Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-25

008 - Week 3 Day 2: Young Ordo and Grandpa Cat's Arrival Empty 008 - Week 3 Day 2: Young Ordo and Grandpa Cat's Arrival

Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:22 pm
Saynx’s ears caught Kassiana start to enter Ryloth’s atmosphere with the 6-A Wasp. He listened to the engines adjust to her manipulations and remained in the cockpit seat. His dark eyes glanced at her occasionally. So far, the young girl appeared to have everything in hand. With a deep impatience, he unclipped his seat straps and pushed himself out. The moment his digi-grade legs touched the durasteel floor, he casually walked toward the back of the cockpit. For a moment, he briefly paused to look over his shoulder.

“I’m going to get armored up before we land.” He rumbled then continued on.

The Cathar’s large paw-like hands pressed the button causing the airlock door to open, and he stepped through. He came to a stop at his armor locker. His thin claws dialed in his code. Immediately, the aged console glowed red and give a negative beep. A low growl rumbled through his throat as he tried again. The second time the lock accepted his code. When the door unlocked, the Cathar pulled it open. In a well-practiced ritual, he began to place the armor on his body. He started with his lower legs then moved upward. His helmet rested on his hips when he heard the Wasp coming into for the landing.

“She’s getting better.” Saynx complimented then he shouldered the bag from the locker’s bottom.

He slipped the strap over his head and across his body. Within its cloth interior were numerous traps, snares, and more for the hunting trip. He held high hopes for Ryloth’s wildlife to put up a challenge, but he also accepted he wouldn’t need half of them. He switched his lance over to his other hand then snapped the door close. Using both a sidebar and his weapon, Saynx managed to keep himself balance during the landing.

A gloved hand touched his helmet activating the comm link.

“When you’re ready, come down and get geared up. Make sure to find a good hiding spot for the ship. It’s too much of a hassle to repair a stripped one.” Saynx’s voice became annoyed thinking about black market smugglers selling the parts off for credits or other goods.

Kass was still pretty new at piloting, but she had improved rapidly over the course of their trip out to hunt. She had some experience piloting her mother’s ship, but Saynx let her have complete control over their trip out this time. This was the point of this whole exercise after all, a hunting trip to prove her independence before really helping with her mother’s work as a representative of Clan Ordo. Saynx was allied with her family and technically worked under Clan Ordo, but her mother considered him just the right mix of loyal and dangerous to really put the young sniper to the test.

She nodded to Saynx then throttled the ship down for final touchdown, enjoying the way the engines responded smoothly to the controls like she could almost feel it through her gloves and listening to the thrum of it slowly wind down. The Wasp touched down a little shakily in a clearing in a thick copse of trees that should conceal it nicely from anyone who hadn’t already seen it landing.

Kass unbuckled herself from the pilot’s chair and got up to equip herself in the armor locker section. Once she was through the airlock and had her own locker open, she put her helmet back on first and then snapped on her vambraces, making sure both were synced up and online. Then she slung her sniper rifle across her back, strapped on her holster and made sure her heavy blaster pistol was holstered so that she could draw it fast if she had to, counterbalancing it with her beskad sword on the opposite hip, with her dagger and holdout pistols placed last. Finally, she made sure the pressure sealing protocols on her armor and helmet were online. Ryloth’s atmosphere was fine but it never hurt to be a little overprepared.

She activated her commlink and checked in with Saynx

“Alright old man, all set here. Now, when do we get on with this hunt? I’m sore from sitting in the pilot’s seat and flying you around all this time.”

Saynx had distracted himself by checking his supplies in his bag. Rations, traps, and other small survival supplies were fixed in their unique boxes. As far as he could tell, nothing was missing. His paw-like hand pulled the top back over before he turned to his younger companion.

Pressing his commlink, he replied.

“Git your ass down to the cargo, and we’ll depart. I’m just waiting on your lazy bones.” When she entered the room, his feline eyes locked onto her and the gold irises flickered with a predator light.

He appeared ready to pounce on her, but instead, his lips pulled into a toothy smile. The elder Cathar pressed a button. Gears whirled and clinked causing a long ramp to detach from the Wasp’s belly. Before it hit the ground, he began to walk down it and gestured for her to follow him.

“Anything specific you want to hunt?” Saynx asked on the way to the ground, his helmet situated on his head.

She followed him down, glad she was slowly growing immune to his predator’s smile, keeping her fingers on her commlink.

“I don’t know what we can hunt here, though I’d prefer to start with something exciting. Big game I can blow a nice chunk out of with my baby here.” she gestured affectionately and a little awkwardly at the sniper rifle on her back.

“I chose Ryloth since I’m not as familiar with the creatures here. I thought we would both enjoy the challenge and gives you an excuse to interact with the locals. Any ideas of what you want to bring home to your mother?” He asked, hoping to narrow down the choices.

“Well, I do have a few ideas, I’m not that familiar either but I have heard it’s home to many predatory beasts. A lylek or a doashim might be good, from what little I know they terrify the locals. Some sort of trophy though...a doashim’s horns maybe? Or the whole head of a beast to mount in the Clan house!” She sounded much more enthusiastic then, clearly getting into the idea of making her mother proud, if not of the hunt itself.

Saynx enjoyed hearing her delight in the idea of testing her strength. It reminded him of his younger days, bring a surge of pride and eagerness to assist. Nothing beat the sensation overcoming a danger brought. He inhaled then exhaled, two creature names surfaced into his mind. Saynx pressed a button on his wrist causing the ramp to pull up in their wake.

“Reel’an might be a good starter. They are small, but ferocious and ambush killers. Another one that comes to mind are Blis. They are insect-like creatures that can leave us hurting and paralyzed if we’re reckless. The venom would be helpful, but getting it would be difficult.” He let her digest the other two options as they walked toward the local forest.

Kass was grateful that her mask was able to hide the slight disappointment on her face. She had expected they would go right for the most glorious target right from the start, but it made sense that they would start with something smaller but still deadly. “Right, the Reel’an first then, as a warmup. After that, the Blis. We can repurpose the venom for our own needs and make our other hunts easier.” She nodded to herself, figuring her mother would approve of her tactics.

“It’s going to be a big warm-up. Just because something’s small doesn’t mean we should underestimate it. You, of all people, should know this.”

Saynx stated his head turned toward her. He had missed her disappointment, but if she was anything like his adopted children… he just assumed she was.

“As for the Blis, you’re going to have to figure out how to capture them. They sound like a nasty challenge.”

Kass nodded and tried to seem more enthusiastic. The old Cathar’s words reminded her that no enemy should be underestimated. She had used that to her own advantage too many times to avoid a slight feeling of embarrassment at needing to be reminded. “Right, but we should focus on the Reel’an first. It’s an ambush predator, but maybe we can ambush it?” Ambushes and long range fighting were her strength, after all.

Saynx nodded. “I guess this means I get to play bait?”

A slight hint of amusement edged into his question as he confirmed the suspected answer with her.

She nodded and confirmed it, amused. “Don’t tell me you’re scared? You’re the better close in fighter between the two of us and more likely to survive if it attacks. Meanwhile I’ll be watching out for you and take it out as soon as it gets in my sights.”

“Nay, I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page. Besides, I think I’m more scared of your mother’s temper than a Reel’an.” He teased then looked around.

“This might be a good spot to explore. You find a good place to set up while I go poking around.” The elder Cathar adjusted his lance into both of his hands and stretched a bit, warming himself up for a long walk.

Kass nodded in reply and started looking for a good position. The trees were dense above them but the ground was relatively clearer, in which case the easiest answer for her was up.

She climbed up a particularly tall tree easy enough with the retractable spikes on her boots, then rearranged the disturbed branches slightly and made sure she had a clear line of sight on Saynx as he started his ‘walk’.

Once Kass disappeared, Saynx took a breath and started. He waded into the lush greenery covering the jungle ground. His knuckles tightened about his lance as he used it to pull the leaves away. Gently, he bent down and sought for small dentitions in the ground. Nothing. A small sigh escaped his throat before he stood upright then walked farther. He repeated this a few times before he finally found a fresh set of tracks. His fingers pressed his commlink to inform Kass.

“Hey, kid. I finally found some fresh tracks. Still awake up there?” The older Mandalorian hoped she hadn’t dozed off.

Luckily Kass was still awake and following, using a mix of her boot spikes and the grapple lines in her vambraces to swing and climb through the canopy of trees as he moved out of view to make sure she kept eyes on him, setting up in a new sniping position each time with instincts honed from childhood.

“I’ve still got you. Don’t worry.”

“Good cause these things are rumoured to react fast,” Saynx stated as he continued to track the markings.

His mind imagined the creature’s long body scramble along the ground and jumped. It latched onto a tree then it scaled upward. The Cathar frowned as he pressed the button again.

“Chit. I think it took to the trees, do you see anything up there?”

Kass’s position was meant to help her keep an eye on the ground. Trying to scan the treeline meant staring through the foliage that was already supposed to be hiding her, so especially with her scope it was a useless effort.

“No, I’ve got nothing. It’s up here?” She tried to keep the panic out of her voice.

“I’m hoping not, but keep your eyes peeled. It might’ve just found another spot.” Saynx reassured her.

Once more he went deeper into the jungle’s landscape while making just enough noise to lure something’s attention. Farther away from Saynx’s position, three large Gutkurrs were lurking behind the trees. Their big heads turned into his direction as they began to stalk him.

Kass was conflicted. If she fired at the Gutkurrs, she could both alert Saynx and possibly take one out. But that would give away her position to anything nearby, especially at close stalking range. She only hesitated for a moment before taking aim, Saynx was a comrade after all and she had to protect him. Besides, if he was badly injured she would lose her chance to prove herself to the Clan. She breathed out slowly, aiming at center mass on one of the creatures and squeezing the trigger.

A bright blast of yellow streaked through the green flora. It buried into the leg of the lead Gutkurr. Its orange-brown skin darkened and burned, drawing a pain-filled bellow from its gaping mouth. It crumbled down to one leg. Saynx’s eyes darted toward the direction Kass’ blaster rifle shot. The other two Gutkurrs hesitated as they began to file out of the foliage into the open.

“Chit…” The Cathar growled, his lance ready.

The Gutkurrs bulbous eyes widened when they noticed him. They shot forward, their mouths open, and roared in pursuit. Their long legs stomped into the dirt then kicked it up behind them. He dug in his feet when one leapt for him.

Kass took another shot at the Gutkurrs, not sure if she was aiming to wound another or just distract them enough to give Saynx an advantage as she fired.

Kass’ shot missed the Gutkurr’s side. It disappeared into a nearby tree and left a scorch mark. Startled, the creature attacking Saynx missed its mark. It landed several inches beside the Cathar. Wasting no time, the warrior slashed his lance forward and scored across the side of the beast’s mouth. Ruining the jawline. Several pointed teeth poked through the hole in the mouth as its head turned.

The second one that bolted in behind looked up. Its large eyes scanned the treetops where it thought the attack came from, rattling its teeth in frustration.

Kass felt she’d done all she could do without giving her position away, so she turned so that her grayish brown cape was facing outward and tucked herself in among the leaves and bark of the canopy around her, keeping her eyes out for more opportunities to strike and trusting the older warrior to do the rest for now.

Still distracted with his first challenge, Saynx spotted the other trying to locate Kass. His fingers tapped his commlink then he made a suggestion.

“Kass, can you head north of your position then set up some traps for our little friends? I got some wires to tangle these slugheads up.” He inhaled then began to swing his lancer back then forward again.

The Gutkurr hissed then shifted to the side. It growled and snapped, getting ready to charge again. He looked to the other one with a bellowing shout.
“Chitface, try chewing on me.” He rushed forward and past the beast.

His lance reached and sliced across the back of the heel. On impulse, it twisted about quicker than he expected. Its maw clamped down on his boot. Saynx tipped and fell forward onto his belly. The thing ripped him back then tried to toss him around like some Cathar chew toy. Pulling his lance against his back, he braced for impact with the ground. Over and over, he felt his body hit as more pain rippled through him. He forced himself to relax as the creature thought he went limp. It let him dangle from its jaws.

Another came in to tear his upper torso from his waist. With all his might, the Mandalorian pulled up and stabbed his lance into the first creature’s eye. It promptly dropped him and the Cathar landed on his feet.

“I’m glad this armor is tougher than it looks.” He grumbled before he began to lead the two Gutkurr back toward the limping third one.

Kass took careful aim and fired at one of the two non-limping Gutkurr but missed again. The light and noise of the shot managed to startle the Gutkurr as it zoomed past, though Kass still growled in frustration as she missed yet again, clearly not used to shooting through dense branches and leaves compared to the terrain of Alderaan or Mandalore.

Saynx found himself grateful for Kass’ help, even if she kept missing. He rushed through the jungle quickly. He weaved through the dense foliage, climbing or ducking underneath to avoid the chomping jaws. The trek was a bit harder than he expected with the beasts hot on his trail. One Gutkurr swung its head landing a blow on his shoulder. He let it roll off as he continued to push forward, stumbling against the vines.

As the ground cleared, he twisted about and slashed out with his lance. It painted across the Gutkurr’s nose causing it to retreat back. With a great leap, he rushed up a fallen trunk just when the other beast smacked its head down onto it. Splinters scattered when it broke apart sending him rolling into the dirt.

“I’m really starting to hate today,” The Cathar snapped, turning back. He ducked between the two behemoths.

He barely squeezed in and out, their bulk bashed into each other behind him. With his direction changed, he rushed for where he suspected Kass would be.

Kass had kept up with him all that time, finding it easier to move through the treetops than Saynx did to move through the undergrowth. She had parked herself in a tree nearby him and reached for the hunting bag he’d given her before they’d started stalking, looking for stun grenades. She found one and threw it out, shouting “Grenade out!” to Saynx and throwing one down after the pursuing Gutkurrs.

The Cather’s breath rattled in his chest as his feet rapidly covered ground. One of the nearby Gutkurrs began to nip at his tail and heels. His jaw tightened in frustration before he caught Kass’ shout. A black, blinking cylinder flew into the ground to his left.

Saynx instantly veered to the right just when the beast’s maw clamped down on his shoulder armor. The creature stopped him in his tracks and jerked up, pulling him off his feet. It continued to apply pressure. The durasteel creaked in protest then threatened to rip into his flesh underneath.

On instinct, his hand seized his blaster pistol then aimed over his shoulder, his finger pulled the trigger. A blast skimmed past his body into the Gutkurr’s head. It shuddered before it toppled over, dead.

Cursing in Mando’a, Saynx hoisted himself up. His head turned to briefly examine the damage and spot his surroundings. The two that followed the Gutkurr stumbled about, their heads shook about. Victims of the stunning effects. Holstering his weapon, the Cathar’s fingers pressed his comlink.

“Kass, take your pick before the stun wears off.” He eyed both of them.

He had his lance ready to slice through the carcass of the next Gutkurr who might try and take a chunk out of him.

Kass was waiting for just those words, taking aim at the center of mass of one of the stunned Gutkurrs, holding his breath, waiting to squeeze the trigger between heartbeats if she could, anything to gain advantage on the shot.

Her efforts paid off and the sizzling hot blaster bolt streaked into the beast’s chest.

“Ha! Finally! One for the trophy room!” She celebrated into her comms and took aim at the remaining beast in case the stun wore off or Saynx needed assistance.

“Nice shot kid, it was a real beauty.” The Cathar complimented as the other Gutkurr began to recover.

It spotted its two companions down, its nostrils snorted and legs began to twist about in retreat. Saynx debated in his mind if they should kill more than their fair share here. He shoved the yes option aside as he watched it vanish into the thick, thorn undergrowth.

“Now comes the real challenge. Who sticks around to watch the carcasses and who returns to the Wasp for the loading cart? Got a preference?” He asked, his reddish eyes still scanned the local surroundings filled with flora and unseen fauna.

Kass slid down the tree and did the same checking process, though she held the bag of tricks and traps over her shoulder as she scanned the environment.

“I’ll go back and get the cart. I think if anything jumps out of the bushes at close range you’ll be better at handling it. Besides, I don’t wanna sit around with a bunch of animal carcasses in the middle of all this.”

“Perfect. On the way back, make sure to enjoy that feeling of victory and figure out what chunk of meat you want to try first. I hear Gutkurr heart, if roasted right, can be delicious.” The elder Cathar took a leaning posture against the nearest beast.
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