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Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn Empty Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn

Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:34 am

Imperial personnel files

NameLea Rahn
SpeciesSith Pureblood
Pureblood percentage100%
HomeworldH’Ratth, Feena (Adopted)
Age22 standard years
RankSith Apprentice
MasterDarth Nyiss
Former master(s)Jedi Knight Ral Shodon (deceased)
Apprentice(s)Xid Terrik
Height170.67 centimeters
Weight64.71 kilograms
Vocal PitchContralto
Sphere of influenceAncient Knowledge (primary)
Technology (Secondary)

Imperial Intelligence Reports

Imperial Intelligence watcher Seven-Six-Two’s report on the appearance of Apprentice Lea Rahn.

Profile picture:

NSWF images (Never got around to making clothes):

It is worth noting that the available files on Apprentice Rahn are confusing and incomplete. It can be assumed that her master—Darth Nyiss—has more complete files, but they are unavailable. As such, this report is not to be considered fully reliable.

A thorough investigation found fragments of a report mentioning her having been born in a Jedi Praxeum to a family of Jedi there. There is no record of any pureblooded Jedi families—thankfully—but the report seemed genuine. The name of the praxeum was missing, as was any indication of its location. It did name her former master—a Jedi Knight, if you would believe that—but it also said he is dead. There is no imagery available of her that is more than two years old. Anywhere. As such, manual observation seemed appropriate.

At a first glance, Apprentice Rahn is the spitting image of her master. Had she not dressed differently from her master, she could easily have been mistaken for the Darth herself. A closer inspection (through macrobinoculars) revealed minute discrepancies: her hair is a pure black color, her eyes are yellow rather than red, her chin is not as pronounced and her nose is a bit higher. Additionally, she stands some three point zero three galactic standard centimeters taller than her master.

All minute differences that are easily altered. Her body even has the same lean structure and build. It is worth noting that the apprentice appears not to have any jewelry the way her master has, but if the two were to attempt it, then there is no doubt in this agent’s mind that apprentice Rahn could serve as a body double for her master.

While she clearly favors clothing that is functional in nature, this agent has as of yet not observed her wearing the same exact outfit twice. Most of her clothes appear to show off her pureblooded nature well, having clearly been designed to show these off. This agent theorizes that it might be something she uses to keep hold of the attention of Apprentice Xid Terrik, who evidence indicates is her mate or something like that. Many would say it is improper for so fine a specimen of a Sith Pureblood to choose a human partner, but this agent has no intention of being the one to tell Apprentice Rahn or her master that.

Darth Nyiss’ private notes on Apprentice Lea’s capabilities with the Force.

Though at times she has been insolent, Young Lea has proven herself useful. She is talented when it comes to telekinetic and acrobatic techniques, had she remained with the Jedi and survived she might in time have become a problem to deal with. However, circumstances led her to me, where she was more appropriately trained and given an outlet for her incessant curiosity. After turning her I put her to use as a spy among some Jedi I acquired, keeping their antics from disrupting my studies overmuch.

Her willing participation in my experiments proved useful, resulting in her being my first success. Her time as a double agent confirmed my impression that she could be subtle about her use of the Force, including manipulating trained Force-sensitives without them knowing it.

I have since widened her education to include a number of other techniques. Given enough time, she will prove quite valuable towards my goals.

Basic Techniques
Force Speed
Force Throw
Telekinetic Defense
Telepathic Defense
Force Sight (basic)
Force Sense
Mind Trick
Force Jump
Force Choke
Intermediate Training
Intermediate Talent
Intermediate Training
Expert Talent
Intermediate Training
Basic Training
Intermediate Training
Intermediate Training
Intermediate Training
Expert Talent
Intermediate Training
Intermediate Techniques
Force Healing
Detoxify Poison
Droid Disable
Breath Control
Force Stasis
Force Deflection
Force Barrier
Tutaminis (Intermediate)
Force Lightning
Force Slow
Force Drain
Basic Training
Basic Training
Basic Training
Basic Training
Intermediate Talent
Intermediate Talent
Basic Talent
Basic Talent
Basic Training
Intermediate Training
Intermediate Training
Basic Training
Basic Training
Advanced Techniques
Sith Alchemy
Force Stealth
Intermediate Talent
Intermediate Talent

Apprentice Nimm Deenia’s report on Apprentice Lea Rahn’s skills.

I do not know whether or not to like Apprentice Rahn. She is well-educated for her age, sucking up knowledge like a Massassi tree sucks up water, and she has a good grasp of Sith philosophy and culture. As for her origins, she [redacted].

Her skills are acceptable for her low age. She is an adequate pilot with a basic understanding of starship and droid mechanics, no doubt learned from that human apprentice she has. I do not get her fascination with that individual. She is Sith, he is not. I think it is inappropriate for a Sith of her stature to associate with a former Jedi, but our master clearly disagrees. At least I can take solace in that this pet of hers doesn’t belong to a lesser species. At least I am spared that shameful association.

Her piloting has improved these past years, teaching her to be an adequate pilot of most smaller imperial vessels, though she has no natural talent. Her skills with diplomacy and tactics are somewhat better, and her understanding of Republic politics is useful enough that I occasionally consult her on it if  know I have to deal with it.

History, Republic/Jedi
History, Imperial/Sith
Archeological management
Ship design
Droid design
Small-scale and large-scale tactics
Sith politics and Etiquette
Intermediate knowledge
Intermediate knowledge, with some expert elements.
Intermediate training, some talent.
Intermediate training, no talent.
Basic knowledge.
Basic knowledge.
Intermediate training.
Basic knowledge.
Intermediate training, albeit not a natural talent.
Intermediate understanding.
Basic skill. (Expert vs. Xid)
Intermediate Training

Corporal Drey Reumen’s report concerning Apprentice Lea Rahn’s skills and combat experience.

I do not know anything about what her life was like before she came to Feena. While there, she started out as a prisoner, which is also all I knew her to be at the time. A young [redacted]. In any case, I had no idea that she was an apprentice of Darth Nyiss the entire time. Months passed before I learned otherwise. At that point, many scattered pieces fell into place.

In any case, the fact that she managed to keep me and so many others fooled for so long speaks worlds about her skill. It was she who warned me and my squad about the sabotage to the Feena anti-ship defense grid. I have also learned that she fought with Lord Vivithe Lansha against a Jedi Master, helping defeat the experienced warrior. In the past few years I have seen her fight on many occasions after being put at her disposal for the training of Apprentice Xid Terrik.

Darth Nyiss’ personal notes on Apprentice Lea’s lightsaber training and combat skill. 

In the process that led to her coming into my service Lea demonstrated some skill with both the Makashi and Ataru forms, holding her own in the scuffle longer than I initially expected for someone so young. When her former master died she had the sense to surrender to me.

After she came into my service, a long and convoluted story I have noted elsewhere, I finished young Lea’s education, letting her use one of my holocrons to learn more about lightsaber combat. She made some unwise choices but became stronger through learning from these mistakes. Her physical stature puts her at a disadvantage against more muscular opponents, making the choice of a mobile, acrobatic technique natural. Her failed attempt at learning Juyo taught her as much. Her study of the holocron in the time since has taught her the absolute basics of all the other forms for the purposes of defending against them, though her focus in personal use has wisely been placed on Makashi and Ataru.

Shien / Djem so
Basic Training.
Intermediate Training.
Novice training.
Expert Talent
Novice Training.
Novice training.
Novice training. 

Watcher eight-nine-three’s report on Apprentice Lea Rahn’s social, political and military associates, outside and within the Empire.

Apprentice Rahn is a curious subject. As a Sith Pureblood, she’s born into a certain amount of influence simply for her species. Yet prior to just a few years ago, there is no record of her anywhere in the Empire. She simply appeared on the imperial scene one day some four years back. She lacked the amount of associates common to most purebloods her age but she had a clear grasp of how the Empire works, no doubt taught to her by her master.

She has in the years since built up contacts in numerous fields, but particularly within the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge and the Sphere of Technology. Of course, she also has a number of contacts within the navy and army, though it is unclear exactly what her plans with these contacts are.

Her actions within her chosen spheres of influence did not wait long before they created waves, but that is to be expected when a seemingly unknown apprentice of a renowned Darth comes into society, but refuses to follow normal protocols. Her choice to lean on her apprentice—who evidence indicates is actually older than her—rather than the pre-eminent experts from the Sphere of Technology did not endear her to many. That is, until she showed them up.

Her apprentice—one Xid Terrik—proved to be extremely talented at manipulating technology. It has proven unreasonably difficult to learn his exact skill levels. Anyone wishing to acquire his assistance has to go through apprentice Rahn and attempts to lure him away from her have proven fruitless.

She appears to have chosen the approach of having stronger relations with a few over that of having loose ties with many. Somewhat unlike that practiced by many, she is not requiring unquestioning loyalty from all her associates. If anything, she has chosen to avoid this in many cases, making it more difficult to map out exactly how much influence she has.

Another thing that is remarkable is that she has no known enemies or rivals of note. There are a few that dislike her, but she has kept herself distanced enough to prevent real rivalries from building up. However, she does have a healthy amount of scorn for the Jedi Order. Carefully posed questions indicate that she has unfinished business with them. It is this Watcher’s opinion that things will get interesting when that happens.

Watcher eight-nine-three’s list of Apprentice Lea Rahn’s primary associates.

Darth Nyiss Apprentice Lea Rahn’s master. See relevant files for further details.

Corporal Drey Remun. Capable Soldier, fiercely loyal to Apprentice Rahn and her master. Previously served one of Darth Nyiss’ Lords, but that Lord passed away. It appears he serves a dual purpose for her, both as a minion and as a male companion for her pet project in convincing Apprentice Xid Terrik to fully embrace Imperial ways.

Apprentice Xid Terrik is her only current apprentice. The fact that she has one at all at the meager age of twenty-two is impressive on its own. He is a mechanically gifted Sith, taken from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the Sacking and painstakingly turned to the imperial cause and the Dark Side by Apprentice Rahn. His reluctance was seen multiple times over the years in the form of escape attempts, self-harming and general obstinacy, but eventually she won him over through a complex process involving verifiable facts, subtlety and seduction. 

Corporal Drey Reumen’s notes concerning Apprentice Rahn’s ownerships.

Compared to both Sith Lords and Darths, Lea Rahn has not accrued much in the way of belongings, but the collection is growing at a reasonable pace. Like her master, she has a ridiculously extensive wardrobe that she uses to its full extent, adding and removing items more often than is easily tracked. 

Imperial records note that she has acquired personal chambers on both Feena, Ziost and Dromund Kaas, as well as lesser holdings elsewhere in the Empire. Had she not had access to her master’s holdings on Korriban, she would no doubt have acquired holdings of her own there too.

I do not know the extent of her possessions when it comes to technology and Sith Artifacts, but it is quite extensive for her age. I do know for a fact that she has a modified Fury Interceptor, as well as access to several of her master’s ships.

It can only be presumed that there are even more ownerships not on record.

Darth Nyiss evaluation of Lea’s psychological state. 

As she was from the start, Lea is stubborn. She’s always been rather single-minded in her interests and at times irritatingly nosy. Had I not known her to be loyal and sharing my goals, I would have been forced to be even more careful at keeping certain things secret from her. She has a way of digging deeper and deeper until she understands it all if she gets even a hint of a secret.

Fortunately, I found a very effective means of distracting her from digging too deeply into my plans. His name is Xid Terrik. I even made it out so that she thought it was her idea to take over the work of turning him. Though socially inept at the time, I easily saw her interest in him. All it took was a little push here, a small hint there and she was ready to seduce him. The fact that they are still together, almost six years later shows clearly how she never lets go of something she has set her mind to having.

She has taken well to her new nature as a Sith. In that manner, she was a complete success. Gone is the [redacted]. She is not unlike a daughter to me, albeit a very young daughter, with much yet to learn.

Lea is emotionally and psychologically stable, fiercely protective of her apprentice and lover, utterly reliable to one such as me who knows how to use her and rapidly growing into a powerful Sith. It will take her time and work, but I think she will be very beneficial to the Empire.

List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into a restricted database.

  • Marked by Darkness  - Those particularly skilled in perception can when they focus perceive that there is a faintly oily, inky blackness about her Force signature, most likely unlike that found on any other Sith they have encountered. It is not quite like that of a normal Sith, though it is not quite as prevalent as that found in her master’s signature, it is unmistakable once detected. Few in the Empire know the full story behind this, but experts all certain that one is not marked in this way without a significant reason.
  • Notoriously stubborn and single-minded  - Lea doesn’t give up easily, if at all. Once she sets a goal, she pursues it relentlessly, much the same way a Tuk’ata chases its food. 
  • Xid Terrik  - This young apprentice is perhaps the most visible of Lea’s flaws. He is a former Jedi turned Sith and her lover. However, if someone is so foolish as to threaten him, she will not approve. Should they harm him, they will find that she will relentlessly pursue them to the end of their days. When it comes to him, she is somewhat of a pleasure seeker.
  • Mildly Vain  - Like her master, Lea has a certain tendency towards vanity. Gone are the days when she dressed in the same clothes every day. She still heavily favors practical, but they are of much higher quality and vary subtly in design. It takes special conditions for her to choose to wear armor or anything that doesn’t subtly show off her body.
  • Sithocentric  - Lea has come to see the Sith species as superior to others, though humans are a close second. She is not xenophobic, but she does see them as lesser.

Known interests of the candidate.

  • Xid Terrik
  • Advancing the Imperial Cause
  • Sith Alchemy
  • Bringing down the Jedi Order
  • Becoming more powerful

Major achievements on record.

  • [redacted]
  • Became the Apprentice of Darth Nyiss. (PRE 1327, BTC 1)
  • [redacted]
  • [redacted]
  • Turned Xid Terrik to serving the Empire (PRE 13__, ATC _)
  • Turned Xid Terrik to the Dark Side (PRE 1332, ATC 5)

Major failures on record. Confidential.

  • [redacted]
  • [redacted]

Last edited by Ellri on Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:58 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn Empty Re: Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn

Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:40 am


{Restricted Summary File} H’Ratth Praxeum records:

{Restricted Summary File} Darth Nyiss Personal Archives:

{Restricted File} Personal biography of Lea Rahn, Sith Apprentice, Darth Nyiss’ Personal Archives:
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Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn Empty Re: Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn

Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:54 am


Manufacturer notes

IdentificationKN-TK (Kintik, Blackest)
SeriesX2 Imperial astromech (Modified)
ManufacturersImperial DroidWorks, Xid Terrik
AgeUnknown, retrofitted 2 years ago (1331 PRE)
DegreeSecond degree; astromech droid
Fourth degree; military astromech
Height1.13 meters
Weight47 kg
PurposeMilitary Astromech for Lea Rahn
Current OwnerLea Rahn
Current Owner AffiliationsSith
Time since last memory wipeNone since factory reset

Owner’s records

Description of the droid.

KN-TK (nicknamed Kintik) looks like a slightly taller-than-average X2-series astromech. He has unusually matte black armor plating that reflects very little light, but is otherwise of the same basic design as an X2.

Details on programmed features.

  • Complete astrogation database and piloting subroutines
  • Numerous slicing programs
  • Sith-approved personality matrix
  • Extensive Mechanics database

Kintik has three primary purposes to his programming. Firstly, he is a navigator and pilot for Lea, albeit not as effective at the latter as she is. Secondly, he is a mechanic that can assist her apprentice Xid Terrik in his work. Thirdly, he is capable of accessing databases without prior approval through advanced slicing programs.
When it comes to secondary features, the following are present:

  • Defense protocols concerning Lea Rahn, Xid Terrik, Navi and any others she instructs him to protect.
  • Anti-slicing protocols, military-grade.

Modifications from base model.

  • Taller chassis
  • Stronger plating
  • Numerous additional modules (specified below)

Description of all installed hardware modules.

  • Internal astrogation computer
  • Military-grade processors
  • Military-grade sensor suite
  • Custom memory modules (designed by Xid Terrik)
  • Disruptor pistol (Integrated)
  • Shock probe (Integrated)
  • Data probe (Integrated)
  • Enhanced power core
  • Emergency Lightsaber storage slot.

Personality analysis.

  • Likes recording stuff. Lea regularly has to make sure events she does not want recorded are purged from his memory banks.
  • Methodical and patient. He’s not as prone to act out as Navi, but he can be just as ruthless, if not more so.

Purpose for droid.

Navigator, casual droid pilot, mechanic, computer spy, protector.

Link to owner data files

Droid history:
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Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn Empty Re: Sith Apprentice - Lea Rahn

Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:00 pm
Imperial cover story - Lea Rahn
For reasons that are obvious, Darth Nyiss—being the privacy-minded Sith she is—does not want the exact story of Lea Rahn to become known. More specifically, how she went from being a mostly-human Jedi Padawan into a Sith Pureblood Sith Apprentice.

On account of Lea’s desire to retain her unsithly name, her origins are likely to be questioned by other Sith. However, the cover story will stand up to most scrutiny, simply because there is no one around who can provide any evidence that disproves it, other than those who have unshakable loyalty to the Darth. The vast majority of these individuals are among the Darth’s own apprentices and are unusually loyal to her. Other than Sith, all but a small number of the individuals who might have been able to provide contradictory evidence are deceased.

When it comes to hard evidence, none exists outside Darth Nyiss’ personal records, which are inaccessible to all but her. As such, all accessible records, both images, holographs and genetic samples reveal her to be 100% Sith Pureblood, and similar enough to that for the Darth herself to be her daughter or another close relative.

While there are no paths inside the Empire for discovering anything about Lea’s unusual name, investigations into the Jedi Order will reveal the existence of House Rahn, and deeper investigations there will reveal that there was a Lea Rahn who was killed not too long before the sacking of Coruscant.

However, this does not provide anything more, since that Padawan learner was listed as being human, and Darth Nyiss’ apprentice is decidedly not human. It might, however, be enough for an investigating Sith to find it curious.


The apprentice Lea Rahn born in secret to Darth Nyiss in 1311 PRE. Father unknown. Raised in seclusion by [redacted] and [redacted]. Tested and proven Force-sensitive at the age of four. Began training in the Force shortly after. Lack of social training and experience with the Imperial way due to the necessity of seclusion.

Proved an adept learner at a young age, absorbing lore like Kaasian Sabersponge absorbs heat. Details on her education beyond this are scarce at best, just like the reasons for her name are utterly lacking in explanation. Some suspect the Darth of having ulterior motives for it, but none can say for certain and Lea Rahn herself has not explained it to anyone.

The young apprentice was secretly brought into imperial society somewhere between 1327 PRE and 1330 PRE, at which point she first emerged without her master. At that point she involved herself in numerous of her master’s archeological digs on Korriban, using a level of authority and influence many considered unusual for a relatively young apprentice.

She made numerous waves during this time period, including involving a young male human who was later identified as her apprentice, Xid Terrik. Investigations into his past appear to indicate that he was once a Jedi, captured during the Sacking of Coruscant. After he was captured, investigations seem to indicate he did not leave Feena between that glorious event and Apprentice Lea Rahn’s emergence.

Over the following years, she continued to make waves in imperial society, both through successes and the occasional but rare failure. Investigations have uncovered no evidence to prove or disprove her parentage, beyond her remarkable similarity in appearance to that of her master and suspected mother. There is certainly no evidence the Darth favors her above any of her other apprentices, in public or in private.
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