Star Wars: Order 66
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Age : 27

002 - Week 2, Day 2: Patrols and Pest Control Empty 002 - Week 2, Day 2: Patrols and Pest Control

Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:47 pm

6 ATC 9, Week 2 day 2, Morning

The village often stirred early in the morning. Dominik found himself awake in the early hours and up and about before too many Twi'lek were out. Many mornings, the leadership could be found huddled around the small crystalline structure in the center of the cavern. It almost resembled a campfire of sorts, though there was no fire or heat present.

The leaders often discussed plans for the day, whether they be preparing patrols, rotating scouting parties, hunting for food or gathering herbs. Every topic was touched during that meeting. Anything that came up later was brought to Sar, and then brought up the chain to Dominik and even Lo, depending on the topic. After the meeting, the older Jedi found himself helping lit a group of Twi'lek as they erected another hut near the others. Dominik used the Force to hold the large slab of stone up while they worked on securing it to the other erected walls and into the ground.

After checking in on a mother with a toddler that had a cold Cora approached Dominik as he worked to set up a hut for a new family. She repeated their normal greeting as he finished. "Good morning Dominik. How do you fair? Sleep well?" It was as close to casual as Cora got verbally. Her manner was relaxed and open. She smiled slightly meeting his eyes.

Hearing Cora's voice, Dominik turned his head to see the younger Jedi coming near. He shot her a quick smile before he turned back, hands against the wall but the Force kept it up and steady. "It probably could have been better, but I think that's the problem for most of us anymore. Poor sleep." Dominik said, watching as a couple of the Twi'lek moved around to the wall and started pounding stakes into the hard ground.

Cora nodded as she stepped up to assist. Keeping her voice low she murmured to Dominik. “Do not take this comment lightly but I feel there is something strange. We should attempt to gather more information. I am not so sure that there is no Darkside involvement on this planet. I felt it when you reached out to me. I am concerned for the safety of all we have gathered. I am also bothered by why I have yet to puzzle it out.”

Watching the Twi'lek workers move from one spot of the wall to the next, making sure the stakes were secure before moving on, Dominik made sure they were out of earshot before he spoke.

"I know there has been, Cora. But it isn't as simple as it's been in the past. We don't have the manpower or the resources to act upon it right now. All we can do is let the beast sit and wait and hope that we are ready for when it pounces. If we go prodding too soon, we may awaken something we are not ready for."

Nodding Cora sighed heavily. “Yes, yes I know. I will not go prodding but you will have to forgive me if I continue to meditate on it.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sar and smiled at him as he caught her eye. Looking back at Dominik she continued. “Regardless we should think about getting more food and herbs. Our supply is dangerously low. I think we should range farther out to hunt for both and it needs to be done soon.”

"Aren mentioned something about our stores yesterday. She was going to take a patrol out to detour and see what they could get but plans were changed. I can speak with Sar as soon as I'm done here. If we're quick we can get patrols out before noon." Dominik suggested, glancing to Cora in between words while the rest of his focus was on the hut. The Twi'lek finished securing it and signalled for Dominik and Cora to step back. Dominik did so slowly, watching the wall closely to make sure it remained still.

"We will have to limit the number of patrols we send out if we send them out farther. The farther out we go, the more dangerous the mission becomes." Dominik said. He knew Cora had the knowledge of that but he couldn't stress it enough. Things have been quiet lately. It put Dominik on edge.

Evie found herself enjoying the quaint morning as she finished up her routine. Meditation and practicing her footwork were always imperative as it helped her stay sharp. She wondered what her orders from Master Rothul would be today, whether they would be further patrols or if she would be aiding in the padawans development.

A few moments later she spotted Master Rothul and Cora. “Greetings Master Rothul and Cora. What are my orders for today? Shall I be going on patrol or assisting in Padawan development?” she said politely.

Dominik's eyes moved from Cora to Evemarie as she came near. His thoughts rolled over what he and Cora had just talked about. As much as he wished for the Padawans to get in more hands on training, Evie was a valuable asset when it came to leading patrols.

"Most likely patrols, Barral." Master Rothul said, watching the younger Knight for a moment before his eyes looked back to the Twi'lek who were working. The patrols would have to be small; they'd be less noticeable that way and they would be able to move quicker. He needed to get with Sar about preparing some men. Their rotation schedule was exhausted, but food was a necessity. Each of the Jedi present could step in to lead a patrol, it might save bodies.

“Understood Master, so when we are out is there anything in particular you’d like us to acquire if we can? I take it we each may be leading our own group as well.”  she replied. She often wondered when they would start taking bold actions but for now she was content with her role.

"I will be meeting with Sar soon, then we'll go over the details. Once we've got a plan I'll relay it to you and Bec. And yes, plan to lead a patrol. We will have to split up who we have so that we can make one big push for the supplies we need." Dominik said, glancing at Cora as he spoke, making sure he covered all of the points.

They'd need to plan a route for each patrol, hit times, and plans should something go awry. Now that it seemed the hut he was helping with was finished, meeting with Sar and Cora was his next plan.

Cora raised an eyebrow at Dominik and grinned. “Shall I let him know you are coming so we can discuss the patrols?” Cora loved teasing Dominik about her flirtation with the Twi’lek leader.

The older man caught Cora's grin and that look. He rolled his eyes, seemingly unamused, before he sighed and nodded. "We'll meet in an hour. I want all of us present." He said, indicating he wished all of the Jedi, even the Padawans, to attend. "In the center. One hour." He reiterated. He looked to Evemarie to make sure she had caught his instruction before breaking away from both of them. He strode away, in the direction of his hut. He had a few things to prepare, mostly in his head.

Evie couldn’t help but giggle at Coras response and the expression on Dom's face made it difficult to not burst out laughing. She covered her face and took a deep sigh. You’d think that she never gets out much, I wonder if I’ll become like this once I get a Padawan… Maybe not having one right now is for the best she mused to herself.

Cora smirked as she walked over to Sar. She held out her hands to take his. “Hello Sar. How are you this morning?” She’d had a feeling that she was going out today and had worn pants rather than her dress.

Sar politely took Cora's hands in his, bowing his head as a greeting before pulling his hands back and looking in the direction Dominik had left.

"I've been better, Master Jedi." He began, politely addressing Cora as he then glanced over towards the newly erected hut. "A few scouts reported in last night, there's a lot of clues of movement around the cavern. Zygerrian scouts I presume. I wanted to speak with Dominik about our plans later today."

Cora tilted her head and shot a look in Dominik’s direction as he was striding off. “I was actually coming over here to let you know that he’d like to see everyone in about an hour. Was anyone hurt last night? No one woke me.”

I bet someone pulled Sar aside and gave him a lecture. I wonder who that could be.

“Was there anything a bit off about what you had found?” Evie inquired as her worries of Sith involvement increased after her initial discussion with Master Rothul. She tried not to hyperfocus but her moderate paranoia wouldn’t allow it. She struggled to not be suspicious of her peers but her worry of going down the path of her master kept such thought buried for now.

“No one was injured, Cora,” Sar began, looking at Cora. “And nothing out of the ordinary.” He continued, glancing to Evemarie as he thought back on what the patrols reported. “The usual footprints here and there, broken branches, any sign.” he continued. “They’re growing more bold, but we haven’t been opposing them either.”

Sar sighed, seemingly distracted by the knowledge that Dominik wanted to speak with him. There had been many talks as of late, things that needed to happen but couldn’t. They hadn’t the freedom or the manpower to make them happen. “If Dominik has a meeting planned, I’m sure there are things we must discuss first. I should find him beforehand.” Sar nodded to both Jedi before he took off in the direction of Dominik’s hut.

As was her preferred style, Kayda did not put out a strong presence in the crowd of Jedi and Twi’leks that made up this encampment. She much preferred to observe and listen. There was a lot of information to take in, and it had been quite some time since she last spent time around this many Jedi. The dead drop had let her know others would be here of course, but it had not given her any idea that there would be six others.

It was very quickly clear to her that the other Jedi here were all of very different types, just like she differed from them too. Varying skill sets and personalities could prove both a strength and a flaw when it came to dealing with both hutts and the almost inevitable agents of the Sith Empire. Her experience with the latter told her that sooner or later the Empire would be aware of the gathering here, and then they would almost certainly act. Hopefully for them, it would not be in the form of sending in a Terminus squadron, or worse, a full battle group.

No matter how well-prepared, seven Jedi and less than a hundred and fifty twi’leks would stand no chance against an imperial battle group intent on taking them out. The war had taught her that much. As for what the Sith might do if they got involved? Well, that was anyone’s guess. Sith as individuals were never predictable. So many things had happened during the war to prove that particular rule. The only relieving factor was the fact that this was a hutt-controlled world. It did not matter whether they were a captain, an imperial moff or a Sith for that matter. Fleet actions would not be acceptable without the approval of the hutts. Her time in the outer rim had shown her how the hutts dealt with people who played with fleets without approval in their territory, and it wasn’t pretty.

The time of the scheduled meeting was fast approaching, so Kayda walked over to where it was supposed to be held, then found a convenient crate to sit down on along one wall.

A short amount of time had passed between Sar going to speak with Dominik, and both returning together as they approached the small group around the center of the cavern. Both were speaking quietly to each other as they approached, nodding and hands moving as they discussed something. A few of the gathered Twi'lek warriors came closer as Sar and Dominik stopped around the small gathered group. Dominik's eyes scanned everyone present. Aren in the back next to Evie, Cora, the Twi'lek warrior leaders plus a few others.

"In an hour's time, we will have patrols set and on their way. Each group will have their mission, it is vital that you remain focused and are successful before you return." Sar announced before Dominik stepped forward, a small piece of scrap paper in his hands as he began reading off names.

"Knight Barral, I want you with team one. Your main task is to scout out all of the hotspots Zygerrian scouts have been seen in and look for anything that might tell us where they are coming from, how many they have, and the common routes they take when scouting." Dominik said, looking to Evie as he finished speaking. His eyes moved to Aren next to her, "Knight Bec will take team two to scout for food."

Dominik then turned to look at Cora. "Knight Alcyon will take team three along with two of the healers to scout for smaller edibles and healing herbs."

His hand lowered as he shoved the small piece of paper into his pocket before he looked around at the group. "Sar and I will be checking in with the scouts posted by each tunnel entrance and we'll be keeping an eye on the integrity of the tunnels."

He looked around the group once more, spotting Kayda but not seeing the two younger Jedi Padawans. "The Padawans will stay behind. I've got a few tasks for them. I will take Knight Guerrin with me through the tunnels so that I can catch her up with our current situation… any questions?"

Looking around Cora beckoned a few people over and started the detailed explanation of the herbs she needed. "I do not intend to be out there longer than an hour. The less exposure the better." She looked back at Dominik then Sar as she rounded a bend in. The tunnel leading outside.

Kayda waited for everyone else to depart to their duties, not desiring the exposure that would come with asking questions in front of this many strangers. She would get to know them in time, she supposed. After most of them had split up and moved to their tasks, she walked over to the Jedi Master.

“So. This was more or less everyone here?” she queried, just to start the conversation as they walked through the tunnels.

Making sure everything was prepared for the time he would be gone with Kayda in the tunnels, Dominik was one of the last to leave for his tasks as he briefed a few of the remaining leaders on their concerns and his suggestions. With the basic worries covered, Dominik pushed aside their conversation for a later time and met up with Kayda before leading the way towards the western tunnel.

His eyes were up as soon as they left the cavern, observing the walls, the ceiling and the floor of the tunnel structure. They could not afford another cave in, so these weekly inspections were vital in making sure all was well with the cave system they called home.  

“Yes,” he began, semi distracted as his hands felt along the walls and his eyes observed small cracks in the ceiling. He stopped momentarily, observing a larger crack in the wall that he would have to survey later. “Except for the scouts we have posted at the tunnel entrances, all who were present are all we have. Who can fight, anyway.” He continued, glancing to Kayda as he moved away from the wall and continued leading the way into the tunnel.

“There are many more Twi’leks besides those at the meeting, but most are our cooks or healers. And many more are women and children.” he explained, stepping around a larger boulder in the center of the tunnel. He glanced behind them at the tunnel ceiling above the boulder. Another checkpoint to add to his list. “The group is strong, however.” He added, smiling faintly at Kayda as they walked. “We’re lucky to have the help we do. Otherwise this fight would be much harder as a whole.”

“Ah. Makes sense. No telling what might happen if there are no guards.” Kayda took in her surroundings, not all that used to moving through caverns like these. Without the Force she would not have been able to navigate nearly as well, she suspected. “What is the goal here anyways? To stay safe from those raids? Zygerrians, was it? Or is the goal something more? The briefing in the dead drop was not very detailed.”

Seeing how he was looking around, she saw several weak spots in the stone walls. “These tunnels do not look very sturdy.” There was nothing about it that implied it would fall on its own, but bombs and explosives would probably not be healthy for anyone within the cave system. Far more so than in more structurally sound tunnels.

Dominik gave a frustrated sigh as he examined the tunnel as they walked. “No, they are not. We have already dealt with one accident during a mortar attack. I do not want another like it.” he said, turning his focus away from the walls and instead looking ahead of them. “Right now, we just need to survive. We’re hoping the Council will send more support before the situation gets too dire. We’re scheduled for another supply drop within the month, though the exact date and location are unknown still.”

There was a short pause as Dominik thought more about their situation. “We’re trying to double down on our efforts to push the Zygerrian patrols back from our position so that we can safely scout for an alternate location for the people while still avoiding the enemy patrols.”

“I am actually a little surprised the high council would condone sending this many of us out here. This place is rather exposed with an entire empire-controlled sector corewards of us. If I recall the maps right, the only well-astrogated way to travel to the core without passing through imperial space would be by way of the triellus trade route and the Manda merchant route and Bothawui. Not exactly a short journey even with good hyperdrives.” She took a breath, “Sure, so far as I know, the Empire hasn’t blocked the Corellian Run, but should they express interest in this world, I doubt they would let Jedi or republic forces pass uncontested through their territory.”

“If I had had a ship, I would gladly have used it to map out alternate locations, but alas I do not. It was destroyed a few months ago on Tatooine. Simple defensive action without any offense is not likely to be effective in the long run, surely you remember that from the war, right?”

Dominik listened to her observations and the information she recalled on the journey here. "At the time, it was a message sent from our ship by my Padawan. I think because the situation was dire, the Council sent all that could respond. But now we're still receiving people who saw that message and we have no way to contact the Council without being detected. The extra support is both a blessing and a curse."

He nodded in response to her question. In the back of his mind he knew they needed to take the offensive, but the older Jedi wasn't sure if they were ready to take the offensive. He believed in the strength of the Twi'lek, and Sar's leadership; but he had doubts and uncertainties that he wasn't quite ready to test yet.

"I do not want to risk the safety of the group on an offensive maneuver if I do not yet feel like we're ready. If the war has taught me one thing, Kayda, is that a swift offensive strike can lead the way to victory. Yet, I do not feel like that is an option we have. We don't know our enemy, we don't know their capabilities and we gravely underestimated the support they are getting from the outside. We must wait before we make our move."

“Yes, the lack of reliable information is a problem. We need access to more than can be acquired through scouting. We need to figure out the goals of at least one of the other factions on this world.” Kayda thought for a bit about the known factions. The largest group—if it could be called a group—would be the civilian twi’lek population. If she recalled correctly, they were divided into tribes that had varying degrees of cooperation. The second most prominent faction was the Hutts and their underlings. Ostensibly, they ruled this world and had full control over all spaceports.

After those two, there were the Zygerrian slavers and the people here in these caves. As of yet she had not seen any evidence of Sith. She did not know much about the Zygerrians, but what little she did know made it out to be odd that they were even in this part of the galaxy. They did not belong here. Why were they even here? Surely other worlds would be easier prey for them?

She looked down the tunnel as it straightened out a little. In the distance she could see just the barest hint of brightness. They were clearly nearing an external opening. “Unless someone here can reliably go invisible or transform into a Zygerrian, I rather doubt we can successfully get into any of the Zygerrian camps undiscovered, let alone acquire any intel there. I don’t know much about the civilian population here, but I doubt they have much in the way of actionable intelligence to provide. Unless someone can reveal the whereabouts of the supposed Sith, that only leaves the Hutts as candidates for acquiring actionable intelligence from.” she paused for a moment before adding, “They are also likely to have the most information of any group here.”

"With my abilities I may be able to infiltrate their lines and find something of use- but I am in no shape for that, and there is too much risk going in alone. There is another one of us who may be able to. But-" Dominik trailed off as they grew closer to the tunnel entrance. He sighed deeply, growing frustrated as all of the unknowns started to lay out in his mind. Kayda had her points, but he just was not ready to sacrifice so much for a mission that may not even succeed.

"The Hutts are our best option yet we have not the slightest clue as to if they're present on the planet. I feel as though we came into this conflict expecting one thing, but in truth it was something far more complex and detailed than the high Council could have imagined.

Approaching the outside entrance to the cave, Dominik followed one of the walls but didn't completely step out. He whistled then, a signal all of the scouts knew was his. He had done these check ins often and had created a system that wasn't overly obvious, yet it was simple. The scouts did not come out in the open to acknowledge his signal, but they did whistle back. Their whistles sounded very similar to that of the native fauna which also made a whistle to call out for others of their kind. Dominik waited, finally catching one whistle from farther away.

He stood back into the cave, leaning against the side wall, his eyes scanning the outside area as he waited for the second whistle.

“Abilities?” she asked, honestly curious. She knew of some ways with the Force that might help infiltration, but they were far from common. “Hutts do not like putting people of other species in charge. Though remote, this world is valuable to the hutts. There’s bound to be at least one hutt on this world, if not more.”

“Fortunately… We do not need access to the hutts themselves. While the intel might be better closer to the hutts, the risks involved in getting that close is too high in my mind. Better to just slice their computer systems.”

There were a few long moments of silence as Dominik stood against the wall. Arms crossed, eyes scanning, and his thoughts racing over the years past. "I used to gather intel. From behind enemy lines… but that was a long time ago." He said, not looking to Kayda for moments afterwards. Finally, he pushed off the wall, still waiting for the second whistle, and moved to the other side of the cave to get a different view on the area outside.

"And you're right about slicing into their systems. But we don't yet have the tools readily available to do that. I'm hoping, in this next supply drop, that the Council will have granted us what I requested when we first arrived here. But I haven't been able to contact them directly for months, so all I can do is hope they trust my instinct and supply us with what we need."

Finally, the second whistle came as Dominik finished his statement. The man remained still though, as if judging whether or not the signal was true, before he finally pushed off the wall and turned back into the tunnel, falling in step next to Kayda as they started back.

"For now we may be able to scavenge parts off of one of the ships to build what is necessary. But it will take time."

“You might need fancy tools to slice a hutt’s personal communications, but why would we want to do that, when we can get basic intel from far less secure systems? Surely the locals have access to basic data spikes? This might be a backwater world, but that sort of technology is not exactly rare. Particularly where criminals abound. If the locals can’t provide some, it should be easy enough to buy one near the local spaceport. Where there are hutts, there will be markets that sell such.”

"I will have to discuss it with Sar when we return. We may be able to send a pair of Jedi to scout our options but we have to tread carefully. I do not want to underestimate our enemy." He explained. Dominik knew he was being cautious, perhaps overly cautious at times. But the Zygerrians, the Hutts; ever since arriving on Ryloth, Dominik had noticed they were always one step ahead. The gas attacks, the mortar bombing, the destruction of the ship. The Master Jedi hoped it wasn't him overlooking something obvious.

“I cannot disagree with the desire for caution, but there is a risk of being too cautious too.” The tunnels here were all quite similar, she noted to herself, trying to see if there were any markings that would make them easier to remember later. “Inaction is often at least as dangerous as doing the wrong thing, sometimes more dangerous. If we do nothing, the enemy will win.” Shortly after checking on the exit, they had entered a side branch to the main path, following it somewhere else, though Kayda had no idea where.

"Yes, I understand that, Guerrin." Dominik said, letting his frustration leak out into his tone. "But the last time we tried to make a stand we ended up vastly underestimating our enemy. Many innocent Twi'lek died and my Padawan was nearly lost. We don't have the numbers to make a stand against an enemy we know nothing about. First we must prepare ourselves and strengthen our defenses so that we are ready to take a hit if one comes our way."

Dominik led the way through the side tunnel, checking the integrity as he did the main system. When all looked well he led them back to the main tunnel before starting back in the direction of the cavern.

“I understand.” she answered, properly chastised. “There is a fine balance that must be found. To make a stand, we need knowledge. Both to know their goals, and to know where we can hit them without being hit back hard.”

For a minute she remained silent, thinking things over. “I noticed something odd when I first spoke with your padawan. Why don’t you speak of the war with her? If she is to survive, she needs to know all you can teach her. It will do her no good to be kept in the dark.”

"There is no lesson to be gained from telling a young Padawan about the gruesome experiences I've seen throughout the war." Dominik began, speaking slowly and feeling out his words. It seemed the topic of opening up and hiding nothing was a popular one as of late, one that Dominik would continue to fight until he felt it was time.

"Everyone sees the war differently. I can tell her of my experiences but then that will lead her to base her expectations off of what she heard from me. I do not want her to take my past experiences and in turn base her future as a Jedi off of what she's been told. We are all fighting a different war, Guerrin. Each of our experiences is unique."

“What would you prefer? Her learning the lessons you choose to tell from your experiences, or her learning from other sources, without you having any say in the lessons learned? We both know how notoriously inquisitive padawans can be when it comes to denied secrets. I do not know what experiences you had, but I have had my own losses in the war. I fled into exile for a while to figure out how to come to terms with it all. Sooner or later, she will learn about the war. It is inevitable.”

“There are experiences I will share for her that are valuable lessons, I won’t keep that from her. But the war she wants to know about is not the picture I want to put into her head right now.” Dominik moved his hand and rubbed his eyes with it, his head and heart fighting it’s own war against the demons the conversation brought up. “I have not had the luxury of exile. Nor do I think I ever will. I must find the right time and place to tell her about certain things. But right now, here, this is not the time nor the place.”

“Be aware that she seeks to learn, with or without your approval. If you don’t sate her curiosity somehow, she will find others who will, and that is not likely to turn out the way you desire.” Kayda could see that the Jedi Master as he currently was, would never budge. She did not know the reason for this, but there had better be a good one. Their path had now taken them back to the main cavern.


Last edited by Bea on Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 27

002 - Week 2, Day 2: Patrols and Pest Control Empty Re: 002 - Week 2, Day 2: Patrols and Pest Control

Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:04 pm

Week 2, Day 2, Midday

Approaching the mouth of the cavern, Dominik felt a tinge of anxiety for a moment. His eyes closed momentarily as he focused on his bond with his padawan. Soon came a hint of fear, and then pain quickly following. The older Jedi’s eyes opened as he looked at Kayda.

“Tonight. Leader’s meeting. In the center.” He said quickly, taking a few steps before turning to clarify his actions. “I’m going to check in with the Padawans. If you need anything before tonight, let Sar or I know.” he continued, watching Kayda for a moment before he turned again to continue forward. He wasn’t sure where to find the Padawans, but guessing by the emotions he felt over the bond with Lo, whatever was happening was not good.

The first place he decided to check were the medical tents. He had hoped a patient hadn’t been lost, or that Lo or Val hadn’t been hurt by something. He quickly made his way to the tents, his robes moving slightly around his form because of how quick his pace was. The man pulled aside the fabric door on the tent and hurried inside.

The rays of light in the cave barred across Lo's fur, creating lighthearted patterns. Her teeth chewed her serving of bread, breakfast for the day. With a gesture of her free hand, she gently trailed a cage large enough to hold a medium creature. The bars were branches tightly woven together by dried rope and sap. It was surprisingly secure for the materials used. She glanced back, hoping it would be enough.

Finishing her bread, she paused to check her bag. Inside it was additional rope, a small wooden shield, and first aid kit. The last item had been brought as a precaution. Reel'an had an aggressive streak. They were rumored to rip off pieces of nearby creatures, even those bigger than them.

The idea of doing this on her own sounded less and less safe. Lo considered something then sought out Val, hoping he was free. Her small form moved through the small crowds toward the last place she saw him: his hut.

As Lo approached it, she set the cage just outside and headed inside. Her lips frowned when she didn’t find him. Evidence indicated he had sleep since the roll was a mess.

Just down the hall Val rounded the corner headed towards his room limping slightly trying not to get his shoes soaked in blood from the fresh wound he just received from clearing one of the more dilapidated tunnels. He paused to take off the boot, continuing barefoot and leaving a messy trail the last few steps before he entered his room. Once at the door he paused, looking puzzled at the box set to the side of the entrance, deciding he didn't have time to investigate at this very moment he continued inside.

He was focused on getting some old clothes he kept around for miscellaneous use but a flicker of movement just as he entered scared him enough that he physically rebound falling back onto his injured calf which of course gave out. He landed hard on his rear end, back against the wall leg elevated in an attempt to not get any dirt in the cut.

Val grunts as he tries to reposition after the fall. “Lo? Damn, you scared the shit out of me. I wasn’t expecting company.” He tried letting out a half hearted chuckle.

Lo turned to see Val. Her eyes widened as she half heard his statement, staring at the blood. Though she knew it was superficial from the way he acted and location, the sensation of worry cut into her. She closed her eyes. After breaking eye contact with his wound, she inhaled then exhaled. When her anxiety cleared, she opened them again.

She moved in close to help him. Her words gentle and kind as she spoke. “Let’s get you to the bed and I’ll take a look at it. It doesn’t look too bad.”

“Yeah, yeah sure. It doesn't feel too bad. I'm just being careful with it.” He took her hand as she helped him up and over to the bed. He sat at the edge and grabbed a cloth starting to clean up some of the blood, most of which was already drying. “Perfect timing for you to swing by. What brought you?” He asked, glancing up at her as she came back over to him.

As Lo let go, she collected her medical kit. Shifting a few things around, she pulled a smaller pouch and set it down beside her. She hunched down  nearby. Gently she shooed his hands away and took his foot, casually examining  it. Relief washed over her when  her assumptions proved right. .

She took another deep breath. A tingling emitted from her fingers and poured into the skin, causing it to stop bleeding then fully vanished. One hand gestured for him to clean up while she stepped back.

“I was going to ask you to help me with pest control, but I'm worried it might be a bad idea now. I think maybe I should do it alone.” Lo commented with a small smile on her muzzle.

He backed his hands away and watched as she worked her force abilities. It amazed him. He was sure it amazed everyone. When she gestured he did as she asked and wiped away the mess, again pulling away when she stepped back to stand. “What!? You think I’m going to let this little thing keep me from getting out and doing something fun for once?” He hopped up and gave it a little stretch and test to show her it was fine. “Not to mention you're talking pests on this planet, you're going to need more than just one for sure. Please take me with you.” He looked her in the face and briefly locked eyes with her as he begged for her to take him on the hunt.

Lo had to admit to herself, Val looked adorable. Especially when he really wanted to do something. She broke eye contact and pressed her finger to her lips, pretending to think and consider his request. This was something she hadn’t done in a long time causing her a bit of enjoyment. After a moment passed, she smiled again.

“All right, but you’re going to listen closely and do as I ask. I’ve already had a bad experience when I rushed into the last time. I don’t know what a Reel’an will do, but I doubt it will be fun to find out.” She picked up her bag and waved her hand for him to follow, moving to the door.  

“So you’ll take me? Yesss.” He started after her, turning around to grab the gear he thought he would need, including the boot he had just taken off. Sliding it back on and hobbling towards the door he pulled his lightsabers to him and tucked them into his belt. He ducked out the doorway behind Lo catching up to her in a few bounds.

“So where are we going? I can carry that.” He offered reaching his hand out towards the cage.

Lo chuckled at his struggle, but she meant no harm. Her figure twisted about to face him as she continued to lead the way. At his offer, she smiled more.

“It would help me out. We’re going to need it. Now, according to one of the families, a Reel’an took up residence in their hut. Most of the hunters are out or busy, so I figured we could help. From what small intel I could gain, it could be venomous. I want to capture it alive and take a sample from its mouth. This way next time someone gets injured, I know if it is due to bacteria or actual venom. Then we can release it back to the wild.” Her voice was chipper and made the whole thing sound too easy.  

Val took the cage and swung it around to his other hand so that it wasn't between them as they walked. “So what you’re saying is you have no idea what this thing can do, and it could be venomous. Then you're telling me you want to put it in this cage?” Val holds up the cage. “Wouldn’t it just be easier if I cut off its head so we can probe at it without it trying to eat us?” He searched her face to see if she was serious about wanting to release it.

“The bad part, if it is venom… we won’t be able to confirm that if it’s dead. Some creatures won’t eject upon dying and I don’t think you want to take a bite. I also prefer it was left alive. It’s just doing what is natural and it happened to wander into the caves. Would you enjoy being beheaded for protecting yourself?”

“I guess I wouldn’t enjoy that much.” He diverted his gaze to the ground, thinking. “So what's the plan then? I see you have rope and a shield. Do you think that will be enough?” Val ran over scenarios in his head. Maybe it's smaller than what I’m imagining He thought to himself. He found it hard to picture Lo doing this all by herself. No wonder she had a rough time last time.

“I’m hoping the shield will provide a barrier between its jaws and me. I’m pretty good at sensing things before they attack, but I’m slightly worried my reflexes won’t be enough. I’m going to go into the hut and try to flush it out. Your job will be to put it into the cage without it hurting anyone.” Lo explained as she looked forward, noticing they had arrived.

“And if it looks ready to hurt someone, we kill it. So keep your lightsaber handy.”

“You got it Lo, my lightsabers are always ready. Be sure to toss it out to me, hopefully off balance so I'll have an opening to grab it.” Val adjusted his robes and readied himself. “Good luck in there and don’t get hurt.” He said with a smile before she entered the hut.

“Try not to let it bite you or trap you in its limbs. A few villagers have been killed by it crushing them. If things get too hot, I’ll shout for help. Ready?” She asked as she passed him the bag and took out the shield and rope. Her figure moved toward the hut, pausing just outside it to hear his answer.  

“Of course. Always.” He squatted down ready to pounce on the first thing out of the hut. Once he lost sight of Lo he felt out with the force and tried to latch onto her just in case she would need him to help inside the hut.

Lo carefully shifted the hut's cloth door to the side. Her eyes stared into the darkness broken by the faint light of the crystals. She inhaled then pushed deeper, letting the cloth pull back into place behind her. It drowned her into darkness once more causing her anxiety to build. She couldn't use her lightsaber in here, or she risked igniting the crystals.

Her eyes scanned the shapes of modest furnishings and walls. As she stepped into the open area, Lo heard something above her. She jumped. Her eyes lifted. Something dangled from within the hut's raftors. A mix of reptile and insect, it looked like a horrible nightmare.

A board diamond shaped head with a heavy jaw flickered out a forked tongue. It clicked and growled with two large yellow eyes fixed onto her. Three longer sets of legs held it above her. They tensed, signaling malicious intentions. Its longer two limbs and one set of arms reared up. All signs things were about to get worse. She had underestimated the creature. While only about two foot in length, it held nothing but muscle. Muscle for crushing or ripping her into pieces.

Lo swallowed the fear.

It launched itself from the ceiling. Lo, sensing the dangerous, rushed underneath it. It clipped her raised shield while she protected her head. Thankfully it didn’t rip it from her arm. She twisted about, forcing herself to face it. Her heart echoed in her ears from the adrenaline. She kept the shield close and readied to use it again.

Reel`an clicked then kicked out with a back leg.

Lo raised her shield. The impact hit and sent her flying into the wall. A small cry escaped her lips while she scrambled back up. Knocking away the throbbing, Lo's lips curled back. Frack... frack... she silently cursed at herself.

Once more it bunched up then pounced at her. Two fingered hands reached for her as she smacked them away causing the creature to hiss. It lowered its front then started to sway back then forth, testing her alertness. With its size and brazenness, Lo realized she couldn’t simply scare it out. She had to lure it out. Her eyes spotted a small stool on the connecting wall, in the far corner. First she needed to calm down. Lo focused on her breathing. Every step the creature took, she took her own. They began to dance around into the room’s center.

When Lo noticed the door behind her, she snapped her hand at the stool. With a quick movement, she whipped the stool into the Reel’an and bolted for the exit. It smacked it away and leapt at her exposed back. Its weight plowed into her, rolling them both into the street.

When the Bothan landed on her back, all breath was knocked from her, leaving her helpless. Instinctively Reel’an’s limbs wrapped about and began to constrict her. The pressure prevented the air from filling her lungs as she tried to push it away. It pinned her arms to her side as it trapped her. The wide needle teeth mouth reared back, poised to sink into her face.    

Val listened to the sounds inside of the hut, worry building each time he heard a scuffle, briefly it went quiet as if everything had stopped. He thought about calling out to her, or maybe he should just go in right now. Just as he took in a breath to yell for Lo he heard a crash of wood hitting something then falling to the floor, followed by rapidly approaching footsteps, and more than one set.

Suddenly Lo came tearing through the cloth at the mouth of the hut with some creature mid air behind her. It slammed into her, they both hit the ground and rolled. Once they came to a halt, the creature was on top and had Lo wrapped up and pinned. She was clearly struggling to breath.

Without hesitation Val’Ko pulled a saber off his belt and ignited it lunging towards the creature who was seconds from making Lo a meal. In the split seconds on his approach he looked for ways he could cut the thing off without hurting Lo in the process. He could cut it down the middle but he was at the wrong angle and the creature was too close to her. He could pull it up with the force and cut the legs grabbing Lo, alas he couldn’t use the force quite that accurately yet. His best option would be to kick it so that the two of them rolled over so that the creature wasn’t directly on top of her, then  he could plunge the saber through it.

As he got close enough he planted a boot into the beast's jaw, the recoil from the impact of Vals kick did exactly what he wanted it to. The two of them rolled and the creature even loosened its grip a bit. Val rose his saber and held it vertical directly above the creature's rib cage. He drove it down and through with a grunt and a grimace on his face, dragging his saber through its midsection, effectively cutting it in half. The thing released Lo. Val immediately stepped over her, putting himself and a saber between the beast and Lo. With his free hand he reached down and felt for Lo making sure she was moving. She was, But she wasn't the only thing still moving. Val looked back at the creature. Its two halves were still moving around. The bottom half was more just spazzing and twitching, but the top half, It turned to face Val.

The cage was still sitting where he set it down, a good dozen or more steps away. The beast was looking at Val with the eyes of a wolf who just got its dinner stolen. Val needed that cage if he were going to catch it. He reached out with the force feeling for the crate. Once he had a good grasp of it he threw his hand backwards towards it. The sudden movement triggered the animal to pounce. Val pulled harder trying to grab the cage before the creature could reach him, it wouldn’t make it in time. Val’s heart was racing as the animal approached, he had to do something or else the creature would get him before the crate got to him. He dodged and braced himself over the still recovering Lo.

The cage went zooming past his head as the creature left the ground in a leap to grab Val. With a significant blessing of luck and a gut feeling that paid off the cage and the animal crashed mid air, door open. The thing made a satisfying smack against the back of the cage. Val’Ko jumped up and smothered the door to the cage getting it locked into position before the beast could turn around and break out or get his hands on Val. He straightened up and looked at the cage, he brushed off his hands satisfied and proud, the animal in a rage knocking against the walls. With a slight jerk, as if he had suddenly remembered, he rushed to Lo’s side.

“Lo. Are you alright? I got the bugger. Did it bite you? Did you break anything? How's your back? You fell pretty hard.” He bombarded her with questions of concern.

The young Bothan coughed violently as air shoved down her throat and into her lungs. Her body curled into a small ball as she collected her composure. Eyes watering, she lifted her head and gave him a reassuring smile. Aside from tender bruising, she felt fine. Nothing had been broken or fractured that she had been aware of.

“He was… going to. At most, he just crushed me a bit. Oh… Frack, that was scary.” She stated as she put her head back onto the ground, still sore from the constriction.

“I need you to check to make sure it’s just bruises, but not now. We… need to deal with that thing.”

“Don’t worry, I've got it secured in the cage. It's also in two pieces. Lets get it back to wherever you want it then we can give you a good look to make sure you aren't just high on adrenaline.” Val was already helping her up, giving her something sturdy to lean on as she righted herself. Once she was fully upright he wrapped his arm around her waist to make sure he could catch her in case she were to stumble.

“Let's go grab the cage and head back.” He turned and lifted the cage with his free hand. Val was lucky the creature was in two pieces, or else he would have had a much harder time carrying it with one hand.

“Hopefully it holds long enough for me to collect a sample and to be released outside. If it gets out while still inside the cavern, we’re going to have a mess.” Lo took his offered hand and pulled herself upright. She winched when her tunic pressed against her bruises. She hissed in pain then exhaled, pushing the pain to the side.

“My master likely felt that and it won’t be long until he arrives. We need to wrap this up.” She stated hastily.

“This way and hurry.”

Lo moved faster. All the while, she tried to keep the surface damage from being irritated and causing more pain. For every new injury, she knew Dominik would be rushing back specifically to check on her. She didn’t want that, but she couldn’t stop it.

As the pair came closer to the tents, their cargo drew unwanted attention. Some Twi’leks who remained behind, now frowned at the thrashing creature as it refused to accept its fate. Lo quickly snatched a bowl for it to bite down on and collect the saliva.

She turned to Val then prepared herself. “Val, try to pin the cage down and hold it still.”

Val hopped up and threw his right arm over the cage facing Lo. “When you reach your hand in I'm going to try to grab its head and force it onto that bowl.” He looked Lo in the eyes and waited for her to take the lead. She shoved the bowl into the cage and Val shot his hand in just after. Grabbing the creature by the top of the head and forcing it down hard onto the edge of the bowl. “How much do you need. This is working but I-” Val grunted and recoiled as the thing flailed and broke free of his grip.

Lo’s smile faded when the thing broke loose. She squeaked in surprise and jerked her hand back, feeling the teeth snap inches from her fingers. Her legs bent too far causing her to fall down on her ass. Thankfully she managed not to spill the bowl’s contents all over her tunic front, feel the fear bolt through her. It took a moment for her to calm down as she looked at Val.

“I got it!”

Val watched Lo fall back but remained holding onto the cage. As soon as the words left her mouth he ripped the cage off the table and took off towards the mouth of the cave. Once he was near the entrance he felt for the creature with the force, finding it and latching on he set the cage down and opened the door at the same time throwing it as far away as he could. He watched it hit a few tree branches and disappear, hopefully never to be seen again.

While Val released the creature, Lo pushed herself upright and found a bottle. She carefully poured the thick liquid into the neck before she corked it. It wouldn’t take long to examine and determine the cause for nearly all victims to die. For now, she needed to address her wounds.

Snatching up the cage Val jogged back to Lo, as soon as he entered he tossed the cage aside. “Lo are you alright? It didn’t get you, did it? Let me see.” He said as his hands reached out to start examining her for any wounds or ailments.

Lo chuckled at his overprotective nature. She touched his nose to get his attention and pacify his worry, her muzzle sporting a light-hearted smile.

“I think I just have some bruises on my back. I have a first aid kit with salve for that. It will numb on contact then things will be fine.” Her voice held pride for their luck and success in the task they took. It had been a long time she had felt this good.

Val’Ko flinched when she made contact, he took a half step back and examined her face with the new found smile. It warmed his chest and helped him slow his thoughts.

Gently, she turned to face her back to him and passed back to the first aid kit. “I’ll lift my shirt up and you need to locate the bruises. Use the red salve, not the green or yellow.”

He reached for the first aid kit and rifled through it quickly, “This one?” He asked lifting what looked like a darker colored paste. She nodded, pleased he found it on the first try.

“Yep, that’s it.”

He set the rest of the first aid kit down. “Alright, uh, how do you want to do this?” He asked, a little nervous. “Lay down over here? Then you can tell me where it hurts?”

“I’ll flinch and then help you locate the exact spot. Or you can push the fur apart and there will be some yellowing that is gradually turning to purple.”

“Okay, let’s see.” His voice trailed. Val scowled from concentration, slowly and gently working his fingers through the fur on her back to locate the bruises. Each time he found one applying the salve, apologizing all the times he missed one and made Lo pull away and hiss. He got so consumed in what he was doing he didn’t recognise the footsteps approaching.

Lo did a sharp intake. Her tunic hung about her neck, bundled up and out of the way. Somehow she managed to keep her modesty thanks to a simple torso wrap. She exposed the rest of her back for Val to treat. Her teeth bit into her lip as she tensed, unable to help it. The pain rippled through her muscles and the bruises darkened from the additional stress. Sadly, they couldn’t be seen past the layer of fur on her body. They had to be felt for. Val’s fingers brushed an especially tended spot drawing a whimper. She hadn’t noticed when her master entered the tent yet.

“FRACK.” She cursed, flinching.

“AH. Im sorry. I’m trying to be gentle.” Val said as he flinched from her yelp. Now that he had found one of the bruises he could be more accurate and start applying the salve. He brushed the fur aside and did his best to rub in the salve without causing Lo and extra pain.

Val’s hands suddenly froze, the air seemed to change. This isn't going to be good. He thought to himself still refraining from looking towards the door as if the feeling might just disappear if he ignored it long enough.

“I know, but it hurts. I should’ve been more careful and not let it get close enough to crush me. I didn’t think it could squeeze that hard, and I am lucky it didn’t crack my ribs.” Lo inhaled then noticed Val stopped, her head glanced over her shoulder. Her brown eyes widened when she spotted her master standing firmly beside the tent’s entrance.

Frack… she thought.

Arms folded over his chest, ears taking in the information Lo had just inadvertently shared with him. “What happened here?” Dominik began, enunciating his words as he spoke, his tone reflecting the anger that was slowly starting to boil up within the man. Stepping around the Padawans to the left so that he could look at them both, his nostrils flared and his gaze was less than inviting as he examined the both of them, standing just a couple feet away.

As soon as he heard the voice, Val’s blood turned to ice. His chest plummeted for a second before accepting what was to come. He quickly cleaned his hand of the extra salve and helped Lo roll her tunic back down. He adjusted and put distance between himself and Lo. All he could do was wait. Hopefully Master Rothul would be understanding and hear them out.

Lo just continued to stare with silent horror at her master. She could feel his anger wash through their bond and drown her. An unsettling experience amplified by her confusion and worry. For all the years she had interacted with Master Rothul, never had she ever experienced his anger over her actions.

Shaking herself from the shock, she swallowed her fear then addressed the question. She didn’t think Val would due to the suddenness.

“I got hurt trying to help a family get rid of a pest in their hut. It had tried to kill one of the children and I worried it might hurt more villagers. I asked Val to help me because I thought we could handle it. No one got hurt.” Lo tried to calmly answer, but her voice cracked slightly.  

“No one got hurt yet here you two are treating your injuries from the incident?” Dominik said, his tone growing harsher and his voice louder. He threw out a hand as he addressed both of them before it returned and arms folded over his chest once more. “You didn’t think to warn anyone of what you were doing before you started? Or didn’t think to ask for help from one of the more experienced Jedi? You could’ve been killed judging by the pain you’re going through!”

He looked to Val’Ko sitting next to her. “And this is not what I would expect from Knight Bec’s Padawan.” Dominik said, walking to the table and placing both hands down on it as he examined the two Padawans.

Lo flinched at her master’s tone. It cut through her like a saber did into flesh causing her lips to press tightly for several moments. When he turned to chide Val, her protective nature rose up and the tension began.

I asked him to help. If I knew you were going to get upset at him, I wouldn’t have asked him. And I couldn’t find any older Jedi. I assumed the patrols had been sent out like normal.” Lo’s anger pushed against her master’s, fueled by the frustrations. She raised her head and forced herself to look into his eyes. Not the wisest choice, but she didn’t enjoy Val suffering for helping her.    

“Then you should have waited! You could have closed off the hut safely and waited for someone else to return so that you had more help! What would have happened if it hurt both of you, if you were unable to defend yourselves and none of the senior Jedi knew where you were? Did you tell Sar? Ro’sara? The other Twi’lek leaders? Nobody knew of your whereabouts. If something would have happened I wouldn’t have known where to find you!” Dominik’s tone was vicious and his voice raised. His face started to turn the slightest bit red with his temper and his eyes reflected both the anger he felt and the concern he had over the ‘what ifs’.

“All for what? You risked both of your lives when you could have waited for help!”

“Master, If I may.” Val chimed in. He had gotten a feel for where Master Rothul was coming from and what he was getting at. “Master. Lo was just trying to do her best to help, we were both free and this was a rather pressing matter. Seeing how it gave us a little bit of a hard time it surely would have been much more devastating if some of the Twi’leks had tried their hand at removing the pest. Not to mention, Lo was even smart enough to take a sample of its, uhh, venom or saliva. I'm not sure but at least she was thinking ahead. I think we did well at handling the whole situation. Surely seeing our accomplishment isn't all bad, right master?” Val’Ko used what he hoped to be level-headed reasoning to appeal to Master Rothul before this digressed any further.

At the mention of the sample Lo had managed to take, Dominik’s eyes moved to the vial on the table. He gave an exasperated sigh as he observed the vial, before looking at Lo. He held it up in his hands before he spoke. “And what does this teach you?” he asked, wondering exactly why she needed a sample of venom from a deadly creature.

Lo inhaled to calm herself before she spoke. “A few hunters have died from its bite. We don’t know if it's bacteria or venom because a dead body won’t give that information. I wanted a sample so it would make a better treatment. Especially if they cross our scout’s paths more often. Save some lives in the future or buy them time until Cora or myself could treat them.”

Watching Lo like a Rancor on its prey, Dominik slowly placed the vial down before his eyes moved to the open journal next to it. One hand reached out and pulled the book closer to him, his eyes scanning the writing which he immediately recognized as Lo’s. There were a few long, tense moments of silence as he turned another page, and then another. Notes on beasts that had been encountered, where they’d had been seen and their important features. Scattered around the pages he saw phrases that indicated someone had undergone the experience from the attacks. The man’s frown deepened the longer he looked at the journal before he sharply inhaled and looked again to Lo, his gaze a solid glare by now.

“How did you get these results? How do you know about the tremors and side effects?” He asked, holding the book up in his hands before he placed it back down on the table with a resounding thud. His hands lay flat on the table, two fingers tapping its surface as he waited for an answer.

Lo’s eyes broke the contact with the searing glaze. Her eyes watered while she tried to fight emotions of anger and guilt surfacing, unable to stop them. Inside she kept reminding herself she was a Jedi, even if she didn’t feel like one. Her silence answered for her as she fought the urge to lie, knowing it would only hurt more and benefited no one. She looked to the floor now.

“Lo. I want. An answer.” Dominik said, slowly, enunciating his words which further showed the irritation and frustration he felt inside.

“I made some mistakes and suffered the consequences. At least my experience would benefit someone. I don’t regret what I decided to start while you were in a coma and even continue now. Mistakes will happen and I am learning from them. For examples, I learned not to smoke out a Blis or let a Reel’an grapple me.” Lo stated, her eyes still to the floor.

“And do you call losing your life a mistake?” Dominik argued, pushing back from the table and throwing a hand in the air as he asked the question.

“It wasn’t like I just rushed in there without a plan. If things would’ve gotten worse, I would’ve used my lightsaber. It is also why I asked Val to help. I struggled enough last time and I knew I couldn’t do it alone.” Lo protested as she fisted her hands, still leaned her torso over the table.  

“I don’t know why you’re lingering on what-ifs, we didn’t get hurt that bad. I just got bruised because I made a mistake. Val got it off before it could do any serious damage.”

“Lo please stop arguing. Master Rothul, we are sorry that we made hasty decisions and took a risk without telling anyone beforehand.” Val was tired of the fighting. He wanted to come to a decent conclusion but it was unlikely Lo would understand. He hoped she would forgive him if she felt like this was a betrayal.

Listening to Val’s statement, Dominik crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes examining both Padawans as he thought over what the younger Jedi had said. He was silent for a few long moments as he attempted to calm the temper he knew he had.

He took a deep breath and looked at Lo, “Your intentions were good and I am glad you were able to make advancements but your decisions could have caused injury or worse to you and Val’Ko. I am not angry at you for trying to help the Twi’leks but you went about it in a very brash and negligent way. I do not want to see this happening again without the help of an older Jedi.”

Lo opened her mouth, wanting to argue more, but immediately snapped it shut. A heavy breath exhaled through her nose. Her anger began to wade into defeat as she stood upright. Her eyes went from Val to Dominik, struggling with the desire to just leave. Cora’s past chides about her childish behavior rooted her into place. Any fight left in her, disappeared.

“Yes master.”  

Dominik watched both Padawans closely before he finally started towards the door. He used a hand to part the cloth doorway, his tunic flowing around his form as he disappeared from the tent.

After a few long seconds of silence, Lo moved to the table. Her eyes turned to the notes on the table and the vial. Her anger wanted to simply shatter the hard work, but she knew the aftermath would hurt more than pacify her storm. She pulled her hand made cover up then slammed it shut.

“Cora was wrong, this was a terrible idea.” With her emotions twisting and turning, she could feel the tears gathering at the edges of her eyes. Immediately she lowered herself into a nearby stool. She folded her arms and her head settled on top, feeling exhaustion plow through her.

“I don’t know why I thought it could help.”  

Val’Ko sighed, he could only imagine how Lo felt, Master Rothul was tough. In Val’s opinion she didn’t deserve such a strict talking to. He knew it didn’t help that he sided with Master Rothul to defuse the situation. He felt like he needed to make it up to her. She deserved to be proud of her accomplishment. He slid his stool next to Lo’s, just far enough for him to pull his hand out from in between the chairs. Careful not to touch any of the sore spots he had located earlier he gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder and rested his head against hers.

“Lo, you should be proud of what we did today. Master Rothul is just focused on different things. He has a different mindset. I would have never thought to collect a sample, that was genius, and all the information you’ve collected looks like it should have a place in the Jedi Archives. You’re a better Jedi than I am that's for sure. All I can do is swing my saber around. Sounds a whole lot like a Sith if you ask me. That's why I like being around you so much. You teach me a lot and you aren't even trying. Don’t let all this get you down. Just roll with it. Find what Master Rothul wants you to learn from it but keep being yourself. Okay?” He finished his little speech, a little surprised. It was a new feeling for him, to be talking more from his heart than his head. It was a good feeling, and he knew Lo was what brought it out of him. All he could do in the seconds of silence that followed was smile. He couldn't help it. Telling Lo how he felt was a huge relief.

"I don't feel like a Jedi. Not even a good Padawan. I'm confused, upset, and worn down. I feel like I fought a battle, but I didn't even raise a lightsaber. Instead, I just defused and gave up."

Lo sighed then gave him a forlorn look.

"He's never been that mad before at me. Not in all the years I've known him. That includes my youngling years. I don't know how I should react or even feel anymore."

Again she sighed, then leaned against him. The touch was comforting even if she didn’t want to feel okay right now.

“I just… I just want to help. We aren’t going to have a senior Jedi around to help and I think he knows that. It’s like he doesn’t want me to progress or something. I dunno.”

“Quit it, Lo you’re being harder on yourself than Master Rothul was just a minute ago. Come on,” He said gently standing up and sliding his stool out, taking a hand of hers and tugging slightly to get her to stand up with him. “Let’s make something to eat and take the rest of the day off.” He started towards the door, still with her hand in his.

Lo let Val pull her upright. She didn’t see the point in fighting it as her mood began to lighten. At the mention of food, she gave a small smile and nodded. A meal was hard to pass up. Especially after the day they had and the injuries she sustained.

“Food sounds good.”

Other than through leaving the cavern altogether, Kayda could not have avoided hearing most of the squabble between master and padawan. The words—many of them shouted—were audible throughout most of the main cavern. Clearly Master Dom was more tense than he had seemed during their walk. It was not common, she thought, to hear Jedi squabble like that. This had a strong feeling of stemming from past events more than just the latest.

She would have to observe them both more closely, in case something needed to be reported to the councils. Discreetly, of course. People generally did not react well to having their training methods questioned.
Posts : 67
Join date : 2020-04-24
Age : 27

002 - Week 2, Day 2: Patrols and Pest Control Empty Re: 002 - Week 2, Day 2: Patrols and Pest Control

Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:45 pm
Kayda and Lo

Waiting until after the padawan had eaten, Kayda let the young girl approach her, having chosen to wait outside what she had figured out was the young padawan’s hut. Given the nature of the shouting match earlier, chances were good the girl needed someone to talk to who wasn’t her master. She did not make a point of waiting there, though. That would have been far too brazen.

Lo chewed on the last remains of her muja fruit. A treat given to her by Ro’sara. It seemed rumors of their little spat traveled fast, drawing unwanted attention and driving her toward the isolation of her hut. She tried to enjoy the sweet treat, but the flavor fell flat. Her head tilted when she spotted Kayda standing near her hut. Popping the last piece in her mouth, she wiped her hands on her robes and quickened her pace. Her fur bristled in curiosity while her head tilted in confusion.

“Hello, Knight Guerrin. What brings you to my hut? Are you hurt or need something?” She considered getting her medical kit, slowing down to stand in front of the older Jedi.

It was easy to see that the padawan had a mixture of emotions, though Kayda did not know much of how to interpret the way the girl’s fur changed with her fluctuating moods. “I am not hurt, no. Not in any way that can be treated, at least. No, what brings me is your disagreement with your master. It was rather easy to hear, and I thought you could use someone to talk to… Someone who is not your master.”

Lo smiled. Considering Val had his own issues, it warmed her heart to think that someone had time and offered. She nodded then gestured for the hut.

“I think I’ve made enough rumors for the village today, let’s talk in the hut. You might help me understand what he got so mad at me.”

“Lead the way.” she answered, letting the apprentice enter before her, as was appropriate.

Lo stepped onto the clay-like steps. She shifted the cloth flap to the side and shifted to the side, holding up the cloth high for the Knight. When Kayda entered, her attention turned to a covered object in a pot. She gently moved it to the darkest corner before uncovering it. A purple crystal cast a dim light into the interior, allowing them to see properly. Her figure moved to shutter the main source of air in her sleeping and work space.

“There we go, something less public. I keep forgetting how easily incidents and conversations spread through the village.” Her figure turned to Kayda then using the force, drew up two small stools to a nearby table. Upon it were numerous glass containers, liquids, and more. It looked like a healer’s make shift work space.

“Have a seat. I will admit, I’m surprised you approached me. You seem to be the quiet type and sort of distant.”

Kayda realized she might have come across as a bit distant when she first met the padawan. “Exile makes one a good listener, but not all that good at social interaction.” She took the offered seat. “What do you feel right now?” she queried.

“Exile? That has to be lonely. I don’t think I could do that or even imagine what it’s like.” Lo shuddered as she drifted into her mind, considering the results. She quickly ripped herself out of it to address the next question.

“Right now? Still stinging from my master’s scolding. I’ve never, ever, seen him that mad. Not even when he visited me as a youngling. So the event was a bit… jarring. It’s far different from when we tried to talk about other things.” She admitted, sitting down on the other stool.

“It was not all that bad. I did not live in complete isolation, I simply stayed away from the greater galaxy and the Order. Not long after my purpose in life disappeared with the signing of the treaty, I suffered a great loss and lost both my old master and my home temple.” Kayda took a deep breath, then thought about the padawan’s answer. “Your master is afraid, I think. Of teaching you the wrong things, of not teaching you the right things, of losing you. But there was something more to it, but he refused to speak of it to me too, so I do not know what it might be.”

Lo bit her lip. She tried to resist the questions edging into her mind, their demand for answers great and tempting. When her ears caught mention of fear, her attention snapped onto the conversation. Her expression softened as she recalled something.

“I do know he had another padawan before me. I don’t know what happened because the teachers at H’ratth wouldn’t tell me. They wanted to respect his desire to tell me in his own time, I guess. Cora tried to get him to talk with me and my questions asked about Evin, the mentioned padawan.”

She shifted uncomfortably at the memory, adjusting her seat on the stool.

Though intrigued, Kayda kept her demeanor calm, so as to not have the padawan clam up again. “Do not be afraid to ask questions. In my opinion, curiosity should not be punished.”

“Can’t say I have heard that name before, but then there are thousands of Jedi, so it would be surprising if I had. As for why they would not speak of it, logic would imply he died. I would hazard to guess that your master cared deeply for him and struggled to handle the death. No doubt his fear of losing you is tied to that.”

“It explains a lot. I don’t know what happened, but he’s got a lot of pain he’s hiding from me. I guessed the padawan died too. He… shut down when I asked about Evin and if that was why the force took him? Cora had to interrupt and I couldn’t stand to stick around. I could feel parts of it breaking through and it was drowning me.” Lo’s arms curled her arms about her, shivering at the memory.

“I don’t handle pain well. The weeks that Dominik was in a coma taught me that.”

“Do not be discouraged. Many struggle in the face of pain and suffering.” she took in her surroundings, even as she kept her eyes on the padawan. “Are there any types of pain you have an easier or harder time handling? Perhaps I can help you figure out ways to deal with at least some of it?”

“Right now, it seems nearly all forms. I’ve mainly had experience with physical and emotional, both I really suck at tolerating. I don’t really think I’ve been exposed to mental through.” Lo admitted, her foot bouncing on the floor as they talked. She seemed unbothered since it showed her excess energy and youth.

“How would you help me deal with that?”

Kayda scratched her chin, thinking for a moment. “The best way, I imagine, is to take it one step at a time. No problem is ever solved by attacking the entire problem at once.” She gave the padawan a second to think before continuing. “There is a technique that, when properly channeled, allows you to turn pain into other sensations. I have not used it on others’ pain myself, but there is nothing about it that should make that use impossible.”

“Like what type of sensations?”

“I have heard about one young woman who, while imprisoned and tortured by the Sith, turned her pain into taste and smell. A skilled user might be able to turn any sensation into any other sensation, but that takes significant practice and experimentation to achieve.”

“That sounds terrible. Was she rescued? Is she all right? How did she manage not to lose focus?” Lo leaned into the conversation. Her legs straddled the stool while her hands gripped the edge of her seat, both of them keeping her balanced. Her head tilted and her questions shot off like blaster bolts.

“Yes, being tortured is terrible. The young woman did get free eventually, but it took her quite some time. I do not know where she is or what she is up to now, though.” she smiled, enjoying talking with someone with real curiosity. “She had a bit of a talent for the technique, crucitorn, as it is called. When someone is doing their best to cause you as much agony and suffering as they possibly can, most will do anything to escape it. I have no idea exactly how the technique works myself, as I do not have much practice with it myself.”

"That's good that she escaped, but I'm getting shivers thinking about it. I don't even think I could survive in that situation. Those at H’Ratth, the healers ,say those affected by Sith are often lost. They do things that can sometimes be hard to heal or never go away.” Lo felt her legs lock about the stool legs as she absorbed the thoughts in her head.

“Do you think it would help? With dealing with my master’s pain if I learned it?” Her eyes looked at Kayda with a sense of need for guidance.

“I cannot guarantee it will, but it might. I only know the technique myself on a theoretical basis and I have even less experience with Empathy. Even if it does not help directly, it is a useful technique to know. The Force often works in strange ways. Only through attempting can you gain certainty.”

"We could ask Cora or Jedi Knight Barrall if either of them knows it? At least, they might be able to explain how we can try to do it. If I can learn this, maybe he won't stick me on a ledge next time." She stated, recalling the first time they met the Twi'lek.

"And yeah the Force does, but I can't figure out its reasons. It's made it really hard lately.” Lo trailed off, unhappy with the situation it had brought to them recently.

“It is a bit of an unusual technique. Most do not seek to learn its full potential, as that requires exposing themselves to much suffering. However, asking won’t hurt. I do believe it involves using the Force inside you to alter how you perceive the sensation of whatever you seek to avoid.” She tried to look calming. “Masters have a habit of being protective of their padawans, that much is almost universal.”

"Suffering? You mean as in pain? Dom won’t allow that or can handle it. I can't block out the pain on my end. So... that's going to be a dead end." Lo groaned, frowning and feeling discouraged by her master's limitations.

“Most who learn it do not start by trying to deal with excruciating pain. They start with simpler things, like turning the taste of a piece of dry bread into the scent of juicy sweet nerf steak, for example. Sensations that don’t require much concentration.”

“I’m still worried we start this, and he will feel it, then stop it. I mean he was livid when he learned I was attacked by Blis. Their stings made me seizure for a long while before it passed out of my system. Thankfully he was in a coma, or he would’ve stopped me.” Lo’s head lowered, unsure how to resolve this issue. As long as they were bonded, she didn’t know how to keep Dom from putting his foot down on this idea.

“Unless your bond is unusually strong, he won’t feel you practicing simple versions of such techniques. Most Force bonds only send the strongest sensations across, such as deep despair or suffering. Can you recall having had sensations like scent or taste come across your bond with him?”

“No, not really. If I did, I wouldn’t ask if I could try some of his stuff.” Lo’s expression turned sheepish.

“Given the recent conflict, I had good reason to assume that would be the case. By the time strong bonds mature to the degree where such sensations come across, the master and apprentice have a very deep understanding of each other. I get the sense he is holding much back from you, preventing your bond from maturing further. I can’t recall having seen or heard of successful bonds or partnerships grow from such foundations.”

“I’m trying to reach and Cora is trying to get him to open up. He just won’t. I’m literally lost to how to help or make things better. Add that to the fact I nearly lost him once, these last few months have been difficult. With more Jedi coming in, I’m feeling less useful and more set to the side. It’s stupid as I shouldn’t feel this way. They all have their own reasons and are more experienced than me.” Lo wanted to kick something and knocked her foot back against the stool. The impact shook her perch while she continued.

“I thought the venom book would work and help at least. Now he doesn’t want me doing it without an older Jedi and everyone is going to be busy. So there will not be a chance to fill it out.”

Kayda knew how to answer that at least. “Do not let him hold you back. His fear should not rule your life. Take lessons where you can and work around him if you feel he hinders you, but don’t ignore his lessons, even if they seem stupid or useless. Even a terrified man can provide useful lessons.”

“But I don’t want to break his trust or hurt him. I don’t want him to feel like he has to continually set eyes on me or that I won’t try to learn from what he has to teach.” Lo pointed out.

“Seeing you grow into a better Jedi in spite of his personal issues should please him. Just be strategic about where you get your extra lessons. Taking them from experienced Jedi should hurt less than it would if you took them from other padawans or questionable mercenaries.” she paused for a second, then added, “Also, don’t take lessons from Hutts. Their ways do not line up with the Jedi Code.”

“I don’t think they line up with anyone’s code but their own.” Lo stated in a lighter, more playful tone. Her mood had brightened slightly with the conversation showing she might take Kayda’s advice.

“I just don’t want to hurt him. He doesn’t deserve to hurt anymore.” Her eyes looked to her work station then considered something.

“Do you want to help me with making more painkiller for Dominik?”

“True.” She smiled a little at the success of her small joke. “If he is to stop hurting, the way I mostly have learned to, he will have to face his pain sooner or later, else it will break him.”

“I would gladly help you with the making of that painkiller, though you will likely have to explain what I am to do.”

“I wish there was a herb that helped with that, but at least I can help with the physical part.” Lo stated then grabbed a mortar and pestle, passing them both to Kayda.

“Here, take these then grind some aix seed, numbroot, and turick into the stone bowl. Make sure they are fine as you can make it. I’m going to try another mix to see if this works better than the last one.” She explained as she turned to her table, sliding out her stool and reached for her bag underneath.

“Oh yes, the herb of learning. That one would have been useful.” she smiled, taking the mortar and pestle. She put some of the seeds in first, to get a feel for how to use this tool. While the motions were unfamiliar, it was not exactly hyperdrive mechanics, so it was not hard to figure out. “What is your opinion on the other Jedi here currently? Do you know much about them?” she asked, putting the rest of the ingredients in, grinding them together. At first the liquid phase didn’t quite bond with the rest of the components. However, after a bit more work they bonded together properly, as the structure of the root and leaves was torn asunder. The resulting paste looked like it would be thick and blueish brown in color.

Lo leaned in to check on the progress. “That’s looking nice. Put half of it in that water skin for him, please. The rest I’ll apply to some tallow so it sticks to the wounds a bit better. The body can absorb the fat easier than other stuff. It will also seal it from outside dirt or oil.”

She settled back into her stool then frowned. “I get along well with Cora, we have a lot in common. We both aim to heal the sick and wounded, passive and compassionate. She’s more assertive than I am. She’s the one that’s been getting on Master Rothul’s case about opening up with me. She also thought the venom research I was doing was a good idea.”

Kayda nodded and started doing as instructed while listening.

The padawan paused to get her breath as she began to remove the numerous jars, bandages, and other supplies to check their amount.

“Jedi Knight Barrall, it’s hard to know. I haven’t spent much time with her and her attitude rubs me a bit wrong. I think she’s a Jedi Shadow so that might be a good reason for it. I do not know if I want to get to know her too much.” Her voice was a bit unsure on the Jedi herself.

“I knew Val’Ko from when we were younglings. So we have some fond memories of playing in the temple grounds, and he is a solid individual. If I needed someone to back me up, I would pick him. His fighting skills also surpass mine by a long shot.”

She began to open the jars, frowning at the lowest ones.

“Knight Bec has been really busy, but from what Val said she’s really calm and level-headed. She and my master know each other well and I trust her. “

Lo once more paused, then turned to Kayda. “Knight Barrall and you are actually the two I know the least about.”

“Well, you should not be afraid to ask me questions. I do not mind answering them.” Kayda smiled to disarm the padawan’s worry. “As for Knight Barrall, well… If she is a Shadow, then it is likely in her nature to keep somewhat distanced. Should any of us be seduced by the Dark Side, it is typically shadows that get sent to hunt us down. Better not to be too close to the ones you might have to kill if worst comes to worst.” she took a deep breath. “It would not be incorrect to liken their kind to a sort of secret police within the Order, not answerable to the regular chain of command. The Dark Side can corrupt anyone, young or old, experienced or not.”

“Why would anyone want to fall to the darkside? It hurts so many people and doesn’t help the balance in the force.” Lo asked as she began to reach for the tallow, filling the jar up about half-way.

“Though it should not be used, the Dark Side has its purpose too, or so I was taught. It is the balance we need. Without dark, there is no contrast to the light and it blinds us all to what is right and wrong.” she knew this could be considered a bit controversial, but it was how it had been explained to her. “Though they are a pest upon the galaxy and should be brought to justice, the Sith in their own perverted way keep us all on the right path.” She paused again for effect. “Of course, with the treaty in effect, we cannot truly be rid of them, just as they cannot complete their plan to wipe us all out.”

“A few of my teachers would agree with you. I’ve never met a Sith and a part of me hopes I never will. They sound horrible and dangerous. At least the treaty has spared most of the galaxy from ensuring more war, that’s at least something positive right?” Lo’s tone took on a hopeful, positive air. Though it didn’t reach her core completely.

“Not all believe as I do, and as many as would agree with me disagree vehemently. It is one of the many discussions going on in the Order that have no single perfect answer. As for the treaty? I suspect it has only delayed the war. There are too many tensions in the galaxy for it to last long. Too much hatred, too much unfinished business. Something big must change for it to last.”

“I do see your point. I guess there’s always going to be hard feelings and victims from war. I just wish there was more I can do so I avoid more Jedi becoming like my master.” Lo had started to check her bandages then sighed.

“After I’m done with the salves, I need to take Dominik the waterskin and grab some more bandages. I have to make sure this kit is ready for nearly anything.”

“An entire generation of Jedi were born, raised and trained for war. Naturally that has had its effects upon the entire Jedi Order, maybe even the galaxy itself. Unfortunately, there is no perfect cure for the horrors unleashed by unconditional war.” Kayda’s outlook on this war was rather grim, but she was one of those Jedi, so it was only natural. “There is no telling what injuries might come.”

"Yeah, that's why I want to be ready. I will admit, I'm uneasy. I want to try to make him open up, but I don't think I can do it alone. If he shuts down again... Cora won't be around to interrupt." Lo stated, realizing this. She didn't like how he had shut down the first time and it showed through the anxiety in her expression.

"Kayda, you said you found peace in exile? Is there any way you can help me to get him to open up? Cause... I don't want to do this alone, but I don't want to make you feel obligated to help."

“I did. It took me a few years, but I found a semblance of it, at least. I cannot guarantee anything, but I can certainly try, provided he agrees to have me come along.”

“I’ll talk to him. We have a scouting mission tomorrow morning and I’ll let you know then. I’m going to take his pain killer to him and grab some more bandages. Can you clean the tools for me, please? I’ll make it up to you.” Lo asked as she stood upright and took the waterskin, moving to the door.

“Of course.” she answered, not at all minding doing that to help her. It was not as if she had anything better to do.

Lo smiled genuinely since the first time her master and her fought. Without wasting a step, she ducked outside and headed to Dominik’s hut.
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