Star Wars: Order 66
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034 - Week 3 Day 5: Sabotage & Attack Empty 034 - Week 3 Day 5: Sabotage & Attack

Sun Jan 03, 2021 7:43 am
Jaslyn shook her head as she walked away from Caxal. He was letting her explore before they left. She didn't understand him. This time meant that she could check to see if Lo really was safe. Ten minutes or so. That wasn't long. She told him what she was doing and he let her. Now she wondered why. All she knew was that he was telling people he was leaving and getting ready to go. She remembered the earlier conversation.

Jaslyn picked up the flatware and tray to dispose of it. She hadn’t seen the trooper that she talked to since he had dropped her off at her room. She cleaned up the clutter left by others. She knew she wasn't alone with Caxal but the fact that she saw evidence of life, other than her own, but never saw the people bothered her. There were energies that felt eerily familiar but she couldn't understand why. 

Jaslyn was allowed small liberties since surrendering. Certainly more that Lo had. The fact that no one approached her but let lingering feelings that she stumbled over made her slightly uncomfortable. She knew it was all at Caxal’s orders or his Master's orders. No contact for the Empath. She had been glad at first but every day something woke her up and she became increasingly upset throughout the day. Today was the worst. She had a bad feeling. A really bad feeling.

Caxal stared darkly at the wall in front of him. Earlier that morning he’d seen another vision. Alongside the ones before he saw two more figures, one cloaked in lightning and another in shadow. He’d recognized the former somewhat, an old foe he had vanquished, yet they would come once again. Unfortunately he never saw their face but he felt their rage.

He stood and headed to find his prisoner, using the bond to sense her location. He felt something off about it as he focused on that strange sense but ignored it. He spotted her and directed her to a secure location, the dampening field up in seconds. “What do you know of the Jedi who are on this planet. I sensed an intense darkness I have not seen before outside our base in a vision.”

Jaslyn looked up at Caxal as he spoke to her after he did something he only did if they were talking about something important. "I know of no one that would give off that sort of sense. Are you certain that someone wasn't called, or Light forbid that some assassination wasn't plotted before you even got here. I can guarantee that you are the only Sith that I can think of that could know about me. Perhaps they're after you." 

She crossed her arms under her breasts and cocked a hip tapping her foot. "Regardless something is wrong. It had been rising for days? Hours? I just know something is wrong."

Caxal grunted, pacing the room. “It has been just over a day since you were taken. However, I do not know what could cause this amount of Dark Force in an area outside of a Darth or Sith Lord. Vane doesn’t even register among them, and she’s relatively new. No… Something is coming. Another Sith Lord perhaps? But with Vane here and my Master backing this operation…”

Then he'd left after telling her to be ready soon. He was normally paranoid, from what she'd seen but this was odd.

Wandering around Jaslyn thought to herself. Now what to do? Well let's wander and see if I come up with a way to see if the Apprentice released Lola… Her feet took her to the turbo lift and she went down to the hangar looking around. Spotting a door that didn't close fully she popped in and spotted a dusty terminal. Well, well, well look here all by your lonesome. Well I'll keep you company. For now.

Powering up the terminal at first she panicked a little. It was in Huttese. Breathing she started to translate it. I need to be able to get into this terminal…

Leaning on the wall was Xesh and Shae startled Jaslyn nearly out of her skin. What are you doing here? I almost jumped out of my skin! What have I told you about sneaking up on me?!

Xesh exchanged a look with Shae and they both grinned. I can help with the terminal. Shae can keep a look out.

Fine need to be able to track a collar like the one you used to have. The principle should be the same.

I recommend getting to the main screen and seeing if it is something you can easily access.

Brilliant notion Dad.

Yes well time waits for no man or woman, daughter.

Jaslyn’s fingers flew over keys and within seconds she was at the main screen but couldn't locate the program. She thought for a moment. Yes security footage! Accessing that was easier anyway. 

The next few minutes ticked off as Jaslyn defined the search parameters for locating the recording at the presumed time. She finally got it open. It wasn't a tracker but the audio and visual holovid of Nimm and Lo was just as good. Cameras were easier to break into than a tracking system, especially one you couldn't find. 

The conversation and subsequent 'release' made it all clear. It was like she thought, or what she was coming to know. She'd been lied to.

Lo wasn't uncollared and free. Far from it Lo was still collared and a prisoner. She seethed but pushed at the anger and rage. She wasn't an expert with machines far from it. She did know how to send communications over frequency. She'd done that plenty of times in the past for Takryn. She wasn't sure what frequency that the Jedi were using so she flooded the lot of them.

Smirking Jaslyn spoke. "To the Jedi that I'm sure are out there listening. Lo is alive but collared by the Sith. Of which I have counted five. The base is at location fifteen, mark twenty-five, sixty-two, four; by negative twenty-seven, mark seventy-two, thirty-eight, one. My name is Jaslyn Dayne. Tell Master Rothul this was the best I could do and I'm sorry." She set it on repeat and to start a minute from now. 

Back to the turbo lift going up to the top section and disembarking there. Turning around she used the Force to dash down the hallway and ran into some troopers coming out of the last doorway before she turned the corner.

Jaslyn stopped and using the Force flung the quad of them back into the room. Turning on the lightsaber she still had she destroyed the door's operating unit. She disengaged the lightsaber quickly. Moving on to the armory Jaslyn pulled out bombs and Detonation packs. Starting to rig the door to the armory with Detonation packs and bombs she made it so that it was a huge trap. She shut the door knowing that when it opened the whole thing would go up.

Just as she was shutting the door a pair of troopers approached her. "What are you doing in this area?"

Thinking quickly Jaslyn waved her hand. "You're not surprised that I'm here. I am allowed around after lunch. You will let me go.."

The one trooper turns to the other. "Actually I'm not surprised she is here. She is allowed after lunch. Go on and stay out of trouble."

Jaslyn inclined her head and moved to the turbolift that would take her to the turret terminals.


Xid’s footfalls echoed behind him as he traveled down the stone corridor. His force-attuned senses oozed out of him like an aura into the surroundings. It honed onto the glitches and static of the local systems in the base, the unheard flaws gnawed at him. A distant reminder of the days he sat in his cell on Feena. He should be resting. Xid swallowed down the collecting lump to clear his throat. Navi, submitted to being carried, hung in his hands while he continued to walk.  

Impulsively, he let the force guide him for a while since he was unable to properly sleep with everything in his head. It was better to start a new sleep cycle than salvage the old. 

At this point, the young apprentice didn’t care where he ended as he reflected on the pain inside of him. Anger that once fumed in his mind had died down in bitter ashes. Lea had always been reasonable with him. Was he right about being this upset with her over that? At the moment, his mind refused to answer the question. 

Navi gave a low, curious whistle for his attention. Xid blinked then scanned his surroundings. Nothing appeared unusual until his attention found an unused terminal. His eyes squinted onto the keys to find dust had been brushed away.

“That’s strange…” Xid pulled in closer then set Navi down. He began to slice into the system, his mind trying to wrap about the Huttese. Languages were not his best subjects. It took longer than he liked as he started to initiate a scan for recent changes.

The apprentice’s head jerked when his ears caught the announcement over the intercoms. 

“No, no.” He mumbled then turned to search for the command source and isolate it. The more he searched, the more he began to hate Huttese. The translation forced him to slow down when he made far too many mistakes.  

The second announcement finished off when he finally located it. He shut it down then cut the source from the rest of the system. His heart thumped in his chest as he tried to register what had happened. The answer came clearly into his mind: Jaslyn. If the Sith discovered this, she would be punished or worse. The thought twisted his stomach into latticework. 

For a moment, he worried he didn’t intercept the message before the Jedi got it. He turned to Navi as the proper titles faded from his thoughts.  

“Go find Lea and notify her of what happened.” 

Navi clicked and beeped his irritation, disobeying Xid’s commands. Visibly frustrated, he raised his hand then shoved Navi back toward the way they came. Not the smartest idea as his other hand jerked out and caught him from falling onto his face. He hated exhaustion. 

“I SAID GO, NOW! We do not have time to fight about this.” His voice echoed around him. 

The small droid finally moved, the sounds of its legs faded out of hearing.  


The facility had a few useful features. While not ideal for the purposes they had, it was better than a smaller, prefabricated compound would have been. Unfortunately, Lea felt it was a bit too large. She could sense that her apprentice was nearby, but not his exact location. Considering Corporal Rumen’s concerns—as well as the desires of the Apprentice Konahrik—it would be preferable to have Xid kept apart from the prisoner, but she could not deny that her curiosity concerning the prisoner’s connection to her apprentice was unsated.

He had not spoken much about this connection or his past in general, just as she had not spoken all that much about her own. Her search had brought her to the level above the kitchens when she felt more than she heard an explosion go off. It made the whole structure shake, but her senses told her that there was no risk of structural collapse.

With Nimm’s pet not present and the explosion being internal she rapidly reasoned out that this was likely the work of Caxal’s prisoner, for the simple reason that there were no other prisoners and no evidence that the Jedi had any knowledge of where they were. Nimm’s pet would not have had time to contact anyone yet.

Weighing her options, Lea considered whether to go investigate or to try to locate the culprit. Unless the culprit was a complete idiot—something few Jedi were, other than in their sticking to their foolish teachings—chances were good that the culprit was somewhere else. Besides, it was blatant that more than enough others would be heading for the site of the explosion. If Nimm wanted her assistance, she would be contacted. Until then, she could search.

Breathing slowly, she focused her mind, slowly obscuring her own presence in the Force. She could have completely hidden it, but that would leave her blind to the presence of others. Instead she buried it, made herself appear barely force-sensitive and largely untrained. Considering the number of other Sith in this base, that should allow her to remain unnoticed by what she had reasoned out to be a half-trained Jedi, especially considering the glaring presence of Lord Vane. That woman truly enjoyed flaunting her presence.

Once certain her cloak of stealth was up, she began moving once more, closer to the walls and using her eyes and ears to search rather than the Force. It did not take long. She had only turned a few corners, peeking around each first when she spotted the so-called prisoner. Not only was she out walking without any sort of restraints, but she appeared to be armed and escorted. What in the name of the Emperor was apprentice Konahrik thinking?

Lea resolved to follow the Jedi, keeping far enough away to avoid being noticed, but not so far as to lose track of the younger woman.


Jaslyn had to get to at least two or more of the turrets as she heard her message go off for the first time. She figured she only had maybe five more minutes after it played before Caxal would come hunting her down. Jaslyn’s message went off again as her fingers clicked against the console. Then silence. The pause was natural in the cycle. She didn't expect it to go off twice so that was odd. Something was pressing at the edge of her awareness but she could deal with it for the moment. 

Xid had taught her how to put a machine in diagnostic mode and this wasn't so different. Hearing a resounding boom from below her that shook the floor she winced. Sorry… maybe I overdid it? Focusing she got this one and two others started on a full diagnostic program. She struggled with finding the right program but only because there were different levels of the program and she had to translate Huttese on the fly, yet again. It had been a few months since she'd used the language but she might as well take this time to thank Merrian for pushing her.

Figuring she might have only a couple of minutes left Jaslyn headed for another of the turrets in the same hallway. Using the Force Jaslyn again leapt up and around to where the layout had indicated another turret. At least now I know where the program is and what its called. 


A deafening boom sounded not far from Xid’s location. His head jerked up from his access to the mainframe, his worries increased. Quickly he returned to locating the chaos source. Rushing troopers flew past the various faulty holocams then vanished into the direction of the explosion. The apprentice’s teeth gritted in frustration at the Hutt’s chit equipment as he didn’t see the familiar flash of red hair. Faster the images breezed past before he caught her jump out of sight of a holocam. With a quick series of clicks, he corrupted the evidence then began to scan for the quickest way to her.

Once he found it, he noted it in the back of his head and pulled away. He rushed down the path toward the turrets she appeared to focus on. It would take him hours to translate and revert them back to normal if he didn’t jerk his hair out first. At least some of Jaslyn’s habits didn't change much to his cringe. Would she really be the same, or truly changed by time like him? The waiting answers terrified him.    


Jaslyn found the turret terminal for another group of turrets. Quickly she made it into the diagnostic program and set the group to run the program. She felt a familiar aura but it felt tainted, twisted. "Who's there? I can feel your presence." 

When he caught her voice, Xid’s steps slowed then ceased. The earlier echoes faded into the stone-like ripples across a pond and left him in utter silence. It crowded in on him as he struggled for the next step, his courage began to weaken to guilt and worry. A deep breath rattled in his chest before it exited. Xid forced the emotions from his mind then thought of something. 

He knew how to approach her without being seen. His hand reached out for the nearest panel. His fingers brushed each button, his will pushed through the force and into the wiring. A small smirk worked its way onto his lips as his confidence grew. Xid’s right eye dilated then radiated with a faint glow. The overhead light dimmed then popped, cloaking him with the darkness. As he walked down the hallway, he killed each light ahead of him. 

Unlike Jaslyn, his alchemical eye allowed him to see in a few different vision settings and he silently thanked Lea for their tests.  

Confident Jaslyn couldn’t identify him, Xid shattered the lingering silence. “You should acknowledge that Apprentice Konahrik would not endorse your current actions. Especially the consequences you are creating from them.”  

The lights dimmed then popped and the familiarity swelled with the ebb and flow of the Force. Familiarity with a dark twist. Deciding that she would keep the fact that she had her lightsaber on her a secret. "Maybe. I'll be sure to ask him. Or you could. I cause trouble no matter where I go."

“Some programming never changes,” Xid mumbled under his breath while he slipped into the room. 

He remained out of her reach and circled the woman, though she could likely sense him. His exhaustion threatened to topple him, but he pressed through it. The lack of sleep did not help him now.  

“I don’t want to hurt you, but I’m going to have to ask you to step away from the terminal.”

‘Of course Xid had to cross paths with her quarry…’ Lea thought. Again she quickly assessed her options. No doubt both Apprentice Caxal and Corporal Drey would have preferred it if she immediately interfered. However that would ruin an opportunity to learn more. Therefore, instead of making her presence known, Lea kept herself out of visual range, but close enough to hear all that was said.

Hopefully, her apprentice would remember his training and pump the wandering prisoner for information. This would serve as an improvised test of how well he had taken those particular lessons. 

Jaslyn raised an eyebrow staying still and listening to the soft footsteps. "And I should trust you why? And if I refuse does that negate your last statement?" Jaslyn started to concentrate on the emotions that he was giving off. She could feel apprehension, sadness. "Why are you sad?" 

Xid decided to direct her attention to one of the two questions she presented. Eventually, he knew her well enough for it to delay her return to the other one. 

“It uncomplicates things if you obey. I could have intervened with your results, but I made a logical request for you to disengage. Have you altered so much that your peaceful methods were discontinued?” He stopped himself from getting trapped in a corner by keeping the exit close to him. Of course, he didn’t notice his speech pattern had altered based on his stress and tired mind.  

"Do you know me?" Jaslyn turned toward him with a smooth fluid grace flaring the cloak over the saber. Her suspicion and surprise carried in her voice. The timber of the voice tugged at her. She shuffled through her acquaintances coming up with nothing.

“It does not disband from the situation you are in or the results from them.” The statement sounded colder and calmer than Xid expected from himself. Maybe it was because of the fact she couldn’t see him that helped. His right eye gave a faint, unnatural glow. 

"So tell me why you're sad. Why?" Jaslyn tipped her head and moved toward the voice intrigued. 

Xid wished she didn't linger on those facts, but she never listened. Jaslyn's empathy had always been her weakness and he feared for her survival. The compassionate were often the first extinguished in the sith world. Most of the time. 

"It is complicated. Some information is better never accessed." He answered cryptically then moved on, the consequence far from his mind.  

"How did you gain knowledge of the Rakata? It is not common knowledge among the Jedi or even the Sith." 

Jaslyn looked puzzled and beckoned the man closer. "Come into the light and I will tell you." She ignored the fact that she knew he was upset. If he didn't want to talk about it then she could leave it for now.

"And if I decline? The answer enhances my database more than to give you the power to make requests." Xid replied with a half-truth, his emotions unchanged. He wondered how far Jaslyn could hold back her thirst to solve the mystery and how much she had changed. 

Jaslyn smiled, the logical mind brought up memories of a better time. "If you decline to simply step into the light then you're not that curious. Or you're afraid of me." Her curiosity got the better of her and she had to know who spoke to her.

Xid shrugged in the darkness, an attempt to feed into the bluff he created. He still remained to block the doorway as his eye narrowed on her, his red one became the main source of light in the room. 

"There is interest and ignorance. I do not know how Apprentice Konahrik will react to our interaction. Infuriating another Sith has been discovered to be dangerous often." 

In truth, he did not know how severe Apprentice Caxal's reaction might be. It was better if Jaslyn had no idea how to identify him easily and protected them both. 

Jaslyn laughed softly. "I'm sure you're safe since Caxal and I are apparently leaving within minutes. Unless of course you're just bluffing and are afraid of me. Why's that?" 

"Negative, but caution never damages one’s objectives." Xid's sorrow turned into remorse over the news, a fact that hurt him more than he wanted it to. Another life he could not save. His fear told him to pull away before he destroyed himself again.

Jaslyn’s heart clenched at the remorse that washed over her. Her breath caught at the sharp emotion. "You… you're familiar with me. My leaving is making you sad? Who are you? Tell me. Please." Jaslyn moved toward the man. So much fear, sadness, and guilt moved her to fix it. She hated negative emotions swirling around her. 

Xid immediately stepped back, his eyes fixed on her then turned away. He couldn’t do this.  


So far, nothing of any significant value had been revealed to Lea. And deep down, she knew that her apprentice was itching to run off, and she had no means of stopping him without ruining the opportunity that had presented itself. That annoyed her more than anything else about this situation. Thus, she had no choice but to remain unnoticed. For now.


A wash of terror swept over Jaslyn and she almost rocked back on her heels. She moved closer quickly and reached out to lay a shaking hand on his arm. He was solid under her hand and she almost cried in relief. She thought she was speaking to another Force Apparition.

It all clicked in her head. The mimicking of a droid. The texture of the soft fluid tones before. The emotions of terror, sadness, guilt.

Jaslyn’s breath caught hard as the color drained from her face. She knew those emotions. "I knew it. They told me you were dead. Xid…" Joy swelled her eyes tearful but happy.

Xesh started to step up looking concerned but as Jaslyn touched Xid he stepped back melting into the shadows to watch.

Xid’s breath caught in his throat when her hand touched his arm. His artificial eye shifted and looked over his shoulder, the night vision filled his attention. A wave of happiness and relief invaded his fearful emotions. His body stilled into place as he observed her reactions. Her words filled him with hesitation to leave or stay. The hitch in his breath lessened then exhaled in a smooth movement. 

A bittersweet tone entered his voice. “They did not analyze the debris thoroughly enough. Or they assumed I was deceased and impossible to locate.” 

His hand stretched out to the nearest console then poured his force into it. The lights flickered and buzzed on, illuminated everything now. No point in hiding from his fears anymore when they found him. He turned in place to allow her to see him and the wear down that time had created. 

“I deemed it more suitable never to allow you to acknowledge the truth.” He expected her anger to come shortly.  

Jaslyn stepped into Xid and without hesitation embraced him. "You have no reason to be afraid of me. I missed you. This isn't fair. And I'm refusing to be mad at you right now. I'll be righteously upset later. Totally indignant." 

Leaning back a little, still smiling, Jaslyn looked into his face. "It really is you. I'm so happy you're alive. Where have you been? Are you alright? Have they hurt you?" She reached out to push his curls back from his face and focused on his replacement eye. "It's all my fault. I should have run away and looked for you. I should have been there."

Xid’s arms rose to touch hers when she embraced him. He didn’t realize how much he missed it until it happened and the warmth of her emotions began to soothe over his concerns. She didn’t hate him. That fact gave him the strength to not run, but it might not last forever. He knew himself to be a coward deep down when accepting more than physical pain and the what-ifs didn’t help. 

Another breath passed through his lips as his fingers rubbed her arms. He missed her dearly. 

“It’s a long data collection to explain that. I am not positive we have time to sync historic events. Some are more… difficult than others.” He thought back to Ithor and fought a flinch. 

He returned to his earlier curiosity. 

“Jassy,” He used the nickname she preferred when they were younglings. 

“Could you share the information you knew about the Rakata. How did you access it? Where did it come from? Did you become damaged or any critical data to your safety?” 


As she watched, Lea realized that she did not know where this would go. Should things go badly, it would not be optimal if the girl’s master had anything to link her or Xid to these events. At least, anything that could be used as evidence.

Whispering low enough not to be heard by anyone into her comlink, she instructed Kintik to wipe surveillance records for this floor for this day and make sure none more were made. That way, no one would be able to tie anything admissible in courts to her or Xid. She hoped that would not be necessary, but one never knew.

She did not like how close her apprentice was with the young woman, but if it got useful information, she decided she could endure it. 


Blinking Jaslyn tilted her head. "Why?" She'd always wanted to know the why. He was here and he'd been hurt without her. He also wasn't answering her questions. The stubborn set to her chin indicating she'd want her way.

Xid’s face twisted into a painful one. “Jassy… I advise against this method.” 

His eyes softened at her expression. It brought so many memories and emotions, he couldn’t sort through them. However, he couldn’t just let go of them. His arms curled about her to cage her against him. It was then he noticed the difference in their height. Xid sighed, a frown etched across his lips when he glanced higher than before. While her lips were attractive, her eyes were better suited for conversation.  

Looking Xid in the eyes as Jaslyn’s hands lifted to his cheeks and leaned her forehead to his stroking his cheeks as she blushed at his regard. The darkness of the artificial eye pulsed with a seductively warm caress against her awareness and she shivered lightly. But it was too familiar to be ugly. In fact it wasn't at all. It was warm and intense and… pleasant? It was more but Jaslyn didn't have the word for it. It made her heart race and a shiver that had nothing to do with the cold slid down her spine. She blushed deeper and her lips parted. He smelled like he always had with a slight difference. Metal, oil and the spicy tang of Ryloth blended with the warmth of his skin and Jaslyn sighed softly.

Wanting information Jaslyn turned the tables on an old game he used to pull on her. She was an inquisitive child and full of questions. If he answered a question she was allowed to ask a question. She had caught on quickly to ask about what he was working on to get him in a good enough mood to ask about what she wanted to know. It was silly but it had kept her quiet without him ever telling her to be quiet or shut up or being nasty to her ever. "Fine. I answer, you answer. Agreed?" She whispered looking him in the eye, their foreheads still touching. Her once silvery grey eyes were shot with gold spears like lightning across cloudy skies.

Xid gritted his teeth against the compromise. “This does not feel like an optimal solution. It is not… positive.” 

Jaslyn smirked and tugged his hair lightly. She'd loved playing with his curls. She also loved sitting still when he helped her put hers up to keep out of the dirt and grime that she always got into. She hadn’t minded. She liked poking around machines as a hobby. "You always said that when it wasn't your way. I will answer anything you ask. I promise, and you know how I am about those."

When she tugged his curl, a small smile crept on his lips. The placid action reminded him of simpler times and he wished those were still the present. Now things became a muddle and tangled mess. 

“Takryn always gave me an acrimony expression when you toyed with my curls.” He noted, a sense of guilt washed over him at letting her. Lea wouldn’t approve of this and he didn’t want to hurt her. 

“Besides, we are not younglings anymore. Six cycles change an individual, Jassy. The first action is properly setup. I estimate this conversation will take time to complete.” 

His arms released her from the embrace and he stepped back. Xid stretched out an arm and gestured with a finger to the nearby wall.  


From what she saw and what she had sensed earlier, Lea got the sense that the young woman had feelings for her apprentice. Feelings that she most definitely did not approve. She also sensed that he was aware of this, but that there were remnants of a mutual component to it. Hopefully this would provide useful information before she had to interfere. In any case, she would have to see about eradicating those remnants at a later time.


As he spoke Takryn’s name Jaslyn froze. Her breath caught. Her heart sped up. She trembled just a little her face paled as she was thrown back into her memories. The fight on Tython. The bond without consent. The assignment of him to her so that the council could keep an eye on her. The crash. Caxal’s dismemberment. The drain and the bond breaking and twisting. 

Lost in her memories, haunted Jaslyn whimpered. She didn't hear what Xid said. Her whole body still as she reflexively swallowed the lump in her throat.

When the mood immediately shifted in Jaslyn’s body language, Xid stilled and watched her cautiously. He wondered if he said something wrong. The subtle, heavyweight into his stomach grew with the stretch of silence. Instinctively his hand moved to press against her back and pull her to his side. Touch, of any kind, always helped Jaslyn to collect herself. 

“Jassy? What did I say to cause you to breakdown?” 

The words and touch filled with concern pulled Jaslyn back to the present. She swallowed again. "Takryn…he..." Jaslyn looked deeply pained for a brief moment then guilty. Her facial features closed off almost directly behind the two quick emotions. "Xid I'm sure you don't want to know, and I don't want to break my promise."

“Jaslyn, explain. Did an incident occur?” Xid knew he had dove away from the Rakata topic, he couldn’t stand her expression. 

Her guilt and shame stirred an uneasy feeling in his gut. Did Takryn die or did he hurt Jaslyn? The last thought soured a lump at the back of his throat and he hated the familiarity of her pain.

Jaslyn took the comfort offered. She collected her thoughts and moved them to the wall. Sliding down it she pulled Xid with her and laid her head on his shoulder naturally. Her voice was soft and low.  Attempting to keep the emotion out of it. "We had a fight. I was losing control after the issue with the darkside girl Selene and the trip into a Thor Yor. Too many negative emotions around me." Jaslyn rubbed his fingers soothingly,  more for her than him.

Xid took a moment to comment. “I neglected to remember you were sensitive to emotions. Mainly negative ones.” 

"I… I  was blamed for the death of a Knight though I wasn't there at the time. My actions were called into question because I didn't attack her immediately. She wasn't threatening me. She wanted to talk and share her views. I listened. She just didn't want to be alone. So when the Jedi found us another Padawan attacked her and I protected her." 

Jaslyn looked pained. "She was unarmed Xid. I couldn’t let the Padawan strike her down. I couldn’t let the other Padawan do that and Selene wasn't hurting anyone."

Jaslyn looked down breathing in and out for a few moments. She was close to losing the firm grip on her emotions and her empathy was starting to project. She drew in another calming breath. She was getting to the part that hurt the worst.

Typical Jedi, Xid thought with a venomous bit in his mind. A small spark of anger rumbled through him but he pushed deep and into himself. He would use it later. His arm reached about and pulled her into him, a comforting effort on his part. Her emotions began to unravel causing him to speak gently to her. 

“Jassy, take a breath. Control your emotions and contain them. Distance yourself from the memory and continue. It’s already happened and retelling it doesn’t change this, but you need to tell me.” He watched her in the darkness, his glowing eye fixed on her. 

Where many parts of the conversation she was listening to were less than pleasing, this last part pleased Lea. Xid proved that he could at least partially control the situation. It was too bad that she could not let him know she was listening in. Her logic told her that he would interpret it the wrong way.


Jaslyn nodded taking a moment to shove the emotions down. "After she left it was like I could see through her eyes at times and the negative emotions around me were too much with the rest. She raised the dead and killed people. I saw that. It was terrifying. So I had lost control while sparring Takryn. He knocked me out and Force Bonded me while unconscious." Jaslyn looked away guilty and ashamed as if she was entirely responsible and it was her fault.

Xid stiffened at the words of Force Bonded and unconscious. His arm had tightened, but not enough to hurt her. A wave of heated anger began to flood into his core then spread across his veins. His teeth bit his tongue until an iron taste filled his mouth, enough to distract him. 

Swallowing thickly Jaslyn went on. "He was assigned to keep me out of trouble after that. The Council's decision. I decided that I was getting away. He came with… or was taking his role as protector seriously anyways… We were shot down and crashed. Before we did he jumped out of the ship. Caxal found me when I went looking for Takryn. I was sure he didn't survive but at the same time knew that he had because of the bond." 

At the end of her story, Xid grew quiet. A low, bubble of rage began to build inside him. He knew it passed through the bond into Lea’s awareness, but he couldn’t determine if she would arrive sooner or later. Usually she came quickly when his emotions rapidly changed which he noted was odd.  

His face grew cold and unreadable, a stark contrast to the inside. He let the silence stretch a bit before he broke it. 

“He has to be faulty to forcefully establish a bond on you. We are supposed to protect one another, not damage.”  His hand trembled.


Lea sensed her apprentice’s rage building and his confusion over her lack of arrival. She hoped he would reason out that the explosion, whatever that had been, had taken her attention for now. She did not yet feel it was time to interfere directly here.


A tear splashed on his neck and Jaslyn curled in toward her voice thick and barely audible. "Caxal dismembered him, drained him, and the bond twisted, snapped...maybe. I think I saw him die. And it's my fault."

Xid wanted to say Takryn deserved his fate for breaking a promise. His arrogance, hot-headed nature, and insistence to burst into the fray had resulted in a deserved fate. Xid inhaled, then exhaled. Jaslyn’s emotions waved over him causing the Apprentice to lean into her. Regardless of how hurt he felt, she didn’t deserve the backlash. 

“That is incorrect. As for Takryn, if he had become a Sith then his survival rating is higher. I have heard of them surviving a lot because of their rage and anger. Even being impaled and hunting another throughout the galaxy.” He recalled reading the various apprentices he spotted on Feena in his free time. Lord Sish’s records over Jayda, a hybrid Zabrak, and human stood out in his mind. He had met her only a few times, but she made an impression on his curiosity. If not for the fact embellishing her strength did nothing, he might’ve suspected exaggeration. 

There was no use delaying things considering her fate. It wouldn’t help her survive and he knew she would be leaving the base soon. 

“I need to install some information before you depart. Apprentice Konahrik or his master's intentions could result in an attempt to alter your alignment and if they do, do not resist it. Adapt and survive. I can not lose any more people I value.” 

Digesting that information Jaslyn turned the emotional byplay in the conversation over like a worry stone. Wiping her face but still leaning on Xid she asked a few burning questions. "Why does your anger and rage at this topic seem more… personal? Does this have to do with what happened to your eye? Did someone hurt you?"

When Jaslyn latched onto the new topics, his teeth gritted and his breath hitched subtly. It caught in his throat where it tried to choke him. He licked his lips then swallowed the lump down. He debated if he should be honest about them. 

He recalled the consequences of Lea's inexperience with her biology and avoiding her for the week afterward. Darth Nyiss forced the eye upon him, especially since he had been so stubbornly against it. And finally, the pain and torture he suffered as a prisoner. 

It all had been resolved and distant, at least until now. Always easier to forget the past. Xid sighed then processed a more fitting explanation. His emotions rarely cooperated around those he cared for and even harder around Jaslyn, her sensitivity to them often made it impossible back then. 

"In numerical order, I have…" he paused, his mind recalled their shame and guilt over what happened. So many feelings just flooded him that he should not have, but they lingered even just faintly. 

"...the shame and guilt is not an unknown factor to me. No, it does not have connections to the artifact. And yes, there have been numerous incidents before and after the sacking of Coruscant. As a prisoner of the Sith, it is not avoidable and my resistance increased the punishment." 

Indicating she understood that Xid was linking this answer to the request for her submission to the transition, Jaslyn nodded. "I feel the pain like an echo within you. That you would spare me such pain is noble. Please continue." She turned more toward him then reached out and stroked his face threading her fingers into his soft curls, her thumb gently tracing his cheekbone under the artificial eye. Studying it curious and unafraid acceptance in her features. 

Xid gave a small smile. Jaslyn's toying with his curls gave him comfort, the familiarity helped and soothed over the conflict inside. He remained mindful of his boundaries, but he trusted her not to push too fair. She had always been determined never to hurt Takryn, or him. Xid shoved the bitterness toward Takryn aside. 

"I do not know where to start. And your tale does not clarify how you have knowledge about the Rakata. That information is dangerous." 

Tipping her head Jaslyn noticed his deflection back to a topic he brought up earlier. He only did that when he really wanted an answer from her. "Force Apparitions. The Thor Yor. It's more like a history lesson. I have bits and pieces but not everything." She was relaxed in admitting that. In her mind it was unquestioned.

Bringing it back around to Xid by tilting her head the other way Jaslyn smiled and replied. "I should think the beginning would be a good place to start if you're confused. I remember your struggles with Sela so that is old news. You could always start with the temple, six years ago."

Xid nodded, the year of the capture easier than before. "After… after a mission from the Republic, we arrived at the Coruscant temple to rest. I located Navi and registered the message you left on him." 

He paused to distance himself from the emotions. A strange, hollow space spread across his heart as he continued his tale. 

"Master Sela had developed a caution toward me after we left the last planet. I did not understand the origins, but she dismissed my inquiries. She departed to see Master Rothul for information. I did not want to push my limits and took her suggestion to locate familiar faces. You had been removed from the temple and I sought Knight Tolun Fi for distractions. He often had specialized projects for me to build."  

Pulses of ache cracked through his flimsy shield, but he held it back. The message was difficult to drag back to the surface since he never dwelled on it. It was pain at the time. 

“I apologize that I can not recall your message well. Navi claimed I should have a conversation with Master Sela, but I  refused. I was stubborn about it. We parted ways. I crossed vectors with her and a group of younglings.” 

He swallowed again to push through to the next part. 

“A short summary is that was the final time I saw Sela alive. I sent the younglings to the Archives, prepared efforts to protect the temple, disabled a few droids and troopers. Much happened during the assault. It feels like bad memory and distant. As you can assess, I did not manage to escape. A few of the Jedi were captured under orders of a Darth Nyiss.” 

The harder part filled him, but he trod carefully. He paused to collect breath then continued. 

“The Sith interrogated, tortured, and experimented on us. I watched others die and could not save them. At one point, I even met the Darth herself... “ 

Xid’s fingers curled tightly onto his pant leg. A new rush of regret and anger at himself filtered into self-loathing at his weakness. 

Reaching out Jaslyn stroked Xid’s hand. "Fear is a basic emotion. It's what you do with the fear that changes things. I would have been afraid. I'm sure I will be. Thinking about it makes me want to run."

“I avoid my history. My logic fails to avoid illogical actions… I tried to terminate my existence.” The words proved difficult to say as they escaped his lips. 

StIlling Jaslyn squeezed his hand in her own. "That sounds logical and heavy with the sentiment. Survival sounds better. I'm glad that someone halted your solution. What was your reasoning at the time? Surely you didn't think I'd be a fan of the idea. I understand the possible rea-." She let him interrupt.

“Jassy… I think I still died. Darth Nyiss reached out with her force and my fear activated the lightsaber at my breast. The lightsaber executed its purpose. It is all distorted and I do not remember it properly. I discovered myself back in the prison cell, the wound not there, and a new hunger that will never deactivate. I could never fully control my emotions in the same way.“ 

He took a deep breath, he drew comfort from her touch.  

“I did not want to become a monster and I still do not.” 

Sorrow and relief poured through Jaslyn in equal measure as Xid recounted the incident. She knew speaking of it was hard for him. "I know this is hard for you and I want you to know that I am very happy you're alive and I'm honored that you'd share this with me. I would do everything, anything to convince you that you're stronger than you realize. You always have been. You're my rock. I love that about you." Jaslyn squeezed his hands when she mentioned the strong emotion. 

Xid digested her words. He knew this deep down and Lea had shown him numerous times, but it wasn’t the strength that worried him most. It was following a path that Ithor did. Would he destroy Lea, Jaslyn and everyone he cared for in the end? Or could he write his own path? The odds felt stacked against him when he dwelled on the details. 

“You mentioned Force Apparitions. What can you relay to me about them?” He hoped to ease his worry with a change of topic. 

"That is a long story and to make a long story short, I have an ancestor that started the fall of the Rakatan Empire. I've barely scratched the surface but I'm a direct descendent of a Force Hound. And he and his wife can communicate with me." Jaslyn remembered the first time they'd appeared. He was dodging harder subjects. "You will not be a monster Xid. I promise you. How do you know about the Rakata?"

A spike of anxiety burst in Xid’s core, the effect rippled out in a tremble across his body. “I-I do not think I have a choice. It is hard to ignore certain facts. Even more when you are staring at what you could consider a reflection…” 

He inhaled, his mind considered how to word his thoughts and memories. “The Republic… They had a prison. They needed someone with experience in the Force and technology. I do not know its location, but it was dangerous and things within it should never be released into the galaxy.” 

Xesh came forward into Jaslyn’s peripheral vision. Her eyes flicked over to him. He knows about Belsavis?! I know who he reminds me of now. You have more in common with the boy than you realize. 

Eyes coming back to Xid and hoping that she could keep that to herself for now. "I may be able to ask about that. I have a feeling this goes deeper than we think." Jaslyn hedged.


Lea found almost all that was stated to be interesting. Some she was aware of already, but she had not heard even half of it, let alone from Xid’s perspective. When it got to the subject of the rakata prison, she turned her full attention. Hopefully, the girl would reveal something neither of them knew....


Changing the topic, sort of, Jaslyn asked a follow-up question. "Reflection?"

Xid wanted to run away from the conversation. What if she hated him or never looked at him the same? The question stole his breath and threatened to keep it, his body tensed. A small tremor rocked through his body that even Jaslyn could feel. 

Feeling the rush of fear, panic, and uncertainty Jaslyn looked at Xid concern riding her thoughts. "Remember this isn't happening in the here and now. It's in the past and as scary as that was, is, it isn't here now. Remember you're not alone. I'm here and you're not there. Share it with me. Let me help." She reached out caressing his cheeks gently and tracing his features comfortingly and lovingly.

He closed his eyes, her touch grounded him and he exhaled. All his emotions were raw and bled out. Like a putrid wound that refused to heal being punctured.  

“Right… It is named Belsavis. I sliced into the computer system. I found… It looked like my DNA was on file. I do not know how it got there. It held a series of images within it. I pulled one up then onto a holo display.” 

His breath caught and his hand reached up. He pulled Jaslyn’s hand in his grasp and onto his leg, his fingers squeezed gently. It centered him better than the brief strokes as it gave him an anchor to a better time than that memory. He forced himself to push through it. 

“Jassy. I matched perfectly to it and I do not understand why. It does not make sense.”   

Xesh swore colorfully at that last line. Jaslyn ignored him focusing on the fact that Xid needed her. She left her hand on his leg. "I'm no expert but… could it have been made to look that way? That raises all sorts of issues and questions but apparently we may be looking at something bigger than we originally thought." She believed him but she wanted to make sure she understood fully what had happened and what he'd seen.

Stroking up and down his leg in spirals Jaslyn attempted to soothe Xid. Drawing patterns over his robes she innocently touched him in comfort as they had done years ago. Her glance shifted to Xesh who pulled a mulish expression. He pointedly looked at her hand, raised an eyebrow, and crossed his arms. His look told her that he thought she was being far too intimate with a boy he was unsure of. Jaslyn looked back at Xid, a blush staining her cheeks. Turning so that her right side was against the wall simultaneously scooting closer to Xid and cuddling up to his side. Laying her head on his shoulder and draping her right arm around his lower back.

Xid’s head tilted down as his right hand raised to his neck, the fingers scratched thoughtfully. He took another breath and leaned against the wall. The chill etched along his back as he turned over Jaslyn’s statements. He thought the same thing until he scanned the evidence. As she toyed with his pants, he spoke. 

“I suspected that too. I scanned the information for login information or corrupted data. None. I could not prove him wrong. It appears he is correct that my fate is becoming a monster like him.” He swallowed as his throat became a bit hoarse and rough. 

On impulse, Xid leaned into her affection and let it soak in. It didn’t help that too many pieces connected him to Ithor.
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034 - Week 3 Day 5: Sabotage & Attack Empty Re: 034 - Week 3 Day 5: Sabotage & Attack

Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:34 am
Smoothing a hand up and down Xid’s back absently Jaslyn wondered whom he was referring to. "Whom are you referring to?"

Xid turned to Jaslyn and considered answering it. He opened his mouth then clamped it shut. Something quickly shifted from the hallway into the room, a glint of shine faded into the darkest part of the room. He barely caught it in the peripheral vision of his artificial eye. It took him a moment to realize the source. Navi. 

He smoothly rushed to his feet then started to call out for his droid. 

“Navi, show yourself.”  

Jaslyn gracefully stood looking out into the extraordinarily dim room. Her excitement had her reaching for Xid’s hand. "Please tell me you still have little man!" She adored the droid. He was like a son to her. She'd been there when Xid had turned Navi on. She stood by Xid holding his hand practically dancing to see the modifications Xid had to have done to little man. "I can't wait to see his modifications!" 

“I am concerned his hostile programming might force me to restrain him. During an escape from Darth Nyiss’ compound, a trooper damaged and discarded him. My master located his remains and allowed me to rebuild him. He did not like her, but I did not accept him damaging her or you.” Xid kept his body between Navi’s suspected location and Jaslyn. 

If his droid attacked, Navi would risk him. He ensured his voice carried loud enough for Navi’s sensors to hear him. An irritated click and buzz followed by a whistle. It was clear Navi did not agree with the friendliness between Jaslyn and Xid. Cautiously it stepped out into the faint light for both to see. 

Frowning at Navi's claims Jaslyn replied. "Dangerous my foot. He has more to worry from any one of the troopers or Sith in this compound than from me. Check your logic programs little man." She squeezed Xid’s hand. "Xid since when am I part of the designation hostile?"

“I am a Sith, Jassy, and you are still a Jedi.” Xid hated to state the facts, but in truth, they couldn’t tiptoe around it. They both knew what the Jedi thought of the Sith since the war ended. 

“I am overlooking the fact you sent out a message to summon the Jedi here. Apprentice Konahrik and you are departing, but I am not. I do not think they will show mercy.” 

Naturally Navi buzzed in agreement as its red sensory eyes narrowed on her in accusing fashion.   

Hurt that they believed she was capable of doing anything to harm either of them Jaslyn’s eyes watered. "I wouldn't have sent that message if I'd have known you were here. I'm not dangerous to you Xid. I-"

Xid’s harshness melted away. To ease the pain, he twisted to face her and gently put his arms around her. 

“I know you did not have malicious intentions. Your actions still have consequences. I never returned to the Jedi because they would terminate me on sight. They fear what they do not understand and you can not tell me you do not feel something is off with me.” He knew he referred to his force aura. 

Clutching him to herself Jaslyn held him tighter as he leaned. "I can't say you're wrong. I felt the difference. It's darker but not fully? Does that make sense?" She buried her face in his neck taking the comfort offered. 

“It does. I am not certain of its origins completely. After Darth Nyiss salvaged me, I have not been the same. I hunger for life force all the time. I can ignore it normally until I start to feed it. Then it becomes difficult to control.” He just stood there, frozen in place to listen to her reaction. 

Jaslyn’s hold tightened on Xid bordering on painful. "You're not scaring me off Xid. I will see you again if I have to move the stars to do it. I will not be denied this ever again." Her voice was dark and a bit of anger leaked out at the thought of someone denying her what she wanted.

“Moving even a single star would be an impressive achievement. Especially for a Jedi.” Lea stated, slowly walking down the middle of the corridor, having taken the opportunity when they weren’t looking her way to step into that position. She had let the concealment of her presence in the Force fade away. Xid would no doubt know that she had been hiding her approach, but she expected he would understand the reasons why. At least once he thought it through afterwards.

“You have done well, apprentice. I am certain you learned much that will be of use.” As she slowly approached, her hand did not stray to her lightsaber, for the simple reason that she did not need that reassurance to feel confident.

Lea then eyed Xid’s droid, speaking directly to it. “No, Navi. You may not kill her now.”

Xid’s head turned to the doorway and his eyes narrowed on Lea. A confused look started to form on his face as he tried to piece together what she said. What did she mean? Last he knew, she still needed to talk with Konahrik and get his permission. He didn't have much time to respond when Lea stated something about Navi not killing her. 

Navi clicked and whistled, not caring about the situation. 

“Master, I told him not. I do not want her hurt.” He stepped back from Jaslyn. Naturally his body still stood between the two girls, but he appeared completely relaxed. 

He turned to his doid. “Navi, locate, and remain near Kintik.”  

Navi clicked in protest, the tone annoyed and defiant. 

“Navi. Go.” 

Another frustrated series of sounds floated behind the small droid as it darted past Lea and toward the first guessed location. 

“Go to the control room, Navi. He is there.”

A small whistle thanked her on its way out. 

Lea waited until Navi was outside the receptor range. “We both know Navi is capable of acting on his own. I am curious about what you have learned in your encounter with this one.” Lea indicated the younger woman. “I suspect we have much to talk about later concerning this.”

Xid avoided Lea’s eyes. A small debate weighed in his chest as he tried to determine the right answer. Usually honestly wasn’t an issue, but even he could see how the situation looked. As much as he could lie, Lea would know. Their bond insured it.  

“Yes, he is. It is why I sent him away. As for what I learned? I learned… something.” He admitted, his lips frowning. 

“Good.” Lea answered. She turned her attention to the younger woman. “You should consider moving to your master’s side. I have reasons to believe he does not want you cavorting with my apprentice, or anyone else for that matter.”

Stilling as the Sith female stepped from the shadows and spoke Jaslyn paled at the implications. Xid didn’t help matters when he stepped away. The immediate reaction was discarded. Politicians lied as they breathed as did Sith. Now she had to wonder whom to believe. The female or Xid.

Letting her hands fall Jaslyn stood perfectly still and closed off. As they conversed Jaslyn picked up confusion from Xid and satisfaction from the female, his Master. Her words made it sound like they had set this up. Yet Xid’s initial confusion undermined that and yet he played along.

Jaslyn looked over at Xid. Her face was calm but she was still. "Is that true Xid? Information? Did you want anymore?" Her words were not harsh, they were neutral, diplomatic, even, and paced.

Xid had folded his arms across his waist. His stomach churned and twisted into knots, the knot building gradually with the conversation. A dark sensation stretched across his confidence until it threatened to smother it. Strangers were easy. Individuals proved to be much harder to lie to or collect information. He didn’t like this sick feeling inside. 

With Jaslyn’s words, the choice was his again. His head snapped back to her as she distanced herself from him. It stung more than he wanted it to. He swallowed the pain down. In the back of his mind, he knew he deserved this. 

“I did tell you I was destined to be a monster, did I not? I think my Master is correct, you should not interact with me. Goodbye, Jaslyn.” 

"No no. I'm not done yet Apprentice Terrik. You chose what you want to be and how you want to live your life. Remember that. You could have walked away before you started the conversation. I enjoyed the conversation and I appreciate that you decided not to lie to me. Now don't compound your betrayal with evasive posturing. Do you want more answers or not?" Jaslyn expected that he'd run and she might get fussed at but the female provided her with a bit of useful information. She was untouchable for the moment. Apparently Enpice was far nastier than she'd anticipated. 

Xid’s hesitation shown in obvious ways. His fingers dug into his robes and his breathing shallow, the boy’s head questioning his place in this. Lea would want more answers, but the sourness of the situation left a bitter taste on his tongue. Deep down he wished things were simple. Life never allowed such weak things to exist much to his regret. 

“Is your Master expecting you within a certain period of time?” He provided a way for her to escape. 

Inclining her head slightly Jaslyn acknowledged his offering of an out. "Truthfully? No." She declined the offering. She hoped he was happy asking her what he wanted. She didn't have to answer. 

Raising an eyebrow in question Jaslyn waited for his move.

Lea walked closer to the other two, positioning herself better. She had sensed Xid’s confusion but did not speak about it earlier. “My apprentice is confused for the simple reason that no encounter was planned here. Your master did not want you meeting with anyone. Unfortunately for him, he did not consider all the angles of letting you wander about freely.”

Smirking a little, Lea added, “A Sith is always out for information, as you will come to see if you last long enough, Apprentice Jaslyn Dayne. For your sake, I hope you prove to be more talented than your master is.”

Jaslyn focused politely on the female as she moved closer. The comment raised a brow and a corner of her mouth twitched in a small smile. "My how quickly you flip your tale. First it is, give off the impression of using a person of interest whom I am connected to then insult my Master and give me hope? Well done." Jaslyn clapped softly. "Perhaps you'd like to invite me to tea next? No. You know I'd have to decline. So which would you prefer I swallow? Your first or second tale?"

“I made your master an offer. He declined. He does not care for politics. If you seek to gain true power in the Empire, you should choose a different path. Be careful who you share anything with. You will find that there are many in the Empire who do not wish you well. Particularly if they should learn of your Jedi origins.”

At the last statement, Xid shifted. He had the unfortunate experience with that and if not for Lea’s Pureblood status, he would’ve had more difficulty. Sith never forgot who they fought during the war. 

Nodding Jaslyn relaxed slightly looking from the female to Xid and back again to the female. "Sound advice is always appreciated." She looked at Xid. "Forgive me if I don't entirely trust you." She looked back at the female. "Either of you."

“You shouldn’t because it’s safer that way.” Xid managed to keep his voice steady, then exhaled. 

“You mentioned I had a choice… How much of a choice does one have, when the credits are stacked against them?” A small hint that everything he had told her, wasn’t it all. For the first time during the conversation, his eyes shifted to meet hers. The right remained indifferent and cold in the darkness. His human eyes showed a regret and weariness to it, an acceptance of loss. 

Looking at Xid as he spoke and seeing and feeling his emotions tossed the idea of keeping the façade up. Rubbing her temples Jaslyn almost told him he was exhausting. But no. He had hurt her unwittingly? She let go and stepped out of the political mindset. "Stop looking at me like you didn't want answers Xid. Like you were forced into it. Hell of a way to make a girl feel. I believe we talked about that earlier, or touched on the subject somewhat. You're adorably difficult but I'm not playing this game. If Caxal said no conversation you both better move on."

“Yes, that is for the best. Come. You never know who is watching.” she gestured to Xid.

Xid lingered a moment longer, his eyes on Jaslyn. Finally he turned and followed his master out. 

Watching the pair walk away Jaslyn’s arm was caught and Xesh stepped out of the shadows. "Careful daughter. One you're still loaded with explosives and two there is something about that boy and who he looks like."

Jaslyn blinked. They'd never interacted with her physically before. Xesh and Shae had been moral support and kept her contained in the arena. "You're physically here. How?"

Xesh leaned over and kissed her forehead. "The ebb and flow of the Force. I'll explain more of that later daughter. You should probably follow the plan." He stepped back and melted into the shadows again
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034 - Week 3 Day 5: Sabotage & Attack Empty Re: 034 - Week 3 Day 5: Sabotage & Attack

Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:55 pm
Jaslyn was done hiding bombs around the base. The little chore gave her an opportunity to practice her mind trick abilities. She knew it was all at Caxal’s orders or his Master's orders, no contact for the Empath. She had been glad at first but today something woke her up and she became increasingly upset throughout the day. Today was the worst. She had a bad feeling. A really bad feeling. And she didn’t think it was the bombs. They were haphazard at best. She wasn’t out to hurt anyone really just took up time. She also kept on the move because of the transmission. Someone was bound to find her that the mind trick didn’t work on so she figured as long as she kept moving they’d never find her.

Moving out to the balcony at the top of the base where she had sent the turrets into diagnostic mode Jaslyn stopped and looked out over the jungle. Her gaze was drawn out to the front of the building. Something pulled at her.

Caxal stared darkly at the wall in front of him. Earlier that morning he’d seen another vision. Alongside the ones before he saw two more figures, one cloaked in lightning and another in shadow. He’d recognized the former somewhat, an old foe he had vanquished, yet they would come once again. Unfortunately he never saw their face but he felt their rage.

He stood and headed to find his prisoner, using the bond to sense her location. He felt something off about it as he focused on that strange sense but ignored it. He spotted her and directed her to a secure location, the dampening field up in seconds. “What do you know of the Jedi who are on this planet. I sensed an intense darkness I have not seen before outside our base in a vision.”

Jaslyn looked up at Caxal as he spoke to her after he did something he only did if they were talking about something important. "I know of no one that would give off that sort of sense. Are you certain that someone wasn't called, or Light forbid that some assassination wasn't ploted before you even got here. I can guarantee that you are the only Sith that I can think of that could know about me. Perhaps they're after you." 

She crossed her arms under her breasts and cocked a hip tapping her foot. "Regardless something is wrong. It had been rising for days? Hours? I just know something is wrong."

Caxal grunted, pacing the room. “It has been just over a day since you were taken. However, I do not know what could cause this amount of Dark Force in an area outside of a Darth or Sith Lord. Vane doesn’t even register among them, and she’s relatively new. No… Something is coming. Another Sith Lord perhaps? But with Vane here and my Master backing this operation…” 

An image slipped into his mind. “The forest.” He turns as he sees his datapad pinging. Checking it he huffs before tossing his things into his bag to transport. “We’re going to check out the forest. I feel drawn to it. Whatever I sensed is there. Once that is finished, we’re leaving the planet.”

Raising an eyebrow Jaslyn followed Caxal to the transport. “Are you certain that it was something dark? It feels familiar to me. If you’re caught by the Jedi I don’t know that I can save you.” She said as she climbed in. He hadn’t mentioned her behavior earlier so she kept her mouth shut about her activities.

“It is very much dark. It is anger, rage, fear. This is what the Dark is. Unbridled emotion.” He started the transport, leaving the base and heading into the treeline. “As for the Jedi, no. They were severely weakened. Nearly eradicated before you got here.”

Watching the scenery go by Jaslyn became increasingly restless as they moved further into the forest. “I don’t like this.” She looked around the feeling of something powerful. “We shouldn’t…” Looking back there was no sign of the base they had come from.

He stopped as a powerful wave rolled over the transport. An intense Force Scream roiled the area as the alarms began to blare. “What…” Caxal staggered as his field buckled under the pressure, slamming his full might into his defensive abilities. “A fury… Who unleashed them…” Caxal glanced at Jaslyn. “Stay here. I will investigate the disruption. I believe we’ve been sabotaged.” He climbed out of the seat, calling his gear to him as he checked the sensors and headed towards the exit door. The Scream wouldn’t have disabled the sensors so finding them shouldn’t be difficult.

Jaslyn grabbed for Caxal but missed and she almost shrieked at him. She could feel the anger and rage batter around her like waves in a storm and she was on a rock in the middle of everything. She almost stomped her foot as Caxal left her.

Laying her head back against the seat Jaslyn fought another wave of rage. "Of course there is sabotage. You were holding two Jedi. One basically a Knight. And if it wasn't one of us it was one of you. I hate being in the spotlight. Enpice is going to get a piece of my mind when I meet him. And this saboteur is going to as well." 

Wasting precious time getting to the monitors that showed the entrance. Standing there like a storm god was a familiar face. “How did he survive…” Caxal grimaced as he watched the Zabrak send lightning into a soldier, a smoking hole all that remained of the man’s chest. A wave of telekinetic force threw aside everything in his path and as he opened his mouth, a horrible wail burst forth.

Caxal grimaced as he watched trees simply fall over from the cry, the floating zabrak merely gliding over them and into the clearing. Caxal shook his head, turning to head back towards Jaslyn. He needed to leave, now, not a moment later. Quickly taking the necessities he’d left waiting, as he was supposed to exit the next day, he headed towards the transport, intent on preparing it. He would find his prisoner back after that was complete and leave.

Jaslyn was torn. If she left she'd be fine but Caxal would be punished for failure. He wasn't all bad. He treated her well. Better than she expected. She pushed out of the seat and readied herself for trouble. 

It was a struggle to keep himself aloft. Once he entered the clearing he set down on his feet. Spying the cloak of the Pureblood he growled before opening his mouth for another scream, stopping as he saw Her. “JASLYNNNN!!!!” He glared at the Sith across the clearing, readying himself to launch at him.

Her name drifted along the Force as she climbed out of the transport. Dark intentions slid across Jaslyn’s mind with the rage that threatened to swallow her. The rage wasn't her own but it was vaguely familiar and she fought to close it out of her mind. It left her disoriented as she started to back away. She had a moment of clarity and she knew that voice. That isn’t possible. I watched him die. 

In desperation Jaslyn reached out along the bond that Caxal had with her. "That can’t be real." She tried to calm the terror running through her and not present it to him, but at least some of it managed to leak out. Perhaps he'd be quicker if he felt that. 

Swallowing Jaslyn realized that she'd spoken aloud as well. Normally she was good about not doing that and her concentration was very good. The confusion wasn't helping her concentrate on even simple things. It was enough that the rage hadn't rolled her. Yet.

Caxal froze as he felt the ripple along the bond. He noted the need for help and tossed everything in at once, turning on his heel and charging out after her. A tree blocked his way but he simply charged through it, bending it out of the way with his Force abilities. Caxal froze as he took in the scene, the Zabrak, hovering with an electric crackle around his arms.

He reached out and yanked Jaslyn into his side, rolling her behind him as he threw out his chakrams and throwing up a wall of Force instinctively as another Scream was released from the raging Zabrak. He charged forward like a banshee, his screaming echoing around the forest.

“Get to the Ship! Now!” Caxal met the Knight head on, kicking him in the chest as he blocked lightning with his blades. “I ripped him from the Force… Was it only the Light that I took?” He grimaced as some errant arcs lanced across his body, his own defenses enough to keep it from striking him. He slammed the butt of his saber into the man’s head.

Jaslyn was yanked into Caxal. Clarity returned like ice water splashed across her mind. "I can help he won't hurt me! He loves me! Please don't do this again!" She yelled passionately cast in the blue violet light of the Force Lightning that she realized surged around Takryn. "I will do anything...Master."

Jaslyn’s face was pale but determined as she spoke to Caxal. She would give them what they wanted if it meant Takryn lived. She'd have done it for Lo. At least thought she'd done it for Lo. But now she wasn't sure that Lo was safe. Nimm was sneaky and it was just like her to find a loophole to exploit. Flexing a muscle she didn't know she had she held the confusion, disorientation and rage at bay. Barely. She felt the ebb and flow of the Force and moved with it adjusting on the fly.

Caxal growled as Takryn pushed him back against a tree. “You better think fast, girlie. He’s not all in there anymore.”

Jaslyn snapped at Caxal. "Well if you hadn't gone all Rancor smash on him in the first place we wouldn't be in this unique position…Master. Violence is not always the answer." 

Jaslyn moved to Takryn's side. "Taki?" Reaching out she took a chance and touched his jaw cupping it and turning his head to her. "Taki I'm here."

Takryn turned to face her. “Jasss…” His eyes seemed to uncloud for a moment and then widened as Caxal broke through his barriers and grappled him in a chokehold. He flailed momentarily against him but Jas could see the arcs of electricity dwindle as Caxal drained him enough to force him to still with Stasis before finally knocking him unconscious.

“Blood god’s beard that took too damn long…” He dropped the zabrak, stepping back and looking around the area. “We need to leave. Now.” He lifted the broken man. “He is probably best with us.” He led the way hastily towards the ship. “Last I had seen, the others are too busy to see what happened.” He dropped the body in the cell of the transport, securing Takryn in place. “We meet my contact in orbit.”

Jaslyn flinched as Caxal became brutal to Takryn. "Rancor smash again I see." Following Caxal into the transport. "You've got me teetering on the edge of peevish by hurting Takryn again." She put her hands on her hips. "If you have him secure we have time."

“I should be the least of your worries. I don’t know what Nimm has done, it’s barely been a day since then so if she’s compiled, I’ve no idea.” He headed to the shuttle, pulling up the comms to see if the pilot had arrived.

“Bloody hell you want.” A light baritone voice growled through the comm. “Some of us have to sleep you know.”

“Great, he sent the bounty hunter.” Caxal drawled, his deeper baritone rumbling through the mask. “Get ready for an evac. We’re experiencing a bit of… Trouble here.”

“Well, I better get very compensated for this, then.” A shuffling could be heard followed by a soft ‘ow’. “Arrival?”

“Fifteen. At most twenty. How long till Telos?”

“Pushing my drive?” A series of beeps sounded from a console. “Fourteen, fifteen days at the earliest. I would say roughly sixteen. Any volatile cargo I need to be aware of?”

“One jedi knight, the other is docile. The former will need to be restrained most of the way, I would prefer to keep him on ice.”

“Yeah I got the tech for it. I’ll make sure it’s ready at the station.”

Last edited by Almalthia on Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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