Star Wars: Order 66
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013 - Week 3 Day 3: An Interested Party Empty 013 - Week 3 Day 3: An Interested Party

Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:06 pm
The Dark Council member known as Darth Braxis had lived for many years already, had learned many trades and skills and had seen radical changes affect the galaxy at large and his home planet of Dromund Kaas. Being a Wookie, he had centuries still ahead of him to learn and hone his skills, but his primary focus was the art of War. Centuries prior, a Sith Pureblood had seen the potential for power within him and had taken him under her wing, training the young Wookie Arri’ahab in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force despite the protests of her peers. Proof that the training was well placed when her rivals sent assassins to kill him and show the Council that non-Purebloods or Humans were inferior to those who had traditionally been Sith for generations and he tore them apart in a blind Force-empowered rage.

After that, his power and skill were rarely questioned again, and never where he or his late master could hear. Now, however, Darth Braxis stood on the bridge of his Flagship over his homeworld of Kashyyk, thinking. Eventually, the Sith Empire had reignited their war with the Galactic Republic and he, along with many promising Lords, had earned much honor and glory in the battles that followed. The Sphere of War had been his domain for centuries already and it would remain so for many more to come, his power alone made sure of that, but ensuring its success, well, that required many sources of income and he had just been informed a few minutes ago that a Terminus-Class Destroyer under the command of Lord Vane had gone to Ryloth.

His interest in the matter would normally have not existed, however, as a Dark Council member in charge of the Sphere of War, the Slave Trade was considered critical to maintaining funds for the war effort and infrastructure. He had considered letting the matter be, as he knew enough about Lord Vane to know she was quite capable from the prisoners she’d interrogated for him in the past, but this was too vital, he decided, to risk. Turning to his communications officer, a simple nod patched him through to Lord Vane’s destroyer, where she would hopefully answer the call, or it would be redirected to put him in contact with her. The crew always grew nervous when Darth Braxis was forced to wait, but they also knew him to be a patient Wookie when the need arose.

While on the Hâsk, Vane settled into her quarters. Her eyes flicked through the reports Agent Niskaru had delivered to her. They detailed her encounter with Helia and their verbal spar. It all confirmed what the Sith Lord suspected. She wrapped up the article before one of the crew contacted her. A message had been relayed from a Darth Braxis, a member of the Dark Council.

Her expression darkened with concern and wariness. It vanished underneath an elegant mask as she rose upright. While she could've forced him to wait, she didn't dare do it. She had done her research over Darth Braxis' reputation. From his temper to the consequences, anything she could manage to collect. It revealed enough of a warning. She dared not anger a Dark Council member and risked the destruction of her reputation. At this point, she had worked too long to allow a simple, arrogant mistake cause it to crash down around her.

A bit of straightening up her presentation, the Sith Lord prepared to receive his message.

After a brief moment, the hologram of the Wookie would appear in front of Vane, his eyes regarding her with no show of emotion. There was no immediate speech made as he appraised the Sith Lord in front of him, and her chosen furnishings. After two minutes, he finally spoke. ”Lord Vane, I am under the impression that it was at your request a Terminus-Class Destroyer was diverted to Ryloth. What is happening that requires that level of resources?”

When Darth Braxis spoke, Vane fought the sensation of disgust. It threatened to edge onto her face, but she managed to stow it away and focus on her training. In the past, she had encountered numerous species with their own languages. A proper interrogator knew how to rip the truth out and still understand it. It proved useful when she needed to keep certain information for her benefit.

After a moment of translation in her mind, she replied in common. She refused to lower herself to those levels and sound like an animal.

"Darth Nyiss sent the Terminus- Class destroyer at the request of her Apprentice Deenia. It appears there's a growing number of Jedi gathered to provide aid. Including a Jedi Master." Vane corrected his information, her approach gentle in comparison to others.

While she would've taken credit, she doubted Darth Nyiss would condone the action. Vane retained her posture while the Wookie Darth absorbed the correction.

Darth Braxis, if he was surprised by the slight inaccuracies of his information, gave no indications as he replied. ”A single Jedi Master? Unless this master has established themselves as a thorn in the Empire’s side, Lord Vane, a simple Special Forces team with a pair of Assassins could have handled the job. What is the real reason such excessive measures were taken?”

During and even before the last War, the Wookie Sith had been dealing with various Jedi Masters and while they were all skilled and powerful, few proved capable of fighting the cloaked Assassins of the Sphere of Secrets while fighting against the Sphere of War’s capable men and women of the Special forces. ”And understand should I feel that the Destroyer is being wasted, this will reflect poorly on all involved, so consider your answer carefully.”

Vane nodded then began.

"The answer to your question lies with Darth Nyiss as it is her ship. Though I am curious about the decision, it isn't an answer I have."

She took a safe method to avoid trouble and not show weakness. It wasn't unusual, but it did hint she had other motives to be here.

“Among the Jedi on Ryloth is Master Rothul, a member of the Jedi High Council. I've encountered Master Rothul as a Jedi Knight, and he proved to be a disruptive influence during the war. I suspect it will only increase with his status."

The woman continued with a careful measure of her direction and words.

"While the group you suggest could succeed, it wouldn't provide the answers to why he is here. I personally find it odd they would provide support to a planet far from Republic territory. As a member of the Sphere of Intelligence, I would be neglecting my duty if I ignored this."

Braxis pursed his lips thoughtfully, though it looked more like he was growling to Vane. ”I suppose that a member of the High Council would indeed be worth the resources being expended, though the reason for their being there should present itself, Lord Vane. The Jedi have long offered aid and relief to victims of the Slave Trade and none suffer more than the Twi’leks. They’re so invested in it, their own people partake of the business and I would even venture so far as to say that the Slave Trade is much of why the Twi’leks have their cities.” Still, as he had spoken, the Wookie Sith could find no reason to recall the Terminus at this moment in time, so his next words would be more to Vane’s expectancy.

”Continue as you are, Lord Vane. However, you will report to me before you report to Nyiss. I’ve been on the Dark Council a long time and I can offer both opportunities and power few other members of the Council can should you prove as valuable as our previous interactions have shown. Feel free to inform the others of my interest in this matter, but who you report to remains between us. If you should feel the need over the course of this operation, I will send a Strike Team of the aforementioned fighters to help with the matter.”

Vane stood her ground with swallow breath. Even though the Darth had been miles away, his influence far outstripped hers. If the Wookiee desired to, nothing stopped him from making her life difficult.

The woman continued to observe Darth Braxis' reaction. His growling and bestial behavior condoned because of his unfortunate heritage. She had no comment on his insult to her intelligence when he pointed out things she already. Instead, she wisely stored her anger away for better use later.

Her attention sharpened when he wanted her to report to him before Darth Nyiss. If experience told her anything, this arrangement would be beneficial. Power was the lifeblood of a Sith so she would a fool for failing to take advantage.  

"I shall keep you updated, my Lord."

She waited long enough to see if he requested anything else.

Satisfied that he had secured a powerful agent to oversee the happenings of their little Jedi hunt, Braxis began to indicate to end the call but stopped. ”Oh, and Lord Vane? Should this end in the Empire’s favor, I will see you are given a fleet of your own to command, free of the whims of fools like Nyiss. And send me what you know of this Master Rothul, both your past encounters and what you know of him presently. I also want a list of his known associates and living padawans. Should he escape, I wish to know more about my foe than he knows of me.” And with that, the wookie’s image vanished.
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