Star Wars: Order 66
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:26 pm
Lord Vane paused long enough to admire herself. Her dark, grey eyes scanned her image and ensured her presentation satisfied her. As usual, it did. The Sith Lord inhaled with pride at her graceful aging as she stretched out her hand. Her lightsaber flew from the nearby table into her hand before she expertly placed it on her belt.

With a deceptive smirk, her figure turned to depart from her temporary quarters. She briskly walked through the door and down the hallway. Her boots echoed off the stone walls only to be drowned out by louder sounds ahead of her. She caught the image of troopers securing one of the numerous doors. The Hutts’ base proved to be inefficiently designed and risked infiltration from several points. Apprentice Deenia had made arrangements to secure a planet base then fortify the flaws in its design. It caused Vane to miss the logic in the Empire’s practicality.    

With a determined step in her pace, Lord Vane navigated her way to the command room. Agent Niskaru and other Sith apprentices had all been instructed to meet her there. At least those interested. Her apprentice, Vero Tharen, had strict orders from her to monitor the Jedi bounties in order to notify her quickly. She knew he would be disappointed at missing the strategic discussions, but she trusted him over other sources. The Sith Lord intended to make it up to him later. He had been overdue for another lesson on force drain and advancement pacified his temper easily.

When she arrived at the door, her hand stretched out and pressed the console. It hissed then opened promptly at her touch. Wasting little time, she stepped inside to wait for the others. It wouldn’t take long for them to arrive. Just as the thought struck her, several apprentices began to file into the room and take their positions around the room. She stood by the command console so to show her authority and rank to the others.

Last edited by Fallenreaper on Mon Mar 15, 2021 12:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:25 am
The mountain of a soldier moved resolutely into the room after a few of the Sith, taking up a position along one wall. Even for a peaceful meeting like this, Corporal Daro Typhe was armed and armored. First of all, he didn’t trust this planet. Secondly, he trusted these Sith about as far as young Lieutenant Tala could toss a Mark II war droid. In other words: not at all.

He wasn’t too certain why his master had sent him, but what he did know was that there had to be a very good reason for it. Not that he cared. He’d listen, note down the important stuff and generally keep quiet. That usually worked out well. Hopefully he wouldn’t need to speak up much. Hopefully something interesting would happen, like an attack by Jedi. Not that that was probable.

He settled in along that wall, one hand resting on the recently acquired Mandalorian Heavy Repeater, its safety activated. Not that this would be a credible threat to any of the Sith in this room in any case. So it was fortunate that he was unlikely to need it against them. He had his concealed armor camera active and would not be surprised if at least one of the others was watching, if not all three of them. Not that he cared.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:57 am
Caxal exited his quarters, his mask and cloak firmly in place. He only knew snippets about Lord Vane, other than his own master "liked her moxie'. From his own intel, thanks to his apprentice, Vex had recommended caution around her. And Caxal wasn't stupid, no, he was a Warrior and his master's favored apprentice. He passed through the halls with measured steps, each boot solid on the floor yet few sounds came from it.

The massive sith's presence was noticed by most as he ventured, and they quickly removed themselves from his way. He sighed inwardly, focusing on himself as he composed himself. Warriors, after all, have no emotions. He entered the Command Room and scanned his eyes along everyone there, taking a spot by himself. He noted the body language of those around him, his mind running the calculations on threat and power automatically.

He cared little on posturing rank, as he noted that Vane was doing. To him, it meant little, only that one held some power but he'd personally seen to the deaths of a few Lords who had crossed his own master. He gave her a respectful nod before continuing his scan, noting the soldier, and where he rested his hand. Caxal's own were somewhat hidden but those who knew the warrior already knew that he didn't need his hands to take someone down. He looked over the apprentices and wished to have Vex at his side. She was much better suited to dealing with other people.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:47 am
More than a week earlier:
The three-dimensional image of her master floated over the holographic terminal in the ship. “You will take your apprentice to Ryloth. There you will assist Nimm.” The voice of her master was clear and brooked no questions. Immediately after those words, the transmission ended.

Lea sat in silence, pondering her master’s instructions. She did not know what the reason behind these instructions was, but she did get a sense that there was more to it than merely helping the other apprentice. There was almost certainly something political about it. Whatever the reason, she knew not to disobey. It was fortunate that she did not have any pressing matters to deal with at the present.

She slowly rose to her feet, then walked over to the starboard engine room and engineering facility, where her apprentice Xid Terrik was working on one of his many projects, opening and closing bulkhead doors on the way as needed.

“Xid.” she stated after admiring him from behind for a few moments. “The Darth has given us Orders. We are headed to the Ryloth System.”

Xid lifted upright from his crouched position. Grease and new calluses graced his face as his hand extended. A rag floated to his hand and he began to wipe them clean. His talent left no chance to remain clean if he wanted to progress with it.

His dual-colored eyes studied her while he absorbed the emotions in the bond. All felt well causing him to smile and relax.

"What do you suggest I outfit Navi with?" He asked, revealing he didn't think it would be a simple social event.

His hand placed the rag with the rest of his tools scattered on the bench. Behind, a large war droid had been in the process of repair. Or, in his mind, improvements.

“I do not have details yet, but intend to see what Apprentice Deenia can provide us. I would imagine that both combat and social situations can come up, though. The journey that far out will take some time, as you well know.” 

Navi naturally scurried out from under a table and crawled on top. The droid's red eyes shifted between the two as it relaxed, its thin legs folded underneath. Xid noted his creation's location, but said nothing to it. His attention stayed on Lea.

"If Apprentice Deenia is there, what use would it be for us to head there? Isn't the Ryloth system a low-interest planet to the Empire?" He leaned back against the table, his arms crossed on his chest.

“I do not know, but there is clearly some reason. Otherwise, Darth Nyiss would not have desired our presence there.” She sat down on a crate. “I did get a sense that we will not be the only Sith going out there though, so something must be going on. Possibly something with greater potential for consequences? She was not free with details.”

Xid frowned at the lacking information. His arms uncrossed, and he bounced up to sit on the table's edge.

"That's honestly very odd for more than one Sith to gather in one area. There will be conflicting views, hidden agendas, and other things. It will be anything but safe. Backwater planets are notoriously easy for issues to slip under the radar."

His attention drifted to a past encounter, a break in the present, then shrugged it off. He had resolved the issue in the end and without consequences. A lucky turn of events for him.

“I agree.” She said, nodding. “We will have to tread carefully.” Lea had many questions to ask Nimm.

Xid finally caught the wording Lea used. He frowned again and touched on it, realizing something.

"Wait, you mentioned 'our presence'. Did the Darth actually request both of us there or just you with me towed along for the ride?" It wouldn't surprise him if Lea decided to include him.

Most masters often took valued apprentices with them to benefit from set skills. However, if Nyiss asked specifically for him to be present... a dark sensation churned in his gut.

Lea sensed something from her apprentice, a vague sense of unease. “Does it matter?” she asked, not quite revealing anything.

"How many times has Darth Nyiss actually requested my presence for a mission? As far as I know, you're usually the one she addresses and I am just in your tool kit. A tool that doesn’t need to be taken unless you decide to." Xid pointed out the weirdness of requesting him to tag along.

It was a harsh viewpoint, but true in the Sith system. Few masters actually saw their apprentices beyond tools and power boosts.

“It is, as you know, rare for orders to be passed further than one step down the chain of command among us Sith. Thus it has not been often she has requested you for anything specific. Especially not after we left Feena behind the first time.”

Though she did not state it, Lea suspected that there was something more to all of this, but she did not yet have any inkling as to what it might be. “I do not know why she wants us both there, but could it be related somehow to the increasing tensions between the Republic and the Empire? Remote worlds like Ryloth are excellent places where conflicts can be played out without threatening the treaty as a whole.”

"And the Hutts have no issue with a war being played out in their territory? I find that hard to believe. They might not be the Empire, but they aren't stupid or powerless." Xid countered with the facts.

“From what I know, the hutts are adamant about their neutrality and have the military might to make it too costly to force anything on them. Of course, they no doubt see this as an opportunity for profit in some way or another. Like the greedy slugs they are.” 

Xid took a deep breath. Despite his logic, he couldn't place any reason for his suspicion aside from just a gut feeling. This bothered him, but he pushed it to the side.

"It's likely my paranoia is getting the better of me. I'm not sure if it is a good habit to encourage or squish it all together."

“It could be, but with Nyiss, it is always hard to tell. Hopefully Nimm will provide some more information.”

He hopped off his perch and began to collect his tools.

"I doubt it would be anything more than she sees beneficial. Are you bringing Kintik?"

“Indeed.” she nodded, adding after a momentary surprise that he would even ask that question. “What do you think?” Of course she would bring the droid. She had no doubts at all that it would become useful to have along at some point. If nothing else, to watch over the ship when they were off it.

“When do you want to leave?” He wrapped up the quick clean up as Navi began to scurry off the table and onto the floor again. 

“Do you have anything that needs taking care of now? If not, we can leave immediately.”

“We should contact Drey. If we’re heading into a danger zone, we should bring any advantages we can. Besides, I don’t think the other Sith will think much of him.” Xid began to bag up the modulars and shoulder the strap, an indication he was ready.  

Lea nodded, “Them discounting him will be our gain.” She fully expected whatever other Sith they encountered out there to seek similar advantages. She led the way to the cockpit, where Kintik was currently positioned. Seating herself in the pilot’s chair she started powering up the ship.

“Kintik. Contact the spaceport authorities. Arrange for our immediate departure.” The droid warbled out an affirmative response, rolling over to the data port and hooking in. In a matter of moments the clearance scrolled across the screen in front of Lea, indicating the droid’s success.

Firing up the engines, she took them out of the starport and into orbit. “Kintik. Plot a course to the Ryloth system.”
“If you contact Drey, I will contact Nimm.” she said to her apprentice.

"Better you deal with Apprentice Deenia than me. She still makes me unsettled and the less I deal with her, the better." He adjusted his shoulder strap then began to walk off to contact Drey.

“I know.” she said as he walked off the bridge. Rising, Lea walked back to the captain’s chair, trusting that her droid had the navicomputer in hand. She quickly sent a message to Nimm, both informing her fellow apprentice that she was on her way, and requesting more information. She had not tried for a direct call, as she expected Nimm was rather busy, whatever it was she had gotten involved in.

Week 3, Day 3, early morning:
Lea and Xid’s Fury-class Interceptor slowly approached the Hâsk, their docking clearance given shortly after they emerged from hyperspace. Alerted by her droid, Lea had quickly gotten dressed and briskly walked to the cockpit, where she took the pilot’s chair, taking care of the docking procedure herself. 

Sure, Kintik could possibly have taken care of it, but she liked getting the practice herself. The impact as the ship hooked onto the airlock reverberated through the entire ship, no doubt waking her apprentice from his slumber.

Xid shifted as his slumber scattered out of reach. He sat up then twisted his feet about, they dangled down over the edge. Navi powered on with a beep and click. It stretched out before it began to move from underneath a workbench. With a small rub on his temple, the young apprentice shot Navi a knowing glance. He pulled up on his feet then moved to the cockpit. 

The young tech stood just outside the entrance. 

“I take it we’ve arrived?”  

"We have."

Lea rose from the chair, walking over to her apprentice. 

"While I rather enjoy this look on you, you should probably put some more clothes on before venturing onto the Hâsk." 

This she stated with a smile, fully knowing he would not have done it otherwise in any case.

Xid chuckled, a soft and gentle agreement to her request. He liked that she enjoyed keeping certain assets to herself.

"Right. I'll get some robes on. and fix a module to Navi." He pulled back from the entrance and headed back to their quarters.

It wouldn't take him long before he returned, fully clothed, and prepared to face anyone.

Together they ventured off the ship, both to meet up with Apprentice Nimm and to get a clearer feel for the situation down on the planet.

Week 3, Day 4:
The shuttle journey down to Ryloth had been quick, taken care of in the night when it would be harder to identify the shuttle as imperial. It landed inside the cavernous hangar of the hutt complex and Lea made her way off the ship, taking note of what she could see within the hangar.

Xid had been quiet since they departed the ship. His eyes glanced casually around, but Lea could sense his tension and readiness. Navi hurried next to them and managed to keep pace easily enough. Xid noted the lack of metal would hinder his creation’s mobility. It was a good thing that Navi could adapt. 

“So, should I explore or…” He left the sentence off for her to insert her own option.

Lea looked around more, noting the many doorways, some of which had clearly been blocked off. “It might not be unwise to get a feel for this structure. Given the length of this hangar and the number of doorways leading off it, I suspect this compound is quite sizable.”

“It is a Hutt compound, I’m sure it follows a logic no one else can.” Xid’s tone held a bitterness. 

His eyes noted the unnecessary number of corridors and turn-offs now sealed up. The fact only irritated him since it wasted not just space, but materials better suited for other things. 

“I can take Navi and start mapping out the layout. Anywhere specific you suggest I should start at? I was considering working my way out from the center into each direction.”

“Well, I suppose that is as good a start as any other. If you take this side, then I will take Kintik down to explore the other?” Lea pointed to one side.

“All right. If we meet up, I will have Navi download his portion into Kintik since he’s got more memory space. Later I will make a basic version for Navi.” 

Navi beeped out at the small mention of its limitations. Xid simply ignored him as he turned right upon exiting the hangar. 

Lea strode the opposite direction from her apprentice, beginning her exploration of the left half of the compound.

Week 3, Day 4, later in the day:
Lea walked into the meeting chamber, quietly eying all the others present. She did know quite a bit about the situation, but she was curious what this ‘Lord Vane’ would share, not being familiar with the woman. After some time, she took up a position near the left side of the room.

Xid followed his master inside. His attitude became reserved and his expression turned cold. A simple, but effective mask he had managed to practice over the years. He mentally sized up the various sith at the meeting. Not really to his surprise, he noted the lack of Apprentice Deenia.

Navi scurried close by. The droid's low position and subtle movements drew no attention. At least for anyone not smart enough to know where to look.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:02 pm
Vane remained stoic and indifferent to each Sith's arrival. Her tainted yellow eyes watched each figure filed in and take their positions. Most refused to sit. She saw this as a blatant weakness on display rather than a show of strength. A true and powerful Sith could handle any threat even in a comfortable posture.

She dismissed her thoughts to focus on more important matters. Into her memory, Vane memorized all those present. This included if the Sith showed up themselves or sent a representative.

For those who failed to show up at all, they would pay for their arrogance. It would result in their status crumbling into dust.

The hidden thought caused a hint of a smile to curl at her mouth's edges. The Sith Lord moved onto bigger business.

"I'll skip the more pleasantries since I'm sure you're all eager to get back to other projects." Vane began in a pleasant tone.

Her words paused long enough to let them reach all of the Sith. With independent Sith it was better to jump to the point. Most had the attention of a nerf. it served them well as long as their masters gave them an objective. Otherwise, they became useful like asteroid dust.

"Empire intelligence has revealed a group of Jedi collecting on Ryloth. They are gathering under a Jedi Master Rothul, their motivations unimportant."

She paused fora breath and to read the room.

"We've been tasked to rid the planet of their presence. In order to preserve Hutt relationships, there are limitations. No high-level destruction. This means planetary bombardment is not an option nor is eradicating a species."

Vane didn't feel like she needed to elaborate on the reasons. Anyone unable to realize the obvious answers didn't desire additional help. The mere blunt 'no' should've been enough especially for those who thrived on the carnage.

"Those who fail to follow this will face consequences for their ignorance." The warning become a clear threat in her voice.

She became silent as if to allow questions or dismiss the other Sith. What they decided to do would reveal to her who was worth wasting the time on and who she needed to ignore.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:37 pm
From the position she had chosen Lea could observe the other people in the room. While she kept the rest in mind, her attention was focused on the Sith Lord. She was neither impressive nor disappointing. While not possessing the withered look of older human Sith, she still showed significant signs of having begun to age. That likely meant she posed a significant threat and was not to be scoffed at.

When no one else spoke, Lea chose not to remain silent. “How many Jedi are down there? What assets do we know or suspect they have? What are their goals?” The three questions were a simple enough start. She had more questions, but those would come later, either from her or from one of the others.

She had intentionally not introduced herself. If the Sith Lord knew who she was, good for her. If not, her loss. She did keep an eye on her apprentice, constantly gauging him as she had a habit of doing in the presence of other Sith.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:00 pm
When Lord Vane spoke of Rothul, a splash of hard, cold reality slapped Xid across the face. His breath stalled in his chest and his posture for the briefest moment stiffened. Only those who decided to pay attention to him would notice the minuscule changes. What value they applied to the reaction likely varied based on their own assumptions.

However, Lea got a far stronger reaction. At first discomfort and confusion flooded their bond. He didn't expect ever to hear the name again. Fractured memories cracked across his mind.

He took a deep breath to force the tension away. Any weakness here and now would get him killed later. Or worse. When he felt Lea's eyes on him, his head tilted slightly to her direction. His mask never broke as he reassured her he was fine and things on this wretch planet had become more difficult.

Xid couldn't help, but wonder if Darth Nyiss knew about their connection, or had it simply been pure luck? He started to suspect Nyiss knew more than a chance encounter. Especially due to it being a command directly.

The urge to walk out of the meet grew. It gnawed at his heels and tried to manipulate him into retreating. He pushed it to the side to deal with later. Where this unfortunate turn of events would lead, he couldn't tell. However, Lea would be insisting on a conversation sooner than later. Xid's duel colored eyes found hers and silently inquired if they would remain any longer.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:35 am
Not physically reacting to the shockwave that came across the bond with her apprentice took considerable effort for Lea. The name of that Jedi was clearly familiar to her apprentice, a fact that intrigued her. She would have to speak with him in private about it after the meeting.

The sensation was clear to her that this was why her master had ordered them to this system. Or at the very least, tied to the reason. She did not know whether Nimm had known about the connection, but knowing her fellow apprentice’s views concerning Xid, the truth was probably that she did not care one way or the other.

Other than that name, nothing the Sith Lord stated was new to her. During her talk with Nimm shortly after arriving on the Hâsk she had learned most of what the Sith lord shared, as well as a few things Lord Vane had not shared. An internal debate ensued, where she had to decide whether to ask any questions of the Sith Lord.

On one hand, asking questions might garner more information. On the other, it would reveal more about herself. In the end, she decided to ask some things. More information was always useful.

“Lord Vane,” she began, “What can you tell us about the Jedi Master in charge?”
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:55 am

Vane's eyes scanned the Sith's body language as she waited. She leaned her hips back against the command console while her arms braced against it. Her right arm lingered non-threateningly near her lightsaber. With no intention to draw it, she managed to ooze complete control and strength with her force.

When her attention fell onto a young apprentice with curly, blonde hair... her yellow eyes tightened slightly. She made no gesture to or show she seen the behavior as her focus continued onto the next Sith.

She had considered this meeting a waste of her energy due to the rampant caution in the room. Until a feminine voice caught her attention with a question. Vane's yellow gaze fixed on the pure blood Red Sith.

After lingering a bit, Vane answered. "I interrogated him in his younger years and succeeded in breaking him. Is there a specific detail you wanted to know, Apprentice...?"

She trailed off to allow the apprentice to properly introduce herself. It was obvious to all that Vane held more than she gave, but didn't want to freely distribute it all. At least, not without a price.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:29 pm
“Rahn.” Lea answered. If the Sith Lord did not know of her ties to Darth Nyiss then that would be her loss. She would certainly not spoil the surprise. As with any Sith-political gathering, information would be shared in small bits that hint at there being more.

“I am most curious about possible weaknesses that can be readily exploited to bring down him or his misguided underlings.” The words fit Lea’s role perfectly. The role of a true believer in the Sith cause. Of course, while some might have thought so, Lea did truly believe in the cause. She had joined the Empire before she truly took to wielding the Dark Side. Not that anyone other than her master knew this fact. It was, after all, not something that was wise to advertise. Potential rivals might use it as a means to gain some advantage that they do not deserve.

Along the wall, Daro watched silently as the two Sith spoke, taking mental note of everything that was stated. He did note that the young human Apprentice stiffened upon hearing the name of the Jedi, but did not quite know what to think about that. Not that it was his job to think about such. He was there to observe. Better for Helia and the master to do the thinking, or so he thought.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:34 am
Vane's eyes zoned in on the young Pure-Blood Sith. A hint of unearned pride lay under the apprentice's voice which irritated the Sith Lord. With practiced skill, she brushed her dissatisfaction under her mask and hid it from the room. No one could tell her inner reaction, but her.

The haughty apprentices who simply rod the power of their masters often annoyed her. She hated masters who planted such habits and watered them to grow. Vane always forced her apprentices to earn the use of her reputation when used. Their growth increased her own power in the end.

She noted to look deeper into Apprentice Rahn in the future. The name sounded familiar, but she wouldn't pry immediately. She would know in due time.

The Sith Lord took her time to answer Rahn as she adjusted her posture. She moved gracefully to prevent a tingle in her limbs when she held a posture too long. The woman ensured not to trail too far outside her given position at the head of the group.

"Like most Jedi, he places the greater good," a subtle scoff in the word, "over the value of individuals. He values his companions lives and greater numbers of innocence over his own. He also has an overprotective streak with his padawans. It is a confirmed weakness he hasn't overcome."

Vane paused to allow the girl to digest the small bit of information she baited out. Her yellow tainted eyes locked on the apprentice's and her companion's vision.

Xid coaxed his muscles to loosen from its locked posture. The conversation remained on Rothul and stirred more anxiety into his very core. A mixture of pain and guilt. A festering connection to his past that he refused to acknowledge until now.

At this point, any attention drawn to him created problems. He didn't want to be paranoid during the whole trip. Navi pressed its outer shell against his leg. An acute observation from his creation over his mental health. It was dangerous to flash the droid a small smirk. Too many rival Sith surrounded him with cold, calculating eyes. The tension tried to suffocate him now, but he fought it. He refused to be weak again.
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019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness Empty Re: 019 - Week 3 Day 4: A Gathering of Darkness

Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:06 am
“That is most useful knowledge to possess, Lord Vane.” Lea answered, inwardly finding it amusing that the Jedi master, like so many other Jedi, possessed that flaw. “Do you know anything about his associates? Are any of them particularly noteworthy?”

Vane listened to the need for information pour from the young apprentice. A subtle one. It gave the Lord motivation to feed it as she continued to prove her advantage here.

"Yes, it is. One that I can choose to share or not to those worthy of it."  A clear invitation to gain what she held close to her chest.

She softly cleared her throat before she moved onward.

"As far as we know about the associates, I have a list of their names. At least those that our source was able to obtain. There’s about three human knights, Bec, Barral, and Alycon. Bec arrived with her apprentice much like Rothul did with Lyra'Tre, but he appears to be older and more experienced. He is also human."

Vane paused for a breath.

"Knight Alycon is a healer and was an apprentice of Master Rothul. A possible weakness to target if played right. Padawan Lyr'Tre is currently in the custody of Apprentice Deenia. Any information from that source is limited, but she would likely have more information than is shared." Dislike edged into her voice briefly then vanished. She let the knowledge sink into Apprentice Rahn and waited for any other questions.

“That is not unlikely.” Lea said, suspecting that Lord Vane knew more than she had shared, but sensing that she was not likely to share any more on that right now. “Dealing with Apprentice Nimm is easy enough… if you know how to go about it.” She had, of course, no intention of sharing anything about that method.

She turned to look at the other Sith present, “If anyone can eliminate or disable their healer, then the Jedi High Council member will be considerably more vulnerable. We should all prioritize that if the opportunity arises.” A skilled healer could be a dangerous foe to leave unchecked, that much Lea knew without a doubt. Her childhood had shown her just how much such individuals could be capable of, and she did have a good idea of just what her fellow apprentice had done to Jedi Master Rothul.

Vane didn’t comment on  Apprentice Rahn’s statement. The usage of Apprentice Deenia’s first name indicated the pair held a working or some type of relationship. Not an uncommon thing among Sith under one master, but it wouldn’t last forever. She placed the thoughts into the back of her mind.

“The last known location of the Jedi was an underground Twi’lek settlement. With the display of the Terminus, we can only assume they parted ways by now. Their whereabouts are unknown for certain. The Hutts have issued a bounty for information on the Jedi. I doubt anyone will manage to kill them, but with some careful planning you might encounter them when they are weakened.”

“The Jedi care about these Twi’leks, do they not?” Lea had an idea, but she wanted to see how the Sith Lord would respond.

“Sources indicate that.” Vane already knew the line of thought the Apprentice followed, but issues rose from it. Twi’leks were native species and this provided a unique challenge of locating specific individuals among them. The wilderness itself also provided dangers few were well-informed of.  


“Since we do not know where the Jedi are located right now… Why not lay a trap with some bait they will want to take? Those Twi’leks will make for excellent bait… Especially if one or two just happen to ‘evade’ capture.”

“Fair enough, but I see a few glaring issues. Identification is one. The second is the matter of the bait’s worth. Rothul is a master, and he has sacrificed allies before or bid his time to save them. The Hutts have given us time, but not an infinite amount. The final one is to ensure the escaped twi’lek gets to him in a timely manner and without it being obvious. You’re not the only one that would’ve tried to lure him into a trap after all.” Vane pointed out the glaring issues in the Apprentice’s logic and waited for the counter replies.

“I am confident that other locals can be motivated to reveal the identities of the ones we seek. If monetary compensation does not serve, interrogation should. Besides, if he cares so much for his apprentices, then he almost certainly would not want large numbers of twi’leks he knows to be sold into slavery.”

Lea paused for a moment, then continued. “The Republic and Jedi opinion concerning slavery is well-known. From what Apprentice Nimm told me, the Jedi came here in the first place because of slavery. Therefore, I feel it is likely that the threat of putting more of them into slavery should prove adequate as bait. Besides, there is something poetic about Jedi efforts to reduce slavery instead causing an increase, is there not?”

“When it comes to Master Rothul… I have it on good authority that he is struggling with a particularly virulent toxin, no doubt one designed by my master . . . He is in no position to make sound decisions.”

“In fact, the fact that the Jedi have not already departed Ryloth proves that they have attachments to this place and its people. Does that seem reasonable?” The last part she addressed to her apprentice, desiring him to confirm her views, on account of his apparent familiarity with the Jedi Master, a subject she would make sure to talk about with him in private.

The mention of poison in Master Rothul’s veins rippled across Xid’s mind. A strange, but strong pain swirled in his heart. His attention snapped to Lea’s words as she manipulated the situation and provided reasoning. Her last sentence asked directly to him and caused the young apprentice to freeze in place. A brief, momentary spark of anger traveled into the bond. Xid hated that she put his knowledge of their quarry on display for all to see.

He took a breath then answered. “Possibly, but I have a counterpoint. If they were attached that much, why not leave Ryloth and ensure their allies' safety? It would make their connection to the Jedi irrelevant and our purpose here no longer needed. They would only lose Rothul’s padawan compared to a whole group.”

“Ummm, interesting point.” Vane’s observation chilled his spine.

Xid’s eyes locked with the Sith Lord as he bit his tongue and held his ground. A bit of iron taste then pain filled his mouth to center himself. They held their gaze until he looked away. A small, fleeting sign of weakness that caused Vane to give a wicked smile. Her attention returned to Lea to see her reply to what Xid had revealed.

Though she did not like to make him hurt, Lea knew it was necessary. Unlike him, she made certain to internalize her reaction to his suffering, knowing well that more of it would eventually be necessary. He had a past he refused to face no matter what she had done to prompt him in that direction. “The ways of the Jedi are illogical. I suspect Jedi Rothul’s attachment issues can be blamed for this. Do you agree, Lord Vane?”

"I agree. He is not the first or last Jedi to show such weakness." Vane commented as she continued to listen.

“The next question, of course, is to figure out how to use this against them.”

"There are numerous ways, but each one has a risk for failure and we have only one chance at success. I doubt they will put themselves at risk a second time." The Sith Lord spoke as her attention adjusted back to Rahn, much to Xid's relief.
Lea thought about it for a few short moments, pondering the obvious options. “Is there anything else we can easily deprive them of without offending the local rulers?”

"Without more information, it is difficult to say. It is likely they will seek to resupply and heal Master Rothul. At least ease his suffering." She stated, but the points she provided were difficult to mess with. It did not just affect the Jedi, but any travelers.

“Can we deprive them of their starships? Force them to negotiate with the hutts or other deplorable factions for transportation off this world?”

"One ship was located and destroyed, but it is difficult to tell how many there are. Especially since not all of them arrived at the same time. Some manpower has been set out to find clues and with the Hutts’ bounty out, more information will come."

“Good.” Lea noted that down mentally. “Are the hutts likely to protest overmuch if we send out probe droids or small ships to search for whatever hole the Jedi have crawled into?” She hoped they would not, but could not be certain, as she had not had adequate time to truly learn much about dealing with hutts.

"As long as it remains reasonable, I doubt they will. They want the Jedi gone after all. Unless you disturb or destroy large amounts of their goods, it will not gain their attention."

“Good.” Lea glanced over at her apprentice, imagining that he might have ideas about how to best utilize probe droids, but she did not say anything to him at this moment. “We should arrange for both of those means to be utilized, so that they have as few options as possible at their disposal.”

"I believe everyone present gained all the information they needed." Vane gave a clear indication the meet was over as she dismissed the sith present.

Xid waited until Lea moved before he made his own exit.
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