeth she breathed through the pain and felt the Force swirl and eddy through her taking the edge off. She watched as Dominik went blank after he gagged and fell in the dirt.

Cora was tempted to sever the bond to Lo but knew that Dominik would not thank her for it no matter if it saved his life or not. Quickly she nodded to Zhâlu to check for the extent of the attack. Zhâlu would know what to do.

If she put her hands on Dominik at present it would be a mistake. She'd get sucked into his pain and it would damage them both. Needing to keep her focus on the mission and finding a way to Detoxify Dominik was a top priority.

Cora waited for a report from her Padawan.

Zhâlu’s twin blades were deactivated as quickly as the one broke from Dominik’s. While he couldn’t feel the pain welling up inside the older man, he could recognize the signs of someone who had just been engulfed by nothing but sheer agony and pain. The Pureblood was already by his side, even before Cora indicated for him to be and rolled Dominik over so that he could breathe easier, looking over him for signs of injury from their duel even as he spoke to his master.

”He’s breathing quickly and raggedly, almost gulping in the air and his body is shuttering steadily. Pulse is quick and weak, but...there’s no injury from our duel. What’s happening, Master?” Zhâlu had been involved in many triage moments since Cora took him under her wing and had applied more than his share of battlefield first aid when he needed in order to save a soldier’s life, but this...this was something he didn’t immediately recognize.

Cora’s voice came out ragged, as if dragged over rocks and presented after five kilometers of that torture. "Torture Padawan. The worst kind. The kind meant to move down the bond from Padawan to Master or Master to Padawan. And this is a truly knowledgeable person on the other end. Lo has just become more than a pawn in this game. If we are not careful she could come back more dangerous than one would assume a Padawan that young could be. I will attempt to block the connection but it will not be easy."

Dominik could faintly hear the voices of Zhâlu and Cora through the haze that slowly started to overtake his mind. He seized again as Zhâlu sat at his side, one of his hands clutching the dirt underneath him as he tried to ground himself to the waking world. His teeth grit and eyes shut tight as he let the next wave of pain take its course. The initial attack had ceased, but his body did not take the agony lightly. It set off a chain reaction, starting with his seizures. Dominik attempted to level out his breathing as his body seized a third time. His mind fell deeper and deeper back into that dark abyss that he knew all too well. He could hear Lo's screams echoing through his head; could feel that resonating pain flow through his body like fire as he fought hard to stay awake.

Nodding, Zhâlu helped his master over to Dominik and stood back, his lightsaber back in his hand as he looked around the cavern. ”Do what you need to master, I’ll keep an eye out. I’ve not been able to shake the feeling we’ve been being watched since we arrived and I trust my instincts.”

Gritting her teeth against the second wave of pain Cora looked over at Zhâlu. "Perhaps I was not clear enough Zhâlu. I refrain from touching Dominik because I do not wish you to feel what he and I are currently feeling. He would also take umbrage should I do the only thing that will help him at present. Break his bond with the girl. I can do it but he would not appreciate it. Whether we are observed or not makes no difference." Her voice was filled with pain as she spoke and the words came out roughly with a breathless quality.

Grimacing, Zhâlu looks from Cora to Dominik and kneels next to his master before putting his hands on the Jedi Master’s chest and focusing his breathing. ”Walk me through it then, Master. Guide me in blocking the bond. I refuse to sever it.”

Shaking her head Cora grimaced wryly. "Blocking the bond on your side will be hard enough for you. It requires more finesse with Empathy than you currently have to block another's bond. I will not set you on an impossible mission. I am not that cruel."

Cora pulled Zhâlu from Dominik gently but firmly. "Quickly now. Focus on our bond. Build a wall in your mind and layer it with the Force and do it till you hold that wall as if it were solid and unbreakable."

Nodding, the Sith Pureblood closed his eyes and controlled his breathing as he focused on a single point in the Force in his mind, using it to build a firm and strong wall between his own mind and Cora’s. He took several moments to do this, even prodding his master to allow some of the pain through to test it’s strength before he nodded both to himself and to her. ”Now or never, master. I’m as ready as I can be.”

Trusting Zhâlu implicitly Cora reached down for Dominik letting go of her hold on the bond between Zhâlu and herself. Reaching down Cora put her hands on Dominik’s head. Hissing as the pain leapt into her she could hear screaming. She could not tell if it was Lo or Dominik or even her own all of them blended together in her mind.

Quickly Cora attempted to syphon off the pain and close off the incoming stimulus. Careful to form it in such away that information could pass to Lo but not from. The stimulus was too dangerous at this juncture for Dominik. She had already noticed that he had slipped some, his condition degrading. It was a slippery slope.

At first, Dominik did not notice Cora hovering over him, or her hands on his head. He had a pounding headache as nothing but screams filled his ears. His body trembled and his heart beat hard in his chest. The man, though an old and experienced Jedi, had never experienced something such as this. It was so surreal, his mind almost couldn’t comprehend the present. His body was threatening to fall back into that black abyss that Cora had just barely pulled him out of many days prior.

But as Cora worked towards building a defense around his mind and syphoning out the negative stimulus from his bond with Lo, a stimulus that had only multiplied itself since the bond had suddenly opened, Dominik’s mind slowly began to realize what was happening as each slow moment passed. His chest heaved as he took in deep, labored breaths before one of his hands shakily moved up to touch Cora’s own. He closed his mouth, forcing his breathing to move through his nostrils as he attempted to rein in what focus he had left. Though he quickly noticed his mind wanting to slip, to fall so easily into that abyss that seemed nearly impossible to escape from on his own.

His words came slowly, weak and ragged as he searched for something to keep him grounded. “Zhâlu... Cora…” he mumbled, one hand tightening slightly around Cora’s own as he fought through the haze to stay awake.

For Zhâlu, the time that Cora spent working on blocking up Master Dominik’s bond with his current padawan was some of the most testing time he’d meditated to date, and he had already been with the Jedi some years. Every moment after his master had released the block in the bond was intense and mind bending and some of the pain leaked through despite his best efforts, the mind numbing agony nearly knocking the wind from him physically. When it finally ended though, all that remained was a stone cold anger in the pit of the Sith Pureblood’s gut.

He stood as Dominik said their names and he looked around before turning to Cora. ”Let’s get him to somewhere he can rest safely, and then I want to have a word with all the Twi’leks. Send word they need to be in the local commune area. We will not play this Sith’s game any more.” The rage in his voice was barely contained, but there was no presence of the Darkside in it.

Feeling Dominik slipping sent Cora into a more determined mood. Dominik I know you can hear me do not even pretend you cannot. You must not give in and give them the satisfaction of your downfall. If I have to I will not hesitate to use extreme measures on keeping you alive. Hear me now and know that you are not done yet. Not so long as I breathe still.

As Cora brought him to a stable condition she swayed light headed. "I could not agree more Zhâlu." Her words were slightly slurred with delirium and one of her hands was in the dust of the cavern floor the other still touching Dominik’s temple. Working a bit of the Force through him to revitalize and heal the damage done.

Her lack of sleep, continual healing, revitalizing, and rigorous retraining schedule not to mention the puzzles of where Lo and Kayda could be and who had attacked Dominik did not make recovery easy. If she was not healing she was thinking, if it was not thinking she was teaching, if it was not teaching then it was debating and if it was not debating it was healing. It was a vicious cycle that she could not see her way out mostly because she did not attempt to see a way out.

Moving quickly, Zhâlu barely managed to catch Cora before she fell and he lifted her up before using the Force to carefully lift up Dominik. Turning back the way they came, he moved through it with the barely conscious Jedi Master close behind. ”I swear master, lately it seems more like I’m taking care of you than the other way around. You are a healer, tried and true. You know what you’re about and how to do what you do. I’m still learning, which means you need to take time for yourself to care for yourself. I am a warrior, leave this witch hunt to myself and the Shadow. We WILL bring the guilty to justice and I’ll see that Sith dead, one way or another.”

Cora's head rolled against Zhâlu’s upper arm. The petite woman raised an eyebrow impertinently. "Attempt to not enjoy the role reversal too much Padawan or someone might call you on feeling more for your Master than you should." Her speech was heavy with sleep deprivation as Cora’s body relaxed and she swiftly succumbed to exhaustion. Going fully limp was the indication she had fully given over to exhaustion and the inherent trust she had in Zhâlu. It was also a fantastic way to end an argument.
Posts : 67
Join date : 2020-04-24
Age : 27

010 - Week 3 Day 3: One Can Only Trust Empty Re: 010 - Week 3 Day 3: One Can Only Trust

Tue Jun 30, 2020 6:40 pm
Time had flown by like a rock skipping across the water’s surface as Dominik’s mind toyed around on the fine line between the abyss and the waking world. He was as dead to the world as one could be whilst still actually living. The work and focus Cora had put into him during those dire moments had been just enough to keep him afloat. Though with Cora now resting, as she should be, the man had little in the way of familiarity that would help him wake. What did eventually wake him, however, was the burning hot sensation of a fever as it started to spread through his form. He had been stripped down to his shirt and trousers and covered with a light blanket up to his chest, but even with the minimal covering, the fever took him quickly.

Blind eyes opened slightly as a flash of white in a sea of black caught his attention. He took deep breaths in through his nostrils and out his mouth. He was parched, and could feel the light draft against the thin layer of sweat that started to collect on his forehead and cheeks. His chest rose and fell quickly as his body fought against the uncomfortable sensation of overheating. He started to sit up, slowly, quickly noticing the weakness in his limbs and fighting through a wave of dizziness and nausea that swept over him as he pushed himself up from the cot.

Zhâlu was quick to the man’s side, his hand passing over him to channel some healing energy into him while trying to get him to lay back down. ”Easy, Master Dominik. You aren’t yet ready to get up and move. Rest.” Cora had enlightened him on her former master’s stubbornness during previous conversations, before this whole mess here on Ryloth, and so before the man could argue, the Pureblood continued. ”You will do Padawan Lo no good if you aren’t at least somewhat recovered.”

Cursing at Zhâlu’s advantage of more strength over his ailing body, Dominik could do nothing against the hands that pushed him back down. He reached down and slowly pulled the blanket off of his form, resting for a moment as he pulled it up past his head before throwing it completely on the ground. He grumbled unintelligible words at Zhâlu before he turned onto his side, attempting to cool his back down as it had begun to sweat as a side effect to his fever. He grimaced as the movement jarred his hip, but the expression disappeared moments later as one hand moved to rub his eyes.

“Just because your master said not to hold back, doesn’t mean you had to knock the sense out of me.” He mumbled, gently teasing the Pureblood through his nausea and discomfort.

A soft chuckle came from Zhâlu as he worked on trying to reduce the Jedi Master’s fever. ”Come now, if I hadn’t gotten you, you most certainly would have gotten me.” Silence resumed as he worked on his healing before he sighed, the Pureblood moving around to where he could look Dominik in his eyes. ”I think it’s only fair you know what I plan to do before I do it.”

The cold rage was returning to Zhâlu as he remembered the fraction of the pain Dominik had been going through with Lo in the clutches of the Sith, a young padawan with a promising future being tortured to turn her into the very thing she had sworn to fight against. ”I intend to draw out the traitor amongst the Twi’leks. And once I have them, I intend to make the Sith responsible for all this face me and I will not spare them. We do not have the time to play the Sphere of Secret’s games, nor should we indulge them. The only one here who can match them is the Jedi Shadow, and I’m told she’s taking her sweet time about it.”

The rage fought to consume the Pureblood, turn him into little more than an engine of destruction seeking the Sith responsible for what was happening to Dominik and Lo, but he kept it under control, reciting an old warrior’s poem his father had taught him years ago on Dromuund Kaas. ”No one, Master Dominik, can hurt those I care about or those that they care about. Not while I still live.”

Dominik’s sightless eyes opened as he sensed Zhâlu moving around him. They did not need to be opened for him to see any longer, but it was a habit that would not easily break for the man of sixty years. His Force Vision showed Zhâlu’s form in front of him; though it gave an unclear picture of the Pureblood. Though Zhâlu’s voice and his aura through the Force painted the rest of the picture.

“You must not let your rage dictate your actions, young one.”

Dominik couldn’t help the playful smirk on his face as he spoke. He indeed knew that Zhâlu was not very young, but in the older Jedi’s blind eyes, all of those younger than him would hold the title of ‘young one’ until they reached his age. “You are better than a Youngling learning to control their emotions. And you are better than the Sith and the Dark Side that you saved yourself from. Do not let your emotions guide your actions.” Dominik paused for a moment as he took in a deep breath, wiping some of the forming sweat from his forehead. His eyes closed again as he waded through his thoughts.

“The Shadow takes her time because I in part instructed her to. I am not one to be cautious, Zhâlu, but we are treading dangerous and unfamiliar waters here on Ryloth. We should not go looking for an enemy where one doesn’t exist. We must stay strong with our allies, for we cannot do this alone. Should we find the one responsible, should they be a Twi’lek, they are not our enemy. They are simply misguided.”

Zhâlu knew that the older man was right, that he was letting his emotions sway his decisions, but this was something that wasn’t taught by his former loyalty, but by his family, a lesson from his mother and father, not the Sith or Jedi in nature, but...normal. ”This isn’t just about that, Master Dominik. My father taught me that when you consider someone family, even without blood relations, that you can never let harm come to them or those important to them. Because if you can’t protect them, then how can you protect people you barely know?”

A small chuckle escaped the Pureblood’s lips. ”I suppose that most Jedi never get lessons on life from their parents, from what I understand. A pity really, your parents have powerful lessons when they’re good people.”

Dominik grimaced as the fever pushed at an emerging headache. He turned again, laying flat on his back once more as one hand moved up to cover his eyes and rub one temple.

“What you say, Zhâlu, is not wrong. But if you work tirelessly to protect those around you and those you care about, you are leaving yourself open to your own downfall. We cannot focus just on the well-being of the one, but on the survival of the many. The value of my life is not different from any other Jedi.”

The man swallowed as he lay there, his throat dry and parched as the fever swept through his body and exhausted him of any hydration. “Many Jedi will never know their parents. I was lucky enough to be older before I was taken to the temple. My parents taught me many things. I was told my chances of being a true Jedi were slim, as I was too old when I arrived at the Temple. But the lessons my parents taught me helped me prove many others wrong.”

Dominik grew silent for a few long moments before he moved slowly, his face grimacing and eyes opening slightly as he attempted to sit up again. “Water, Zhâlu… please.”

Zhâlu obliged the older man, getting some water from nearby and bringing it over and helping him to drink from it. ”No number of lives is worth more than one. If we begin to think that only the majority matter, then we forget that the lives of individuals have meaning as well and then even the whole begins to lose value.”

There was a groan from where Cora had been carefully laid. "You are both falling into the trap of deciding that you have the choice to make the will of the Force move the ways you want. You cannot move the Force. You trust the Force. The Force finds a way, creates your destiny before you are born, guides you through your life with or without your acceptance…" Her breathing deepened and her eyes fluttered closed again.

Dominik heard Cora's voice from across the room. He laid back slightly as Zhâlu helped him drink. The man was parched. He heard the woman go quiet again before he sighed and rested fully back.

"Your Master should heed her words." He said, teasing but also serious in his tone. "If it is the will of the force that I die on Ryloth, Zhâlu, then we must let it be."

"Do not make me beat you old man. You are not done yet. I am a Healer. Possibly one of the best in the known universe. Your time is not up yet." Cora responded softly with a heated edge to it.

”You had both rest, and enough squabbling. I have never believed any kind of predetermined destiny, because if that were so, I would still be on Kashhyk, watching their younglings and old be sent to their deaths in the Shadowlands and enjoying it. Since you’re both awake, however, the topic needs to be addressed. How long are we going to play games with this member of the Sphere of Secrets? The longer you let them hide, the better their position becomes.” The Pureblood felt that shifting the topic away from the more philosophical might not hurt for the time being, especially since he had seen more than his share of Jedi masters get into heated arguments on the topic.

Dominik took a deep breath at Zhâlu's words. He knew the Pureblood was asking a very important question, one that Dominik preferred not to ponder over in his state. But it did need to be addressed.

"If the threat was truly hiding amongst us, Zhâlu, I feel they would've already finished what they started." He said. His condition has been less than satisfactory ever since the attack. Whatever toxin that was in his body was relentless and not something ordinary. Regular toxins would have been flushed out by now, but this one seemed to have latched on and would not let go.

"If someone truly wanted me dead, they would have made sure of that already. The rest of our group could have been taken out when the chaos ensued. Yet, here we are."

”No, I don’t think they would. The Sphere of Secrets, especially those members who are Sith, are well known to toy with their prey, or, a more apt way of saying it, play with their food. The traitor amongst the Twi’leks likely has orders to let you live now that the toxin is in your system. Being the toxin hasn’t lessened...we may be dealing with a homebrewed concoction.” Zhâlu sighed as he pulled a chair over and sat between the Jedi Knight and her former master, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

”I wish I hadn’t put off coming with you now, Master. I might have been of more aid if I’d been here sooner.”

"Hindsight is always twenty-twenty Padawan. I do and do not agree with both of you. For example, how did you fall into a coma, Dominik? How were they able to strike right where it would be the most effective? If not the Sith then at least a party that would benefit from crushing a rebellion of Twi'lek. I believe that you have been compromised before you arrived here Dominik. Yet to say that it was always Sith does not ring true. It became Sith quickly but likely did not start out that way. It may be more complicated than we thought. Mayhap it is a trickle of information that someone picked up on. What do you know about everyone here? Is there no one you can immediately be suspicious of? Not that we should be paranoid but any thoughts help. You have known them far longer than I." Blinking her words coming slowly and very drawled much more indicative of her Hapian heritage than normal.

"The coma was due to my attempt to fight natural forces, Cora. The mortars hit just right and started a chain reaction. I had no choice." He muttered, his frustration at the sensitive topic clearly present in his tone. His frustration only edged his fever more and the man quickly made himself sit up. His head spun but he didn't care, the fever was digging deep and causing the man to feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I know my assignments Cora." He argued, one hand rubbing sweat from his forehead as he slowly maneuvered his legs over the side of the cot. With each passing moment it was taking more and more focus in order for him to simply function. He shivered as a cold chill ran up his spine, but he knew it was the fever causing it.

"Sar has said it himself, his people are grateful for our help. We haven't yet encountered any of them who've expressed any hate towards the Jedi. Some are unhappy, but they are not a hateful people."

”With all due respect, Master Dominik, no one Twi’lek, no matter their rank, speaks for an entire group. Someone told the Sith you were here, who would likely be the Hutts. However, a Twi’lek would have had to tell the Hutts exactly where you were for the Sith to get away with a single agent instead of a planetary sweep with a,” the Pureblood makes air quotations, ”’rogue’ Sith lord. Like it or not, there is someone who is willing to betray you.”

Dominik rubbed his eyes as Zhâlu spoke. He knew the Pureblood was right, he hated he was right. But they were in no position to act. Not with two of their own missing, not with his condition, and not with Cora so exhausted. He wanted to act but Dominik was not willing to sacrifice any of his own to do so.

His body trembled momentarily as a seizure threatened to pass through him again. He held his head down, rested in one hand with his elbows resting on his knees. He had another option, but he wasn't sure how the others would agree. In the end, he was the highest ranking Council member and he was prepared to enforce his decision. But if it was unnecessary, then he would wait until it was their last option.

"Do it Dominik. You know if you put it off too long the greater chance it will not work." Cora struggled to swing her legs under her.

Dominik wanted to stand, to walk off and be on his own so he could make his decisions. But he felt a weakness in his limbs he hadn't yet felt since the toxin was introduced into his system. Whatever had happened in his bond with Lo, it had opened a new set of floodgates in his battle.

After a few more moments, Dominik cursed at himself and stood anyway. It was a slow movement, making sure his legs could support his body as he slowly stood up and used the cot as support.

Zhâlu moved first to stop his master and gently lay her back down. ”Easy, Cora, easy. You need to rest more than be up and about moving, especially with how little rest you’ve had.” He then moved to Dominik as he stood and offered a balancing arm for him. ”As for you, if you’re determined to have some alone time, the least I can do is help you get to a quiet space. I’ll follow you. Cora,” the Pureblood locked his master in one of his caregiver looks, the kind he gave troublesome patients at the clinic in Manaan, ”don’t get up. Rest. I’ll be back.”

Dominik quickly took Zhâlu’s arm as the Pureblood offered it. He took in a deep breath as he tried to ignore the weakness in his limbs that was more evident than before.

"I need help getting to the collapse on the other side of the cavern. I may need your help with it."

Grumbling about Master Padawan respect Cora pulled a stern face and as they left stuck out her tongue like a little sister would. She was not giving up that easy. She yawned and stretched. Five minutes. Just five minutes. She closed her eyes and fell asleep, exhaustion claiming her.

”What, precisely, is on the other side of that collapse? The Twi’leks don’t talk about it much.”

Holding on to Zhâlu with one arm, the other held his walking stick as he attempted to support himself as much as he could.

"Honestly Zhâlu? Just a cave. Blackened and charred from the explosive domino effect caused by the mortars." Dominik paused, his blind eyes looking at the collapse as they approached it. Despite his inability to see physically, his sight through the Force and his memory of it allowed Dominik to see it as clear as day. "It's where I called for your Master because I thought I was taking my final breath."

”Which began this series of events, to some degree.” Zhâlu helped the old man over to the rubble and sighed. ”A place of personal troubles for her in other words.”
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