Star Wars: Order 66
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Posts : 42
Join date : 2020-04-25

-2 ATC 10: Some Memories Are Best Forgotten  Empty -2 ATC 10: Some Memories Are Best Forgotten

Tue May 12, 2020 7:05 pm
The Arrival
Location: Unknown (Belsavis)
Date: Week 7, Day 4

Xid leaned against his Master’s shoulder, his eyes closed and dozed away. His hands crossed over his chest to keep them from gripping the air. His empty lap caused more than a few restless nights. The Republic authorities made it clear no unauthorized technology allowed on the site. Due to the urgency of helping them, Sela encouraged him to leave Navi behind. He hated having his ally in someone else's care, but she insisted on it.

Not wanting to create friction, he agreed. The task had not been easy because it continued to weigh on his mind.

The shift from flight into landing drew Xid from his light sleep. His eyes began to open and his fist rubbed the grit free.

"Master, I sense we've arrived. Am I correct?" The teenager asked as he finished clearing his vision.

"Yes, you are. You should start preparing to leave."

Xid nodded as he stretched out his arms, feeling the muscles burn at the pull. His hands fell to his lap before he realized his precious droid wasn't there. Sela saw his eyes lowered and his shoulders slump. A sharp pain of loneliness and depression seeped into their still growing bond.

The older woman looked at him, debating something within her. She sighed then spoke in her usual blunt way.

"You're far too attached to Navi. Attachment is not fitting of a Jedi and you should consider widening your abilities. Not focus on..." She paused, adjusting her tone from the disdain creeping into it. "Machines."

Xid inhaled then exhaled. "I'm still working on the lightsaber techniques you've shown me."

"Your heart isn't in it. That much I can sense."

Sela's retort cut him deeper than she intended it to. Her expression had once more softened, and she gave him a small smile. It held some sincerity in her efforts to try to understand him.

"You have a lot of potential, Xid. Far more than just machines and I want you to focus on those aspects with the same determination. Jedi focus on balance, not specialization."

" ..."

Xid's silence told her much as she tried to reach him again. This time, she tried to remind herself his talent was more of a gift than a hindrance.

"I think you'll like this place. The Republic has been having issues with the technology and it sounds like it might be right on your hyper lane."

Xid's eyes lifted as she looked at her. The blue irises took on an eager brightness causing her to smile deeper. It had taken nearly two years before they began to lay the foundation of their bond. Now it had just started to come to fruition.

Corporal Jinen interrupted their moment. An elder man in his late thirties with dark, neatly trimmed hair and uniform. He gave a polite cough then waved for the pair to follow him. Sela gave Xid a look then she rose up, leading the way down the ramp into the landing platform. Both surprise and amazement filled their minds. The whole snow and ice landscape had melted into humid, green landscapes. A strange occurrence within the earlier lifeless planet.

Immediately Xid pinpointed the cause. He pulled away from the pair and moved to a large, humming machine nearest the edge. On one side, the harsh environment gripped the ground. In his side, it flourished with life. Primarily flora with a hint of fauna.

“Jedi Knight Sela, please control your padawan!” Corporal Jinen snapped as he saw Xid wander away.

Already Sela corrected her course to follow her student. Xid promptly turned to his master, who stopped shortly behind him. Avidity rippled through their bond as he fought not to bounce, "This place is amazing!"

"Calm down, Xid. It's just technology." Sela lightly chided him.

Her earlier emotional elevation began to fade when she stepped closer. A hand lifted and pressed against the strange machine, taking in its uniqueness. A large four sided pyramid with carved symbols down the border two. The surface held a stone-like quality, but it buzzed like an artificial life. Cautiously Sela removed her hand and rested it near her side.

Seeing her shift in behavior, Xid's head tilted to the side. Confusion washed over his enthusiasm as he tried to find an explanation to his master's worry. Completely failing, he forced himself to ask.

"Master, is everything operating correctly?"

Sela snapped from her thoughts enough to frown at his words. His eyes avoided contact with hers, looking into the distance. Shame filled him immediately afterwards.

His master softened her harsh reprimand by explaining. "You know you sound emotionless when you speak like that. I thought you had grown out of it."

"I'm sorry Master. It's a habit that I haven't fixed."

"Try harder. People will react better and it serves you better."

"Yes, Master."

She turned from her padawan to the approaching Corporal. "Can you please take us to our quarters, so we can settle in? It's been a long trip."

"Yes, Jedi Kythor. Just don't wander around or leave my sight, either of you.” The Corporal’s voice sounded stressed by their sudden departure from the beaten path. Again, he gestured for them to follow him. He spun on his heel and guided them into a nearby building.
Posts : 42
Join date : 2020-04-25

-2 ATC 10: Some Memories Are Best Forgotten  Empty Re: -2 ATC 10: Some Memories Are Best Forgotten

Sat May 16, 2020 7:24 pm
Unexpected Encounter

Location:  Belsavis (unknown), Shallow end of the Deep Prison
Date: Week 7, Day 5

Silently, Xid followed closely behind his master. His blue eyes flicked occasionally from the front and onto the four men escorting them. They were between their late twenties to their late thirties, all experienced troopers. Each movement matched down to the very march reminding him of well tuned droids. Despite their mechanical mimicry, they failed perfect unity and stirred discomfort within him.

"Xid, what are you staring at?" Sela's words broke his trace causing him to jump.

His head jerked back to the front as he produced a hasty answer.


"Xid..." Sela warned, discouraging more lying. She glanced over her shoulder to observe her padawan.

Xid lowered his eyes than spoke honestly.

"They reminded me of droids. I'm sorry Master."

Sela pursed her lips together, but said nothing. Her disappointment through the fragile bond had been enough to force his eyes down. They continued down the corridors of metal and stone in silence. Only the group's footsteps echoed off the walls then died in the distance, faded into the darkness. Lights upon the floor came on as they went deeper in. Xid began to notice the cells and their contents within. They ranged from humanoids recently captured in the war to strange creatures. Some paced their makeshift cage while others stood in place, locked in a stasis.

Finally, the group arrived at a large rectangular door at the end of a large room. It sealed together at the center and tightly. Many blaster scorch marks decorated the surface, showing brute force held little effect. Xid frowned at the evidence as he added the facts up and realized why he had been called in. His eyes glanced to the console nearby. A smaller triangular shaped device similar to the weather controlling device outside. It appeared the technician couldn't get to the interior and thus couldn't slice it.

Casually, Xid stepped up to it before any of the men signaled for him to move. His hands touched the panel and instantly it rumbled to life. Blue light sparked from beneath his touch. It raced across the surface where it outlined symbols hidden within. Shocked, Xid took a step back as he watched the light turn from blue into a deep red. It flashed in an aggressive pattern.

Sounds of sliding metal rumbled throughout the complex. Both Sela and Xid jerked their heads to a nearby corridor. Their eyes couldn't penetrate the darkness. Xid flinched at the sound of metal scraped against metal. The screeching breaking the silence of their anxiety. Sparks lit up the tunnel revealing two droids toward them. Moving fast.

"Master?" Xid looked at Sela.

She already summoned her lightsaber into her hand and waving him back.

“Get ready to defend the others and yourself."

He mimicked his master by floating his weapon to his hand too. Quietly he retreated back into the open area. Meanwhile, Sela spoke over her shoulder to the soldiers.

"Corporal Zisk, have your men circle about and hid. Xid stick with me, no hostile actions unless they attack first."

"I think it's one of those ancient droids wandering around here."

Sela frowned, forcing herself to relax. She snapped her lightsaber back to her belt and looked to Xid, who did the same. The boy looking much more relieved then curious. His eyes drifted back to the tunnel.

"Do you know how they work?" Excitement flooded his voice, the thoughts driving an eagerness to study them.

"Nope. They were patrolling here before we got here. So far, they haven't really done anything beside wandering around."

"Oh. Well..." Xid started until Sela's glare stopped him dead in his thoughts.

"Sorry master." He apologized quickly.

His attention still fixed to the droids as they stepped into the light. They were about medium size, roughly a meter higher than Sela. Squat and walking on tripod legs, they moved with jerky little movements. The small, beady eye scanned the surroundings. Its arm blasters twitched then fell to its side. From a large power cell on their back, two blaster rifles peered over the shoulder. He had little doubt both sets of guns packed a punch.

"Xid, Xid!" Sela snapped, jerking him from his admiration.

"Yes Master?"

"Get the doors open, now."

"Yes, Master." Xid sheepishly avoiding his master's gaze.

He noticed the blaring red lights had ceased a set time after he stepped away causing him to frown. Once more, he pulled close and began to slice into it. The lights started to glow red once more.

Xid sensed the droids jerk about. Their dark red eyes fixed on him and their guns primed, targeting him. Sela's lightsaber buzzed to life. She batted away the first shot, her student rolling away clear. Once to his feet, his own weapon snapped to his hand and hummed to life.

His eyes narrowed at the droids who shifted and fired again. Eight blaster shots zipped through the air. They met the green lightsaber reflecting them away.

"Master... we have a problem." Xid shouted as he ducked away, narrowing missing the second round.

"I can see that, Xid!" Sela's lips curled into a snarl.

Her figure rushed in to slice the first droid's leg. A shimmering energy field promptly stopped her blade, reflecting it back. Sela’s eyes widened in shock. She dug her heels in as the energy vibrated and sent her backwards. Coming to a halt a short distance from her target, Sela looked up. She had gotten its attention.

The droid tilted its cannon at her. Red-orange energy began to surge through the muzzle causing her to curse.

"Master! The shields can only block once before they have to recharge. It also only covers the front." Xid shouted, leaping off the wall to avoid a blaster attack.

Sela nodded. She rushed forward then flipped up and over the droid. A scorch mark where she had been now. She swung her blade up, cutting through the cannon's end. The useless cannon exploded and burnt the machine's armor. It briefly crumbled into one side as it fought to regained its balance.

Sela didn't give it a chance to.

When she landed on her feet behind it, her blade whipped about low. It cut through the leg joint, making the droid collapse under the weight. An arm lifted to shot over its shoulder. Sela deflected it, sending the bolt back. The machine whirled in protest as it adjusted its aim at the distracted Xid.

The other droid kept the younger Jedi busy. Xid whipped his lightsaber from side to the other, deflecting the blaster shots. His hand jerked out to disable it with the force, but his effort failed. Again, another four shots sent him backing up. All shot sent into a random direction from his location.

The loud hum of a stasis cell buzzed in his hearing. He could feel the blue energy menacing at his back, stopping him in his tracks. His eyes chanced a glance over his shoulder. Before he could clearly identify it, his force warned him of another round of shots.

One nicked his shoulder this time causing him to cry out. Feeling the pain ripple though his skin into his mind, his ears realized something. The buzzing had ceased. Xid’s eyes sudden turned to behind him, worry and concern pouring out of him.

A low, primal growl echoed from within the stasis cage. The creature within began to shake off what could've been eons of stiffness. It lowered itself onto all fours, reaching about 2 meters tall at the shoulder. A strange mix of human and alien features graced its shape. An eyeless dome with an under bite rotated from side to side as if it could sense everything. It extended a red, half crest attached from each side. In the back, a spiny tail swayed back and forth patiently.

When the droid locking onto the escaped prisoner, the creature let out a hiss. Muscles rippled under its scaly skin as it lounged at the machine. A flash of blue indicated it hit the shield. The creature growled, landing back on its feet. It shook its head. Suddenly, it whipped its tail around. It sent the droid's aim to the roof, blasting it. A few chunks of debris fell causing the two to separate.

Seeing the droid occupied, he rushed for the console again. His fingers flew across the smooth board and sought for a way to shut it down.

The droid fixed on him, only to have the beast slam into it. Its jaws clamped down on the blaster cannon. Metal screeched loudly as its anchor bolts began to stress and bend. Something green and hot poured from the creature's mouth. Acid ate at the metal, created holes.

"Trying to shut them down!" Xid explained, focused on the console.

The force and his own instinct guiding him. Behind him the creature and droid continued to tear each other apart. They continued to bring their conflict dangerous closer. Xid hastened up his progress, but his fingers began to make mistakes. Fumbling enough that his access started to get denied bit by bit.

Come on...come on. Panic flooded his usually technical mind, hindering his mental processes.

"XID, WATCH OUT!" Sela's warning came too late.

Xid's eyes caught a glimpse of a tail coming from nowhere. It smacked into his side causing him to crash into the floor. He dropped, now still after impact.

The beast roared in victory, the sound echoed throughout the Tomb. It hopped off the droid's remains, still smoldering from the acid burning the metal. Muscles rippled with a predatory grace toward Xid's fallen body. Sela watched in horror when the beast lowered its head and latched onto the padawan's form. Dread filled her, stirring her into action to protect him. She leapt off the droid's outer shell and launched herself at the creature's shoulder. Her blade rose over her head then swiped down. The beast roared again, a chunk of its shoulder seared off. It curled its lip revealing several needle teeth at the Jedi Knight.

Sela's eyes darted about. She spotted the unused cage just past her young apprentice. Her precognition tingled causing her to flip back, narrowing avoiding the acid. Where it touched, the stone and metal began to melt down. Mindful of its range, she began to lure it away.

"Corporal Zisk, get to Xid and get him out of there. The rest can help me herd this thing into one of the cages." She ordered, avoiding a tail whip at her legs.

Zisk nodded then moved to Xid. He shouldered his weapon as he checked the Jedi apprentice's pulse. Gripping Xid's arms, he pulled the boy over his shoulder and hoisted the body up. His blaster slipped off then clattered into floor. The corporal froze in place.

The creature's head twisted back to them. A low, rattling hiss escaped its needled teeth. Sela, realizing its interested faded, rushed to the side. Her arm extended as she drew on the force to shove the monster back. Distracted, it flew into the wall and landed on its side. It screeched in protest while it rose up. Wasting no time, the Jedi Knight slammed her hand on the button. A blue barrier flickered to life just when the beast charged. Electricity erupted across its stripped form causing it to tremble then crumble.

Sela exhaled in relief, her figure turned on heel and walked away. Though the creature had no eyes, she felt its glare bore into her back.

"Are these droids always so aggressive?" She asked, ignoring the sensation.

Corporal looked to the remains of the two ancient droids. "No, usually they ignore the Techs. This is the first time I've ever seen them attack someone."

His eyes looked to her unconscious apprentice. "We should get him to the High Security Section. It has a medical facility to ensure there's no serious damage."

"Agreed, lead the way before more droids come for us."
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