Star Wars: Order 66
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026 - Week 3 Day 4: A Dark Exchange Empty 026 - Week 3 Day 4: A Dark Exchange

Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:28 pm
6 ATC Month 9 Week 3 Day 4

Jaslyn was escorted by the troopers to her cell. She honestly didn't remember how she'd made it to the arena in the first place. All she recalled was the screaming then the rage. The knowledge of the fact that she was probably in over her head was not lost on her. I'm probably going to die here. That's pretty depressing. I wonder why it was so easy to bargain with that Sith. I can only hope they didn't want anything more from her. 

Sitting down on the bed Jaslyn folded her arms under her breasts. She raised an eyebrow at her captor. She waited for him to state why he was there.

Caxal observed the prisoner. He gave her a few minutes to stew while he went over his plan. He knew he had some kind of bond, one that allowed him access to her mind and he had taken precautions to guard himself from her, something he’d already figured out she wasn’t capable of battling him in. He entered and grunted as he stood right next to the door. “So, you have information on some sort of legendary weapon, hmm… I wonder what it can do. After all, it would spell a near end to your Jedi order.”

Blinking Jaslyn canted her head. "It is more a cleaning house at this point. Those that can stop it will. The Jedi Order is not my concern, nor destiny. Besides I do and don't know. I'm not sure it will work. But The Order has lost quite a few things, as have the Sith. If history is to be believed."

“That’s what war does. Though in recent memory, you took a rather large loss.” Caxal shrugged. “I remember that day. Fighting the jedi who attempted to get in my way. Most of them weren’t even worth fighting.” He smirks. “Like that jedi I fought earlier. All rage, one could hardly see him as a Jedi. Makes most of the Sith I know look docile.”

Eyes flashed with anger, gold on silvery gray, lightning across clouds. "Apparently you're selective with your memory Sith. The subject of my companion is closed. Unless you want me to plan your demise. I already am inclined to plot your...friend's end. Excuse the hostility. It must have something to do with the company." 

“Friend? No. She’s definitely not my friend.” He laughs, the sound harsh as it comes from the filter of his mask. “And please, you aren’t even close to matching my strength in any kind of battle.” He shook his head. “So, what is this legendary weapon you claim to have knowledge of? And why wouldn’t the Jedi utilize it?”

Jaslyn pushed her hair behind her ears. "It's a method of training that creates a Hound. If you're familiar with ancient history then you know that a Hound is as frightening as a slew of Darths. Drop them on a planet and they conquer the planet for you. Depending on the instructions they can clean out the population, enslave it or just subjugate them for you."

Getting comfortable Jaslyn leaned back a little crossing her legs. "I'm sure a brilliant man like yourself can see the reason why the Jedi won't use this information. Would probably have killed me if they knew I possessed it. What is your name? I can’t very well call you Sith all the time. It gets tiresome."

Caxal paused thoughtfully. It sure sounded like an extremely useful tool. One capable of easily turning the tide of a battle. Something of that strength comparable to someone like Enpice or Darth Katherion? “Interesting. And where did you come about this information if they would kill you for knowing it, hmm?”

Jaslyn looked at her nails. "What do you know about your ancestors Sith? We're they all Sith? Do you come from a long line of pure blood Sith that have always followed your code? Or is there some smattering of other things that dilute it fractionally? I know. I know hundreds of generations. Not that I wasn't curious months ago, years ago, but my ancestry is riddled with some of the most frightening rises and fall on either side. Ghosts keep long records."

Yeah that's not really an answer but sort of is. 

Caxal shrugged. “I know not my parentage other than being a pureblood. I’ve yet to see a Sith as built as myself. For that they called me Kruva, Mountain. Over time it became Massassi, Warrior. As I came of age I chose a new name, Caxel. Upon this name I will find a new meaning for myself.” He touched his mask. “All I know is that I was given to the academy young. It is a rather peculiar history, considering that I have no family to feel bonded to. All I have ever know is my duty.”

Blinking Jaslyn canted her head. "Surprisingly that sounds eerily similar to my story. Caxal. Did you pick that?" Sitting up she looked at Caxal differently. "What do you want from me? What's in it for you Caxal?" She looked genuinely interested in the answer.

Caxal sighed. He had already spoken much. Revealed things that the others could use against him. Eyes flicking toward the corridor he paused and collected his strength. What resulted was a peculiar pulse that stilled and held around the room. “There are many things I wish to know. It is my belief that my Master knows my parentage, and also that the information can be wagered to find them. I wish to know why they treated me so differently from the others. When I slew the old Headmaster he had told me some disturbing things. He called my parents insane, that they expected me to become some sort of monster. I can tell in the way Enpice trains me. I have little to no political duties, my training is done separately from the rest, and the abilities I possess shouldn’t be possible.” He shook his head. “In all my studies anyone who has unlocked Drain went insane and usually killed everyone around them before they died themselves. Yet here I stand. Why do all the people like me turn towards savagery, and yet, I remain myself.”

"Split off from others. Isolated. Taught or has skills that normally drive others insane. Shocking how alike we are. Empathy. Drain. I'd say kidnapping torture and imprisonment count as pretty savage. Is there any assurance that the Bothan is free let alone alive? Truly what do you want for her freedom?" She scoffs. "I'm not convinced the other Sith was true to her word anyway. Why should I cooperate without knowing?"

“I am not like the other sith. Nimm holds no love for anyone save herself. I will make sure the Bothan is free. As for savagery, I hold several rules of engagement, all of which tend to irritate my superiors.” He grunted and shifted. “The only real connection I have is with my apprentice, Vex. She’s young, but shows promise. We aren’t all evil beings. Though they claim to promote freedom, you lack the means to do so.”

Jaslyn nods. "Not all Jedi are good people. If you confirm the Bothan is free I will answer what you want to the best of my abilities. Can I ask what you have planned for me Caxal?" She looks up at Caxal in curiosity. "Am I going to die after you've gotten the information you want?" 

“You are going to come with me to my master, Darth Enpice. What happens then is up to him. He will probably want to see the ‘weapon’ for himself. He might even want to test to see that it works.” Caxal pulls out a datapad from his cloak and flicks through some items before showing the screen. “The Bothan has been released.” He wasn’t worried about repercussions as he’d be able to call in a few favors if Nimm wanted something. The Bothan meant nothing to either of them as far as he knew. He’d checked before scheduling her release. “I will probably take you to him in a cycle or two. My task is outside of Lord Rane’s influence, for now. Technically I’m not even here.”

"So what can I expect from Darth Enpice? This weapon is a work of careful teaching. It is a long process, it isn’t something that was mass produced. From what I've been able to glean there weren't many. Four that were able to truly be able to be turned into Hounds." Shaking her head Jaslyn sighed.

Caxal frowns. “Then it looks like it’ll be a long while. He will break you, Might even torture you. Unfortunately if I fail to bring you he would do far worse to me. I’ve seen what happens then.” He didn’t even need to think about it but as he focused on that thought it came to him in a flash, a near rapturous pain that consumed him. For a moment his vision turned red and he dropped to a knee as agony took over. His visions struck him, coming in as flashes of brief moments. A massive polygonal ship. Strange runes burning into his head. A furious bloodrush that boiled in his veins. And a body ripped asunder as a massive beast rampaged. Caxal groaned as they faded, shaking his head as he struggled to formulate what he saw. He’d seen faces but didn’t recognize any. The force around him trembled as the dome collapsed. He breathed heavily into his mask as he struggled to regain his breath.

Jerking toward Caxal as he collapsed Jaslyn caught his elbow sharing in the vision. Sucking in a breath as the pain rippled through her. Images flashed by and Jaslyn surrendered to the visions. "Ship. Runes. Rage. Death." She cleared her throat. Leaning toward Caxal she whispered. "If you relax it's easier. Though I have heard that it's still disorienting. But don't mind me since the person who could give you a better answer on that currently has no arms. I'm not sure that you want the information I have if that is the result."

Caxal grunts, pushing himself up and leaning against the wall as he pants. “I’ve… Never heard of a Sith with this.. Vision. I was told to not train in such things.” Caxal collected himself. “I do not see the meaning behind such things. They are distractions.” He sounded calm yet his eyes were wide, nervous. He seemed to vibrate with his anxiety.

Jaslyn smiled sadly at his statement. "Ignore them and the Farsight or Force Vision gets worse. More debilitating. You, we, have had a glimpse into the future. I don't envy you this power Caxal. It takes a while to get used to and is a great burden. Things trigger the visions." She shrugged. 

"Perhaps you saw what would happen should you fail. Or perhaps if you succeed. I can't make this choice for you. I can tell you I don't want to go through that. That I'm afraid, but I'll do it if I have to. If it means that someone else lives or is spared pain. I won't have a problem with that. Perhaps I shouldn't tell you what I know. Maybe that changes the future. After all this time you don’t know why me. Some girl. Nothing special." Jaslyn’s eyes held a wealth of knowledge. Her compassion reached out to him. The understanding and kindness that would be brutally excised from her psyche should she be turned.

Caxal faltered for a moment. He closed his eyes and focused, steeling himself. “I can’t. There’s too much at stake for me. I can do what I can to delay but I will not let these… visions dictate my life.” He opened them, eyes flashing as he summoned his strength. He said nothing more as he left the room. He needed time. There was too much at stake, he was working to keep Vex off the same path, and he had questions on his own identity to solve.
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026 - Week 3 Day 4: A Dark Exchange Empty Re: 026 - Week 3 Day 4: A Dark Exchange

Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:06 pm
ATC 6 Month 9 Week 3 Day 4: Hour after sunset, Lo’s release

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