Star Wars: Order 66
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Glen Dinusk, Commander of the Tallacan II Empty Glen Dinusk, Commander of the Tallacan II

Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:24 pm
Name: Glen Dinusk
Species: Human
Age: 38
Gender: M

Detailed appearance.

Subject is 5'7 in height, with a good medical record. No signs of scoliosis, debilitating injuries, or bodily system issues. He weighs approximately 196 lbs and has messy brown hair and dark brown eyes, often defending his hair with the statement 'I work on the ground, it would be messy anyways' or variations thereof. He is known to quickly rectify his appearance should he know something important and formal will occur, though. His skin is dark, though his medical records state that he is, biologically, white. The discrepancy is likely due to his tours of duty on desert worlds in the past, bolstering police forces on particularly unruly planets. His upper arms have several nasty-looking scars, the white tissue in stark contrast against his skin. He is lean and muscular, as one would expect of his Imperial Specialty.

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and special talents.

Is known to have participated in the suppression of several rebellious factions on desert and jungle planets, with the 'Tallacan Second', as his unit is named. Highly skilled with close-combat weapons such as vibroblades and pistols, and moderately skilled with medium to long range weapons such as submachine guns, rifles, carbines, and snipers. Reaction speeds have been highly honed, making him very quick for a human, though any sort of augmentation - such as the force - will quickly outmatch him in combat. He is very fast on his feet, as well as possessing high durability and stamina. He is a skilled tracker, much better than your average Imperial but not an expert. He is also, perhaps surprisingly, an expert cook. He is highly agile, and has some knowledge, though nothing in depth, of psychological warfare. He also has some medical training, as would be expected of an Imperial soldier, but his knowledge of medicine is limited to that which one would find in a medical kit and various common herbs, as well as how to make those herbs into something useful - he is not as skilled in such a thing as a medic would be, for example. He is also a somewhat skilled hunter, as one must be to survive on various planets and fight counterinsurgency operations. He possesses general survival skills, with in-depth training in the essentials, and passing knowledge of the esoteric.

(Optional)Known interests.

Will be done in the future.
Biographical Records:
Bug me about this later. Here’s a tl;dr, it’ll be reformatted… Eventually.
Born on Kaas. Was enlisted at the age of 12, at which his small size was notably useful in infiltration exercises. Was quickly snatched up by recruiters for high-value insertion teams, both for his agility and his ability to think independently, though his ‘unique’ interpretations of orders given to him by commanding officers has received both approval and harsh criticism. Eventually was promoted to commanding a small unit of soldiers with similar skillsets, though each excelled in their own separate things. After serving together for several years, putting down slave revolts here and infiltrating and selling out rebellions there, he was reprimanded for his task-force’s treatment of prisoners; it was deemed ‘too merciful’ by several commanders, and he was given a stern “recommendation” by his then-commander to change it to be more suitable, lest he find him and his men assigned somewhere less… Hospitable. He did no such thing, and was thus reassigned to Ryloth, where Jedi had been sighted.
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