Star Wars: Order 66
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028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs - Page 2 Empty Re: 028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs

Mon Apr 19, 2021 7:57 am
The Sith Pureblood nodded in understanding before he approached the trooper that he had defeated, setting the woman down near her companions before looking over the two of them. "Alright then, troopers, I'll keep this simple. First, you failed to defeat and contain two Jedi whom you had outnumbered and outgunned. Secondly, as you all can see, I'm a Sith Pureblood, who's training with the Jedi, which means you also failed to kill or capture a traitor to the Empire, which means you're all going to have a VERY bad day. Pity really, especially since we're only two Jedi to your skilled training. Over all, I'm going to offer you a deal. Either I leave you cuffed together for the next patrol to find and they review your helmet footage. OR you can give us what we want to know, I damage those armor cams and their data storage, making them worthless and maybe saving your lives from retribution." Playing on his master's instructions, Zhâlu turns back to Cora to ask a quick question. "How long do we have? The two of us can only do so much, even with ambush tactics." The troopers shouldn't be too hard to trick, but he wasn't sure that his word alone would fool them so reinforcing that because they were the only one's on the planet, they were on a strict time limit to avoid getting cornered.
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Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:04 am
Keeping a straight face while Zhâlu laid out the troopers situation was moderately difficult for Cora but she managed it. When he asked her how much time they had she tapped her lip. "Unless they want to run the risk of displeasing their Master probably only a few more minutes."

Feeling the terror wash over them Cora took note that none of the troopers really wanted that. The woman cleared her throat and proceeded to confirm to them that what Jaslyn had just said was true. Though they also confirmed that the Padawan was to be moved. There was a short argument as to that really being accurate information and Cora just took it with a grain of salt. The rough outline of the base let Cora know that if she and Zhâlu attempted to take it then there would be more people to save at best or at worst the meager amount of Jedi that were here would dwindle to a more dangerous level. "As much as we expected. Give them what you promised. We are expected elsewhere." She directed the last at Zhâlu and nodded to the troopers. Rendering them unconscious she turned to Zhâlu and nodded.

Last edited by Almalthia on Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
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028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs - Page 2 Empty Re: 028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs

Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:32 pm
Nodding, the Sith Pureblood approached the unconscious troopers and messes around with their helmets and chest pieces for a few minutes each. When he's done, Zhâlu rejoins his Master at the edge of the site of their skirmish and looks at the one who'd used her vibrosword against him. "They've upped their swordsmanship training. Most troopers would sooner die with a blaster in their hand than face a Jedi or Sith with their vibrosword. She wasn't half bad either." Shaking his head, he turns to follow Cora. "I destroyed their cameras and the data storages, so they'll probably live, depending on the temperament of the Sith in charge of this."
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Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:58 pm
Nodding Cora motioned them back to the site. "We should probably find a way to leave soon just in case. As much as we would hate it the Padawans might be lost to us. I do not relish bringing this up but we are not in a strong position here. Hopefully it will not come to that bit we must be prepared for it."

Sighing Cora rubbed her forehead. "We need supplies and I am exhausted. Shocking I know." Her tone ripe with sarcasm.

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028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs - Page 2 Empty Re: 028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs

Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:54 am
Zhâlu simply chuckled at his master's sarcasm but remained silent for most of the walk back, mulling the situation over in his head. Despite knowing he shouldn't think such things, the Sith Pureblood couldn't help but continue to consider that someone had sent Master Rothuul here to remove him from the equation, and while he wouldn't say they had tipped off the Sith Empire that the older Jedi Master was here, Zhâlu was positive that who ever was behind this wouldn't complain about their involvement in the man's demise. Everything felt wrong, from the lack of logistical support to the very obvious and painful lack of Republic military to help ensure anything LIKE this would have been harder to pull off. After all, Ryloth was in Hutt Space, which was neutral space, meaning that if no one survived, technically the Empire hadn't broken the Treaty.

However, as they neared the camp, he finally had to voice his thoughts. "Master, this still doesn't feel right. The lack of logistical support, the lack of military presence or even escort, hell, even the fact that the Empire is having such an easy time trying to hunt us down...It all adds up to someone wanted this to fail, at least to me. And the loss of the Padawans on top of it...Cora, this isn't going to look good on any level if we return to the Council without at least trying."
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Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:41 am
Smiling Cora looked over at Zhâlu. "Yes. It would not look especially competent would it. It would make Dom look like he was senile at best and a zealot warmongering old man at worst. Or the other way round or even both. Perhaps we should not return to the council until an investigation has been made and Dom has recovered. After all the Outterim can hide much. You did say if not when."
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028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs - Page 2 Empty Re: 028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs

Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:23 pm
Zhâlu chuckled as they walked along. "That I did, Cora, but realistically, especially for Master Dominick to have the best chance at surviving, we will have to return to the main Temple on Tython. And one of us will have to make a report to the Council." This is followed by a heavy sigh from the Sith Pureblood as he shakes his head. "I could actually use a stiff drink after all of this, and I've only been here a few days. I can't really begin to imagine how you're feeling aside from the physical and emotional exhaustion radiating down our bond."
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Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:14 pm
Smirking as Zhâlu chuckled Cora stepped softly on the Forrest floor. She grimaced as she heard Zhâlu lay out the letter of what was expected of them. She was not used to doing the expected. For her to suddenly conform seemed... defeatist. "No." The reply was short but firm.

Shaking her head Cora sighed. "We can no longer trust anyone but who we can clear. So trusting the Council is out of the question. At this point I am no longer certain we should even report that we were here. The wonderful thing is. I was not sent here by the Council, nor were you. I have better supplies at the hospital and I have more help there. We should not return to Tython. The political ramifications alone are enough to make your head spin." She shook her head. "Think about what they would say about the whole incident Zhâlu. What do you expect?"

She slowed and looked over at him. She raised an eyebrow curious about his answer. She knew what she thought but wanted his opinion and view.
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028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs - Page 2 Empty Re: 028 - Week 3 Day 5: Follow the Breadcrumbs

Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:14 am
"Honestly? The Temple Guards to greet us lightsabers drawn and a trial awaiting us, best case scenario. I don't want to consider the worst case scenario, it would be too close to how the Sith operate." Glancing at his master as he notices her pace slow, Zhâlu matches it. "Returning to Manaan is most definitely a good idea, but eventually, someone will be expecting a report and we're going to have to...well, I would say an amended version of current events would do better than how things actually go, especially mentioning that the Sith captured Lo. But hinting that the Empire has tried to break the treaty here...well, at the very least, we get the Republic interested in sending troops, even if no other Jedi show up."

Stopping to inspect a rock that he'd noticed on their walk back, Zhâlu continued. "I've seen lots of battles, lots of sieges, that were easier to escape from than what's happening here. And that's going to be our biggest challenge."
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Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:46 am
Grunting Cora started to pick up the pace. Her movements suggested her agreement with Zhâlu and that she was not happy about the situation. She did not take it out on him or really the forest around her but she let herself ruminate on the topic. "So how does one siege a Hutt Palace with three Knights, one almost Knight," She indicated Zhâlu as she said that last line. "two Padawans and one almost dead Master Jedi: when said Hutt Palace has four Sith of indeterminate level, assuming one is not a Darth? The information we have is tenuous at best."
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:48 pm
The Sith Pureblood chuckled at the question, waiting until Cora was done before he replied, remembering a campaign he'd been apart of before Kashyyk was taken. "You don't siege it. At best, you should run away and come back with help, but since that isn't on the table for us, we take a third option, infiltration. All we need is troop numbers and movements and we more or less have those. All we'd need is a discreet way in and a discreet way out. Facing the Sith that are here doesn't even have to be a part of the plan, since we're looking to get our Padawans and get out ." Pausing to look in the direction that the Zabrak had gone, he sighs.

"During the Balmorra campaign, I was apart of a strike team that was attacking one of the major strongholds. However, our intel was...vague to say the least. All our mission was was to get in, secure some intel and get out. Well, as is the case with such missions, on the way out, things got hairy. We still secured the intel, but we'd had no clue there'd be four Jedi Masters, just that there'd be Jedi. So long as we're smart, though, the Sith should be a non-issue."
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:51 pm
"Sith mean troops. They go hand in hand. We can send Evie to scout their numbers. However if they have a ship in orbit we will not be getting a true number. Being sly in this instance is preferable. Very good point Zhâlu. I agree."

As they approached the camp Cora began to multi-task her thought process. She pulled out the communicator. "It has come to my attention that we would benefit from a meeting with everyone. We have information that needs looking over."
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