Star Wars: Order 66
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Imperial Soldier- Drey Remun Empty Imperial Soldier- Drey Remun

Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:43 am
Name: Drey Rumen
Species: Human (Imperial)
Homeworld: Dromund Kaas
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Military Branch: Imperial Navy/Army (depends on the mission)  
Rank:  Corporal
Unit/designation: This alters based on his mission assignments.
Role/specialisation: Field Operative
Current place of Service: Working under Apprentice Rahn.
Sphere of influence: Military Defense/Offense  

Short description of candidate.

Imperial Soldier- Drey Remun DGG-022062-Jonathan-Rhys-Meyers

While on duty, Drey wears the standard uniform. While in combat, he is outfitted with armor and the required gear suitable for the terrain. On the shoulder and chest plate is an identification marker of his rank, Corporal. While a good form of protection, the suit doesn’t prevent all damage. Numerous scars line his body in various areas. Often results of field hazards. One memorable injury is when his knee cap was sliced by a Jedi, the smallest bone destroyed and damaged some tendons. It was naturally replaced by robotic prosthetic and sparing it from being amputated. Time to time, it requires adjustments after he sustains heavy damage.

Underneath the mask, he has been told he’s handsome. He stands at about 5’10” in height.  His dark hair is kept short and well trimmed, ensuring he doesn’t get helmet hair. Lately light stubble forms around the upper and lower lip as well as the chin. His blue eyes, while charming and playful, have seen the hardships of war. On closer inspection they hold a strong determination to succeed. He’s lost his usual tan in his skin since he is less often in the field.

Simplified report on known skills and estimated levels.

CQC (Close Quarter Combat)- [Advance] Corporal Remun had shown a high aptitude for close range and hand to hand combat. His stamina and intelligence works in union to control the flow of the fight, redirecting incoming strikes and countering with his own. His body is at peak condition and he knows how to use to its fullest benefit in a tight situation.

Blaster and Sniper Training- [Advance] After his basic training into handling Force Users, Corporal Remun has dedicated intense training to improve his accuracy with the blaster pistol, blaster rifle and sniper rifle. He prefers the sniper over the blaster rifle due to the long distance capabilities. According to many of his fellow soldiers, his aim is excellent and often on the mark he intends to hit. He also knows how to maintain his gear to ensure it functions to the best of its ability.  

Tactical Understanding and Execution- [Intermediate] Corporal Remun can analyze a situation and quickly draw a decent conclusion over how well the fight is progressing. If his men are struggling to gain ground or losing it, he will either retreat or alter his approach to the situation. Numerous things can influence his thinking solely based on the situation he’s observing and his orders.  

Field Combat Training- [Advance] Like many soldiers, he is trained to be calm and think in the face of danger. Flying blaster shots or explosions won’t rattle him. Rarely anything in the field will bring a change in his determined demeanor while he leads his men.

Skills Relating to Neutralizing Force Users- [Basic] While the Corporal has enough knowledge to be an intermediate threat to most force users, he lacks the on field experience to apply it. Since the Treaty, he had primarily applied this skill to recapturing and preventing escape by prisoners on Feena. With the diminishing number, he was reassigned to Apprentice Terrick’s company.  

Leadership Skills- [Advance] Corporal Remun is a good leader because he pays attention to those under his command, more specifically their skills and experience. When he has a good grasp of an individual’s capabilities, he will often ensure they are placed properly for max results. This includes pairing them with people that either cover their weaknesses or compliment their strengths, upping both individual’s survival in the field. It is shown clearly in the way he directs his squadrons or trains his troops for missions.  

Subordinate Training- [Intermediate] As a Corporal, he is required to train and keep his squadron in top shape. He is equipped with the knowledge of several different types of drills and exercises, a few of his design. When in command of his own squadron, he has a routine he follows. For now, it is currently rusty.  

Information Gathering- [Intermediate] Remun is considered very observant and sociable. This helps him to collect information over individuals he interacts with. Most sources agree he is very good at reading individuals and collecting clues. This can be in the forms of their appearance, behavior, speech and more. Remun isn’t afraid to approach and talk with someone when he can find an acceptable reason to. The higher the power, the more caution he will use.

Wilderness Survival Skills- [Basic] Not all the skills Remun has are highly developed. His wilderness survival skills are one example. For a few days, he can survive in rough terrain and harsh conditions. Long term he will struggle and possibly fail to survive without additional support.

Cooking- [Basic] While he’s got enough skills not to burn water, Remun prefers not to cook for himself. Basic and simple dishes or military rations are his most common source of nutrients. Bland favors can get old over time.  

Negotiation, Diplomatic and Social Skills- [Advance] Corporal Remun is considered a well liked individual with the groups he’s worked for. Calm, respectful and a very honest individual. There has never been a negative report about his performance or attitude.  

Mental Fortitude- [Intermediate] Thanks to heavy training and practice with Apprentice Rahn, Corporal had developed mental defenses against certain force user abilities. Any attempts to manipulate or tell if he’s lying will be difficult. There are cases, like in the presence of a Master or Darth, his fortitude will likely fail. It’s not a perfect.  



Moff Blayse Corvinian- (Alive) Drey has a healthy respect for the seasoned war vet. Whenever they are able to, Drey will often contact him. They will catch on recent events including and not limited to family life or recent events. Often it's over a stiff drink.  

Apprentice Xid Terrick- (Alive) An Ex-Jedi turned Sith, the two have developed an understanding of each other. Because of this, Drey’s stubbornness at keeping his distance has faded. The two are on friendly terms both on and off duty.  


Navi- (Functional) Drey classes this relationship between Xid’s pet and himself as a precarious alliance, secured by the fact that Xid is involved. He has no doubts that if he ever threatened Xid’s life, the droid would quickly try to end his.

Cullem Corvinian- (Alive) Drey has only met the son on occasion while serving under Blayse. The most that he knows about the man is through his father. A lot of issues there, but deep down Drey suspects Blayse does love his son.  

Apprentice Lea Rahn- (Alive) Their relationship is purely a working one. When he is assigned to her, she makes orders and he follows them.

Corvane Voycnor- (Alive) Voycnor was sent in to investigate Drey when his refusal for promotion attracted unwanted suspicion. He came out clean afterwards and proven to be absent of any disloyalty to the Empire.

Lord Sish- (Deceased) A Sith Lord with a reputation of being brutal, vicious and cruel. The men serving under him saw the better side of him and served him with complete loyalty. Even Drey admits he had a high respect for the Sith.  

Apprentice Jayda Mirthios- (AWOL-Presumed dead) Sish’s apprentice who vanished during the attack on Feena. How or why is a mystery to him, but rumors say she killed her master. He hasn’t seen the report to confirm this though.

Apprentice Tish Ferro- (Alive)- He met her during a mission to capture a target of special interest to the Empire. The relationship between them is a complicated one involving possible children he sired and another man, a sith called Lord Haryss.  


Leru Cyone, Centam Biase and Sion Tharuss- (Deceased, Deceased and Alive) While attacking on Coruscant, he was in charge of a small squad. Sion was the sole survivor who has kept contact with Drey through the years. However, he has never been the same and been honorably discharged for his service. He currently serves in the Outreach Bureau under Miri Remun’s department.


Luca Remun-(Alive) 56 Drey’s father and a Captain before he retired. Currently, he has retired and fosters children without any guardians to support them or parents  assigned to the field.

Miri Remun- (Alive) 53 Drey’s mother worked in the Ministry of Intelligence, in the Outreach Bureau.

Elera Remun- (Deceased) 25 Drey’s wife who died when the republic attacked an Empire command station, wiping it out to prevent troop advancement.

Kenth Remun- (Alive) 7 Kenth is Drey’s only son. His energy, curiosity, and admiration for his father drives this youth into trouble some times. Luca often remarks there’s such a strong similarity between father and son at that age.  


As far as Drey knows, he has no obvious enemies. However, he suspects his associations might one day bring one. When that happens, he can only prepare to meet them head on.

List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.

Refusal of Promotion Above Corporal- The biggest flaw is Drey’s refusal to rise through the ranks. He shows skill, capabilities, and leadership qualities fitting a higher station. However, every offer has been politely rejected. Some suspect he fears failing the Empire and others suggest he fears the responsibility. Drey reasons that he can serve the Empire better on the field by connecting to those who risk their lives every day. In reality, he doesn’t like having to be responsible for a massive amount of lives. He fears he can’t make the hard choices of sending thousands to their death while staying safe in the background.

Questionable Associations- During his career, Drey has made friends in a variety of places. Some are considered appropriate while others are at best questionable. Two that fall in the latter area are Moff Blayse Cornvinian and Apprentice Xid Terrick. Moff Cornvinian has been known to voice some of his opinions which aren’t the most popular in the Empire. Apprentice Terrick is on the record turned Jedi into Sith, an enemy turned ally.  

Malfunctioning Knee- While Corporal Remun has managed to get a replacement for his knee, it isn’t without its flaws. When heavily damaged by blunt force (like being bashed by a heavy object for example), the joint will start to lock up. This can hurt his ability to run and move. To prevent this, he makes efforts to avoid heavy damage to that leg if he can.

Racism toward Species that can’t speak proper basic- Drey has a really hard time seeing species or droids that can’t speak basic language as equals. Especially Wookies. He feels without that basic ability they are no different than intelligent, wild animals.

Low Drinking Tolerance- Blayse might be a heavy drinker, but Drey is more conservative and paces his drinks. He’ll try to avoid heavy drinking since after about one to two heavy ones, he’s already feeling the effects. When fully drunk, he retains his social demeanor but his judgement and ability to focus suffers.

Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.

I was born in the year PRE 1303 on the first day of the Festive of Liberation. My homeworld is Domound Kass. My parents are Luca and Miri Remun, both Citizens of the Empire. My childhood held no special notes since it followed the traditional route for education. As on record, I failed all three FSEs (Force Sensitivity Evaluations) all citizens took at different times in their lives. My talents were made for another path.

At the age of 18, I began my service in the Military. I started in the basic program and in a position that reflected the given tests. I have a wide range of skills and I put them to good use, becoming an expert in only a select few. According to what I learned, I had leadership qualities, high work ethic and I could judge a combat situation well. I advanced rather quickly through my basic training, but it would take another two months before I was placed into the Navy academy. During that first year, my training focused on being a ground troop and working within a spaceship. At the end, I was assigned to the Ascendant under Admiral Corvinian and occasionally his son.

While I’ve served more often under the father, I have a healthy respect for both. On my off duty, the Admiral and myself had much more in common. Blayse reminded me of my own father in many ways. During my service, I met officer Elera. She was temporarily assigned to the ship. Kenth was an unexpected surprise causing us to marry a few months later. I couldn’t take time off for his birth, but I never missed out on a chance to spend time with my family when I could. Elera had taken her assignments closer to home so she could care for him. Sadly, she would be reassigned to a hot zone later on. It was there she was killed in action. A Jedi Knight infiltrated her location and when she went to active an alert button, he sliced off her arm then left. She died from the shock by the time the medics arrived. She wasn’t a soldier, but still a victim nevertheless. The faculty was destroyed shortly afterwards leaving us with nothing to bury.  

My parents took care of my son while I continued my service. I spent more and more time away, purely because I will admit I was bitter. The Jedi and Republic took my wife away. Who wouldn’t be angry at that? It wasn’t a hindrance but a motivation to ensure my son grew up safely. Some time during my service, Voycnor was tasked to investigate me. It appeared my refusal for promotion had drawn concerns. While I wasn’t happy my loyalty being called into question, I was cooperative during the investigation. I have nothing to hide. As expected, nothing was found to prove I was disloyal.

A few months before the attack on Coruscant, I requested a position with the ground troops. I left Blayse’s command, but we remained on good terms. During the attack, a Jedi ‘s lightsaber took out my knee cap leaving me crippled. Thankfully my distraction allowed Sion, the only survivor of my squadron, to get a clear shot and put my attacker down. I was considered lucky that day.  

A trandoshan sith by the name of Lord Sish approached me shortly after the fight died down. He offered me a place in his selective soldiers. I agreed, desiring to continue the fight, and joined him. From the men I worked with, a good summary of them was controlled brutality and viciousness. They valued the belief that the ends justify the means. Not an uncommon view in the war. I was shortly stationed on Feena and assigned to Sergeant Tarsi Dangir. I underwent on the job training in a specialized unit, one designed to eliminate force users. With the occasional escape attempt by the prisoners, the post was uneventful for most of my duty.

It wouldn’t last. A strike team had managed to infiltrate Feena undetected. Darth Nyiss decided to strike strike first. I was stationed at the compound and assisted in preventing the prisoners from their massive break out. After the Darth came back, I learned about Sish’s untimely death. Rumors had hinted it was by his apprentice’s own hand. I’m not surprised if they were true. The apprentice seemed to loathe Sish to a level none of us could understand. With the Sith Lord dead, command defaulted over to Nyiss. When things began to change, I noted a number of soldiers requested to be reassigned to other agendas. I stayed. Thankfully Tarsi wasn’t in a hurry to leave his post either and we continued my training.

Time blurred together during my time on Feena so I’ll try to keep important details in mind.

I officially met Xid Terrick when he was a Jedi prisoner. He was the last one of a few taken during the attack on Coruscant. I actively tried to avoid mingling with him because I was still filled with spite. My efforts were in vain when I got orders to escort Terrick back to his cell. My artificial knee began to grind causing the prisoner to twitch and look at me. I didn’t expect his next reaction. By the time we reached the cells, it irritated Terrick so much that he made a request to fix it. I was paranoid of his intentions, but I risked it. He was not happy to learn I had the medic droids check it out afterwards.

Around the seventh month, the prisoner Rahn and him attempted to make another escape. They didn’t get far because we found them in one of the guest quarters. If I had to make a bet, I say they derailed themselves and ensured their recapture.

Little did I know, Rahn was actually a Sith Apprentice. She was the one sabotaging their escapes and spying on them. No more escapes were attempted which I assume was because of her efforts. It only took a month later before she made it public. My reports in her files say plenty about how I was impressed she managed to keep her cover all this time and still manipulate things behind the scenes. She earned my respect for her dedication to the role. Unfortunately, a rift between her and Terrick developed. She was still determined to turn him through. I had my doubts she would succeed.

Later on, I heard a rumor.

Some say that Terrick suggested breaking into the Darth’s lab and his screams were heard echoing throughout the nearby corridors. I don’t care for rumors, but I do know they were reassigned under Sergeants Ajim and Dangir. The Sergeants’ regiment are designed to push your limits, but they would stop short from completely breaking you. Neither of them were allowed to use their force abilities. If they did, it resulted in heavy punishment by both Sergeants. I was impressed they survived it.

While on Feena, I never thought I would become a friend to Terrick. When Apprentice Rahn first approached me to assist her in turning him, I wanted to request reassignment. She proved herself more stubborn and persuaded me it was in my best interest not to. Somehow, I managed to hide the bitterness and hatred during interactions with him. Strangely, it seemed to fade completely at some point. I don’t know when. I think it helped I found out he was more of a technician than a fighter. Before I knew it, we were on familiar terms. He appeared to be coming around to seeing the Empire in a better light. I continued to work alongside Apprentice Rahn with him until he became a proper Sith.

After we left Feena, I accompanied both Apprentices. I serve under Apprentice Rahn, some times assisting her Apprentice or following orders on another military assignments.
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