Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-25
Age : 101
Location : Niflheim

035 - Week 3 Day 5: Intentional Proceedings Empty 035 - Week 3 Day 5: Intentional Proceedings

Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:04 am
Week 3, day 5

Though she was mildly curious about what the explosion undoubtedly set up by Caxal’s prisoner-apprentice, Lea saw no reason to investigate now. It had not done significant harm to the structural integrity of this compound and she had to deal with her apprentice first. Thus, she instructed Kintik to finish his work and return to her quarters, where she was now bringing Xid.

Once the door shut behind them she turned to face her apprentice. “What did you learn from her?” she asked, not skirting any corners. Sure, she had heard it, but she wanted to hear it from him and get his interpretation of it all.

Xid had been silent the whole trip. His emotions wired and twisted into a tangled mess. It reminded him of the days on Feena where he sat in his cell and tried to ignore them, a method that failed to work. His emotions needed to be controlled or dealt with, not cast aside. A lesson he never stopped learning.

When Lea’s words drew his attention, his eyes turned to her. He let a pause linger in the air.
“What do you want to know?” He asked, his volume quiet.

She smirked. “Let’s start with everything.”

Being bonded to his master had positive aspects and negative ones too. Xid couldn’t lie to her because she would know immediately. While Lea was never harsh with punishment, he had never denied her information and he couldn’t assess her reaction to his intentions. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat.

“I learned she thought I was dead. I assume that means the rest of the Jedi Order believes it too. None of the Jedi who were captured were confirmed to be alive nor were Nyiss’ experiments were discovered. It’s something I wondered ever since I learned about what happened on Feena.” He referred to the incident with an assassination team sent to kill Nyiss. It was a detail he learned much later after Lea had revealed her true alliance and he had adjusted to being a Sith.

“It is best, for now, that they continue to believe us dead.” Lea commented.

He collected his thoughts, his mind studied her emotions through their bond. Xid nodded to her comment then moved on to the next safe topic. “She made a promise, but I did not discover to whom it was made.”

Xid’s thoughts naturally lingered on Tak. He couldn’t prove it, but he suspected it was Takryn. The anger at what the Zabrak did seeped into his voice. “I can likely guess based on her phrasing.”

“Did you discover the nature of this promise?” She ignored the poorly hidden emotions in his last statements. They were not relevant right now.

“No. I did not feel it was important.” He stated clearly and honestly. In truth, the thought never crossed his mind during the conversation and he should’ve inquired about it. A small bit of guilt pushed into his chest.

“I will rely on your judgement there.” she answered. “What else?”

Of course, Lea wanted more than he was willing to give her. He gritted his teeth briefly and considered the safest options before he opened his mouth. His pace just behind her never faulted like his voice.

“I learned the Jedi Council has ill judgement when they assigned a Knight to watch over and keep her out of trouble. She decided to escape the Order only to have him follow her, explaining why they were both on Ryloth. They were shot down with the Knight having jumped out before they crashed. Apprentice Konahrik found her when she went looking for the Jedi.”

Xid could feel his anger surface as he tried to rein it in. His fingers fisted at his side and dug into his skin, the pain a brief distraction while he continued his statement.

“The Sith dismembered, drained, and she watched him die. She blames herself for the event, but I do not see how it could be her fault.”

“From that description, I would say it wasn’t. After all, the powerless often blame themselves because they are bereft of control of the situation.”

“It certainly left her rattled and upset. I am still digesting and sorting the information she told me. Mainly I am determining what is important and what is a waste of your time. We became derailed a few times.” It wasn’t a full lie, but a small one. He still needed time to collect his thoughts and figure out how to omit the reveal of the event on Belsavis. Even his conversation with Jaslyn hadn’t hit all the information there.

“I expect you will inform me when you have analyzed it?” She asked, then added something to call out his small lie. “And I do hope you do not intend to leave any uncomfortable parts out. We both know you like doing that.”

“I will only include what I feel is useful for you.” Xid’s words slipped out before he could snatch the back. His heart’s pace increased tenfold until it threatened to rip from his chest.

“Oh, really?” she asked, staring into his eyes, calling him out again. “That tells me there is something you don’t like knowing yourself, let alone having anyone else know. I wonder what that might be.”

Xid avoided her eyes when she turned to look at him, unable to look at her. It was an obvious clue to his misguided attempt to lie.

“Oh no you don’t.” she stated, reaching out and turning his head back to facing her.

The apprentice felt his head forced to face Lea, and their eyes met. Her golden eyes were beautiful even in the poor lighting of the base. It lure and chided him at the same time. At last, it felt like it as his emotions pounded at his soul. “Lea, I do not believe everything is important. It took turns that were irrelevant and dwelled on a past that… shouldn’t be important.”

He remained still in hopes his answer would be enough for her. She wouldn’t hurt him, unless it was necessary, and he had given her no reason to do that.

“Xid, Xid, Xid…” she shook her head slowly. “We both know I sense the conflict within you. You know whatever it is, it is more important than you want it to be.” She stepped closer, caressing his cheek. “If you tell me, I will make it worth your while.”

As the clawed finger gently caressed his face, his expression softened toward her. If it wasn’t for Lea, he wouldn’t have survived the prison or been alive at all. She loved him as she told him often in the privacy of their quarters. His attention focused on her.

“I do not want you to change your impression of me. It is hard enough Jaslyn does not see what I do and I do not need it hounding me more.” Xid knew Lea was not nearly as naive as Jaslyn. They both had faced the Sith world and grown stronger within it.

Of course, Xid wouldn’t deny Lea’s offer was very… tempting.

An invitation that often soothed over his struggles with emotions. On any other occasion, he might’ve leapt at it and indulge himself with her. Unfortunately Jaslyn and his conversation had hit a sore spot with his past. A terrible truth he wished never to dwell on.

Regardless, a small smile creased his lips as his eyes traced her red beauty. 

“It is something that I can not handle right now.”

“You are stronger than you think, my dear apprentice.” Lea retorted, not allowing him to weedle his way out so easily. “I strongly doubt it will change my opinion of you.”

“I get the impression, you might have heard more than you are confirming.” He couldn’t shake the feeling, but he wondered if she overheard much more than she walked in on. It could always be him overanalyzing her words which he did on occasion.

“Nothing you have revealed about your past previously has changed my opinion of you, thus I see no reason whatever you are trying to hide now will. You know how well I like knowing things.” her hand moved up, slowly moving through his loose hair.

Xid exhaled, his skin tingled where Lea touched. “I have to admit, I have skipped the worst part of my history. When I talked with her, it hit some sore and unsettling parts of it. Information that I have kept from you.” 

“Do elaborate.” Lea said, continuing playing with his hair.

“I am not sure that is wise.”

“You never are. Don’t hold back.”

“You remember when I mentioned Belsavis, correct?”

“I do.”

Xid sighed, his options to run gone. He knew she would learn eventually and he could only admit defeat. “I told Jaslyn, my DNA was in the data files and I pulled up a holo display of the individual. I stepped into it then realized I matched up completely. Even the Republic troopers were shocked at the similarities I held.”

His arm had reached across his body to grip his sleeve. The fingers dug in and tightly gripped the cloth, but he didn’t rip it. A physical sign of pain and hurt at the admittance.

“The more I remember, the more I think about the words he said. The more they appear to be truth rather than the rantings of a prisoner. I do not want to destroy everything I touch… or love.”

“Interesting.” Lea did not lie. It was interesting. “I could not begin to figure out now what this means, but if it could be a threat to you, it has to be excised.” As she sidled closer, she whispered in his ear, “I won’t let you destroy everything you touch… or love.”

Her figure drew closer to him. Her breath washed over his ear and tickled it, his heart’s pace slowed for a moment. Naturally being in close proximity and exploring her intimately, he found his desire to explore that reward linger on the edge of his thoughts. It didn’t help that Jaslyn's conversation left his emotions so overloaded that he needed a release. A small, weak smirk played at his lips.

“You promise?” Despite the dark voice in the back of his head screaming she would fail, he wanted to believe Lea’s words. He needed to.

“I do.”

“Even if you have to hurt me?” It was a dark question, but he worried she would try to stop him and put herself in danger. He couldn’t allow that.

“Even then.” she answered, pulling him closer. “Just like a surgeon must first cut to get to an internal injury, I will do anything to save us both. Do you want a demonstration?”

“It wouldn’t hurt to test your methods…” Xid mind now locked on her.

Rather than speak her response, Lea let her mouth answer him in other ways.










~| Some time later |~

Lea meticulously checked her robes to verify that she had put them back on just the way she wanted, even as she glanced over at Xid doing the same with his own. “I needed that.” she said softly, smiling at him.

The apprentice took a deep breath. A sting from Lea’s new claims on his body rubbed against the interior of his robes, his skin twitched then settled down. The pain he felt was better than the mental knots in his emotions. A fresh glow filled his presence to chase away the darker emotions. His eyes darted to Lea’s words, the worry appeared to have eased in his mind. How long would it last? He hoped for a while before they resurfaced on his conscience.

“My head is clearer now.” His usual voice had returned to its normal pattern of speech.

He adjusted the belt at his waist a bit more and clipped his lightsaber to it. A tug ensured it stuck in place. His hand reached up then ran through his messed hair, the curls refused to stay tidy for long. Now he seemed not to be chained by his worries or darkness in his core, and he let himself enjoy the moment.

“I think you dug a bit more than usual into me, Lea.” Her bites and scratches remained out of sight, but he could feel their presence.

She kept smiling. “No more than necessary, my dear. You are mine and I will not let anyone take you from me.”

Xid shook his head, his own expression reflected hers. “You won’t let me walk away either.”

“Why would I? I have yet to meet anyone who can give me what I want the way you can.”

He took another breath then settled down on the bed, his eyes still admiring her for a bit. He finally addressed the next thing on his mind.

“So, what now? I think our time on Ryloth is drawing to a close, isn’t it?”

“I too sense that the final confrontation with the Jedi here is approaching. I wonder whether any of them will manage to escape?”

“It is not like Feena, so it’s possible. Master Rothul might be dead before that if he doesn’t get help.”

“From what Nimm told me, it is surprising that they have not transported him offworld already. There is nothing on Ryloth that can deal with her creation.”

“There is the blockage, it might be what is keeping them grounded.” Xid speculated.

“We both know that a single Terminus is not enough to blockade an entire planet, especially not someone determined enough. An entire fleet would be needed for that.”

“Then why are they staying? You don’t think it could be because of the padawan? A master's life isn’t worth a single padawan, especially one that young and ill-trained. She wouldn’t even survive Korriban.”

“No, she would not. She is far too pathetic in nature.” Lea pulled her lightsaber over from where it had been deposited earlier, clipping it to her belt. “As for why they are staying? I have no idea. But then, Jedi are not known for sticking to logic at all times.”

At that moment, Lea’s comlink gave off a low chirping sound, interrupting their discussion. Activating it, she saw that it was a text-only message. She read through it quickly, not making any sounds while doing so. “It seems I have to go up to the Hâsk. Darth Nyiss wants to speak with me. She did not specifically state anything about your presence. Do you wish to come along, or remain behind?”

"I should remain behind and at least repair some of Jaslyn's sabotage. I am not even sure if I secured the message before the Jedi caught it." Xid thought back to the damage she had likely done and how it left them open for attack.

How surprising…” Lea answered, chuckling softly. “It is almost as if you don’t like exposure to my master. A wise policy when it comes to most darths, mind.”

"I still believe she prefers interacting with you over me. She still stirs unsettling emotions and I can't seem to stop that."

“Of course she does. She finds it entertaining.”

He stood up then paused, his thoughts swirled around his mind. He turned to Lea with a simple request of her.

"Would you take Navi with you? I didn't bring a containment crate and I doubt a prison cell or the quarters will contain him. He is hostile toward Jaslyn and they have not left yet. I don't have the energy to constantly watch him and convincing him to stop will take too much time."

“If I bring your droid then I should leave Kintik with you. He is somewhat more level-headed than Navi.”

Lea wondered if he would accept the offer. She suspected he would not.

"What happens if Navi tries to escape while you are talking with Darth Nyiss? Kintik would be helpful in making him behave. I don't think the Darth would appreciate being interrupted or you distracted. Would she?" He suspected his reasoning to be logical.

“My master would be annoyed by that. It might be better not to bring him. I won’t be able to keep an eye on him up there.”

"Leaving him here is problematic because if he kills Jaslyn…" Xid's hand tightened at the thought.

“If she can be killed by that droid’s antics, then she does not deserve to live. At least so long as you don’t equip him with any extra weapons.”

His head snapped to Lea at her words. "She is not like the Bothan."

“No, she is not. I don’t know if you noticed, but Apprentice Caxal left her with her lightsaber. Last I checked, Navi does not have the armaments to take down a Force-user equipped with such. Besides, it is best that you avoid everything to do with her. I do not need Apprentice Caxal annoyed further.”

Xid sighed then ran his hand through his curls. "I don't think she would hurt him. She was around when I built him, which is part of the reason we met. She spotted me swiping some spare droid parts and running away. I was not good at stealth."

“Her safety is her own concern, and that of her master. If you feel Navi poses too much of a risk for retribution by Apprentice Caxal, then you should consider alternatives to letting him roam.”

An irritated growl pushed through his lips. "I am trying. Her master might just destroy him and I don't want to repair him. I won't get any work done if he stays… ugh."

“Navi is not so fragile that he can be readily destroyed by just anyone. Besides, if you keep him by your side then there should be no reason for him to be put to such a test.”

"Aside from the fact that I will not get anything done. My Huttese is not a strong skill and getting those turrets out of diagnostics will take hours. You've seen what he is like when he is determined." Xid wished he had not ignored that trait now. It was impossible to correct after eleven years.

He continued to pace, as the movement helped him think. At this point he kept running into walls over the solution.

“You could just power him down.”

"Not my favorite option as it leaves him helpless. And can we trust any of the other sith will not mess with him?" Xid had started pace on impulse.

“If he is powered down at your side, how will they mess with him without you noticing?”

Xid nodded as he could not really see another solution. "It is the best solution so far. Kintik will be going with you, correct? I rather not keep track of another droid."

“Unless you want his assistance in dealing with the computers here?”

Xid took a moment for thought. "No, I need the distraction. And he would not struggle with the Huttese."

Another breath aired another fact. A little pain added for his self loathing, his eyes looking toward the entrance.

"Back to the topic of avoiding Jaslyn, I doubt you need to worry about me seeking her out. She won't trust me and reflecting on your words, it is likely for the best. One less weakness for someone to exploit and hurt her with."

“I do hope you will be careful while I am gone. I don’t want to deal with more messes when I return.”

"I will… try." His emotions, while less intense, still felt raw and tangled. He sighed to not focus on them and flashed Lea what he hoped to be a reassuring smile.

Lea shook her head slowly. ‘Of course he said that…’ she thought to herself as she collected the other things she thought she would need for the journey up to the Hâsk.
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