Star Wars: Order 66
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Temporary reference - Darth Nyiss Empty Temporary reference - Darth Nyiss

Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:58 am

Note: Most of the information below is not readily known in the Empire, let alone outside it.

If you wonder if something is plausible to know, ask us.


Imperial personnel files

NameDarth Nyiss (original name lost)
SpeciesSith Pureblood
Apprentice(s)Nimm Deenia, Lea Rahn, multiple others
Pureblood percentage100
Height167.64 galactic standard centimeters
Sphere of InfluenceSphere of Ancient Knowledge (Primary)
Sphere of Biotic Science (Secondary)
Sphere of Military Offense (Tertiary)

Imperial Intelligence Reports


Temporary reference - Darth Nyiss 3ed664c78141d1dc452bfb8b4329a99b

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

- Sith Alchemy - Mastered Talent
- Sith Sorcery - Expert Training
- Tutaminis (Advanced) - Basic Training
- Force Lightning - Expert Training
- Chain Lightning - Intermediate Training
- Telekinesis - Expert Talent
- Force Choke - Intermediate Talent
- Force Fear - Intermediate Training
- Force Drain - Expert Talent
- Force Healing - Intermediate Training
- Detoxify Poison - Intermediate Training
- Animal Friendship - Intermediate Training
- Crucitorn - Intermediate Training
- Basics - Intermediate Training (or above)

Personality analysis of candidate.

Being older than several members of the Dark Council and not too fond of that level of politics, Darth Nyiss is unlikely to give them anything more than she needs to.
Even so, she steps carefully around them, not desiring to have them make life hard for her.

When making deals with them, she provides the information or resources she wants to provide and nothing more. She does not share the sources of her intel.

If she does trade information or resources, she expects equal value in return.

While considered enigmatic even within the Empire, she is even less known outside it, with most stories involving her having to do with the things she did during the Great Galactic War. She is renowned for her mastery of Sith Alchemy.
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