Star Wars: Order 66
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Age : 101
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033 - Week 3 Day 5: Dark Delivery Empty 033 - Week 3 Day 5: Dark Delivery

Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:45 am
Week 3, day 5

Imperial Intelligence and the Sith had always had a subtle but complex rivalry with each other. Even among the Sith who they considered valuable and useful to their own line of work. The power the Sith held in the Empire never discouraged Imperial Intelligence from showing their control over certain aspects. Today, it appeared Lord Vane was their target. Irritation fluttered under the surface of her calm, cool exterior. Her boots walked in a crisp, determined gait toward the hangar. A craft waited to take herself and Apprentice Deenia to an agreed on location. Her whole purpose was to verify the delivery. A small inconvenience in her daily duties, but a necessary one to ensure Apprentice Deenia remained indebted to her.

Though eager to see it completed, Nimm was in no hurry. Since Lord Vane had insisted on accompanying her to the rendezvous point with the transport vessel, she had decided she would take all the time she needed to prepare. Or to put it simply, enough time to irritate the Sith Lord thoroughly while she had no means of retaliating. A small pleasure on an otherwise bland day.

“I see you have the ship ready?” she asked the Sith lord, smiling innocently.

Vane bit back a snapping retort. Apprentice Deenia wasn’t one of hers or she could vent her outrage over the situation. Instead, she bottled it up for later and exhaled through her nose, her expression indifferent to Deenia’s behavior.

“Yes. Intelligence decided I needed to be present for the exchange. Their insistence indicated if I refused, they would withhold the contents and wait for a more convenient time.” Her yellow eyes fixed on Deenia, but she kept her poise. In the background, the troopers were finishing up the loading and gave the pilot the coordinates.

“I do hope you plan on paying them back for that trick? We can’t let them get too full of themselves.” Nimm concealed her mirth. “Shall we?” she said, waving vaguely in the direction of the shuttle.

“Oh, I already made arrangements to.” A venomous smirk traced on the Sith Lord’s lips.

“Good.” There was no need to say anything further.

Vane gave a dignified nod then stepped toward the shuttle. Her robes shifted behind her before she twisted, her figure seated into a comfortable place toward the front. The pilot waited idly for the two women to board. Promptly the shuttle rumbled to life and started to exit out the hangar’s side door, its image faded into the jungle line.

The sounds of the drawing afternoon rattled in the air as it zoomed along the best path. Vane and Nimm remained in silence until the shuttle drew to a stop. Once arrived, Vane looked expectantly for the apprentice to exit first. While she didn’t need to worry about the woman outmatching her or attacking her blindside, the Sith Lord erred on the side of caution. A habit born through her growth in power. No purpose to invite it when it wasn’t necessary.  

As she rose to her feet and began walking out, Nimm stated offhandedly, “The benefit to me in arranging your death is lacking, Lord Vane. You have nothing to fear on that front.”

“Yes, but inviting opportunity is never beneficial. Call it a born habit developed from a rise in power and rank.” Vane coolly stated as she followed Apprentice Deenia.

They walked into a clearing where a small, shoddy kept starship stood. The hull dented in several places and scoff marks indicated its long age. Nothing on it stood out aside from being a generic spacer craft. Something bounty hunters or smugglers in this region used to haul their cargo. Outside on the ramp, a Weequay spacer stood. Dressed in dull brown attire that one expected on any individual aiming not to stand out. His ass sat on a plain, black container while he whittled away at a piece of wood. His vibro-blade hummed while he peeled off chunks into a shape of a hound. His narrow eyes peered through the thick brows as he spotted the female sith. With another quick swipe, he deactivated his blade and stood upward.

“Sith Lord Vane and Apprentice Deenia?” He asked to confirm the individuals.

Nimm looked at the alien. “What gave it away? Our clothes? No wait! Our lightsabers!” The irony in her voice was glaringly blatant.

The alien gritted his teeth then commented. “And what would happen if I simply delivered this to any Sith that showed up, assuming they were you? You’re not the only sith on the planet."

“To me? Nothing. To you? Probably all sorts of bad things.” She glared at him. “What do you need as proof?”

“A simple yes would have worked.” He backed down, not willing to push his boundaries. Force users were dangerous when provoked and he got the impression this one wouldn’t hold back from choking him with her space wizardry or whatever it was.

He bent down to pick up the container and presented it to her. Vane said nothing as she watched the proceedings.

“Do you want to open the box with the primed thermal detonator, Lord Vane, or should I?”

“I think it’s wiser if you show your capabilities over it. I ended up tricking an Agent into opening mine the first time Intelligence played their little games.” Vane stated as she passed on the offer.

“Sounds… messy. Still, I would love a demonstration. Or maybe you prefer showing him the proof he is actually here for?”

Vane chuckled, but didn’t argue. A sly knowing glint hint in her eyes as she replied. “As fun as it would be to perform for you, if you keep your pet too long… wouldn’t her value decrease?”

She turned to the Weequay. “If I recall right, you have a security datapad. Would you present it?”

The alien nodded then reached for his side, his hand presented a fairly new datapad. Its design held the Empire's influence all over it, from the outside to the screen. Vane reached out then pressed a single button, her other hand reached for it. Careful to remain out of Apprentice’s Deenia’s visual, a coded series had been typed in before she returned it.

He waited for an authorization sound. As on cue, it confirmed her rank and identity. Instantly his behavior changed. He placed his heels together and made a polite bow.

“Thank you, My Lord. Excuse while I retrieve the actual item.” With a military posture, he moved into the ship again.

Vane casually looked to Apprentice Deenia. “They like to play their games.”

“Oh, I know. I have had my own dealings with their antics.”

When the weequay returned, Nimm moved forward to accept the package. She didn’t even hesitate before turning it over, pulling the bottom off the box. The false bottom was filled with protective foam that surrounded a single, tiny vial. Nimm took that out, secreting it in a safe place.

“Take the package back. I have no need for the rest of it.” She instructed the intelligence operative before tossing the two halves of the box over.

Vane’s eyebrow raised an eyebrow, but reserved her questions. She doubted Apprentice Deenia would indulge her curiosity and the effort gaining answers exceeded her current patience. The agent also looked confused as he took both boxes then departed into his starship.

“We believe we’re done here. Shall we return?” Vane asked, then already twisted midway back to the shuttle.

“Yes. We shall.”
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