Star Wars: Order 66
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Darth Braxis Empty Darth Braxis

Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:41 pm
Name: Ahri’ahaab
Species: Wookie
Age: 245
Gender: Male
Rank: Darth
Master: None

Detailed appearance.

Ahri’ahaab has mostly brown fur with a pair of black stripes from above his eyes over his head, down his back and stopping at his waist. His eyes are a baleful gold color and his claws, once retractable, are now permanently extended and sharpened to the point where he could use the Force to rip out your throat, but he enjoys doing it by hand instead. Much like all Wookies, he wears no clothes, but he does sport a grey cloak. His weapon is a bronze bladed great lightsaber, as befits a being of his size and power, the hilt made from the wood of a Wroshyr tree.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

Force talents:
Force Rage(Innate Talent)-Grandmaster
Force Scream(Trained Talent)-Expert

Force skills
Force Lightning-Expert
Force Sight (Basic)-Expert
Force Sense-Expert
Mind Trick-Basic
Force Speed-Expert
Force Jump-Expert
Force Throw-Expert
Droid Disable-Expert
Force Stasis-Intermediate
Force Choke-Expert
Force Slow-Expert
Chain Lightning-Intermediate

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber forms used.

Lightsaber Forms:Soresu-Expert

Non-Force skills:Survival training in arboreal, desert and tundra.
Mass Submission

(Optional)Known interests of the candidate.

The only thing that Darth Braxis is still interested in after two-hundred and forty-five years of living is seeing the glorious future that the Sith Emperor has envisioned brought to fruition. However, he does dabble in the odd Xeno-biological autopsy.

Biographical Records:
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