Star Wars: Order 66
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Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:30 pm
Aviza lightly nodded her head a few times in agreement to Helia's words, "I do believe that is something most within the Empire wish for." The Imperial Agent would pause, a sly smirk spreading across the attractive features of her face. "Personally, there are many dream assignments that I would like to take part in, one I have been thinking of lately is infiltrating a Republic Capital Ship. I would play part of the Republic solider, earn their trust, learn their secrets, sew chaos among their ranks, then sabotage the ships main drive and watch it destroy itself and all onboard in an exquisite portrait of death. From a safe distance, of course. Doing so over one of their occupied worlds would make the event even more enjoyable."
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Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:52 pm
“A worthy dream.” Helia answered, gesturing towards the seats around a small table just portside of the ship’s center, beside the closed bulkhead door to the Sith’s quarters. “We will have to orchestrate events to permit seeing these dreams come to fruition. Do you know how your master stands on the Treaty?” Helia did not know if the other operative knew—or would share—but it certainly did not hurt to try fishing for that information.

“What do you think should be done about the Jedi on the surface?” she asked after letting the other agent reply. Twas ever thus, the game of spies. Constant fishing for information, a mutual exchange where each tried to get more than they gave. Helia had played it a long time, and it was clear that her current sparring partner had as well.
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Sat Aug 22, 2020 11:55 pm
"Unfortunately, I am unable to discuss Lord Vane's current standing on the Treaty of Coruscant. We are not meant to converse of such sensitive subjects, even while in the presence of an ally. I am sure you understand as to why." said Agent Aviza after also taking a seat at the small table, near the ships center. The Imperial Agent was not so easily tricked into giving over sensitive information, even to one of her own. There would be no attempt in asking the same question to Helia, doing so would bring up suspicion and would be pointless. Aviza would, however, answer one of the questions to keep the conversation moving forward.

"An interesting question, I will admit." said Aviza, before continuing. "As you and I both know, Ryloth is the home world of the Twi'leks. Instead of outright killing all of the Jedi and those upon the planet that follow them, I feel that imprisoning them and putting them to good use would be much more beneficial than a mindless slaughter. How about yourself? What do you think should be done with the Jedi upon the planets surface? " Aviza took a canteen of sorts from her belt and unscrewed the lid before drinking quite a bit of its contents.
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 12:08 am
Smirking, Helia decided that response meant that the other agent likely did not know for certain. It was not as if she had really expected to learn, but it had been worth trying. “Well, making them suffer is considerably better than merely killing them.”

“On one hand, making them serve the empire—one way or another—is by far the best option.” Helia did not know how high clearance the other agent had, so she would not bring up the subject of the data files she had received from Lord Vane. “On the other hand, Jedi are notoriously obstinate. They will more often than not refrain from falling in line. If they cannot be made to serve, then they need to be broken, preferably with considerable suffering.”

“How would your master feel about accidental xenocide? It might be efficient for flushing the Jedi out of their holes.”
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:21 am
"You mean accidentally killing high numbers of Twi'leks upon their home world in order to draw out the Jedi from their hiding so that they can be confronted. I can not speak on my Masters behalf, you would have to ask her that yourself, as I stated before. I personally enjoy the hunt though, having the Jedi out in the open takes all the fun out of the challenge we have been presented with. It is only a matter of time before we find them, or before they show themselves." Aviza would pause to reposition herself before speaking once more. "Keep in mind that Ryloth is filled with dangerous predators and terrain, the Lylek would be a prime example. This world may help us in finding our targets, at least that is what I have come to understand." Imperial Agent Aviza leaned back in her seat slightly, then brought her left leg over her right. "An intriguing planet none the less, hopefully we can get to the planets surface before to long." Taking another sip from the contents of her canteen, Aviza would place it down on the table in front of her, "How does Apprentice Deenia feel about accidental xenocide? Does she have any better ideas on flushing the Jedi out from their hiding?"

Last edited by Andromedai33 on Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:11 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:59 am
“Like you, I cannot begin to fathom the full extent of my master’s knowledge and feelings.” Helia stated, taking a quick breath. “However, experience has shown me what her opinion about Jedi is like.” She made a point of not sharing what that opinion was.

“While flushing them out removes the game of locating them, it is quite satisfying to see your enemies scramble for cover when they realize the trouble they have gotten themselves into.” smiling, she added. “I only wish I could have seen their eyes when my master got the hutts to destroy one of the Jedi ships with a simple, long-range missile… Grounded, unmanned ships tend to be horrible at dodging such, even something as crude as the hutt weapon technology found on this backwater.”

“At least some of us will move down to the surface later today or early tomorrow. A facility has been acquired down there, but it will need some upgrades to be reliable.”
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:36 am
"As much as I enjoy being on a star-ship, nothing beats having the solid ground of a planet beneath your feet, wouldn't you agree?" inquired Aviza before she moved out of the chair and stood next to the table where her counterpart still sat. "Speaking of Star Ships, I assume this is a Fury-class Imperial interceptor? I occasionally see them but rarely get to set foot inside of one, for obvious reasons." Now pacing back and forth, Aviza pretended to be interested in the ship around her. "What other areas are there of the ship? If it is set up anything like the Phantom class prototype ships that we use, everything should be rather straight forward."
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:28 am
“Space, ground. Why should I care? Whether I can do my work is what matters, not where I find myself while doing it.”

“You know as well as I do that far from all agents are assigned X-70Bs. Given how they have yet to be put into mass-production—if they ever will be—Those ships are rare. They are undeniably better for covert operations, but they lack the armor and precision firepower of the Fury-class. They are also noticeably smaller. Provided I do not need to be especially inconspicuous, I would rather be on a Fury.”

“Besides, it takes a lot of convincing for Keeper Two to let them out of his sight for long. I would rather do without his constant attention. Being pulled between the desires of a Sith and a Keeper is not a dream of mine.”
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:50 am
"Very true, I enjoy working for the Empire where ever they ask, be that on ground, the sky, or in space. Though, if I had a choice, I would say that I enjoy fighting on the surface of a planet more than on a space station or somewhere else. So many more options on how to sew chaos, and so much more to interact with." Imperial Agent Aviza shrugged lightly, it was her own personal opinion on the matter. She would stop pacing around the Aruk and would now face Helia. "I actually have my own, custom designed craft, passed down from my family. It of course has received many modifications and upgrades to keep it relevant. What I can tell you though, from personal experience, is that I have yet to find a finer space craft anywhere in the Empire or Republic. Perhaps someday you will see it." The mention of a Keeper peaked Aviza's interest, but she did not let any of that show, in anyway. She of course had a Keeper as well, numbered thirty-three, though that information would not be divulged. "I understand what you mean Helia, the last thing either of us want is to upset or pester a Keeper." This was the only comment Aviza made on the matter before turning her attention elsewhere, though she did so with a soft smile.

"I am curious, who else resides among this ship besides you and of course Apprentice Deenia? I hear a ship like this can be piloted and maintained by merely one person but, why do that when you can have someone else do it for you? It allows for more free time to do as you see fit." Aviza looked at the woman with a fake, albeit very convincing look for curiosity that Helia would not be able to tell from the real thing.
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Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:32 am
“Interesting.” Helia said, a little intrigued. If the opportunity arose she would definitely make certain to see that ship, perhaps even acquire a technical readout of it. For academic purposes, of course. At the present she had no reason to desire any harm to the other agent. She was not a threat to her and therefore did not require disposing of. If anything, it was the opposite.

“Upsetting the Keepers is never a good idea.” Seeing the other agent begin to fidget she got the sense that this conversation would not last too much longer. “If you operate with a signature ship like you mentioned… How do you keep it from being recognized in the field by our enemies?”

Helia made a point of leaning back and showing that she was at ease with the present situation. “My master has a small crew with her in addition to myself: Lieutenant Tala Delstee and Corporal Daro Typhe. If you want to learn more about them, ask them yourself, or simply look them up in the appropriate personnel databases. They are enough to keep the ship running smoothly and gives her adequate time to focus on her own works, whatever they may be.”
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Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:17 am
"The answer to that is actually quite lengthy, so bare with me while I explain." said Aviza before taking a seat once more across from Helia. After she had, Aviza leaned forward slightly and rested her elbows upon the table in front of her before speaking. "The Typhon was a civilian ship at one point, before the heavy modifications were installed into it. These modifications enable it to conceal its sophisticated equipment and weapons. From first appearance, it does look like a luxury Civilian aircraft, and has been misidentified as such many times in the past from individuals who should have been able to see that is was much more than that."

Aviza paused and took a sip from her canteen, giving herself time to take a breath and let what she had already said sink in, if Helia even cared. "The Typon is also coated with a sensor-resistant exterior, allowing it to fly undetected unless someone sees it with the naked eye. I personally installed a cloaking device into the Typhon for when I really do need to remain completely invisible." Leaning back in her chair, Aviza crossed her arms over her chest and then continued. "All in all, it fits the needs of an Imperial Agent, has everything I want it to, and continues to exceed my expectations."

The comment Helia made about how Aviza should speak with each member of the crew caused the Imperial Agent to tilt to her slightly to the left, with a furrowed brow. "Would Apprentice Deenia allow such a thing? I do not wish to upset or anger your master by speaking with anyone else but you onboard the ship."
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Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:41 am
“Both stealth technology and cloaking? That is one impressive ship. I would be careful about speaking much about that though. There are many out there, both in the Empire and outside it who would do anything to acquire such technology.” Thinking back on what little she had picked up about such technology, she recalled that they were generally extremely power-hungry, particularly cloaking. “How do you keep that fueled? It can’t be cheap to power that ship’s main reactor. Cloaking technology is notoriously power-hungry.”

“Why should she not? We are in her service, yes. However, we are not slaves. If you encounter them, I see no reason why anyone would deny you the opportunity to talk with them, should they desire to respond.” Thinking about Daro’s less than talkative nature, she figured that the agent would likely not have much success getting anything useful out of him. As for the pilot? Her dossier made her loyalty and obedience very clear. Nothing she said would come back to bite the apprentice.

“As for speaking with them on this ship? I do believe the lieutenant is somewhere on the Hâsk right now, doing I do not know what. As for the Corporal? I don’t want to disturb him while he’s servicing the Mandalorian Heavy Repeater he recently acquired.” offering the other agent a coy grin, she added, “Do you want to disturb an oversized man playing with his new toy?”
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