Star Wars: Order 66
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Age : 27

005 - Week 2, Day 5: Friends and Allies Empty 005 - Week 2, Day 5: Friends and Allies

Mon May 04, 2020 2:01 pm
Two days had passed since the attack on Jedi Master Rothul, Lo, and Knight Kayda. Two days full of stress, tension between the remaining Jedi, and many many unknowns. Currently, Master Rothul was resting where he had been placed two days ago; he hadn’t been able to move much, no thanks to the poison that still ravaged his body. Despite Cora’s best efforts, and even though the original puncture wounds had nearly healed and started to scar over, the poison remained. It caused the man constant agony. Be it in the form of a massive headache, trouble breathing, night terrors and sweats, tremors throughout his body, or chest pains. The older Jedi was unable to rest easily, though it seemed he had finally found a moment that allowed him to fall into a deep and much needed slumber.

Because of his condition, three three older Jedi were required to make decisions on their own regarding his health and the well being of the group. No doubt questions had started being asked as to who the turncoat was amongst the people. Because of the uncertainties, only those able to fight and the clan leaders were able to return to the main cavern to be with the Jedi. The rest of the population remained deeper, but also safer, should something else happen on the surface.

In the times he had been awake, Dominik was able to help them with smaller decisions and questions regarding strategies. Though it had been brought up that he was in no condition to make such decisions, and that it could put added stress on him, thus hindering his ability to fight the toxin that ailed him.

The last two days seemed to blur together as Evemarie obsessively searched for the missing Jedi with no concrete results. Her hypothesis was that Kayda perished causing a distraction to help Lo escape. That Lo was able to get away before she was captured about 2 kilometers away from the attack site. Her trail went cold and if she escaped she wouldn’t have been able to cover her tracks that thoroughly. She had hoped that it hadn’t been the Sith but based on how her salves were tampered with; it would suggest that they are involved and most likely the ones that took her. Now  it was a race against time with Padawan’s willpower determining how long they had and based on Evie’s observations it was not long. She will crack if the Sith who abducted her is mildly competent on torture and breaking down ones will. Not to mention her indifference to authority will probably lead her to exhibit the same behavior that was displayed with Master Rothul but her captor will do more than give her a “stern” talking to. she thought to herself as she went through her morning routine.

Evemarie was also doing her best to avoid Cora and confide in Aren with her discoveries to avoid an argument that could be seen as dissension in the ranks and thus lower morale. However the situation would need to be addressed without prying eyes from the Twi’leks. However the Twi’leks were oddly very cooperative and there was nothing obvious that could implicate them with the tampering of the salves. However there were quite a few Twi’leks that were aiding Lo around the time that the salves may have been tampered with and she thought it was best to start interviewing them. One in particular was a young Twi’lek girl about Lo’s age and figured she would begin there. “What was her name… Ro something… OH Ro’sara! I’ll start with her and work my way through the potential suspects but there is a strong possibility that we may already be compromised by an outside force… Best not suspect my colleagues but one can’t rule that possibility out.”

Replacing bandages on Dominik, washing out the basin with tepid water and sand. Cora's exhaustion was getting the better of her and with Dominik stable for now at least she found herself repeating the same chores over more than once. After realizing she was washing the same basin for the third time Cora set it down. She needed a bath and to change her clothes, but mostly she needed sleep. She'd been up for more than two days and she was starting to suffer the effects of too much Force use.

Aren had gone to fetch some more rags, a clean blanket for Dominik, and rations for Cora. Returning to the tent with everything in hand, Aren managed to part the front flap and step through. She smiled softly at Cora as she set the blanket and rags at the end of the bed near Dominik’s feet. “I brought you some broth. There’s a little bit of vegetables in it too. It’s not much, but considering you haven’t eaten in two days I think it will do you some good.”

Looking up slowly Cora smiled back at Aren. "Thank you. I have not had much time to think about myself. Single-minded in pursuit of finding a better way to combat Sith Alchemical toxins."

Aren nodded as Cora took the broth from her. She glanced over at Dominik’s prone form before she moved over to sit next to him. She gently touched a couple fingers to the side of his face, but also knew that Cora had probably already checked for a fever. He had battled the previous fever for a full twenty-four hours before it had faded, so Aren was just worried. “You really need to rest, Cora.” Aren said, finally looking back up at the older Jedi. “He is doing better, no doubt because of you. But you also need to take care of yourself. If you crash, Evie and I may not be able to help him in the ways you have if something happens.”

Nodding Cora recognized logic when she heard it. "I also have a need for a bath, as well as a change of clothes. I look like death warmed over I imagine, which only happens in the most dire of circumstances."

The food set of a loud gurgling in Cora’s belly. She smirked and started to eat slowly so that if Aren wanted to talk more Cora could answer without a mouthful of food. The broth was savory and filling with the roots and vegetables added in.

“You look like someone who has been hard at work saving a man many of us look up to.” Aren said, standing from Dominik’s side and placing a gentle hand on Cora’s shoulder. “I know he is thankful for all that you’ve done and would want you to take some time for yourself.” Aren squeezed Cora’s shoulder for a moment before moving past her towards the exit of the tent. “I’ll be over helping to hand out rations to the patrols before they leave. Let me know when you need me. I can watch him while you take some time to yourself.” [/color]

Evemarie was curious where Aren had gone off too as Evie hoped to share the information she had pieced together and where her investigation was going. Her methods were going to be a bit restrained but she had hoped for Aren’s input.   I think this kinder interview method will suffice as an opener and if I find more leads then I shall follow them accordingly.  If one is suspicious or it appears that they are then they will be watched and I may see them again for another less than cordial interview… Buuuut!! Let's hope it doesn’t come to that. Evie thought to herself as she made her way towards the tent that housed Master Rothul. She pulled the curtain back to see both Cora and Aren eating together.

“Good morning Aren! And same to you Cora.. When you two are finished I’d very much like to speak with Aren, I do hope Master Rothul is doing better considering the circumstances” Evie said in a pleasant tone before taking a sip of her caffa.

Finishing up the soup Cora looked up as Evemarie came in. "Dominik is better. For the moment." Cora stood looking up at Evemarie, her petite figure seeming even smaller with her exhaustion. "I need a change of clothes and a bath. Then I need some sleep. If I am needed I will be in my tent or in the hot springs far down the tunnels."

Turning to Evemarie fully Cora strode to the entrance of the tent. Not looking at Evemarie she softly, so only she heard whispered to the taller Jedi. "I cannot change the past but I think we should try to put it behind us."

Walking off before Evemarie could say anything Cora departed for her tent. Collecting a dress and a spare clean blanket to dry off with Cora made her way to the spring.

Watching Cora go after dismissing herself, Aren looked to Evemarie as she moved to the foot of the bed, picking up the rags and putting them off to the side on a small rickety wooden table where they could easily be found later. “Good morning Evie.” She said, moving back and grabbing the blanket before she slowly started to unroll it so it was out flat.

“What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”[/color]

Did Evie’s ear deceive her? Cora was aiming to bury their issue so soon. This caught her off guard as most of the Jedi she had worked with often were quite headstrong and were too proud to ever admit they had lost their nerve nor talked things out. She immediately put that thought to the back of her head when Aren addressed her. “Well sister, the situation is grimmer than one would hope as I have yet to find any signs that Lo had escaped to the woods and it is looking likely that she  was probably abducted. Either by a Hutt or a Sith… Neither are good and means time is of the essence… I was going to go interview the Twi’leks that have been in contact with her for the past couple of days. The first one whom I shall speak to is Ro’sara and work from there. If anybody gives me the sense that they are hiding something then I shall visit them at a later date.” she said with a sigh before taking another sip of her Caffa.

“Alright, just tread carefully. We wouldn’t want them assuming the worst but we do have to protect what he have left. I’ll be here with Master Rothul while Cora goes and gets some time to herself.” Aren explained, pulling the blanket currently on Dominik off, and replacing it with the cleaner one. Aren bundled the old one up and placed it back at the foot of the bed.

Val’Ko couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer. He was kept mostly in the dark because he assumed the older Jedi thought it would be better not to worry him. He searched for his Master, one of the more likely places she would be would be checking on Master Rothul. Finally coming around to his hut he could hear voices inside. One was definitely Master Arens’. The other he didn’t bother guessing, already halfway through the door. Catching the last bit of the conversation he scowled. “Master, when will I get told what is going on. I want to help and I want the whole story. From what I've gathered Master Rothul is again terribly injured and both Kayda and Lo are nowhere to be found.” He interjected quite forcefully hoping that his confidence would earn him enough respect to be let in on the details of the situation. He pushed out his feelings of concern and his will to help to his Master hoping that it would help as well as he waited for her response.

“You will know when it is beneficial and relevant to you young Padawan. In the meantime it is best you abide by the tasks your Master has assigned you and do not worry about things that are best left to those who specialize in these things.  But if you must know Lo has probably been taken and Kayda has become one with the Force. Now please leave, I have things to discuss with your Master without the prying ears of a Padawan.” Evie said dismissively before turning back to focus on Aren not giving the Padawan the time of day faintly waving him away like he was a nuisance.

Val heard the words of the Jedi knight that dismissed him as insignificant and they angered him. He took a controlled breath and resolved his anger as she gave him the information he wanted, though it was all terrible news. “Master Barral, I am not a weak and insignificant child, Master Aren is a remarkable teacher and I believe myself to be quite ahead of my peers because of this. I am reliable and would like to be used for something that is actually helpful rather than more chores that any Twi’Lek could do instead. Not to mention that I would consider myself rather specialized for my age and have earned my spot to assist in this dangerous mission. Finally, Master Barral, I would prefer you don't use my title in such a derogatory manner, It's unbecoming of someone who once stood in the same shoes.” Val let himself get  a little too loose in his response. He knew he would have to answer to Master Aren for his tone later but he would cross that road when he got to it.

Aren stepped forward a little, feeling proud at Val for defending himself but also knowing Evie meant well in her words. She walked up next to Val and placed a hand on his back, guiding him back over to where she was standing previously, next to the bed. “Thank you Evie for the update. I’ll make sure to keep Val updated on the important points of the situation. If you need me, I’ll be here with Master Rothul.” Aren restated, giving Evie a reassuring smile as she tried to pull her Padawan out of the embers that would soon become a raging hot argument.

"Thank you Aren, but there are other things I’d like to discuss away from prying eyes. Especially since it may compromise what I’m trying to do with one so passionate at this current moment.” Evie replied in a high soprano voice.

“Later… Evie.” Aren started, glancing down at her Padawan and then back at Dominik. “I’d like to speak with Val too, and I need to keep an eye on Master Rothul while Cora is away. Once she gets back I’ll come look for you, alright?”[/color]

“Understood sister, I’ll leave you to your duties. Young one, it was a pleasure chatting with you but I have other things to attend to and wish you well.” she replied before making her way out of the tent and looking for Cora. Since she was going to take a bath she may have gone to the hot springs and made her way there.

Within about 10 minutes Evie found Cora, she seemed to be at peace given the hellish work she had been through with stabilizing Master Rothul. “Hey Cora, Do you mind if I join you?” Evie asked meekly.

Tilting her head up at Evie with a sleepy look in her eyes Cora blinked and came more fully awake. Sitting up straighter she motioned in assent. She did not want to start another war with Evie but also did not want to shut her out. There was very little light in the cavern so even if Cora was shy, which she was around the right people, Evie wouldn't be able to see anything anyway.

Evie meekly nodded and proceeded to undress and calmly got into the water.   “I know I’m not the easiest to work with and my apologies for the other night. It was unbecoming of me and was just seeing the situation as black and white… Those whom I’ve worked with don’t seem to like this thought process but it was  how I was trained and my apologies if it came off as cold…” Evie said with a sigh as she started to wash her sable hair.

Reaching out Cora turned Evie and assisted her in washing her hair. It would keep Cora awake and just make it easier on the other woman. Long hair was always more difficult to get fully clean by yourself. "If it comes as any consolation just because you see in black and white it does not mean you do not see. I accept your apology though really it is not needed. You may want to know though that when an Empath loses their cool it is much worse than that of someone who is not one. I remember when Pyter died… I… unintentionally mentally scarred many in the surrounding area. It is not a… fond memory for me. Was I worried about Dominik? Yes, I am still. Was I worried about Lo? Yes, more so now than when I had but hoped that she was just lost. Duck under."

Pulling her hands from Evie’s hair Cora slid back a little. Not hard for a petite little thing like her. Cora could never get her hair that long. Her light auburn strands seemed to have a mind of their own and as long as they stayed out of her face Cora let them be.

Evie was taken aback by Cora suddenly invading her space, it was not that it was unwelcome but rather surprising. “Oh you don’t need to help with my self-care… You should focus on your own as I know you have been by Master Rothul’s bedside since the attack happened.” she said with a sigh as she tried to pull her hair away from Cora.

“It is not like I don’t feel like you but rather the nature of my training has led to compartmentalization of the tragic events that befall me. I cope in different ways away from the eyes of my peers. I just was a bit worried about what you were directing me to do and based on the knowledge we had I deemed it was in our best interest to look for the Jedi.. Now for rooting out the traitor I’ll be following on certain leads but if they come up short we may have to assume that the camp has been compromised.”

Cora smirked in the dim light. "Yes I fear it has been compromised,  whether we locate this traitor or not. We may want to think about scouting areas to move to and I fear we endanger the Twi’leks more than they do us. Something still does not feel right in the Force, as of yet though I have not been about to divine it."

Shrugging Cora quickly took care of her own needs as she continued. "I do not have those talents though but sometimes trust is enough." She dipped her head underneath the warm water and rose getting out of the spring.

Drying off Cora dressed and rubbed her still damp hair. "I will leave you to your absolution as I meditate and seek solace in the Force before retiring for the evening." She mused a moment realizing that it was morning and her internal clock was a little off. "Or rather morning. Please wake me for the mid-day meal. And Evie? Thank you."

“Well, I reflect sometimes if this mission the Council assigned was a good idea as it’s looking more likely that this will be a powder keg that will start yet another war.” she said with a sigh as she bobbed under the invigorating water. It had been sometime since she had practice self care and it was a nice reprieve from tragedy that was soon to befall them.

“Before you go just know that I will find out some information that will expose the traitor or whomever has been skulking into the camp. It just may take some time… Considering that Lo was likely captured then coordination will be key and I’ll do my best to keep you in the loop. Now get your rest and I’ll wake you about them.”

Nodding her head Cora gestured to the light. "No rush, but bring the light back once you are done."

Moving off Cora waved as she moved down the tunnel. She thought about how flat the world would look if one only saw black and white like Evie stated. So many shades in between… some neither fully good nor fully bad. Dangerous to not be able to see those shades of gray.

Evie was caught off guard by the comment, such a thought was a nice pleasantry but Evie knew that things were probably going to get a lot darker. All she could do was nod before turning away from Cora to finish up her bath. I wish I had her optimism when it comes to bringing the light back… The way things are escalating it is going to be a lot darker and far more grim… I do hope she will be able to handle the adversity coming. It is quite obvious that many of the Jedi here have not been tossed into the void and may have trouble making the tactical decision… There is nothing worse than hesitating because one lets their emotions get the better of them. Evie reflected on as she finished up her bath. This was a nice reprieve from the sorrow that was to come and enjoyed every moment of it.

Within ten minutes it was over, Evie tossed her clothes on and left with a few  things on her mind. To find the traitor, useful information in regards to Lo and to see if the camp has been compromised from the outside. Such was her duty, it wasn’t something she particularly enjoyed but it was what Evie was trained for and thus she would play her role.

Last edited by Bea on Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:49 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Join date : 2020-04-24
Age : 27

005 - Week 2, Day 5: Friends and Allies Empty Re: 005 - Week 2, Day 5: Friends and Allies

Mon May 04, 2020 2:01 pm
Cora folded the damp blanket and walked softly in bare feet. She was often barefoot and even though she had just bathed she wanted the comfort of the gesture. Her head was starting to feel fuzzy as she slowed her steps. Shaking her head she rubbed a hand over her face and let her feelings bubble to the surface.

Shakily Cora pulled each emotion out from the last two days and looked at them. Anger, hurt, sorrow, betrayal, pain and fear. In small measures these emotions were fine. In large quantities, like the last two days, Cora felt overwhelmed. She would meditate and hope that helped.

It was about midday as Sar finished sending out patrols and had intended to check up on Cora and Dominik. Though upon arriving at the Master Jedi’s tent he had been told by Aren that Cora had gone to give herself some much needed time off. He had initially waited at the entrance to the tunnel that led to the hot springs, but it had been a little longer than Sar had hoped since she had left. He started down the tunnel, intending to check to make sure she hadn’t collapsed from exhaustion somewhere on the way to the springs. The tunnels were dimly lit thanks to the crystals that lined them, just enough to make out a darker figure down the tunnel headed his way.


Her head moved slowly at the sound and Cora caught sight of Sar. She blinked and put a hand out to the wall roughly lined in the crystals that refracted the little light. Her heart did a little skip and she inwardly frowned at it. She was attracted to him and his charmingly gentlemanly ways which may cloud her judgment. She wondered if Evie had gotten to investigate him. She hadn't asked. "Sar? Is that you?"

“It’s me.” He said, approaching her as she did to him. He stopped, even in the darkness of the tunnel he could see her exhaustion. “Aren told me you had gone to the springs. I was worried that you hadn’t actually made it there. How are you feeling?”

Cora nodded. "I have bathed and was just on my way back. Did you need something?" Her words were cautious and she held herself in self contempt at the thought of the fact that she felt hurt by her behavior.

Sar could tell immediately that Cora’s behavior was off, but he knew she was tired and it didn’t help what she had gone through the past two days. “I was just… making sure you were alright.” He said, pausing as he figured out why she might be acting so cautious. He took in a deep breath and held his hands out to his side. “Cora, you can trust me. I understand the Jedi think one of us may have hurt Master Rothul. I promise, I am on your side.” He said, making no advancements or actions that would say otherwise.

Biting her lip Cora’s grip on the wall tightened and she winced as she scratched her palm. She tottered with fatigue and pulled her hand back. She would examine it momentarily. "You have no idea how much I…" She swallowed. She was so vulnerable right now. She had to be strong.

Swaying her eyes focused on Sar. She had no idea that she couldn't contain the expressions on her face. Normally she was very calm but it seemed like she was hurt and frightened. Him bringing up Dominik and seeing her put distance between them deepened the hurt mirrored in her eyes.

“I’m here to talk, Cora, or I can leave. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” He said, unmoving but keeping his hands out at his sides to show he meant no harm.

"Please stay." Cora was surprised at her own words but would not recall them. She did want to talk with him and as much as she probably should not she trusted him. She was tired of the feuding and the strain she was under. "Come walk with me. There is much that weighs heavily on our minds today. Do you know of a place we can talk privately?"

“We can go to my hut. I’ve sent all the patrols out for the day and the scouts aren’t due to report back in a for a couple hours.” Sar said, falling in beside Cora as they started back towards the cavern.

They rarely had time alone it seemed someone had always needed something within minutes from one or the other or both. Strangely enough no one seemed to want to bother them at present. Cora smiled and shook her head. "Of course. Why did I not see it before?"

She looked up at Sar. "I would be willing to bet that Dominik was the cause of us not talking privately before." Cora's face fell. Dominik was not out of the woods yet. "He is… better but much must be done before he is truly well. So much. Sar… I am worried. I have so much more to do for him. I wish I were three people then this could be easier."

Sar snickered at Cora’s comment. He wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. “He’ll pull through, Cora. Hell, he held back a wall of fire right before my eyes and managed to make the cave collapse before it reached us. If he can do that, he can pull through this.” Sar said, glancing at Cora as he spoke. It was obvious the Twi’lek thought highly of Dominik; the two had become very good friends because of the hardships they both shared.

“And Lo too, you know. She saved all of us, including Dominik, when the slavers captured us. Plus she worked endlessly until Dominik started to recover after the mortar attacks. We’ll pull through this Cora, just like we have these last few months.”

[colo=#00CED1]"If only I had been here sooner. Not been almost caught by some pirates. Thirteen days rather than the three it should have taken me. Manaan is not that far. I could have helped more. I should have been the one to go to Aren’s ship.I should have stressed to him better that there was a shadow over the Force here. Should have made him listen to me better. Now I am responsible and I can do nothing!"[/color] Cora's self recriminations were harsh, deep down she knew they were not things she could change but she still blamed herself.

A teardrop splashed on her collar bone and she jolted not realizing she was crying, stunned she froze. She had not cried for years. Cora blinked as she recalled the last time she had cried and choked at the memory. She attempted to compose herself without success leaving herself shattered and attempting not to show it.

“Hey… hey now.” Sar said gently, putting one arm gently around Cora’s shoulders as she started to harshly blame herself. “You cannot blame yourself for things you couldn’t control. It is not your fault our enemies are here, it is not your fault they were ambushed two days ago. It is not your fault for being unable to reverse the bad our enemy has done.” He said, speaking quietly and gently so as to try and calm Cora down. They made it back to the cavern and Sar steered Cora in the direction of his hut, helping her through the doorway and guiding her to sit down on his bed.

“You need rest, Cora. Time to let your mind and body recover. You’ve done so much recently and it’s putting you under an unhealthy amount of stress.”

Hearing Sar's words and taking them to heart were two very different things. Cora walked without real direction as he sat her on the bed she pulled her bare feet up, as she commonly did while seated. The petite woman looked small and childlike as she took a shaky breath laughing without mirth while dashing her small hands over the tear stains. "This… now this is emotional. If any of the others saw this… I have to be strong. I will be fine in a moment. Tell me something… anything. I need to not think for a few moments." Her voice was soft and husky with the tears she had shed.

"I had a dream not long ago," Sar started, not hesitating as he sat down next to Cora on the bed, "I was a kid again, and I was back in my old village. We were ambushed by a gang of pirates that were going around to villages pillaging and stealing anything they could. I got hurt running from one of them." He paused for a moment, his gaze moving down to the ground as he recalled the dream. “Right as one of the pirates raised his staff and aimed it at me, this young, orange-haired girl came out of nowhere. She must've been a Jedi because I saw her pull out a lightsaber and dispatch the pirate. After that they all fled and she turned around and held out her hand to help me up."

The Twi'lek man smiled as he glanced back at Cora. "After that I woke up. But I still remember that dream, it's crystal clear. I keep trying to figure out who the young girl was. She looked a lot like someone I know." He teased, acting as if he was trying to think on it as he gave her a playful smile.

Feeling her face heat with a blush. "How long ago? And I cannot imagine who she could be. Who do you think she is?" Cora teased right back.

“I’m not sure.” Sar said, teasing Cora as he stood from the edge of the bed. “But you know who she reminds me of? Someone who needs some well deserved rest.” He said, arms crossing over his chest as he looked at the Jedi.

Smirking Cora stood. "So you are going to be bossy. Good to know. But something tells me you do not think of me as a child." She looked up at Sar. "Something also tells me this conversation is long overdue."

“I agree. Now, rest, here. No one will bother you. I know Aren and her Padawan are watching over Dominik. Let your body sleep and let your mind rest, alright?”

Surprise registered on Cora’s face. From allof Sar's words. "But this is your hut. I could not possibly take it from you. You may wish to use it."

Cora could not stifle a yawn but did cover it. "That did…" She yawned again and blinked sleepily. "Not just happen. You will ignore that." She swayed a little, she was so very tired.
Sar chuckled lightly as Cora yawned. "I don't need it right this moment. So, sleep. I will make sure nobody bothers you."

Sitting back down on the bed Cora yawned and nodded. "Just for a moment…" She had been starting to recline as she was talking. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.
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Join date : 2020-05-01

005 - Week 2, Day 5: Friends and Allies Empty Re: 005 - Week 2, Day 5: Friends and Allies

Fri May 08, 2020 10:52 pm
Week 2 Day 5

Cora felt the bond pull as the day wound down. Zhâlu. She could feel his presence in the back of her mind and knew he had felt something from her. The Sith Pureblood had rushed to his ship on Manaan the day he’d felt nothing from his bond with Cora but overwhelming panic and distress. The suddenness of it had snuck up on him as he was finishing up with a patient who’d thought it was a good idea to get into a wrestling match with one of Manaan’s local predators. The suddenness of it had caused him to physically stumble forwards in shock.

After apologizing profusely several times, he left the facility in the care of those his master had chosen to aid her long before he had entered the picture. The thirteen day trip to Ryloth had had him taught with worry and concern, but his experience as a Sith and a Jedi helped him to temper them, keep them from controlling him as he finally exited hyperspace. Opening a communication’s channel, he could feel the relief coming through their bond, likely at the arrival of a familiar face. “Ryloth aid team, this is Jedi Padawan Zhâlu Jenal. My master is Cora Alcyon, who is already on the surface. I need landing coordinates.”

Hearing Zhâlu's voice Cora responded immediately. "Zhâlu good of you to join us." Cora provided the coordinates. Sending a confirmation on receiving them, it wasn’t long before his small fighter had touched down and he was quickly working on climbing out of the cockpit, unconcerned with the looks of hate and concern the Twi’leks threw his way. This is the way of things for now. Don’t let it get to you. Finally finishing getting unhooked, he jumps out of the cockpit and looks around before getting a Twi’lek’s attention. ”Where is Jedi Knight Cora?”

Pointing inside the cavern a blue female Twi'lek pulled a child out of reach. Cora stepped forward and smiled warmly at her Padawan. "Zhâlu. Wonderful to see you." Her tone was rich and warm but weary. She looked frazzled and like she had been working too hard for too long. Approaching her, Zhâlu bowed to his master before giving her a one armed hug and then looking her in the eyes.

”It’s always a pleasure to see you, Cora, but three days ago, you panicked so horribly, I felt it on Manaan and nearly put my datapad in a patient’s eye. What happened?”

Raising an eyebrow at Zhâlu's question Cora led him to a less populated area. "We had an incident with Sith Alchemy. Dominik has had the toxin introduced into his system. That would be the reason." Stepping away for a moment, Zhâlu takes a deep breath before slamming his right fist into the wall next to him, shaking it and leaving some cracks.

”The Sphere of Secrets…” He turns to face Cora again, calmer than before. ”Any leads?”

Making a grimace Cora shook her head. "None. I believe that the culprit has eluded us. Which does not make this an easy pill to swallow. I am doing my best to heal Dominik but it continues to be reactive rather than proactive. You know how much I hate that."

Cora sighed. "On top of all that a Padawan of tender years is missing and a Knight. The Padawan is Dominik’s, her salves were tampered with and the toxin introduced when he used them. All in all we have a mystery that I cannot step away to solve." Cora and Zhâlu always had less of what could be considered a formal Master Padawan relationship, probably due to their closeness in age. Not to mention her Padawan was older than she was.

”Hmmmm….” That the Sphere of Secrets had any interest in the going ons of the aid efforts here on Ryloth spoke of potential Hutt interactions, as someone had to get them on the ground. ”Unfortunately, I’m no good for the toxin. I was a student of the Sphere of War and had no love for the Alchemy that other Sith practiced. However, we MAY be able to draw out the Sith and their agent, simply by my being here.”

This was true. Zhâlu was wanted by the Empire but Cora balked at using her Padawan as bait. "You know I would not like that. While it is very selfless of you to do so I fear you use it to prove to others that your outward appearance is not reflected inwardly. I have told you time and again that I could never find another Padawan as devoted as you. Besides if you were captured you would be worse off than any Jedi."

A worried frown did little to detract from her lovely face. Small surprise there since she was Hapian and the history of Hapes was that they stole the most beautiful women in the galaxy for wives. Cora motioned Zhâlu farther to the healing tents. The largest one containing Dominik. He was currently unconscious and she was in need of checking in on him. ”Then what do we do, Master? If we wait, there’s a good chance we’ll miss their strike when it comes.”

Zhâlu follows Cora in and falls into the easy rhythm of helping her tend to the poisoned man, handing her what she needed that she couldn’t immediately get herself. ”Besides, we may not have a choice. The Twi’leks will talk of my arrival quite...fervently…”

Sighing, Cora conceded that Zhâlu had a point. "You make a good point Zhâlu. We shall discuss it with the other Knights and see what they think. That shall be in the morning. Did you sleep at all on the trip here?" He nods, gently encouraging Master Dominik to drink some water as he rests.

”I slept enough, Master. I used to fight on battlefields for days, Cora. I think days without rest is one of the things I can hem you out in.” Finishing, he stands and turns to face his master head on. ”We can’t delay for long if the Sith are indeed using a Twi’lek as an agent to do this. Who are the other Knights?”

"Aren Beck and Evemarie Barral. Knight Barral is a Shadow. She will be most interested in you." Cora kept her head down as she blushed lightly. "And the Twi’lek leader Sar. They will be at the meeting as well as Knight Beck's Padawan, Val’Ko."  Noting her intentionally avoiding eye contact at the mention of the Twi’lek, Zhâlu chuckles.

”Remember Master, there is no Emotion. But enough with the pragmatics. I will sit with Master Dominik until morning. Then simply let me know when the meeting is starting.”

Blushing Cora mock glared at her Padawan. "Do not you start in on the whole thing of no flirtations or relationships with me Zhâlu. Satele Shan, our Grandmaster is married and I do not intend to be alone. If it is good enough for her then it is good enough for me. And do not dare to take Dominik’s side on this. He has been interfering as well."

Zhâlu feigns being hurt at the words. ”Me interfere? Please, Master, you know me better than that. Simply...don’t let it distract you too much. If they struck at Master Dominik,” the Pureblood grimaces as he settles in to get comfortable, ”the Empire may have a vested interest here. And it’s easier to keep you safe when you’re as focused as I am.” Finally comfortable, he pulls his saberstaff free of its place on his belt and rests it in his lap. ”Now go, rest. I’ll see you at the meeting.”
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