Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-25

Sith Lord Kandria Vane  Empty Sith Lord Kandria Vane

Mon May 04, 2020 2:48 pm
Name: Kandria Vane
Species: Human
Age: 57
Gender: Female
Rank: Sith Lord
Master: Darth Zasuul

Detailed appearance.

As a Sith Lord, Kandria Vane provides a strong and mysterious air. Her frame appears too petite to properly display her combative prowess. Her record disagrees. Numerous Jedi, padawan and knights, have fallen before her blade during the wars. Her movements are fluid and graceful.

She sits at about 5'4" (162.56 cm) with almond eyes, her irises tinted yellow through use of the dark side. The price for power spread through her unnaturally pale skin though it is not marred by cracks. Long, black hair is often bundled tightly at back of her head. Her outfit is form fitting, mobile and holds a hint of military in design. Under he gloves, her hands hold needle thin scars across the surface. Evidence of her harsh upbringing as an apprentice.

Appearance Present:


Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

Force talents:
Drain Knowledge- Expert
Force Drain- Expert  

Force skills

Force Speed- Basic
Force Throw- Basic
Force Sight (basic)- Basic
Force Sense- Basic
Mind Trick- Basic

Telekinesis- Intermediate
Telepathic Defense- Intermediate
Precognition- Intermediate
Force Jump- Intermediate
Force Choke-Intermediate
Force Lightning- Intermediate
Force Fear- Intermediate

Telekinetic Defense- Expert

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber forms used.

Lightsaber Forms:
Ataru- Expert
Makashi- Intermediate
Juyo- Intermediate

Non-Force skills:


Torture Techniques- Expert
Body Language Analyzer-Intermediate
Manipulation-Intermediate (edging to Expert)
Medical Knowledge of the Body's Limits- Intermediate

(Optional)Known interests of the candidate.

Breaking Prisoners
Preparing, Teaching, and Controlling her Apprentices
Alchemy (Hasn't learned it yet, not enough time to dedicate to it)

Biographical Records:
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