Star Wars: Order 66
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Sith Apprentice, Xid Terrik Empty Sith Apprentice, Xid Terrik

Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:56 pm
Name: Xid Terrik
Species: Human
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Rank: Sith Apprentice
Master: Apprentice Rahn

Detailed appearance.

Subject is pale and lean for a human. There're some muscles built up in the upper torso and legs, but nothing to show a pure focus on strength. His face has a clean-shaven look. The left eye is blue and filled by jaded experiences. The other is an alchemical artifact replacement created by Darth Nyiss. Its conjunctiva is a shiny black with a red iris a strange feel of organics and robotics. Wavy, dirty blond hair collects on his head where they curl in all sorts of directions.    

His hand digits are often covered in bruises, cuts, calluses, and various other wounds. All associated with his primary function: machinery repair or advancements. Other visible markings are various scars dotted along his neck, limbs, and more. Their damage varies, but all have become faded scars. The most notable being where his replacement eye is. Three jagged lines, two on top and one on the bottom, edge from his socket to about an inch across his face.    

He stands upright at 170 centimeters (5'7") where he finds most individuals are able to make eye contact with him. While not directly working on machines, Xid dresses in the traditional mute colors of the Sith. Primarily black with gray trim along with the tabard, covered with a black belt around the waist. Over it all is a long robe for outside weather.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

Force talents/Skills:


Force Speed- Training
Force Throw- Training
Telekinetic Defense- Training
Force Sight (basic)- Training
Force Sense- Training
Mind Trick- Training
Force Jump- Training
Force Lightning- Training
Crucitorn- Training
Force Bond (with Lea)- Training
Detoxify- Training


Telekinesis- Training
Precognition- Training
Force Drain- Talent


Mechu-deru- Talent and Training
Droid Disable- Talent and Training


Slicing- Talent/Training  
Machine Knowledge- Training

Report on known skills and combat experience, training, and lightsaber forms used.

Lightsaber Forms:


Ataru: Form IV - Training


Shii-Cho: Form I - Training

Non-Force skills:


Starship Piloting- Training
Droid/Machine Repair and Design- Training/Talent
Understanding of Sith Politics and Etiquette- Training

(Optional)Known interests of the candidate.

Darth Nyiss - [Alive]
Lea Rahn - [Alive]
Drey Remun- [Alive]
Navi - [Alive]
Apprentice Ferro-[Alive]
Apprentice Deenia- [Alive]

Personal biography.

A young, blonde man entered his chambers. His mixed eyes darted to a machine that poised and readied itself for him. He gave it a gentle smile before he inhaled.

"Ready, VR-103?" He asked, receiving a buzzing click to confirm it was. Xid took another breath then signaled for it to begin recording.

I was born on Coruscant. One day, someone left me on the temple steps without a word and thus my life with the Jedi began. As a child, I was fond of machine toys. My talent with Mechu-deru was confirmed during precognition and basic lightsaber training. A droid had loosened a wire in the coolant and overheated, crashing into the floor. The supervising Knight summoned the technicians, but I began to examine it. I got it up and running before they arrived. They arranged a test that I passed easily.

Over the years, the Council allowed me to advance my talent with both small and large tasks. All under supervision. When I became a Padawan at thirteen, I was assigned to a Knight who specialized in combat. Knight Kythor and I were sent out to assign the Republic in various missions. All of them are detailed in the reports given by my current master. I won’t bore you with the details over my training and education for the next four years, they are irrelevant now.

We returned to the Coruscant Temple to rest from several back to back missions. During the attack, I was captured Sith Lord Lansha. Navi, a droid I built, managed to escape the chaos. He stowed away on the ship and joined us.
I’ll summarize the details of my imprisonment. It was necessary but an experience that doesn’t benefit the records.

We all woke up in Darth Nyiss’s personal compound on Feena. Things quickly became clear there were darker agendas involved when Nyiss’ invited Sith began to torture, interrogate, and more to each of us. It started off light, at least with most, but the longer our resistance progressed the worse it became. I recall the names of those who failed to survive. Their names are a reminder for me that the Jedi ways didn’t protect or aid anyone. It merely weakened us all.

During that time, a vulpine padawan and I tried to escape. Our nervous movements caught the Darth’s attention, forcing us to flee and resulted in me getting cornered. I showed my ability with Mechu-deru much to her amusement. This lead to another meeting with Darth Nyiss, at her convenience rather than mine.

It didn't go well…

(Subject pauses then coughs, starting again.)

I don’t recall much after I attempt to take my life. All I know is what was told to me and that Darth Nyiss, for her own reasons, save it. Over the remaining time in the cells, the number of prisoners dwindled. I couldn’t say for sure what happened to each of them, but those that vanished around me strengthened my desire to escape. I managed to reunite with Navi who provided a helpful spec of the compound and assist in our escape attempt. Most of the Sith where gone, giving us the ideal opportunity to execute a plan.

Nothing went according to plan.

I will later learn that Lea activated a silent alarm and caused everything to crumble A Jedi master and his apprentice made it onto a shuttle before they were shot down. I was told neither of them survived. Imprisoned again, I did what I could to ease those suffering. It was a pointless endeavor that inflamed my helplessness in the situation.

Eventually, only Apprentice Rahn and I remained. It isn’t a surprise we got to know each other. Around the fifth month, I tried to escape again. It didn’t work and I was punished. During the torture, I lost my eye. A malfunction had occurred in the laser scalpel and the idiot didn’t listen to me. It exploded in his hand, heavily damaging my right eye. Thankfully I didn’t bleed out before I was sent to the medical facilities. It took a few days to patch and stabilize me, the ruined eye completely removed.

For several months, I worked endlessly with raw materials and my talent to create a suitable cybernetic eye. I was fortunate enough to at least not be denied access to these. I ended up breaking my first prototype using Force Lightning unintentionally. The incident sent me into the medical bay again and left me more frustrated than ever.

This lead to me wanting to escape again, especially when I finally got a working cybernetic in my head. Another failure on my part since I didn’t quite plan this out as well as I should’ve. During our rush to escape, we had to duck into a spare room to avoid capture. We managed to evade discovery. Before I could suggest we move, the shower turned on and soaked us through. Apprentice Rahn pointed out we would get sick, and we had to remove our clothes. It’s easy to see, especially with the attraction between us, where things lead. All thoughts of escape left my mind. We were found then returned to our cell shortly afterward.

In the coming months, she chose to reveal where her true loyalty was. She was a sith. I will give her credit, she chose a time when I could release my anger. I just regret I had little control over it at the time.

My trust with her suffered a heavy blow. I was conflicted. My experiences with her and what I was told about the Sith didn’t match up. I didn’t know if she was using me or actually valued me. So, I did the only thing I knew to do… I asked questions and she answered. When she revealed information about Navi’s broken shell, I zoned in that fact. While she lost my trust, I still needed her to survive. My first brush with death ensured I never wanted to face that fate again.

This is when I suggested we break into Nyiss’ files. I wanted to know what was happening to Apprentice Rahn and most of all, me. I wanted to fill in the gaps in my memory.

It wasn’t hard to get into the lab, but the files were written in a language I didn’t understand. I must’ve tripped a security measure or something because the Darth arrived shortly. She was furious at our brazen actions. I don’t remember much, but I did learn a valuable lesson. Never upset a Darth.

While the worst of the punishment was over, the next stage lasted longer. We underwent intense training under two sergeants once aligned with the deceased Sith Lord Sish. Their training methods were designed to bring us quickly into physical shape in a short time. Toward the end of the punishment, we gained more free time. Apprentice Rahn focused on teaching me Crucitorn and training me in it. It was easier than enduring the Darth’s punishment. By now, we both understood I couldn’t return to the Order even if I wanted to.

I think after this, I was officially introduced to Corporal Rumen. It was just after the Festive of Liberation. We had met unofficially when I repaired his knee during an escort back to my cell, the grinding getting to me. Meeting someone who felt happiness under the regimen of the Empire showed me a new perspective on their life.

It wasn’t until the Pledge for the Fallen that Apprentice Rahn had us both moved out of our cells. I was told she would be responsible for me and any trouble I caused, reflected on her poorly. During the Pledge for the Fallen event, I watched all the present Sith renewed their vows to avenge those that had fallen and remembered them. It was an interesting introduction to the Empire’s culture.

Time moved on as I continued to learn about the Empire and the expectations Lea had for me. I still didn’t agree with her over several matters, but I fought less and less over the months. I even approached Darth Nyiss to borrow her combat Holocron for self-improvement in the area. The acidic Korriban slug had proven effective, even if he pushed my patience. There were several drawbacks with the cybernetic eye as it malfunctioned or became damaged during sparring. Finally, my master had enough of it. With Darth Nyiss’ help, she produced an artifact to replace the cybernetic eye’s latest failure. I foolishly argued overusing it. This pushed my master in requesting aid from the Darth and inserting it into my head, whether I cooperated or not. Another painful and necessary lesson.

This event made a small rift in loyalty that -like many others- faded with time. There had been one point where she neglected certain information and I saw it to be a lie. She left Feena after that to explore and increase her power within the Empire. Corporal Rumen had been left to train me. The details aren’t important, but the results speak for themselves. I thrived despite the difficulty and any fool who believes a non-force user can not push a Sith has never been properly trained by one. Corporal Rumen didn’t care for my abilities or ranking as a Sith. His only concern had been the results.

Needless to say, the time away from my master kept me well occupied. She eventually summoned me to Korriban to both assess my advancements for herself and use my set of skills. I heard she irritated more than one individual in the Sphere of Technology. Removing the tomb’s first major obstruction took me very little time as I cleared the way for the excavating teams. In our free time, I became exposed to the Academy and other aspects of Korriban. I fondly remember watching an exhibition match featuring Apprentice Ferro and another.

Our time on Korriban ranged from working on numerous tombs to various projects and even enhancing my combat skills. All ventures benefited my advancements within the Sith culture. A favorite one of my finds had been a tomb dedicated to another Mechu deru practitioner. Naturally, I had to improve on what he failed to finish before his death. Gradually, my master determined we must move on to farther explore other prospects.

I exercised my expertise in technology, slowly earning respect in the Technology Sphere of influence.

We had been very fortunate in obtaining allies that weren’t out to sabotage and hinder our goals. That changed when the now-deceased Lord Vidar Minne hired us to escort a diplomat to the Roche system. Through what I could assume had been an error on someone’s part, the ship’s course changed to the Gavryn system and had been set upon by false pirates. A ruse.

My master discovered we weren’t the only ones to have been attacked. Many of Darth Nyiss’ apprentices had been either killed or had varied results. After the attack, we were believed to have been despatched. To prevent more unwanted attacks, we retreated and isolated ourselves. Regretfully, we required the aid of another of Nyiss’ apprentices. It took a while to build up evidence over the betrayal.

After recovery and repair, we struck back hard and without mercy. It left his reputation in ruins which allowed us to collect some of his resources. My master ensured Lord Minne’s former master would not benefit from bringing this to the Dark Council’s attention.  

After this event, we were far more careful with our associations and favors. I like to believe the fate of Lord Minne helped in discouraging zealous apprentices or boastful Lords from any attempt to destroy us. I continued to work in small projects within the Technology, Military Defense, and even Intelligence Sphere.

With so much on my plate, I overestimated my time availability on more than a few. Despite my best efforts to prevent it, one eventually caught my master’s attention and forced her hand to correct it. It wasn’t my intention, but she made it clear to avoid it in the future. I will not deny I hated that she became entangled in my affairs.

I recalled another incident where I had slipped in my wording to a possible interest. It resulted in them questioning her authority over me which led to a painful and public display of punishment. I learned a lesson to watch my words more carefully.

These events only fueled my growing frustrations. It wasn’t the first or last time we would clash. Each time I prepared myself for the next round some winning and other times losing. The final time had ceased the struggle once and for all in her favor. Unlike me, she tends to hit her issues hard rather than work around them. Something I should’ve foreseen as an apprentice.  

Xid pauses as he took a breath. A sound of him taking something and drinking it could be heard before he continued.

I know this will come up, so I'll address it now. During my attempts to determine who I could trust, some complications rose up. I met a young apprentice who shared the same talent with machines. Naturally, we created a mutual understanding of each other. As we exchanged words, he became distracted. He hadn't realized the machine remained on and I neglected to remind him of it.

Next thing either of us knew, the gears began to grind his arm leaving nothing but a bloody pulp. In his fury, I suppose he believed I was responsible for his clumsiness because he began to talk non-sense. He pulled out his lightsaber then attacked me.

I didn't stand there and let him cut me down. During the fight, I crippled him. He bled out in a short period of time afterward. Of course, word spread and an investigation started. They found me innocent as I knew they would.

My master assisted me in smoothing over the incident with the apprentice's master. The Sith didn't want to involve higher powers into his business, which I can see why. No one enjoys having their loyalty questioned.

It only added to my lesson of learning who I can trust. I truly believe, it will be a never ending one for the rest of my life. VR-103 end the recording.

Last edited by Fallenreaper on Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 42
Join date : 2020-04-25

Sith Apprentice, Xid Terrik Empty Re: Sith Apprentice, Xid Terrik

Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:38 pm

Manufacturer notes
Identification: Navi
Series: Custom
Age: 11
Degree: third
Purpose: Combat/Protection
Current Owner: Apprentice Xid Terrik
Time since last memory wipe: None, Xid is against wipes.
Owner’s records
Description of the droid
Navi is a droid built from spare parts of an old first degree specializing in repair. Over the years, Xid had repaired and improved the design until it fell away from its original intentions. The body is a sharp hexagonal shape and light enough to be carried about in his arms or hang from his shoulder/back area. Six segmented legs are attached to the base sides with magnet tips to scale metal walls. On the ‘face’ are two slot-like red eyes with a slot for a slicer probe in the back. Upon the top part is an additional connection unit to hold temporary attachments.
Diameter - 30 centimeters
Thickness - 10 centimeters

Color Profile - Black with two sets of light gray lines tracing the surface’s shape.

Details on programmed features.

Description of hardware modules.
Slicer Probe - Basic level of slicing, Navi can access public terminals and other low level protected systems. However, advanced security and heavily locked ones provide more of a challenge requiring Xid’s assistance.

Magnetic Feet - Small electromagnets are built into the droid's feet, permitting it to scale metallic surfaces or even hang upside down from the ceiling. The small nature of the magnets does not permit him to carry large burdens while doing so, but small loads are possible.

Specialized Sith Alchemy infused plating - A much more durable shell compared to the original design, Lea’s gift to Xid to protect his beloved droid. The shell can withstand both blaster fire and lightsaber attacks. While few attacks can penetrate the armor, it does not make the droid immune to extreme kinetic forces or extreme pressure.

Ocular/sensor package - The droid's ocular package is equipped to let it see and record in both bright light, regular light, and dim light. In cases of limited illumination, it is also capable of generating its own short-range light source from an emitter built into this internal module. The Module also includes a variety of other sensors.

Modular slot - The droid is equipped with a single slot for attaching modular units with a variety of functions

Modular attachments:
Grappling Hook - Navi has a small propelling grapple hook on the end of a line, the length reaching up to 30 feet. While the little droid still cannot pull much more than his own weight and the module, it can carry small burdens. It can also use this module to reach greater heights than normal.

Bolas Launcher - Two small balls with a cord between, the bolo can tangle up an opponent’s feet and cause them to crash into the ground. This device can hold up to two of them before requiring reloading.

Dart Launcher - A small pipe-like attachment that can shoot specialized darts filled with a wide range of substances. Usually, a poison or sleeping agent to which he has the antidote. Depending on the payload the amount of darts stored varies somewhat.

Blaster - Navi's systems can operate a small blaster emitter. Without an additional power source this emitter is limited to either a few powerful shots or a larger number of weaker blasts.

Toolkit - This attachment is often employed when Xid requires multiple sets of hands during his work. It comes with a high-powered laser emitter, a number of hydrospanners, and various other tools.

The purpose for the droid.

Droid history

See above.
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