Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-25

Saynx Jakar  Empty Saynx Jakar

Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:08 pm
Name: Saynx Jakar

Species: Cathar

Age: 53

Gender: Male

Detailed appearance.

Saynx Jakar  9f53f1fb65928d0c09ac2e17c910aa10

Outside Armor
Saynx Jakar  0225338b0a91a592b299b6565f8fd43b

Report on known skills and combat experience, training, and special talents.


Survival- Jungle | Grassland | Mountain (Advance) Tundra | Desert (Intermediate)
Tracking- Jungle | Grassland | Mountain (Advance) Tundra | Desert (Intermediate)

Hunting- Ever since Saynx had been young, his father took him out to hunt on various occasions. Every new planet came with a new lesson. Always one that would serve him well in the future years to come. Because of this, he learned the basics of animal behavior in the wild and how to stalk his prey before the kill. Needless to say, it became his favorite hobby with unsaid perks. Not everyone got a thrill from hunting a dangerous creature. (Advance)

Languages- Galactic Standard Basic and Mando’a (Basic)
Negotiation Skills- He’s been attempting to learn, but his interest comes and goes. Needless to say, he’s not the best individual to put forward if you want things to go well. (Novice)

Equipment Maintenance and Adaption- All Mandalorian are taught to maintain and improve their gear to their preference. His father had shown the finer points of this skill when Saynx received his first blaster, an old reliable relic. Any given or earned equipment became his own responsibility to ensure the upkeep. After years of doing this, the Cathar found patterns in the designs and started to branch off the routine checks and repairs. Nowadays, he gets paranoid whenever someone other than him touches his gear without permission. (Advance)


Blaster Basics- Weapons was second nature to a Mandalorian. No child ever grew up and never handled a blaster, vibro, or Beskad blade. Saynx had been no different. Through he knew how to shoot and hit a target with a blaster, he preferred clashing with his claws or blades. So the distance shooting he never really developed beyond the basics. (long distance-Basics| midrange to up close- Intermediate)

Unarmed/Close Range Combat- Saynx had a love for the adrenaline rush close combat brought him. When his parents discovered this, they ensured it flourished. Into his head, they taught him numerous ways to engage a worthy opponent up close and personal. It was during these times, his more vicious nature took over. A lust for blood and carnage. While some clan members loathed the enjoyment he got, his parents fostered it in a healthy way. In defense of his clan. (Advance)

Armored Combat- Like all Mandalorians, Saynx can fight in full armor. He had been training from a young age to build up the muscle and agile in order to not let it slow him down. It helps that most the time, he usually sleeps in it. (advance)


Armor- Most of Saynx’s armor is a mix of durasteel and beskar metals. His gauntlets from elbow to his hands, torso, knees to his feet and helmet are all beskar to protect the most vital spots. The rest is durasteel through it’s hard to tell the difference with the paint job.

Vampbrace (gauntlets)- Saynx’s vampbraces are made from beskar metal, protecting from his elbow down his lower arm and even his hands. While they do include basics features like grappling line for scaling tall buildings without leaving a heat signature, he leans to limiting to only those he uses the most. Excess on what he rarely uses is wasteful in his eyes. Below is a main list of what he uses.
Claw-like Vibroblades: these extend from his first knuckles and around his fingers to create a more lethal set of claws on his hands. They allow him up close damage with minimal effort.
Flamethrowers: higher up on his wrists are flamethrowers. They require fuel which limits its use into sudden, wide area bursts when he sets them loose on a target. Often used as a tactic to separate or set a close range target on fire.
Whipcord thrower: a long, rope-like cord can be shot from his lower wrist. When attached, it holds firm and takes a lot of force to jerk it free. However, with a press of a button, Saynx can release it and tangle up his enemies.

Lance- A single, long pole with blade that widens then tapers to a point. Completely made of Mandalorian Iron. It was his first weapon he had been trained in and it holds fond memories from his father and mother. There're times using his vibroblades are impossible, making his next best option.

Blaster pistols- Two hand held blasters rest on his hips and within easy drawing range. For mid-distance, they are his go-to weapon. Especially with force users.

Other items
Rations (limited)
Spare clothes
Broken Pieces of other Jedi lightsabers
A small collection of teeth, fur patches, etc.
Credit Stix (well hidden)
Speeder biker
Few traps of numerous designs

(Optional)Known interests.

Honor (Doesn't realize it yet)
Dying before old age in an epic battle
Training younger Mandalorian
Protecting his Clan and Allies
Toying with his Prey
Keeping trophies of his most challenging kills

[spoiler=Biographical Records]

Personal biography.

Saynx doesn't recall much of his past. According to his adopted parents, his biological ones were wanted criminals. Their exploits gaining the unwanted attention of someone. Originally, Colo and Lani had been hired out to capture them. Little did they know, the infamous couple had children. When the pair knocked down the door, the parents gave a warning then the scene erupted into a blaster fight. When the smoke cleared, both parents were dead. In the corner, frightened and huddling for protection, both his sister and Saynx hid.

Unable to change anything, both Colo and Lani agreed to take the two children in. While Saynx had been too young to remember, his sister distrusted the adults. It took years before the female Cathar began to officially feel like one of their own. The two Cathar children were raised alongside the couple's two biological children.

During his youth, Saynx learned about his newfound family through their eyes.

For countless generations, the Jakar clan followed the ancient Mandalorian ways of combat, honor, and blood. Many others considered them a minor clan due to number and influence. However, in those circles that knew of them, they held a ferocious reputation. Like many clans, they aligned with the Empire during the war. On the battlefield, their blood-lust and savagery became useful.

Alongside the combat skills, he learned the finer points of survival and maintenance with his gear. Saynx had memories of working on repairs over his armor or fine-tuning his blaster. All of them in the sitting room, listening to the parent's stories about their victories on the field. This was the Mandalorian way.

The rites of passage came around his thirteenth birthday. His father took him out to a hostile planet then left him there. Using all his lessons since adoption, he fought tooth and nail to survive. Numerous times, he nearly failed. the creature stronger than he expected or his wounds too much to continue. During this time, he soon realized a blood lust lurked inside him. When he spoke of it to his father, the older man laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Good, it means you'll be harder to kill."

Those words were enough to cause Saynx to fully accept himself. A pride grew as he drove harder to becoming one of the best fighters in his clan.

At 17, he saw his first real battle. It was during the 2nd battle on Bothawul, and he came in with the late reinforcements. A bitterness edged into him to learn the conflict had started to draw to a close. He didn't have the chance to test his skills against a Jedi, but his father assured him it would happen. The war didn't appear to have an end in sight.

And until his dying breath, Saynx's father statement stood. The conflict between the Republic and Sith Empire went on for most of his lifetime.

From the age of ages of 18 to 47, he drifted from one job to another. He had a wide variety from escort jobs to pest control on an Outer Rim colony. Mostly, the leader took jobs from the Empire. This put them on the front line to even the field against Jedi.

Saynx remembered each of his Jedi kill with pride and kept the lightsabers as trophies. He figured they rather the weapon stay with him, then become scraped by their enemies. All the weapons had been damaged beyond use again, but the memories were still worth keeping.

Despite the passive nature the Jedi had, each conflict showed the true power of his adversary. In his mind, they died honorably and none were weak. If he had died at their hands, he would've considered it a worthy death. To not give them his best was an insult to their efforts and memory.

Over the next years, Saynx watched members join or fall in battle. Even his own family suffered losses. He watched his mother and biological sister fall during the war on Hoth. A Jedi Knight and some Republic troops attacked a Sith base. His sister, being the less experienced of the group, got caught by a grenade. Lani, his mother, encountered the Jedi and fell beneath his lightsaber. Of course, that knight lost his head when his father, brothers, and he entered the fight.

About 7 years later, he lost his father during minor war conflict. Republic troopers ambushed them while scouting ahead for the Imperial troops. A grenade laced with a wire trigger went off and sent a tree branch into his head, crushing it. After he picked himself up, they forced the Republic to retreat. Like most of the conflicts, it was a bittersweet one. Saynx burned his father as according to their customs.

After years of the Empire's conflict dwindling their numbers, the leader took one last job. The job appeared to be a simple and straight forward. They were sent onto the war front one last time and told to seize an enemy's base. The Empire would shortly join within the hour to support them.

It never happened.

The Jakar clan easily overtook the base, but it turned an ambush had been set. Within a short time, the Republic troopers swarmed the location. They began to wipe out his whole clan. Those still standing began to retreat into an underground cave system. The mentioned Empire aid nowhere in sight. During the conflict, Saynx became buried in a cave in and thought to be dead.

When things died down, he dug himself out then dragged himself. Pressing his vampbrace, he turned on a beacon for help. He passed out cold. The Ordo clan found him and nursed him back to health. Though the Jakar clan had a ferocious reputation, they were still Mandalorians. During his time healing, Saynx discovered no one in his clan survived the ambush. He took it hard at first.

With only a few orphan children, Saynx became their leader and father. This proved to be a struggle because he couldn't raise them alone. He turned to the Ordo clan for aid and a new alliance budded. It would take many decades to rebuild what had been lost, but Saynx wouldn't give up.

The older Cathar learned his negotiation skills were lacking while establishing terms. However, Ca'tra Ordo proved to be a fair individual, and he came to respect her views, even if he didn't like them. Currently, the aid and alliance still hold. The Empire is unaware of any Jakar clan survivors, but that will change eventually.
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