Star Wars: Order 66
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Join date : 2020-04-30

Warrior Caxal Konahrik Empty Warrior Caxal Konahrik

Fri May 08, 2020 8:48 am
Name: Caxal Konahrik
Species: Sith Pureblood
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Rank: Sith Warrior
Master: Darth Enpice Odaviin

Detailed appearance.

Caxal in Armor

Caxal unarmored in the city

The first thing one notes about Caxal, is the intense aura of intimidation. He’s a towering figure, standing well over two meters in height, combined with the dark armor and tattered cloak. Outside of combat he wears a half mask, as the bottom half of his face was mutilated during his time as an Acolyte. Various scars can be seen when he is at rest, covering nearly every inch of his body. His eyes are a deep red, nearly the color of blood.

His battle armor is a dark grey metal, tied with a belt at his waist. His boots are tipped with spikes, and he keeps his armor generally clean, albeit a few permanent scuffs and scratches. When in battle, he wields two lightsabers, as well as occasionally throwing out a pair of black chakrams that he can throw out if needed. Hidden inside his cloak is a small dagger, should he ever find himself without a weapon. His second and tertiary weapons are alchemically enhanced, and able to block lightsabers and blasters.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.

Force talents:

Crucitorn: Intermediate Training
Force Drain/’Force Rage: Known, Untrained Talent
Battle Meditation: Trained Talent

Force skills
Telekinesis(Push, Jump, Pull, Choke and Throw included): Advanced Training
Telekinetic Defense: Trained Talent
Precognition: Intermediate Training
Force Stasis/Stun/Deflection/Stealth: Intermediate Training

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber forms used.

Lightsaber Forms:
As a Titled Warrior, Caxal is very proficient in combat. He has been focusing his efforts on developing his own style of a combination of Form VI combining the manipulation of the environment of Sokan with his chakrams and Telekinesis.

Forms I-V: Intermediate Training
Form III: Well-Trained Talent
Form VI: Advanced Training
Form VII: Intermediate Training(Has begun to learn this form more as he develops his skills)

Exotic Skills:

Cho Sei/Cho Mok/Mou Kei: Advanced Training
   Caxal prefers these forms as a core part of his fighting style. When facing an actual threat he fully utilizes this form with Form III using his chakrams to attack as he defends with his sabers.

Dun Moch: Caxal is arrogant in battle with those he sees as weaker, jeering them as he methodically takes them down. When training his own apprentice he’s more studious, correcting them as he uses a special set of weapons to “give them a chance”.

Sokan: Well-Trained Talent. Caxal is intently trained in this method, as it is imperative to his personal style.
Non-Force skills:
Combat Tactics: Well Trained Talent
   Caxal’s main focus is combat. He holds it above all his other skills, spending days at a time honing his skills and gaining experience..

Politicking: Intermediate training
   Caxal is quite able to maneuver his way through politics. He has a bit of an advantage as a Pureblooded Sith, keeping most from testing him. He has very little patience for it, however, and only participates when necessary.

Piloting: Intermediate Training
   From speeders to small craft, Caxal has moderate experience as it is sometimes necessary to getting to missions

(Optional)Known interests of the candidate.

Agent has expressed interest and proclivity for personal training.
Caxal has admitted that he is interested in the fight pits hosted by the Hutts

Biographical Records

Personal biography.

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