Star Wars: Order 66
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Posts : 42
Join date : 2020-04-25

031 - Week 3 Day 5: Drawing Lines Empty 031 - Week 3 Day 5: Drawing Lines

Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:40 am
Time: Prior to Dawn

Drey strolled through the stone corridor. His boots clicked and echoed back as he quickly sought out Apprentice Rahn. The prisoner's words lingered on his mind and whipped him onward. The soldier's luck soured farther when each location turned up empty. The last place to look was the temporary quarters the pair shared.

Watching over Nimm’s pet at night in the Rylothian Jungle had not been the most entertaining of activities Lea had faced in her life. Fortunately, Nimm had not asked them to stay out all night. A few hours after sunset that armored brute of hers had come to take over the duty, along with a pair of regular troopers.

Now, she found herself inside the compound yet again, where she and Xid had their temporary quarters while on this planet.

His fingers pressed on the button and alerted her to his presence. The man took a casual step to the side, hopeful Lea was alone. The moment she granted him permission to enter the man's hopes shattered into pieces. He took note of Xid turning in his seat from the makeshift workspace.

Drey cleared his throat to speak.

"Apprentice Rahn, maybe I have a private word with you?"

Immediately, Xid's expression softened into confusion then hardened into annoyance. He didn't like the sound of Drey's request.

Lea sensed her apprentice’s annoyance. She knew he had reason to be annoyed, but even if it was safe with the corporal, he should learn not to show it. “Xid. I know you dislike it, but please humor him. I am certain he has a good reason. I will join you afterward.”

Had it been anyone other than the corporal—who was aware of their relationship—she would have phrased herself differently.

“Lea…” Xid’s tone remained leveled as he tried to consider strong reasons for discouraging secrets. His brain failed or shot each one down like a blaster rifle shattered a target. He didn’t move from his seat.

Drey glanced toward Lea, patiently waiting.

“I can feel that you do not have a good excuse to remain. If I decide it is something you need to know, I will tell you afterward.”

“At least nothing good enough for me to use. I don’t understand what’s so important that I can’t hear.” Xid still refused to move. He knew he would be pushing his luck with Lea, but he remained stubborn until the last possible moment.  

Lea shook her head. Of course, he had to be stubborn now. “He likely wants to criticize you again. You know that is his favorite pastime where you are concerned.”

Xid rolled his eyes at Lea’s statement. “And telling you it behind my back is beneficial…”

Drey internally groaned, but he didn’t move. He hated standing here while the two bickered and his time slowly ticked down, indicated he had to leave for his shift soon.

“I hate to interrupt, but I am scheduled to meet up with those soldiers in the jungle soon. I rather not be late.”

“Do you really want to hear his complaints again? Go. Check on what the droids are up to. It is probably nothing good.”

Xid’s teeth gritted as he paused to have the last word. “Very well, Master.”

Releasing his attitude, he pushed onto his feet and walked out. The door hissed shut behind him.

“I think you’re too easy on him sometimes,” Drey commented as he watched Xid walk away.

Lea waited until the door had closed fully before responding. “He still has much to learn.” It was not an admission that he was right, but neither was it a claim he was wrong. “So. What brings you here?”

“The obvious, Xid,” Drey stated as he adjusted his stance a bit.

By now, his artificial knee began to hurt and he shifted his weight to the opposing leg.

“What about him?”

“Less about him directly and more about a possible connection with Apprentice Caxal’s prisoner. And it’s one I’m heavily concerned about.”

“Yes. He apparently knew her in the years before he was captured by my master. He told me as much.”

“Did he tell you how close?”

“Xid rarely speaks about such things directly, but I got a strong sense that it was more than a basic friendship.”

“It was. I suspect she was in shock when she shared things with me, including a very small debrief over her history. I recalled Xid described himself as a bit of an outsider among the Jedi. Labeled as a misfit." Drey took a breath then continued.

"And I repeat 'Whom she secretly has deep feelings for.' I also learned she didn't feel he was dead after the attack on the temple. Right now, she still thinks he's dead."

“It might be best to keep them apart for now. I don’t know enough about Apprentice Caxal and Xid has started opening up about certain things. It is impossible to say what being around her will do to him. Or what she might try to do.” Lea knew the Corporal well enough to know he would recommend something similar.

“Since eliminating her is not a feasible option at this stage, we will have to do something else. Perhaps see whether we can get someone to break her, mind and body?”

"I agree keeping Xid away from her is the best option." Drey’s worry was more for the damage Jaslyn's connection might do than the girl herself. Xid had enough struggle with his attachment issues, he didn't need more.

"Right now, it shouldn't be hard. As far as I know, Xid doesn't know she's here."

“He knows. She doesn’t, though.”

“That complicates things…”

Lea nodded. “We will need to assess our options.” She thought for a moment. “I believe it is wise for me to have a chat with Apprentice Caxal. Figure out if her capture was an opportunity like Nimm’s pet, or something more. Additionally, what he intends to do with the girl.”

“How does Xid feel about knowing she’s here?”

“He has quite a mixture of feelings. I sensed guilt, hesitation, and confusion, as well as a touch of fear. I got the sense he doesn’t know how to respond to her presence.”

“I might need to sit down for this, may I?” Drey asked, his knee started to flare with fresh pain.

“Feel free,” Lea stated, pointing to a nearby chair. “You really should let Xid build you a better knee. You know he will do it if you ask.”

“I’ve been considering it, but I don’t think my absence during recovery will be ideal,” Drey commented and his figure moved to take a seat.

“Let’s focus on the matter at hand first, then we can discuss that later. It won’t help if Apprentice Caxal’s prisoner manages to make Xid question things.”

“Yes. Let us do that. Both I and Xid need rest after staying up all night, but I will talk to the apprentice later in the morning if you can distract Xid while I do so.”

Lea considered things for a moment then added, “You know… The knee project could be a suitable distraction, even if it is not installed now.”

“I can do that. I’ll note that it’s important we keep an eye on both Navi and him. If I know anything about that droid, it's determined to protect its master and I’m not sure if she’ll recognize it.”

“The design is different from the original, but it has certain similarities. I think I can put Kintik on the task of watching the droid. My droid might not be as experienced, but neither is Kintik as impulsive as Navi.”

“True. It's not all bad. That impulsiveness has saved Xid a few times. Especially with more reckless Sith. Sadly, I don’t get that impression from Apprentice Caxal based on the prisoner’s conversation.”

“When I have talked with him, I can give you my impression, as well as the information I gather. I suspect you can benefit from having it.”

“Of course.” Drey paused to consider something.

“What happens if Xid wants to meet her?”

“Earlier, I warned him that he would face her. He was not pleased. I think he will find relief if he no longer has to.”

“Or become suspicious of why…” Drey countered.

“I am not so foolish as to inform him immediately. Nor did I give him a timetable on when he would face her. Besides, it is quite possible that Apprentice Caxal wants no other Sith interfering with his pet.”

“Yes, but we both know Xid. He’s not the naive prisoner he used to be and if you are set on doing something, it doesn’t usually take very long. Feena proved that.”

“No. Innocent is not a word that can be used to describe him. Not anymore.” Lea smiled knowingly.

“However, right now it is not beneficial to rush the act of informing him of anything related to the altered plans.”

“That much I agree with. It will just cause issues. Is there anything you told him when you stated he would be facing her? I can’t imagine he was willing to accept that.”

“That he would face her for his sake, not for hers.”

“We both know how well that will go,” Drey grumbled.

“Unfortunately, yes. I might have gotten a bit carried away with pushing his comfort zone. It is a good thing the decision has changed.”

Drey leaned back into his chair, his mind absorbed the information and what he knew. “We need a buffer between her and Xid. A way to control things should it start to turn sour or at least limit contact.”

“I suspect Apprentice Caxal can be used for that purpose.”

“Is it wise to depend on him for that?”

“He does not need to know he is being used.”

“That could risk adding an unnecessary enemy to your list if he discovers it. Or worse, try to get Xid investigated. I heard Inquisitors are not a pleasant matter to deal with.”  

“I agree. However, until we know where Apprentice Caxal stands, I do not think planning for this particular eventual need is of many benefits. As for Bringing in any inquisitors? I wish anyone good luck convincing Darth Nyiss to let anyone interfere in her power base without a credible cause. They will need it.”

Drey sighed but had to agree. Overplanning was nearly as terrible as not enough. However, he needed her aware of the possible consequences that could follow.

“I would rather plan for the worst than have it sneak up on me. Either way, it’s likely wise to know where he is at all times. At least until Apprentice Caxal decides to leave with his prisoner. I would also suggest you prepare an answer or something for him should he ask.”

“That is not a bad code to operate under. As for keeping track of him? I will make certain to keep him close to me until either Apprentice Caxal leaves this planet, or I and Xid do.”

“Good, another suggestion I have is to learn about her from Xid and whatever sources you can. It might help to analyze the connection in order to know how to deal with it properly.” Drey looked at the Chrono source in the quarters before he began to rise up again.

“I think I need to go or risk being late.”

“Yes. Information is always useful. Now go. I will speak with you again at a later time.”
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