Star Wars: Order 66
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Posts : 89
Join date : 2020-04-25
Age : 40
Location : Ask

Jaslyn Dayne Empty Jaslyn Dayne

Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:11 am
Name: Jaslyn Dayne
Species: Human
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Rank: Padawan
Master: Merrian


Coppery red hair is the first thing you notice about Jaslyn, that and her height. Coppery red, thick and wavy to the middle of her back. She pulls it up or braids it most of the time save for her Padawan braid. She is five feet ten inches or 177.8 centimeters. She has a complexion that is most often described as cream and cinnamon, or pale and freckled. She has light gray eyes that change slightly depending on what mood she is in. Her teeth are even and white. Her lips are a neat cupids bow a few shades pinker than her skin tone.
She is of an average fit figure, toned lean muscle, and at 19 could not be mistaken for a boy as she used to before puberty. She is quite apparently female with an hourglass shape.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

Jaslyn seems to have a natural affinity for the Force. Innate talents are as follows:


  • Telekinesis (Innate: Trained Intermediate level)
  • Force Empathy (Innate: Trained Basic level)
  • Comprehend Speech (Innate; Trained Intermediate level)
  • Telekinetic Whirlwind (Innate: Undiscovered)


  • Mind Trick (Trained: Novice level)
  • Force Speed (Trained: Novice level)
  • Force Throw (Trained: Intermediate level)
  • Telekinetic Defense (Trained: Intermediate level)
  • Force Jump (Trained: Novice level)
  • Breath Control (Trained: Novice level)
  • Hibernation Trance (Trained: Novice level)
  • Telepathy (Trained: Novice level)
  • Telepathic Defense (Trained: Basic level)


  • Force Sense (Innate: No Training)
  • Tapas (No Training)
  • Tutaminis (No Training)
  • Malacia (No Training)

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.

Jaslyn has shown competency in

    After Padawan Trials
  • Persuasion (Novice level)
  • De-escalation (Novice level)
  • Insight (Novice level)
    General Teachings
  • Survival (Basic)
  • Riding (Intermediate)
  • Basic Medical (Basic)
  • Piloting Speeders and Starships (Basic)
  • Negotiations (Basic)
  • History of the Republic (Basic)
  • Meditation (Basic)
  • Construction of a Lightsaber (Intermediate; trained further for this to create twin sabers that locked together to form a saberstaff in Initiate Trials)
  • Martial Unarmed Combat (Intermediate level)
  • Lightsaber Combat

    • Form I (Intermediate level)
    • III (Novice level)
    • IV (Intermediate level)
    • Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat (Novice level)
    • Saberstaff (Intermediate level)
    • Dual Wielding (Intermediate level)

Known interests of the candidate.

Jaslyn has expressed an interest in music. She sings well and dances. She likes games of strategy. She likes to ride and be out of doors.

Biographical Records:
Posts : 89
Join date : 2020-04-25
Age : 40
Location : Ask

Jaslyn Dayne Empty Re: Jaslyn Dayne

Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:05 pm
After events on Tython there have been some shifts in Jaslyn's Abilities.

  • Force Empathy - Intermediate
  • Telepathy - Intermediate
  • Telekinetic Whirlwind - Basic
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