Star Wars: Order 66
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: Reflections of a Padawan

Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:51 pm
The shuttle ride had been tense, to say the least. The "prisoners" had surrendered easily, yet Brye wasn't sure what to expect from the Dark Sider, or even from Jaslyn. Standing next to one of her own, a close friend at that, "guarding" her, as an escort, it didn't sit well with Brye. Never had she imagined something like this from Jaslyn, what had happened earlier that day to make her want to parade around with a Dark Sider?

The violent storms, the deaths of Jedi. Brye had hearn whispers already, Elav Chiyoa had been amongst one of the Jedi killed today. While trying to protect their own, Jedi had died on Tython, their home. None of this was right.
The Padawan had spotted Satele but had made no attempt at speaking with her yet. Not much needed to be said, in reality. Brye figured Satele had already gotten word of what happened in the desert, and she did not want to be around when it came to questioning Jaslyn and San. Satele Shan was not one to disobey or anger, especially not by doing something rash such as pairing up with a Dark Sider or striking out in anger.

Still holding Jaslyn's belt, Brye would wait until Satele was ready to speak with her, if at all. Meanwhile, the Padawan brushed her fingers over the cuts on her face, attempting to clean the sand out of them as they stung.
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: A Funeral Pyer

Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:53 pm
In collaboration with Kyla, San Satele

The flight back to the temple had felt long to San Anin, as if the very fabric of time itself had slowed its movement just to torture her already tired mind. The look that Kyla had given her after she attempted to kill the Dark Sider… The dark sider, she was the one that plagued her mind and caused the wretched thoughts and memories to come barreling back into the forefront of her brain. For a temporary moment, anger began to grow once more as she thought of the Jedi Knight that had been killed because of her arrival to Tython, but the singular reminder of her master’s glare after she gave into her emotions before stayed with her.

For Kyla the flight back to the temple had been utterly silent. She did not speak a single word to her padawan the entire, short trip. Partly because the battlemaster was gathering her thoughts and try to decide what to say to San Anin when they did make it back. The brief anger she had felt at her apprentice for her two outbursts had quickly been dispeled. The girl was young, emotional outbursts weren’t unheard of among padawans. Still, she had to ensure San would not rely on such moments to guide her in battle, or her ways with the Force.

San Anin knew what would be coming, knowing that she had done a very harsh and tragic wrong to given into her emotions the way she did. That was why she hung her head in silence for a majority of the flight, only the sound of her shifting in the seat that had suddenly become too uncomfortable and the hum of the fighters engines accompanied the two as they made their way to the temple. The padawan wanted to speak to her master, wanting to apologize and let loose of what she had experienced, but she felt that she would only anger her master further if she said the wrong thing. The fear of loosing her emotions would also plague her, holding her back as she wanted to just cry over every piece of stress that she accumulated.

It wasn’t until they had landed that San Anin had spoken, “M-master…” she began already feeling tears swelling up in her eyes, “I- I unders-stand i-if you a-are angry w-with me.” She would have spoken more, but the padawan felt that if she continued then she wouldn’t have the strength to hold back her sadness.

“San, angry isn’t the word. I’m not angry at you for what occurred,I’m disappointed. Disappointed in myself as it would appear my training in order to prevent such moments has been lacking. But also to you for giving in to your rage to launch an uncalled for attack on an unarmed, surrendering opponent” The Jedi master stated firmly as she clicked off the engines of her starfighter.

“There is nothing wrong with feeling emotions. Everyone feels happiness, sadness and anger. It is only natural. To feel them is to be alive. The crux of the issue is seizing upon them and unleashing that anger and aggression towards others while intertwining with the Force. Particularly attacking someone that had already surrendered and presented no threat,” Kyla further added as she pressed a button to open the cockpit. Then she climbed out of her vessel.


It was that word that registered the most within the padawan’s mind, causing her to blink behind her eyewear and bringing that sadness she had been holding back to the absolute forefront of her thoughts. San Anin has never wanted to make anyone, let alone her master, to become disappointed in her. She slumped back in her seat, dispute the cockpit of the vessel opening up. Her head hung as she tried her best to rid herself of her own personal demons that told her that she was a failure of a Jedi.

She had no words to say or even think of, other than to register her failures in a growing list that all proved her worthlessness. After a moment, she relinquished herself to helm the thoughts and solemnly climbed out of the fighter to follow her master, but finding herself to only stare at the floor and follow a bit further from her master than she normally did. San Anin pulled her arms together, almost as if she were trying to hold herself together from physically falling apart.

Kyla noticed her padawan’s reaction and body expressions as they walked out of the hangar. Jedi and temple personal bustled around them, going about their own business as the master and apprentice trio moved to their destination. The veteran Jedi paused in her stride and wrapped an arm around San, then another as she embraced her distraught young padawan. She firmly hugged San, gently patting her on the back with one hand. Part of her sympathized with the girl, it was difficult as a young Jedi to fully separate the Force and raging emotions.

It was such an easy thing to give in to, precisely why so many Jedi fell that way. One outburst cascading into more to where they had left the light side behind. That was the last thing she wanted from San. Kyla had lost one padawan in her own stupidity and cockiness, she did not need to have another lost because of her failed teachings. The Jedi way was not perfect, admittedly, but it was one of responsibility. San was no Sith, she was learning best she could. It was best that Kyla addressed these types of incidents and ended them as quickly as possible.

“You will be alright San. You’ve made me proud far more than you have made me disappointed. It is a lot to take in and process, but I know you can do it. It is one of the many challenges a Jedi must conquer to be their greatest.” She said calmly whilst holding the young girl. Others walked by them and Kyla ignored them, they did not matter right now. The bond between a master and their padawan was one of critical importance in the Order.

“B-but what if I-I only c-continue to disappoint you?” San Anin asked, her self doubt continuing to grow as her mind focused on the negative.

“You won’t. I don’t want you to dwell on the past, San. We all make mistakes, even Jedi. Today was a terrible day, we’ve all been hit hard by its events. You have to learn from this, grow and strengthen from it. I will help you and guide you to the best of my abilities. I promise I will not let you down. You will not let me down more, failures are not something to be hung up on and cloud your future. Use what happened today as motivation that you can and will be your best.” Kyla stated, pulling away from the hug but still keeping a hand on San as she looked her padawan in the eyes. Making damn sure that her message would get through.

As the two stared at each other, San Anin looked to the floor before speaking once more, “When I saw Elav die, all I could see was Master Miljaco. When I saw the dark sider, all I could see was the sith assassin who killed him.”

She looked back up to Kyla before continuing, “I-I don’t want to lose you t-too, not when I-I can s-stop it.” The padawan finally relayed the reason as to why she acted the way she did, trying to justify what she had done and rationalize everything that had happened behind her memories.

“You can’t allow the past to control you, San. I’m sorry for what happened to your former master, but he would not have wanted you to seek revenge. Elav fought bravely, we would have died if it wasn’t for him. He made the greatest sacrifice a Jedi could. Rage is not something he or Master Miljaco would want from you. How can I take you into battle against the Sith or whoever else if you are harboring vengeance? You are stronger than that even if you yourself do not believe it, you have to make yourself believe so.” Kyla replied firmly, blinking as San explained the trauma she clung to.

“Y-yes, Master,” San Anin hesitantly said, nodding in a confirmation of understanding of her master’s words.

“Good. Trust me San, trust in yourself. Believe in yourself. You have immense potential and a great head on your shoulders.” Kyla said with a smile as she patted San on the back again. She would have to bring up the incident with Grandmaster Shan though, Satele would only aid in helping San.

There was a moment of silence, as San Anin’s hands played with each other, fingers interlocking and disconnecting. “M-master. I-I…” she thought to herself for a brief moment, “Before w-we fought those things, I-I could f-feel other e-emotions. M-multiple at once.” Her voice was quiet, almost as if she were trying to be sure that no one else could hear.

“I d-don’t think they w-were m-my own,” she finished, more hesitant than when mentioning her past.

“And what did you feel, San Anin?”

The duo of Master and Padawan looked up to find the Grand Master standing there, less than a few feet away, having trailed away from the small party she had arrived with and focused her attention here. On these two.

Satele’s features were a master class in control: there wasn’t the slightest hint of her state of mind outside the sing-song tone of her voice, a warm tone that bordered on maternal. Her blue eyes bounced between the two of them, and without slipping into thoughts, Satele had a pretty good idea of what happened.

Ah. “The three of us will speak on this later. Until then, San Anin, see that you do not leave the Temple.”

Those blue eyes lingered on Kyla, and this time Satele did slip into thoughts: We can, and should, do this later without eyes. We have something to tend to at the moment.

Satele had meant the Dark Sider, a fact made obvious by the inherent communication of telepathy, and made more obvious as Satele turned to face the Dark Sider. Restrained at the wrists, and smirking at the three of them.

But staring at San Anin.

“Careful with that one, o’ wise Grand Master: slippery with a lightsaber and quick to violence is she,” every word was a mockery that it was clear none enjoyed more than the Dark Sider herself. But Satele was no longer looking at the Dark Sider. She was staring as Jaslyn. A half dozen Jedi Guardians strolled into the hangar with removed their hoods. Finally Satele broke off to nod to the Guardians, even as she stepped up to the one that seemed so amused. “And what is your name?”

The Dark Sider smirked. “My name is Selene, Satele Shan. I would say it’s an honor...but let’s be honest: Revan was always more interesting than Bastila, and you reek of Bastila.”

Satele gave the order, “Watch ‘Selene’ until one of the Masters from the Council comes to relieve you. Take her to the lower chamber.” It wasn’t until they marched out with the this ‘Selene’ that Satele’s eyes once again moved. “Brye, escort Jaslyn to my chambers. I would very much like to have a chat with her. Kyla, come have a chat with my little ground and tell us what happened.”

Satele had to fight off further frustration. It was time to know what happened, and time to formulate something that at least resembled a plan.
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: Loyalty In Questions

Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:56 pm
ᴄᴏʟʟᴀʙ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ Brye ᴀɴᴅ Jaslyn

Brye, escort Jaslyn to my chambers.

Hearing those words, Brye took a deep breath. She calmed herself, for it might’ve been a little obvious how on edge Brye had been made by the events of the day. She was quiet, her movements rigid but with intent.
“Yes Master.” she said quietly, finally moving from the spot she had stood, and over to Jaslyn.

Brye didn’t say a word further as she walked up to her fellow padawan. She moved her head, indicating the way she and Jaslyn would be going. Brye didn’t taken Jaslyn’s arm, she did nothing to show the lack of faith she had in her fellow Padawan, but it was there nonetheless. Once Jaslyn would start to walk, Brye would follow right next to her.

Jaslyn looked at Brye and shook her head and proceeded with Brye at her side down the hallway. When they were alone Jaslyn looked over at Brye and sighed. “Out with it before you burst Brye. What are you dying to ask me?”

Still holding Jaslyn’s belt on one hand, that hand tightened. “Why?” Brye began, looking over at her friend as they walked. “Why are you with this, this Dark Sider? Do you understand all the chaos she has caused? All the Jedi that have died because of her landing?”

Jaslyn tilted her head at Brye. “So I had two options. One go with Selene and see what she was up to or stay and be ignorant. I chose the former. Secondly she didn’t reach out with the Force and make the storms or quakes. No the planet reacted. Do you know why Brye? Why react so violently to one being? Selene is not the reason people died today. Our own arrogance and ignorance caused people to die today.” Jaslyn was deeply saddened by the loss of life because it had been preventable.

There was a heavy frown on Brye’s face, and almost a glare in her eyes as she watched Jaslyn. “So you’re saying everyone who stayed back today, because of the violent storms, everyone is to blame for Tython’s chaos? Those who stayed to protect the Younglings, and those injured in the Medbay, those who were out on Tython and had to fight their way back to safety; all those deaths could have been preventable? Had that Dark Sider not landed on Tython, none of this would have happened.”

Brye shook her head, she could feel the frustration and anger building up even as she knew her emotions were under her own control. She would not be another to lose sight of the Jedi way today. “Have you even thought of your own actions? What would’ve happened had you stayed and helped Master Vondin fight her way back? Perhaps Master Elav would still be alive? All of our actions have consequences, Jaslyn. The events of today, everything that has happened, the blame does not just fall on the Jedi who call Tython their home. It is not just those who lived through the chaos who were arrogant and ignorant. They did everything they could to protect our home. Can you say the same for yourself?”

As they approached the door to Satele’s quarters, Brye went silent. Waving her hand in front of the panel, the door opened and she walked Jaslyn inside. There were many places to sit, but Brye instead stood next to the door as it closed, arms folded, Jaslyn’s belt in one hand, and a very stern look on her face as she watched over her fellow Padawan.

Jaslyn shook her head sadly. “Yes, even I am to blame. Who’s to say I wouldn’t be the one dead Brye? Perhaps that would have been better. This is, no never mind.” Jaslyn sighed and sat down running her hands through her hair.

“Just because she gave you the choice to join her, does not mean you had to stay... Sithspit- you even defend the Dark Sider after the fact!” Brye said, throwing her hands in the air. She placed Jaslyn’s belt on a small table next to the door before returning to her original position. “What’s so important that would make you want to defend her?!”

Brye’s voice was calm, quiet, yet she couldn’t help but want answers. One of her closest friends was suddenly a traitor to the Jedi Order, to everything either of them had ever known. Brye wanted to know why Jasyln seemingly up and left her ideals to tag along with the Dark Sider.

Jaslyn looked hurt at Brye’s outburst. “You wouldn’t believe me. I have yet to wrap my head around it. But tell me this Brye, where in the code does it say slay all Dark Side users? Where in the code does it say to spurn those that don’t agree with the code? Or rather does it give more direction on bringing one to the light? Everyone deserves the benefit of doubt now and again. As for what is so important that I defend her…” Jaslyn looked up and gave Brye her “I am disappointed that you have not come to this conclusion yet” look. “That is my business, not yours or anyone else’s. Even though I’m sure that they’ll pry it out of me. So I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but you’re one of the few people I will apologize to about it.” Jaslyn looked upset but with what was going on who wouldn’t?
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty Re: 6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember

Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:57 pm
In Collaboration with Bea

San Anin excused herself from Kyla and Satele, who had the more important task of interrogating the dark sider and the other padawan. San Anin had no interest in being a part of those deliberations, merely wishing for the day to end and for her mind to finally be at ease for even a few moments. As such, she made her way through the temple before finally arriving back at the library, where this mess had begun for her, where she first felt the disturbance in the force. For a moment, she stood in the doorway, blankly staring into the room before stepping away and continuing through the halls of the temple, more like a droid on a set path rather looking for anything meaningful to do.

The padawan then looked out one of the many windows along her travel, taking a moment to look at the wilderness of the planet for some time. San Anin ran a hand along the ledge before climbing onto it, sitting with legs crossed as her hands resting in each other. Despite the turmoil the planet had faced, the emotions that she had discovered within other people and herself, the wilderness held a calm. She watched and watched, merely taking in the sight before releasing a singular long sigh and tilted her head towards the sky. Her eyes closed and her breathing came to a slow as she focused on the force.

The memories of her old master, and the new memory of the death of the Jedi Knight were still fresh, but San Anin knew that they were as they were. Those deaths were in the past, and while she could have prevented them, she knew that she had to let go at some time. It would be in her best interest to, but knowing that she could have helped more kept those memories rotted in her mind along with the associated emotions. The Kel Dor did not feel that she was quite ready to, instead opting to push the memories back by allowing her mind to focus all of its efforts on the force and the calming presence of the outside. Perhaps for one of the only times in the few hours of the day, she had come to establish order in her mind, and keep her emotions in check, just as her master would have wanted.

“We all have our bad days, San.”
Brye’s voice came from further down the hall, the older Padawan having decided to wander as well as she reflected on the day’s events. It was true, at least Brye thought it was, that many great Jedi, even her master Satele, all faced challenges along the way. Whether they be emotions, morals and values, or difficult decisions, each Jedi was waging their own war within.

“I’m glad to see you up and about.” Brye continued, walking to stand next to San as she sat on the ledge. Brye placed a hand on the younger Padawan’s shoulder for a brief moment, giving her a short but confident smile before Brye too gazed out at the wilderness.

San Anin was silent for a moment before turning her head to Brye, her goggled eyes peering into those of the other padawan for a moment. She let out another sigh as she turned her head back towards the wilderness, slouching forward as she relaxed around her friend. It was a moment before she decided to speak, her voice calm with sadness continuing to hold its grasp, “This wasn’t just a bad day, it was horrible.”

Her gaze shifted downwards, “I had to watch another person die when I could have stopped it.”

Brye watched San for a few moments, her gaze filled with worry and concern for her younger friend. She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the ledge as she gazed back out at the wilderness.
“I’m not sure if I ever told you, or if you heard from somewhere else… but I my old Master was killed as well, and I too feel I could’ve stopped it.” Brye said, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly as old memories came back.

“Two rogue Sith attacked our ship and followed us down to the planet after we crashed. Master Lonn had been hit hard, he wouldn’t wake up,” Brye paused again as she took another deep breath. It was a topic she did not think about often, and rarely talked about.
“One of the Sith held me back while the other killed Master Lonn where he lay. He didn’t have a chance, and I- I wasn’t strong enough to overtake the Sith. Afterwards that’s when they threw me around a bit, and then Master Shan was just, there.”
Brye went silent, watching the outside world as she thought back on her feelings, and that horrid day.
“Things happen, San. Things you can’t control. Not because you aren’t strong enough, but because it is the will of the Force. That’s what I think. All you can do is reflect on them, learn from them, and keep going.”

The older padawan looked back to her friend again, a weak smile on her face. “One day you might be in the same position as Master Vondin. You too might have a Padawan that’ll need guidance, and then you’ll look back on today and remember how hard it was for you, and you’ll be able to help them.”

San Anin nodded her head, taking in the words of her friend.

“That was why I went to strike down the dark sider, just so nobody else would be hurt and I would be able to help more than I had. Master Kyla said that I shouldn’t let the past control me, but when you watch two people die in front of you, when you could have done something to stop it, it's hard. Letting go… it seems like that is something I can’t do. Between, Master Vondin, Knight Elav, my family...” San Anin brought her knees up, wrapping her arms around her legs and staring off into the outside.

“I can’t let go,” she said.

"You don't have to let go." Brye responded, still gazing out at the wilderness. "But you also can't keep those emotions cooped up inside. You have to release them, the proper way. Meditate on them, remember the Lighter times, let the Light Side of the Force be with you and remember the good memories. You don't have to let go of their memory San, but you must let go of the pain that you endured because of them."

There were a few long moments of silence as Brye thought of what was best to say. "I suffered from some horrible grief after my Master was killed. But Master Shan pulled me out of those emotions and helped me recover. You must look to those still here San, look to those you care about for help and guidance through this."

San Anin looked to Brye for a moment, wanting to take the words to heart but remembering all the pain that those memories had brought. “But it hurts to remember. I have been trying to keep all of those thoughts hidden away, but they only come back when I experience something similar. I can’t face them, I don’t want to face them.”

She let out a sigh, tightening her grip around herself, “Why can’t things be like when we were younglings? It was simpler and there wasn’t the risk of death.”

"There's always that risk San." Brye said, gently putting an arm around her friend’s shoulders. "Everyone must take their turn. But as each of us face our own challenges, we have others there to help us. We protect each other." Brye took her arm from San's shoulders and sighed. Brye had faced many of these fears a couple years ago, as Satele helped her through her own grief, through her fears that were developed from her Master's death. "I once had problems with my own emotions, sometimes I still do. But you don't have to face them alone, San. It is vital that you face them… but at your own pace, and never alone." She paused for a second and looked at San, "I'm always here for you should you need help to get through them. Just like Master Shan and Master Vondin. You have plenty of those who care about you to help you through this."

A moment of silence fell upon the two as San Anin looked away from the other padawan and out to the serene wilds. “Thank you, Brye,” she said softly without shifting her gaze, slowly uncurling herself and going back into a meditative position. She allowed for another moment to pass before turning her head towards her friend.

“Would you like to meditate with me?” She asked.

Brye hoped San took her words to heart. The older Padawan didn't want to seem like she was preaching or saying that every Jedi dealt with the same issues San did, but Brye truly believed in ever word she had said. She had learned from her own experience.

At the offer to join her, Brye smiled softly and nodded.
"I would love to, San."

The older Padawan climbed up next to her friend and crossed her legs, getting comfortably into a meditative position. She smiled again at San before closing her eyes and letting her mind wander.
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: The Interview

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:03 pm
Collaboration with Jaslyn & Jex

Jex Saranth walked briskly towards the Jedi Grandmaster’s Chambers. His breathing was calm, almost meditative. His footsteps were equally measured, and his mind was at ease. Under his breath, the Jedi Knight was muttering the Jedi Code up until he approached the door. Without so much as a knock, Jex waved his hand and the door opened. His eyes locked on the two padawans. He slowly walked forward, turning his gaze towards Padawan Farlance. ”You may take a walk. I wish to speak with Padawan Dayne. Alone.” His voice was firm and deep, and his expression was stoic and stern.

As the door opened, Brye was half expecting Satele to walk in; instead walked in someone who she hadn’t really seen much, but she still knew who it was. Jedi Knight Saranth, though is first name eluded her.
He was quite stern as he spoke, even more so as his gaze fell on Brye. Although unintentional, Brye was half glaring at the Knight at his tone, though she did not hesitate for a moment. She turned and left the room in the next moment, not even sticking outside the door. She would find somewhere that she was needed more.

Jaslyn watched Brye leave and sat up straighter. She waited for Knight Saranth to speak. And waited. And waited. Well we are either waiting on Brye to get out of earshot or this has already started. Possibly both. I’m gonna go with this last one.

Jaslyn studied Knight Saranth. He is physically imposing. If he hadn’t been in the temple I’d have assumed he was a normal street thug. Maybe a laborer that worked with his whole body. I don’t remember seeing much of him around here.

Jex simply stood still, and he moved his hands behind his back as his feet were shoulder width apart. His eyes focused intently on Jaslyn for a moment, and the rest of his body seemed still and locked in place. He turned his head to scan the room, before his eyes fixed back on Jaslyn. While his hands remained firmly behind his back, Jex spoke with the same deep volume, but ditched the same sternness from earlier. ”I am Jedi Knight Jex Saranth. My purpose for being here is to determine what exactly transpired between you and the Force Sensitive earlier today, why you used your lightsaber against a fellow Padawan, and what you experienced. I am not here to pass judgement, and I am not putting you on trial. I am looking for the truth. Let’s start with how you ended up alone with the Force Sensitive.” Jex’s expression softened slightly as he spoke, and his eyebrows furrowed as he finished as he seemed to show signs of concern.

Jaslyn watched him warily as he made his speech. She relaxed at his tone. It was much different from San’s, Battlemaster Kyla’s, Grandmaster Shan’s and even Brye’s. He sounded like he wasn’t passing judgement like he said. Jaslyn nodded. “I had been out roaming the hills checking on sensors as well as practicing my forms. I like to practice the movements without a saber and I prefer the challenge of utilizing the terrain around me. I saw Selene...uh the Force Sensitive crash into the rift. I took the bike that I had over to the Rift. As I was in route I saw Battlemaster Kyla’s ship pass over and they landed before I got there. I followed them down into the Rift. We were able to locate the wreckage but not Sel-the Force Sensitive. We were then attacked by something...wrong. We quickly ascertained that it was a group of them. Knight Elav held them off and was wounded. He’s dead now they tell me. And apparently I’m to blame for that.” She pulled a grimace that spoke of self loathing at that thought spoken out loud.

Jex’s only movement was a slight nodding of the head to Jaslyn’s words. He did his best to keep his expression stoic at the news of Elav’s death. From what he had heard, the deceased Knight was a good man. But Jex put that aside for now. It was something to deal with after this matter was sorted. ”Your actions alone did not kill him. His death is part of the cycle of the Force, and he honored our order by sacrificing himself for the sake of others.” His voice had softened significantly, but hardened again after Jex took a deep breath. ”They told you he was dead after the fact. Where were you? Were you separated from the others?”

Jaslyn weighed his words. My actions alone...still held accountable.

“We fell back at my suggestion, since there were six of the beasts, and climbed to the top of the Rift. I had started climbing first and was in a position to observe someone, presumably the Force Sensitive, climbing to the surface and upon reaching the surface I noticed that someone was in the ship as the doors were closing. I made the decision to get to the ship and that is when I was separated from the others. I requested assistance from the Force Sensitive and was told that I was to get out or sit down. I made the decision to see what she was up to.”

Jaslyn sighed. And that is the part that will get me in trouble.

Jex gave a curt nod as he closed his eyes at the last part of Jaslyn’s explanation. He tilted his head, and his expression seemed to scrunch up in confusion.”Then you spoke with the Force Sensitive? Did she say anything else to you? Even just a name?”” While he was typically able to keep his emotions under control, a small well of frustrated anger grew in the center of his chest. She just left the others behind out of curiosity… Dangerous.

Jaslyn nodded. “Her name is Selene. Or so she said. We had a slightly philosophical debate about the Jedi Order. She expressed her truth I expressed mine. Besides stalling for time and trying to find out why she’d even come down here. Then we didn’t talk because we were in the Silent Desert.”

Jex began his pacing at this point between Jaslyn and the door, each step equally paced to the last. He churned through the thoughts in his mind. ”Do you believe that Selene, an individual with a strong connection to the Dark Side to the point this planet reacted as if it wanted to tear itself apart, shared her ‘truth’ with you? And what made you believe that you could discern a truth from Selene that a Knight or Master could not?” He was growing more impatient internally. Externally, he seemed rather stoic and contemplative, as he did when he was trying to solve a case. Before Jaslyn could answer, he added one final question. ”And what happened from the time you entered the desert to the time you and Selene were found?”

Jaslyn’s jaw set stubbornly and watched Knight Saranth pace. “We all believe in something. What matters to me may not matter to you. The way I see things is no less important than how you do. We all have ‘truths’ are hers the same as ours? I know that you won’t believe me if I told you that she believes what she said.”

Jaslyn looked away then sighed and looked back at Knight Saranth. “Leaving the ship, to whatever destination was programmed in it, we leapt to the surface. She seemed to know where to point the beast and have it open the way to…” Jaslyn looked fascinated by the mystery as she went on. “I’m not entirely sure what it was exactly. Tho Yor. Symbols that looked older than Aerabesh. It was almost alive with the Force. It had a pulse, almost. Or a call. I’m not doing it justice but there are few words that would.”

Jaslyn trailed off and was staring a hole into the floor contemplating what it would mean if she explained what happened to her in the Tho Yor.

Jex closed his eyes as Jaslyn got defensive. He knew this would be the reaction, and she was clearly taking the bait. What did surprise him was her description of what happened next. He stopped pacing, and his brow furrowed in a confused expression as he turned his gaze towards her. ”A call? What do you mean by that?” Jex took a few steps toward her, his expression seeming to show the tiniest bits of curiosity that the Jedi Knight didn’t bother hiding. This was becoming more interesting as things developed. ”What is this… Tho Yor?”

Jaslyn looked back at Knight Saranth as his questions pulled her out of her morbid contemplation. “I’m not sure this is accurate but, ships that brought early Force Users to Tython from...possibly from all over the universe. Do you know anything about this planet’s past? The Je’daii?” Jaslyn was curious to know that what she was told could be corroborated by facts.

Jex folded his arms, shrugging his shoulders. ”If you’re interested in these ‘Je’daii,’ I’m sure you can find something in the archives. My areas of expertise are focused on the present, not the past of our order.” His eyes focused in on Jaslyn’s, his expression returning to his bitter stoicism. ”This… Tho Yor gave you some sort of vision, then? Or spoke to you? Told you that about Tython, I suppose.” Jex’s jaw then began to clench for a moment, before he gave a sympathetic sigh. ”What none of this tells me, however, is why you never attempted to stop this Dark Sider. Nor why you lifted a saber in defense against a fellow Padawan. Please… just help me understand why you’re here.”

Jaslyn sighed and ran her hands over her hair to the ponytail positioned high in the back of her head. Then finger combed her tangles as she talked. “I am not equipped to make any of this right, as much as others wish it so. I knew that I didn’t have the power to turn the ship into something that could be used to break atmosphere. I knew I didn’t have the ability to stop her from taking the ship. I knew I didn’t have the ability to cast her off planet with a thought.”

Jaslyn leaned over and tapped the arm of the chair lightly but firmly every other word. “Yet knowing all this I chose to observe. Knowing that at some point someone would be needed to say why she was here. And after all that risk to my reputation and everything that I’ve worked for to have a fellow Padawan undo all of that was unacceptable.” Her hand made a fluid slashing motion in the air as she shook her head. She winced slightly at a tangle that was particularly knotted that pulled when she shook her head.

Making eye contact with Knight Saranth directly Jaslyn went back to finger combing the snarled places in her hair that were left. “My risk of self was fine. I was willing to take that punishment but I was not about to let anyone else suffer. Killing Selene out of hatred served San no purpose but to further her down a dark path. I did her a favor, even if she does see it as such yet. In short, I did what I could do to help knowing that I was risking more than my life.”

Jaslyn was done finger combing through her hair by the end of the speech. And although that is the truth I doubt that anyone is going to believe it. That’s why I was pretty much treated as if I’d betrayed the Order.

Jex shook his head, placing his hands behind his back, giving a small sigh. He had gathered what appeared to be all the information he was going to receive, yet the normally reserved Jedi Knight stayed for a moment and turned his eyes to Jaslyn. ”The Jedi Masters and even the council will see your actions as a failure. While you claim you didn’t have the power to stop or impede Selene, I believe that you could have if you had chosen to. It could have come at a terrible cost to yourself, but that’s a price a Jedi is willing to make.” Almost as if anticipating a response or backlash, Jex raised his hand and continued speaking. ”The path you chose, however, was in part inspired by the Code. Your choice to defend Selene by turning against a fellow Padawan who was succumbing to the dark side was a sign of courage. More so, you sought a path of peace and knowledge. Your master should be proud of that much, Padawan. Two words of wisdom, however: Jedi must always be willing to sacrifice themselves even when the odds look unwinnable, and don’t trust those trained in the Dark Side. Their lessons are rooted in fear and power.”

Jaslyn nodded at Knight Saranth and massaged her temples. She noted he made a motion to stop an outburst as if she was supposed to interrupt him, which she had no intention of doing. “I understand. I hope to do better in the future. Am I released to my quarters then Knight Saranth? I’d like to change if possible.”

Jex shook his head temporarily. ”Stay here, for now. Given recent events, especially regarding your fellow Padawan, I would prefer if you stayed here until someone comes for you.” Jex gave a slight nod, his face changing from stoic to melancholic. ”May the Force be with you, Jaslyn.” And with that, Jex turned on his heels and exited the Grandmaster’s chambers, waiting outside the door for Brye to return and resume her watch.
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: Consequences

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:05 pm
A collab with San & Satele

Satele Shan needed time. The schedule didn't allow her that time. Jace had a ship ready, but they had to move for reasons that owed to the greet logistics god of the Republic spaceways. It was a fickle god, but Satele understood Jace having to put it before her Jedi and their uninvited guest. She talked to herself aloud in the small office, talking about this old contact, that old lead, as she binged file after file, sealed record after sealed record, in her search for information. Jace just stared at her. The office was borrowed from another Master, a connection certified as secure so she could look.

Then, of course, Satele found it.

"She's the collector."

The words were sighed as she stood quickly from the desk chair, smoothing her robes out almost subconsciously. They were tight by design, made for not getting in her way just as much as they were some form of repressed expression from the lifelong Jedi. The shiny, velvet, blue of her robes over her midsection wasn't armored. It was just shiny fabric, and it bunched over her tummy if she didn't smooth it down after sitting in certain positions. Usually the product of bad posture. At least Jace knew to follow her, not she he was likely to let her out of his sight as they walked fast through the corridors of the Temple, Jedi getting out of their way as the two moved.

"We thought maybe they were a former Jedi, maybe even someone like Theron who started out in the Order as a youngling but was then removed. Maybe an Imperial agent, who knows how long they plotted t for fun. If it was for fun. And Je'daii items. Them especially, it would seem now."

She didn't knock on the door when she reached it through the maze of small corridors branching off the wider main ones where people tended to congregate; and people were gathering everywhere trying to gossip, steal what information they could, and report the coming and goings of people like satele. She just entered slowly and repressed the smile when she found San Anin with Brye. "Excuse us? I hear the Supreme Commander could use a guide to the nearest cup of coffee." Her Padawan would understand; so would Jace. This was a Jedi thing, San Anin's face seemed to Satele to sink at the sight of the Grand Master appearing within the door, but inevitably had a way with everyone.

Satele ensured the door shut after Brye left, the expression upon her face anything but unkind. "What happened?"

At first, San Anin was silent, shifting as her uncomfort grew and grew before she eventually began to speak in a soft, hesitant tone, “W-well, M-master Kyla and E-Elav took me t-to investigate the l-landing. The o-other padawan w-was there t-to.” She paused at the mention of the other padawan, lowering her head as her hand brushed over her breathing mask. “E-Elav d-died when those t-things came. T-the other padawan had already left, i-in the chaos, I gave into a-anger. I could f-feel the chaos of the planet, I-I could feel the s-sadness of m-my master. W-when we found the s-sith, I let m-my clouded m-mind get the b-better of me. I tried to k-kill her s-so her presence w-would kill anyone else.”

The padawan refused to look at the grandmaster, keeping her gaze firmly on the floor as her fingers interlocked and her thumbs played with each other.

“They aren’t a Sith.”

It was largely irrelevant to the purpose of the discussion at hand, but Satele felt it important to highlight the fact none-the-less. This one woman invader, this Selene, wasn’t Sith. It was important for many reasons, the least of which being acts of war. What would become of the woman? That, however…

“San Anin,” Satele’s voice came out changed, different: it was soft, it was warm, it was vulnerable. It was anything but the neutral tones that were interspaced with flashes of humor and care that made up her usual public tones. “We cannot know what is to become of this Selene. I know she will be put on a ship and sent to a prison made to hold even Force users. With any luck she will rot away in a hole, or come to the Jedi Order for redemption. It is possible that this woman will one day lead to the death of another Jedi.”

The more she spoke the more steel returned to her tone, until there was little left in her voice, and reflected in her eyes, of the seriousness with which she addressed the Padawan, “Make no mistake, San Anin, I cannot see this peace lasting. You will have plenty of time to use your lightsaber against Sith. War will come again, and maybe if you had killed this woman you might save other lives later on--or if you killed her you might deny the Force some useful purpose for her. We do not know. The Jedi way says you spare the woman, find what information you can, then deal with her...precisely what we are doing now.”

Satele made steps towards San Anin earlier, when her expression changed, but had now largely drifted. Eyes touching on various spots of the Padawan’s private quarters as she moved, almost as if she were restless. Maybe she was. Maybe she would be until the woman was off Tython and in a prison.

At the door Satele turned quickly on her right heel, sudden and smooth as a soldier’s facing movement, though it was accompanied with a rather casual little sigh. “Dust yourself off, Padawan. You can use this event in meditation for years to come. You’ll improve, you’ll get new realizations on why we Jedi err on the side of life whenever possible. They will be needed if war comes again and you find yourself forced to fight with people you never thought you would, or could.”

A live wire of a smile crossed Satele’s red lips in a flash, afterall, she had confidence in San Anin. “I wouldn’t expect any disciplinary action.” There, as Satele’s body leaned back into the door of the Padawan’s quarters, that smile lingered a moment longer so long as Satele kept her eyes on the Padawan. “Good luck, San Anin,” a farewell before Satele twisted her shoulders and slipped out of the door.

Now it was time to speak with the other Padawan that didn’t belong to her involved.

With Satele now gone, San Anin felt that she could finally breathe again. The padawan had been expecting much worse, finding that Brye had made her master seem far worse than she had led on. San Anin let out a sigh as she went on to clean her robes, she had a funeral to attend and she knew that she would not like it.
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: A Funeral Pyer

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:06 pm
The sun had set in the clear Tython skies. The incidents of today would never be forgotten by the Jedi Order even as calmness had once more returned to the world. The brave Jedi they had lost had been accounted for, those still missing continued to be searched for. Funeral processions were planned for those confirmed dead on a tragic day. As the stars dotted the darkened skyline a group of Jedi gathered behind the temple, each one clad in robes with hoods raised as a sign of brotherhood and respect. Upon a raised funeral pyre laid the corpse of the knight Elav Chiyoa upon a bed of wood. The deceased twi’lek had been laid in a peaceful position, eyes shut as no more life reverberated within them. His hands had been gently folded over his chest, with his twin lightsabers placed in his palms.

Kyla walked towards the pyre slowly, a flame lit torch in hand. As the battlemaster walked she kept her emotions strong while internally sadness flowed through her. As she took her last steps towards Elav’s body she felt the eyes of her fellow gathered Jedi upon her and then Elav’s corpse as she tossed the torch onto the pyre. Tears welled in her eyes as the pyre ignited and flames danced over the fallen knight’s body. She heard birds chirp in the trees as a cool breeze echoed in the wind. The cremation’s flames grew higher as they fully enveloped the deceased warrior, a proper funeral for one of the bravest Jedi.

“Still hard to believe he’s gone.” Kyla stated softly as she approached her padawan San, then turned and stood solemnly alongside the girl and her fellow Jedi. The battlemaster had not been at a proper Jedi funeral in a few years. She had not missed them.

This had been the padawan’s second funeral attendance, a sight that she had not grown used to as she was constantly reminded of her previous master’s death. The words of her current master hardly registered as the memories almost took her. Then, the words clicked and she blinked out of her stupor, allowing the memories nor the event get to her. It was sad, but the words and meditation with her friend had gone along way to improve her mind and allow it to rest from the chaos of the day.

“I may not know him as well as you had, master. But he died for the Order, for that I respect him,” San Anin said calmly, before looking to her master. For a moment, her gaze fixated itself upon her master before hesitantly looking at her feet. She squirmed a bit, “I-“ she paused. “I can f-feel your sadness, m-master,” she said softly, barely loud enough to be heard and would easily have been confused for a mumble to someone who was not actively listening for her.

“He was a man deserving of plenty of respect. He gave his life to save us.” Kyla stated calmly, then thought of what her padawan had told her. It was the second time San had mentioned it so it must have been concerning the young girl.

“You told me before San, but we had other matters to attend to. That’s not an unheard of power among a select few Jedi. It's a difficult one to have, emotions are a powerful thing. I will try to help you the best I can.” She added as the funeral pyre continued to crackle and cremate the fallen Jedi’s body. Elav was truly with the Force now.

San Anin shifted a bit as she stood there, never looking up to see Elav as his body became ashes, not comforted by knowing that her power was not unheard of. “B-but I felt every little thing, anger, sadness…” she stopped to think, “I could hardly know which emotion was mine and which belonged to another. I-it’s still hard to t-tell.”

“It’s a strange and confusing thing but you must not allow it to conflict you.” Kyla stated as the funeral ended. The gathered Jedi gave their final respects then began to depart. Once the flames died down the fallen knight’s ashes would be collected and buried on Tython.

“I shall bring it up to Grandmaster Shan and the rest of the Jedi council. Such a power is one which can easily become unmanageable. Rest assured San, I will help you.” Kyla added, placing an arm on her confused padawan’s shoulder. She gave one final look towards the flaming ashes of her fully departed friend before walking away from the funeral pyre. Elav and his sacrifice would never be forgotten.

“W-why does the r-rest of the council n-need to know?!” San Anin said in surprise as she followed her master, not looking back at Elav. The fact of the council knowing of her ability brought her nervousness of dealing with other people back. Social awkwardness was quite the killer.

“I-I mean, t-there is n-nothing wrong with t-that, b-but sure it’s e-enough for you to k-know,” the padawan continued, going into a further explanation of why the council would not need to know. Eventually, the long winded explanation turned into mumbles as the padawan continued and continued as she followed her master.

“Its for the best, trust me San. Its better they know and can help you in understanding this ability. They won’t yell at you or hurt you. Plenty of Jedi go before the council to seek guidance.” Kyla replied as they walked back inside the temple along.

“As I said before this ability is a rarity but it is not unheard of. The archives speak of a select few with it.” She added, then paused in her stride to pull in San for another hug. “I appreciate you telling me about this, today has been a rough day. I want you to rest up for tomorrow as we will be training.”

“Y-yes, m-master,” San Anin said, returning the hug of her master before speaking again, “G-grandmaster S-Satele already k-knows.”

“Good. I shall speak to her about it sometime soon. For now get some rest please, San.” Kyla replied with a nod and another comforting pat on the back before she walked away from her padawan. The veteran Jedi herself could feel the tiredness from a rough day in her own bones.
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: A Brush with Shadows

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:08 pm
(Collab between Brye and Selene.)

Brye had never really had a chance to talk to the Commander before, much less be it in a more relaxed sort of way. She had hardly had a chance just to sit and talk. Talk about things that weren’t pertaining to her training or the war. Just, talk.

After going their separate ways, due to duties both she and Jace had to see to, Brye made her way back towards the chambers Jaslyn had been delivered to earlier. Hopefully the Grand Master was done talking to her fellow Padawan, for Brye felt the need to just sit and talk. She had been furious with Jas before, she still was now, but she wanted to talk to her on more of an equal level. Or try at least.

There was no denying that the padawan was slightly distracted on her way back to the Grand Master’s chambers. The day had been very eventful, things had happened that Brye still couldn’t comprehend nor did she really want to gain a full understanding of. But if one was to be at peace with the recent violence, she had to understand what had happened and why.

The longer Brye walked, the longer the corridor got. The very painted walls of the Jedi Temple simply ran infinite, every light fixture repeating in equal distance, but gone were any doors or intersections. There was simply empty, endless, corridor ahead. When Brye realized it, when those very first pangs of anxiety would start to hit and Brye would turn her shoulders and head to look back, to find the familiar and the safe?

She would find only more empty, endless, corridor.

From the farthest she could see the light fixtures began to snuff. The one further in Brye’s sight, backwards and forwards it didn’t matter, began to shudder bright and dark, before snapping black. The moment the Padawan noticed it, the pattern would get faster, as if it knew it had been spotted. As if it were headed fast and furious for the Padawan, as if to strike first, until the very lights on either side of Brye went dead, and darkness ruled the corridor.

There Brye’s heart could beat. There her mind could leap and wonder and question. That little voice in the back of Brye’s head could speak up. It could scream, that voice of fear all Jedi liked to suppress and push to the back.

Selene enjoyed letting them hear it loud and at the forefront, their own scream of fear the very fanfare of her arrival. “Hello,” came the voice, from behind Brye, and when Brye turned that direction, it echoed from the other direction.

The light that came from the light fixture right beside Brye was red, and came so dim it might have well just been another shadow, except that slowly it revealed the hand next to the light fixture, and a moment later, got bright enough to reveal the entire Dark Sider’s image, smiling wicked and big and bright as her body leaned against the wall casual and cool.

“You needn’t fear. You all have me in chains, after all. I am harmless, and bored, and you want to talk to me. Hi.”

Lifting her gaze from the floor to the walls, Brye noticed how the corridor seemed to stretch on and on. Her surroundings seemed to start repeating themselves, leading down to the corridor that went black at the farthest point, no end in sight. The Padawan felt a sharp pang of fear in her chest at the sudden change of atmosphere. She was not in the Temple, not mentally; her mind was swimming in an odd dream that was not of her making.
The girl could feel her heart beating in her chest as she turned quickly, looking behind her only to see the same image of the endless corridor as it stretched on.

Lights started to go out, left and right, closer and closer as darkness threatened to overtake the Padawan as fear and panic. The young girl took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to calm her emotions as darkness swallowed her.

A voice, vaguely familiar, but at the moment Brye’s mind was too distracted to remember. She whipped around as it echoed, it’s source unknown to the young Padawan. From eyes still closed, Brye noticed a reddish pink glow. She opened them then, noticing the red light next to her and the figure that was slowly revealed as the light seemed to grow brighter.

The Dark Sider.

The young Jedi took a deep breath as she observed the figure next to her. Taking a few moments to calm her senses, the young girl than took a seat where she was, taking up a loose meditative position, hand resting on knees as her legs slightly crossed, eyes watching the Dark Sider with intent.

Another deep breath in and out and Brye nearly relaxed completely, letting her body rest in it’s seated position as Brye seemed to take up a defense through meditation, should the need arise. This was not real, it was just a dream. The girl couldn’t recall how she had fallen into this realm, but she knew where she belonged; in the real world, in the halls of the Tython Temple.
“When did I make it clear that I wanted to talk to you specifically?” the young girl asked, watching Selene closely.

Wicked smile cut deeper into a grin, as innocent and silly as any child’s grin, her body slipped from the wall and beginning an absent minded pace--circling the meditative and seated Jedi. “Why do you do that? The moment you finally saw me that little light went off in your head. So soon after Dxun, another Sith? Aah, but she is no Sith. What is she then? No more red lightsabers?”

Suddenly she stopped, her head leaning down towards Brye’s head to whisper, “Maybe I can get that lightsaber back for you?” Quickly as she’d stopped and leaned down, she stood up straight and kept encircling Brye. “They cut you, they bled you, they humiliated you--and she saved you.”

A sound occured, something distant, like a locked door snapping open. The second the sound echoed, Selene’s head snapped in that direction. There was no sound, there was no door...but it was a sudden bit of memory Selene felt by prodding other areas.

The memory begged a single question of a single word, the Dark Sider’s head turning slowly to Brye, a new kind of fascination shadowing her black eyes. “Manaan? And what did we find there? What ancient, hidden, thing was there? Do tell me, I love nothing more than digging up ancient, hidden, things.”

A request punctuated with the tiniest of playful pouts.

Brye watched as Selene started to pace around her. The Padawan wasn’t sure if it was meant to intimidate her, but it was definitely a challenge to calm and collected attempt to keep her emotions reigned in.

“You’re not a Sith, that much I know.” Brye began, taking deep, almost meditative breaths as Selene paced around her. She jumped slightly as Selene’s voice was suddenly in her ear, hands tightened around her knees. Was she teasing Brye? How could she possibly take back a lightsaber that was somewhere with a Sith Inquisitor? What was her goal, why was she doing this? Questions came, but Brye would not answer them. There was no reason to reveal anything to this Dark Sider that was also knowledge of the Jedi.

Brye heard the door as it echoed through the realm. The young Jedi took a sharp breath inward, attempting to maintain her composure through Selene’s prodding. “Why do you think,” Brye began, opening her eyes now and eyeing Selene as she came around, “I would tell you anything about what I know? Dxun, Manaan, what we found. None of that knowledge belongs to you,” Brye challenged, eyeing Selene before her eyes closed again, “you’re naive if you think otherwise.”

“You’re naive if you think knowledge is a possession to be clung to. Exchange it, or it dies, and you usually die along with it. The trick is exchanging it in ways that are advantageous to either yourself, or your...cause.”

It was clear in her tone that she thought of it in terms of advantageous to self, and only inserted the bit about cause after recalling she was, in fact, communicating with a Jedi. Selene found herself shrugging, a small snort accompanying. Lights began to flicker bold and white and bright, up and down the endless corridor.

“Knowledge unlocks doors. What’s on the other side? You don’t know. If you did you wouldn't worry about telling me, or not telling me. You'd know the result of telling me, of opening that door and stepping through, and seeing what I had to tell you, or pause just past the door and wait--who can say how long? Maybe one day I do become a Sith, it seems blissfully unlikely, I'm going to the exact prison I was hoping you Jedi would send me, safe enough they won't get me unless we're destined to be ruled by them. What could go wrong, right? I got a great feeling about my plan. Worked out just fine so far. But say a trick of fate, or Sith, sends my life in an unexpected direction? What if the knowledge we share today factors into much large events later on? What if one day we meet again, and save lives because of an exchange of information and ideas we had already established so many years before? Just talking to me now is a leap of faith for you. I sense it. You're young, you're afraid of messing up...I'd say I get it but I'm not wired that way."

Selene pushed off the wall and stared at Brye, as lights ceased to flicker, content in the same warm glow they'd had in the temple since installation. No more darkness, no more flickering. "I find Satele Shan intriguing...that amount of power...I wonder what it's like to study under someone wise, someone interested in my success as much as their own, someone so renowned..."

Selene sounded as close to sad as she was like to get in that moment. It lasted a beat of the heart before her mind just moved on, letting it go. Sadness, regret...Selene tried to avoid them. "You are lucky, Jedi. Cruel spirits, Holocrons found or bought or stolen, old texts that somehow survived, various other...methods--all ways I've learned. Never a teacher. Never even a fellow student. And you, awash in them, like Jaslyn. Of course before I left home and stayed gone I was a student surrounded by other students. I hid my identity, fair enough, but I never did feel all that compelled to engage my fellow students anyway. They were slower, less was difficult for me as immature and scared and angry as I still was."

For the second time Selene shrugged. This time the motion seemed quicker, colder.

"Still am, if we're being honest. The only thing that's changed is instead of usurpers and traitorous family hunting me it's an Emperor and his bloody Empire. So before I disappear into a cell even that Emperor can't reach me in, I've seen a lot, been a lot of places, I have a lot of unusual and rare knowledge. So I'll trade you: something I know, for what happened on Manaan? The hell are those little fishies up to?...or was it something else? Someone else?"

“And if I were to share knowledge with you, what if it comes back to harm the Jedi Order?” Brye retorted before Selene pushed off the wall.

At that moment, Brye was very wary. Wary of sharing secrets that could come back to harm her and those she cared about, that could harm the Jedi Order as a whole. What they had found on Manaan had been a vault that only the followers of Revan seemed to know about. Or was it only known to Revanites? What if the Sith knew about it, those not openly followers of Revan? Would it still have been there, the vault and everything it had held? Or would the Sith had infiltrated it sooner?

This Selene was confined to a cell deep within the Tython temple, yet it seemed she had influence over almost anything she wanted. At least, Brye hoped Selene’s ability to pull her into this realm wasn’t due to her own weakness. What was her body doing now that her mind was elsewhere? Brye hadn’t even felt a hint of change until she noticed that the corridor had been altered. It seemed as though the young Jedi had no influence in this realm, that she was under this Dark Sider’s trick until she seemed satisfied.

Bryethe seemed to contemplate over her next actions very carefully, watching Selene for a few moments before her gaze moved elsewhere, then back to the Dark Sider.
“The Revanites had revealed that Manaan held a secret vault from the days of Revan,” Brye began, watching Selene to gauge her reaction. “Master Shan told me she had made a deal with a Mandalorian during a fight on Dxun. So when we arrived at the vault, the warriors who were with us took back what had belonged to their people. Armor, weapons. Satele and I explored the vault further to see what else was there. Information, though I’m not sure of what, was what we found the most of.” The padawan explained, taking a deep breath and exhaling as her heart beat fast.

At the moment, she didn’t know what else to do besides adhere to Selene’s wishes, to believe that the Dark Sider was telling the truth. Infuriating her would only lead to trouble as Brye had no way out of this realm, nothing that she could clearly see that is.

The most immediate and pressing question that leapt to the forefront of Selene’s mind was obvious: What the hell is a Revanite?

It was a question that remained unasked. The only hint of it a stutter of Selene’s big dark eyes; to the floor, then sharply back to the Jedi’s eyes. It was literally a matter of a second, and it was gone, and the question with it. Not that she stayed still, fidgeting and shifting her weight.. She was alive, her heart beating harder, her mind stuck on the sheer gravity of what was said: Darth Revan, secret vault, Mando treasures no longer hidden in said vault, and information. What information? Selene could only dream.

And oh was she dreaming.

“I’ll give you this; for the first time I regret being sent to a prison instead of getting to hunt down the next vault.” Selene was certain it was incredible, just as she was certain Satele Shan and her Padawan had likely missed something.

Amateurs always did their first time. A soft shake of her head as the dreams began to feel distant, an impish smile flashing across dark full lips. “What would you like to know? If I know it, I will share it.”

What did she want to know? What could Brye ask? She wondered just what the extent of this Dark Sider’s knowledge stretched. What on earth could she ask that she actually wanted to know? Something about what had happened on Tython? Something about Satele?

Brye recalled what Grim had mentioned back on Dxun. That Satele was what they needed to win the war. And not just her, but the Revan within her. But if Satele went Revan, would it pull her to the Dark Side?

“There are some people who think my Master is the one that can win us the war. That if she harnessed Revan from within, that we could beat the Sith.” Brye wasn’t quite sure if this was something Selene could even answer, or if she had an opinion on this at all. “But I’m afraid that if she allows herself to do this, it would not end well,” Brye took a deep breath and sighed, feeling foolish for even confronting the Dark Sider about this. She took another deep sigh before continuing, “What do you think? I don’t know what Revan would do to her. But I know she hates that name.”

Selene’s head ached. It was something that shouldn’t be possible, unless she was being attacked. The Jedi Padawan hadn’t been difficult to connect with given the Padawan had, deep down, WANTED to talk to Selene. Combined with the way the planet Tython made her feel, the way it made her connection to the Force feel deeper, the connection to the Padawan wasn’t really that hard.

Where Selene had difficulty was containing the mind-bending visions she was still attempting to process. Through clinched teeth in a moment of pain, Selene snorted a bit of amused speech: “She’s the very reason the Sith had to sneak attack Coruscant. No accident the Sith switched tactics after Rhen Var. Even I heard about Rhen Var: there were other Jedi, other Masters, even, but everything I’ve read and heard says your Master literally turned the tide of the war that day. Far as I can tell she did that as Satele Shan, not Revan.”

Her head shook, slowly. “She isn’t done with Revan, or Revan isn’t done with her…?” She let out a deep breath, her mind attempting to grasp what she was seeing, what she was hearing, what she was processing from the Force vision. “The war darkened her. The war darkened the entire Jedi Order. She’s still fighting the war, she never stopped. She will descend into darkness if it means saving the Republic.”

Though Selene’s eyes never left the Padawan’s, their look changed drastically. Before she began to speak about Shan not being with Revan (or was it the reverse?) her voice grew quieter, more distant. Not as if she were suddenly guarded, but as if she were further away than she really was.

As if something else was speaking through Selene. Even if now, there was no doubting the intensity in Selene’s eyes. There was no doubting she was ‘back.’ “She’s right, I fear...the war isn’t over. It was never over…” A tiny groan escaped her lips, as her gloved hand touched onto the right temple of her head, dark hair a mere shadow behind her. “That’s all I have for you, now, Jedi. Please continue walking to Jaslyn. See her. Talk to her. She could use a friend right now, odd as I find that…”

Another deep breath, and Selene was pushing pain to the back of her head, daring to sneak a crooked smile on her dark lips once more. “Thank you, Jedi, I appreciate the conversation. Good luck. I hope you enjoyed the nap.”

The second the last syllable of the last word was spoken, Brye’s eyes would snap open, and wakefulness would wash over her like it was a brand new day, situated as she was comfortably in an oversized chair in a small lounge tucked into a corner of the Temple’s second level, a spot most Jedi used for sitting for a small chat, or a quiet corner to read--like the youngling with sandy blonde hair and big blue eyes that stared up at Brye from over the information pad the librarians had let him take to read, seated in the large chair so large for the youngling his feet didn’t even touch the ground.

“Hi, I’m Jace.”
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: A Salve for Bruised Feelings

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:11 pm
Jaslyn Dayne & Grandmaster Satele Shan

The Masters huddled in a dark corner split in half by a narrow beam of Tython sunlight that had begun to come out again in the last few hours. They spoke in hushed tones, all three constantly reaching out to sense the presence of any of who might be nearing their little hide-away in a corner of the claustrophobic lower level corridor of the Tython Temple. The Togruta female Jedi Master Kiwiiks, the Zabrak Master Uakro, and Satele spoke quickly after she emerged from the chamber, human Jedi Master Kaedan soon removing him from the guard of this 'Selene' long enough to join them.

Some basic facts had been established from their questioning of the Dark Sider: Selene had been planning this for a long time, Selene was no Sith, Selene disliked the Sith in equal amount as she disliked the Jedi, Selene was an academic, killing Jedi or even conflict with Jedi was nowhere in Selene's list of motivations, Selene had a unique understanding of the history of both Tython and Force users in general. One of the largest issues at hand that remained, to Satele, was how Selene had found them and gotten enough information on Tython defenses to set up a way through it all.

Master Kiwiiks returned to the point of escape, or more appropriately the apparent lack thereof. How did Selene plan to escape Tython? There seemed no plan for it, it never seemed part of the young woman's equations for the entire operation. Master Kaedan offered the theory that sounded the most interesting considering what Satele had sensed from Selene in person: that Selene never planned to escape. That the plan was to get captured by the Jedi Order. It created a coil of anxiety in Satele: they couldn't just kill Selene, they couldn't strip her mind and memories, they couldn't hold her on Tython--the weather alone made that clear.

Satele was confident in sending the woman to a prison built to hold her. That was, at least, until Master Kaedan offered his theory. Was she playing into the Dark Sider's plan by sending her to a prison? Is that what she wanted? The Jedi Shadows had been able to confirm the Empire was after Selene, a message she had received just before going in to talk to Selene personally. Was it that simple, she wondered? Was whatever Selene had done been worth imprisonment, a fate better to Selene's point of view than whatever the Sith would do?

If you had to be taken prisoner by one, which would you pick?

It was an uncomfortable thought that only added to the tension of the hard knotted coil developing deep in her stomach. Every time her mind pushed away from her body, her energy, away from the energy of those around her, and focused on how the Force flowed through and around was maelstrom of light and shadow. Satele saw no shatterpoint, Satele felt only an endless void of darkness swirling unseen but there just the same. Alarming as all of that was, Satele had a more immediate concern, a cause for concern that erupted the huddle of Masters whispered in quick fire heated tones.

There was a link with Selene and...Satele could not tell. Was someone manipulating Selene? Was someone watching it all on the other end of the link? Was Selene working with someone?

The huddle ended with more questions than answers. The question of the link burned hottest on Satele's mind until she walked into her quarters, turning around after closing the door behind her to see Jaslyn waiting. Her eyes fixated, widened at their edges just-so, and like that the answer to her burning question was offered up to her. Satele almost laughed. It was so obvious, at least, now that she knew.

"Jaslyn..." Her voice began, her eyes coming down on Jaslyn with weight and intensity rarely seen from the Jedi Grand Master as realization was heard in Satele's words, "you're telepathically linked to a Dark Side academic." War, her thoughts whispered to her, as a pang of some emotion perilously close to anger fired off in the back of her mind like a lightning bolt far away on some stormy horizon.

Satele's head tilted to the right, just slightly, as her eyes narrowed on the girl's image, and her voice lowered. "What did you do? What happened under the silent sands?"

Jaslyn stood as Grandmaster Shan entered the room and shut the door. She was on edge and the statement that came from the Grandmaster made her go white. Jaslyn had never had a puzzle piece click so well for her. I am? I am. This means I kept my promise. She won’t ever be alone. Jaslyn almost smiled at that but swallowed it quickly.

Then came the question that she wished no one would ask. Jaslyn made herself look at the Grandmaster her expression calm and flat. Well almost. Jaslyn’s eyes showed her emotions like a kaleidoscope. Fear, anger, belief, love all rolled in upon each other for a brief moment in time. That moment in time felt like a lifetime as Jaslyn quelled each emotion one by one.

There was no way to have missed that display, nor the way that Jaslyn was able to reign it all back in. Jaslyn kept eye contact with the Grandmaster. “We entered a chamber that was decorated in symbols that were unfamiliar, yet familiar all the same. I believe questions were answered, truths discovered for each of us. The only logical explanation is that since Selene and I were in telepathic contact when the door to the chamber opened, we are now linked.”

Jaslyn bit her lip. “Grandmaster she needs someone. She’s so... alone. I could feel it. The sadness was like my own yet not mine. It called to me. It was so deeply a part of her that it was heartbreaking.”

Jaslyn stood straighter, taller, her stubbornness clearly apparent. “I made a promise that she wouldn’t be alone anymore. No one deserves that heartache.” Sadness filled Jaslyn for a moment remembering how deeply filled Selene was with sadness and loneliness. But when Jaslyn had promised that she wouldn’t be alone anymore hope filled Selene. “Grandmaster I felt hope and happiness when I made that promise. Surely that would mean that if she learned from us she would not be so… unbalanced?” It was going out on a limb but maybe Jaslyn could convince them to let Selene stay and she’d be able to see her again.

Satele’s expression ran dull. A very small, focused, sigh escaped her lips as she simply walked past the Padawan and into her bedroom. It was only a few minutes and when she returned removing clips from her hair, her bright eyes weren’t eager to return to the Padawan.

There was simply too much going on, in her mind, and Jaslyn’s.

“This woman will not bring you happiness or fulfillment. She will be a shadow on the wall, always dancing just out of your grasp, no matter how hard you try.” Never, not once, did her tone waiver. Her words carried the weight of someone who could see, and had seen, from the Force before.

Satele could not question what she felt now. Her mind shifted, like someone might shift their weight from one side to another, her mind switching to another side of the matter altogether: “She will be escorted to a max security Republic prison built with Force users in mind. She will spend the rest of her life there, if we’re lucky.”

“She wants you. I feel it. She’s…” Satele frowned. She may have had a ‘secret’ child with the Supreme Commander but Jace was no Dark Sider. Satele had to know more about the chamber. “Selfish, Jaslyn. With time and the right conditions, yes, I think perhaps you could save her. With a lot of time.”

But when has the galaxy ever been kind enough to give any of the time and right conditions for anything lately?

Her dark hair rain wavey in the light as her fingers teased out tangles, her eyes swinging from mirror to Jaslyn. It might have seemed an odd time to groom, but that was Satele’s point by doing it; she was comfortable, enough to groom, in Jaslyn’s presence. If she was upset, she wasn’t showing it, focused on something so...mundane.

“In the meantime, I have to save you.” Satele Shan smiled and turned to face the Padawan. “You did what you did because you follow your own path, as it will be. That path is not the typical Jedi path, is a very not typical time for the Jedi.”

Satele jerked her head towards the door, the intensity in her bright eyes never once leaving them. “C’mon, walk with me.” Out the door, closing it behind the girl, Satele nodded to the Jedi Guardian human standing ready. His brown eyes eyed Jaslyn hard, and Satele’s smile widened. “You will be popular for a while, Jaslyn, ignore it.” Down the corridor of painted stone walls and cut polished stone tile floors, around a corner marked by a pale milk white marble column, only when they were alone did Satele speak again.

Much softer than before. “We Jedi are light. The Sith are dark. I am not naive, there have been before and will be again those between the two. Those stuck in the haze of gray,” she said it, finally, that word. Gray. Her head turned that way and this, then back again, then to Jaslyn where they settled heavily. “Stay with us, Jaslyn. You have not yet finished with the Jedi Order, I think, still some things to learn...patience with destiny, Jaslyn, it’ll find you the moment it wants to. I’m sure the Council will punish you, but I would expect the mother of all demerits more than I would exile…”

The smile shining on her lips bordered on playful, and might have gotten there, save for the shadow of the dead today. “Enjoy your link. Such links can be fickle things, prone to simply dissipating over distance and/or time.”
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: A Reunion

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:17 pm
Jaslyn Dayne

Jaslyn bowed to Grandmaster Shan and hurried along the corridor to her rooms only to find it blurring. The image was super imposed with another. A darker different corridor. Confused Jaslyn blinked and slowed her pace. What is going on? What am I seeing? Seeing Brye Jaslyn stilled. Then the vision went dark and she heard Selene speak. Brye? Selene?

Neither seemed to notice anything amiss. She listened to the conversation. Brye lost her lightsaber? And who did all those things to her? Jaslyn about held her breath as Selene and Brye talked. Lights came on and Brye walked away Jaslyn snapped back into her reality. What is this? Is this the link that Grandmaster Shan was referring to? And who or what is Revan? And what has that to do with the Grandmaster? Now I have more questions...

Jaslyn was still disoriented and exhausted. She was mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained and it showed physically. There were plenty of people she walked by who glared at her or turned away. She ignored them and kept on to her destination.

Just a little farther...

Jaslyn Dayne & Takryn "Tak" Malkovi

Jaslyn came out of the interrogation wrung out emotionally. Then she was in a surprisingly calm and sedate conversation with the Grandmaster. THEN she was bombarded by that vision with Brye and Selene. She was practically weaving as she walked down the hallway to her room. Amazingly they’d let her go to her rooms. Why she didn’t know. Probably because she still had to stand before the Council. Though the interrogation had happened in her quarters the Grandmaster was not present till later.

Jaslyn looked up from staring a hole in the floor only to see someone very familiar. It was Takryn. She hadn’t seen Takryn for six years. Jaslyn put a hand on the wall to keep from falling over. This was too much all at once. Her vision became narrower and narrower.

Takryn had just finished the first of his surgeries. They had managed to stop both the constant bleeding and the poison. He was free to go for the day, told to head off to the Padawan Quarters. Of course, he’d gotten a bit lost on the way there and when he looked up, he saw something out of a dream.

“Sithspit…” He swore softly. “Is… Is that you, Jaslyn?” He was floored. The last time he remembered seeing her, she was being taken away from him. Master Vika had caught them in the middle of their kiss. He still remembered that, a sharp spike of rage pulsing through him. WIth his free arm he clenched his fist. “Where did they take you? What’s going on?”

Jaslyn shook her head which helped a little the world was less narrow. “Takryn? I…” It was no use she was going to pass out if she didn’t sit down. “It’s probably not the best idea to be seen with me right now.” Jaslyn tried to slow her breathing and pulse but she was far to distracted by the boy, no man, she’d had her first kiss with to really focus. To be fair he’d been a man by the time they’d had that experience; which had been ruthlessly pulled apart and they hadn’t seen or heard from each other in a half dozen years.

The half-zabrak scowled. “What do you mean? I know there’s a lot going on… I saw the Storm when we arrived.” He started to walk over to her. “But you’ve always been the more.. Scholarly type so I doubt you’ve been in trouble. I’m usually the one who does stuff wrong.” He gestures to his arm in the sling. “Oh get injured.” She was so much… More now. She was just as beautiful as he remembered. Probably even more so. “My promise still stands, you know. I may be injured but if you’re in trouble, I’ve got your back.”

Jaslyn almost laughed at that. Almost. Laughing would mean not breathing and possibly passing out. “What I need right now is to sit down or just pass out and get it over with.” She swayed and leaned heavily on the arm that was now propped up on the wall not just her hand. She leaned her head on her arm resting on the wall. Turning her head she looked through the edges of her thick coppery hair and looked Takryn over.

He was still as handsome as when she’d last seen him six years ago. He had a few scars but those seemed to add to his attractiveness. He’d been killer to her blossoming sexuality at thirteen and at nineteen struck a similar chord in her that she was just recently really becoming familiar with. “Honestly Taki I’m not sure what is going on anymore.”

The large man grunts. “Get exactly what over with.” He’s watching her closely. “Should I get you to the Med wing? You’re not looking so good. “ Concern wormed its way on his face. “I can probably carry you there. As for what’s been going on, just tell me. What caused that storm? It made even Rekka nervous. And she’s rarely nervous. If what I overheard was right someone crash landed here?”

Takryn looked her over more closely, noticing for the first time that she was missing her belt and lightsaber. “Jas... “ He looked her in the eyes. “Where is your lightsaber? You know they drilled it into us that you always need to carry it…” He looked back in the direction she came from. “Are you… Did they?...”

Jaslyn turned her face away from Takryn’s searching concerned gaze. “Yes they took it. At least for now. Yes someone crashed into a part of the Rift. Her name is Selene and she’s a Dark Side user…” Jaslyn looked back at Takryn. “And I...I had a choice and I made it. I followed her to see what she was up to...or at least that’s what it was at first...then it became about truth.” Jaslyn looked up at Takryn knowing this next part might break his heart. “I didn’t kill her Taki. I didn’t even think about it for an instant. She didn’t threaten me so I made no move to kill her or attack her...I defended Selene when San, another Padawan, drew down on her intending to kill her.”

Shock overcame Takryn. A Dark Side user? The very thought of it sent chills down his spine and made his scar itch. “Tell me you-” When she finished his face morphed into a snarl, rage filled his eyes. “Why didn’t you? They’re dangerous, Jas. The Sith need to be taken out, wherever they may be.” He was visibly shaking with fury. “You should have let her die. How did she even find Tython? It’s supposed to e a secret, hidden away so they couldn’t find us!” He shook his head, disbelief canceling his rage. He took a deep breath, using the breathing technique Rekka taught him to calm down.

“Do you know why I came here, Jas?” He opened his eyes, gold meeting hers. “Because I was kidnapped and attacked by her people. The Sith.” He spoke deliberately, each work filled with pain. “He tortured me for a week, and when I wouldn’t give him what he wanted, intended on using some kind of ritual to force it out of me. He stabbed me in one of my hearts. I would have died if not for the timely rescue from Rekka and Shadow Urgos. While I’m sure you had your reasons, I’m conflicted.”

Jaslyn jerked as if slapped as his rage washed over her. She could see it and feel it and it affected her next statement heavily. So heavily that she snapped at Takryn in irritation while he paused to control himself. “Selene isn’t Sith!” She bit her lip and looked away letting him compose himself and doing the same.

Jaslyn was horrified at the next thing he told her. That he had been kidnapped and tortured was abominable. “I...I don’t know what to say to that. Taki...are you… a week? How did you survive that long?”

He visibly sighs when Jas says Selene isn’t Sith. “That’s only slightly better. And Zabrans are a combative race. Even being half what he did wasn’t all too bad. Sure, I have some electrical burns and had to get heart surgery, but it’s more… Mental. He had access to a skill I’ve never encountered before and apparently my hatred was keeping him out of my head. So… He decided to amplify his ability with the ritual. Using my blood as a catalyst to apparently ‘Drain the knowledge from my stupid thick head.’ I was a bit fuzzy at the time. Rekka has been training me with a new force ability, Crucitorn. I can only really use it to dampen pain. And it helped.” He shook his head. “Again, mostly mental stuff like trying to starve me or extreme dehydration. Got me through two Trials.” He chuckles bitterly at that.

Jaslyn swallowed and the room tilted a bit. “I need to sit down. Besides if Merrian or Rekka catch us we’ll both be in trouble. My room is right around the corner.” She straightened and took her arm off the wall.

She staggered down the hallways and lead them to her room. Thankfully there were no other Padawans or Younglings hanging around to chat with Jaslyn. Jaslyn opened the door and practically fell onto the bed. Her vision had narrowed so much that she was worried that she would have passed out about halfway down that last hall. By sheer stubbornness she made it the whole way.

She leaned double and waited till things looked right again. “Crucitorn huh? Sounds pretty cool. Not how you found out you could tap into it, but still cool.” Her room was neat and orderly as usual the only thing out of place in neatness was the bed. Jaslyn never understood having a neat bed. You were just going to mess it up once you crawled into it again. She staunchly refused to make her bed, it had been that way for years. Merrian had given up when everything else was kept neat and orderly.

Jaslyn leaned up slowly and unclipped her cloak and leaned back on it. She was laying across the bed her feet on the floor. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked at Takryn. “ never really told me why you’re here. What’s going on?” She looked confused.

“I’m not sure we should be..” He sighed as she began to move. He followed along dutifully, free hand out and ready to catch her if she fell. He could tell she was exhausted. “It’s a fairly common warrior ability, from what Rekka said.” He looked around the room. He saw she’d become a bit tidier than she was last he saw and he nodded. Taking a seat on the edge of her desk he shrugged his good shoulder. “I’m actually here first for the medical treatment, make sure no part of the Ritual worked, and then secondly because… I’m actively in my Knight Trials.” He pulls out the sith crystal. “My next task is to purify this. It belonged to the Inquisitor. It’s not your typical sith crystal either. It’s very force receptive. I’m pretty sure Rekka intends for this to be my new lightsaber crystal.” He pats the saber at his hip. “This one is on loan from her, until I finish with this one and fix mine. Never really been good with the building process.”

He sighed, giving a firm shake of his head. “And lastly, it’s to get away from all the stress. I’ve never set foot here before. Rekka thought I might get a lot out of training here. Bonus being if I can train with Grandmaster Satelle.” He grins at that. “I’d love to spar against her. Rekka only really said good things about her.”

Jaslyn moved away from the crystal as if it were a hot pan. She felt better as he put it away and she moved back nodding as he went on. “Knight Trials and two down already? You know I’m still gonna be Knight before you, right? You remember that bet don’t you? Bet you don’t.” She smirked prodding gently in his side.

Takryn chuckles. “Actually, Three. I’m almost done.” He smirks. “Have you even started your Trials?” He raises an eyebrow. He remembered the bet they had. He had thought it void but was glad that it was still on. “If I remember right, Winner got to demand one thing from the loser, within reason.” He scratches his small goatee. “I’m ahead by far, Jas. You’ve got a ways to catch up. Trials usually take a few months to complete.”

Jaslyn grinned widely. “You always needed a handicap to keep up with me Taki. And you can’t cheat and say that this one is done. So it’s only two.” She teased holding up two fingers. “I might even let you get to three to give you a fair chance.”

She sighed and looked around the room. Upon seeing the stone that he had given her when they first met; to skip rocks on a pond, on her dresser her eyes went wide. She grabbed her pillow and slid it across the dresser, a little too forcefully. She heard the stone hit the floor with a muffled thud. She went back to her original position of leaning up on her elbows.

“Actually… The whole surviving the Sith Inquisitor counted for two. Courage and Flesh.” He shrugs. “I’m on Trial Four now. Apparently, you can advance quickly if you fight the Sith, so I’ve been told.” He sighs. “Not exactly the way I wanted to go through it. As for the handicap, I’ve gotten a lot smarter. Less of a brute, more using my head. Pretty sure I’ll have finished this Trial before you begin yours.”

He saw her slide the pillow, noticing the rock as it falls. With a hand he lifts the rock from where it falls, calling it to him with relative ease. “You… Kept it?” It was made of andesite with flecks of sodalite, flecked to match her eyes. It was noticeably smoother and his expression softens. “It’s been a long time since we were at the Temple, huh…”

Jaslyn blushed and looked away. “I haven’t found a good flat pond to skip it on.” Jaslyn looked back and reached out to take it from his hand.

He handed it to her. “Well, I’m sure there are ponds here.” His hand lingers on hers. “Maybe I’ll get a new skipping rock, or three.”

Jaslyn raised her eyebrow. “Oh yeah? You try finding the perfect conditions to beat your skip record of eight. I haven’t found the perfect pond yet. And using the Force is cheating. I’m still convinced that you only got eight cause you used the Force. It’s the only way you could have beat me.”

He grins. “I told you, I did a lot of that back home. Was something that let me bond with my dad. I’ve always been good at it. You have to be good at the timing.” He shrugged. “I’ve actually gotten a bit better, since Rekka encouraged the activity when we started training. She’s… Kind of like a mother to me. I look up to her a lot. Even her husband is a great. He’s pretty strong.”

Jaslyn smiled. “Timing. Right sounds like a coverup to me. Timing for skipping rocks. What next? Telling me that the sky is green and the grass blue? But your timing is awful.” She teased him unmercifully tossing the rock lazily from one hand to another.

Raising a hand the rock freeze in place. “You know I was terrible with fine control back then. Sure, I have an insane amount of telekinetic strength, but moving a tiny moving rock? No way. For my Test of Skill I had to not only levitate myself, but a bunch of rocks and pieces of rubble, shifting the small stuff around. Absolute nightmare.” He shivered. “Pretty sure my nose bleed for the rest of that week.”

Jaslyn laughed and pushed Takryn lightly. “That’s why she tested that skill. And now apparently you have it. And you didn’t let a little nosebleed stop you. Fine. Four tests down. What do you want as your boon?”

“Yeah… Was actually part of the reason why I had gotten caught. Apparently I shifted something on instinct to grab when the ship hit a bit of turbulence. The guy trailed us for the rest of our trip. Then I was off on my own, since Rekka went somewhere to meet up with someone.” He
shrugs. “I’m not sure what I want as a boon yet. I’ve got this and my last test to do. And when I finish I’ll let you know. You gotta catch up quick, Jas.” The large man grinned, letting the rock settle on her head. “Maybe I should take my time with this next test.”

Jaslyn levitated the rock back to the dresser rolling her eyes as she put it gently on it. “You know I still remember that you hate being tickled right? Don’t make me use your weaknesses against you.” She smirked leaning over to snatch the pillow off the dresser.

“Tickling me requires you to get into arms reach, and I’m strong enough to pin you easily.” He smirks. “You could try, but you won’t defeat me. Age grants its own strength too.” He flexes, showing off his arms. “I’m a lot bigger than I was then.”

“Yes old man, but you’re as weak as a kitten when tickled. Shall I prove it to you or leave your fragile male ego alone?” She’d taunted him like this years ago and hadn’t seen she was pushing the line of friendship to more. Or maybe she had realized it subconsciously and done it anyway. She’d fallen back into that same old habit. She blushed and looked away sitting up fully fussing with the pillow.

“I’m not that old. Just four years your senior. And I can numb my sense of touch, rendering your tickling null.” He smirks. “My ego is safe from your attacks.” He remembered this, enjoying the playful banter and the sass. He realized he missed having this, enjoying spending time with her. “Any redder and you might be mistaken for a zabrak.” He winks.

Jaslyn whipped her head around at his last remark and glared at him. “I refuse to play the game of how red can we make Jas. It’s not fair!” Jaslyn leapt at Takryn using speed that was obviously enhanced and proceeded in tickling him on his sides.

Takryn let her get the edge for a second before turning the tables, using
his force ability to dull his sense of touch a bit, so he could pin her against the wall. He looked down at her, nearly a full head above her. Takryn smirked. “It’s a fun game. Mostly because it’s easy to get you to blush.”

“Is not you brute! It’s not that easy!” Jaslyn struggled then growled and hissed like the kitten she called him.

“Really?” He leaned in close. “You’re almost as red as a tomato. It’s kinda cute, really.” He watched her closely, keeping a loose but firm hold on her wrists.

Jaslyn caught her breath as Takryn leaned in close. She was starting to sound like one of those simple females in holo-vids. She narrowed her eyes at Takryn. “Don’t use that word. You know I hate that word. I’m far from cute. Only babies and animals are cute.” It came out less threatening than she wanted. Pretty much not threatening at all. But she wasn’t backing down.

He looked deeply in her eyes. “Well, I can only think of a few words to describe you know… Though ‘Beautiful’ does come to mind.” He smirked. “You are very beautiful, Jaslyn Dayne.” He was face level now, mere centimeters away. His hood fell back and revealed his broken horns. Once a sight she called his Crown, cracked and burned. He bore his scars with a mark of pride, his slinged arm held to his chest as a twitch of pain came. He pulled back, letting her hands drop.

Jaslyn started to reach up but dropped her hands. “I expect that whoever did that is no longer among the living?” Her eyes had travelled from Takryn’s arm in a sling to his broken “Crown” back to his golden gaze. “And don’t look at me like that for changing the subject. Saying something like that is what got us in trouble in the first place…” She tapered off biting her lip to stop the flow of words.

“Watched him die. Felt  only a little better about it but then again, he cut off my horns with his lightsaber.” He shook his head with a dark chuckle. “Yeah… Especially since well, you’ve gotten yourself into a spot of trouble. Rekka wouldn’t be too happy.” He sighed.

Jaslyn raised an eyebrow. “And you’re still recovering, so no she wouldn’t be happy that you were flirting with me.” Putting her hands on her hips she leveled him with a stare that she reserved for when the Younglings got out of line when they were playing. “You, sir, need to be resting up.”

I don’t remember him being this...big. It’s like he makes the room seem smaller, more confined and intimate than he used to. Jaslyn was flustered. She didn’t get flustered easily, usually. He’d always been able to read her and the fact that nothing had really changed was comforting and confusing. Taki and Selene have that in common. She can read me just as well as he can. Although I doubt either would appreciate the point.

“She reminds me of my mother. Both were strong willed women who wanted to do good. Mother was proud that I’d become a Jedi.” He sighed. “But then they died in the Sacking. Dad…. Dad’s still around but we don’t talk. He’s not too happy about Jedi and well, considers me dead to him. As for resting, I probably should. Though I recover fast like most of my kind. I’ll be getting horn surgery tomorrow, fixing up the cracks. Not sure about if I should get prosthetics for them. They are quite sensitive now. I get headaches every now and then.”

Jaslyn smirked. “Well those were where all your brains were. So of course they’d be sensitive and aching.” Jaslyn got up and shooed Takryn to the door. “At least if you’re gonna be here act like you’re guarding me.” She was close. Too close. She could feel the tension rising. As if all they did was put a pause on it after he’d called her beautiful. She looked up at him and knew that had been a mistake.

Takryn rolled his eyes at her. “I know I’m not the smartest Jedi in the world. I would make a terrible guard for you. You know that.” He looked down at her and his hearts skipped a beat or two. Instinct told him to lean down but a soft but firm knock sounded at the door.

“Takryn, I do hope you aren’t getting into mischief.” The voice of his master made his head snap over to the sound with a sigh.

“Yes, Master.” He frowned at Jaslyn. “I’ll visit later. Rekka is rather persistent.” He opened the door, revealing the tall Umbaran jedi. She smiled at the two of them.

Jaslyn sat back down on her bed heart pounding. I know that look. He was going to kiss me again. Six years hasn’t changed that look. Jaslyn looked over at Master Rekka and nodded.

With a smile and a wave, Takryn left the room, following his master towards his. “I’d tell you to stop, but I know you too well. I urge you to be both cautious and discreet. Right now, she is under the intense gaze of the Grand Master herself.” She shows him his room, following him in. “And no, you will wait until you’ve recovered before you begin training with the Battlemaster. We just had your heart fixed.”

Takryn sighs as he sits on the bed. “Yes Master Rekka. I’ll be good. Go enjoy your vacation.”

“It’s merely an assignment on the same planet as my husband, not much of a vacation, young Padawan.” She bid him goodbye, leaving him to his thoughts as sleep overcame him.
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: A Conversation with Shadows

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:19 pm
The speech Satele Shan was less practiced than she might have hoped, but that she had practiced at all might surprise some of those sitting on either side of her. Trust was a fickle thing; once broken the only way to repair that trust was to try again. So Jaslyn betrayed the trust of the Jedi Order in fostering a link with a Dark sider, as much mentally as physically. Casting her out, sending her to some far reach, would do nothing to begin rebuilding that trust. The vote was tallied quickly. She could've done it without looking, just let the opinion of each of her fellow Jedi Master wash over her--but old habits died hard. There was no dissent, which she found oddly less than reassuring. The vote, and the result, were quickly filed away into the computer system. "And so Padawan Jaslyn Dayne remains within the Jedi Order, stationed on Tython. Until further notice she will be unavailable for mission detailing."

And so the Jedi Council went on. Of Selene the vote was swifter still, and Supreme Commander Malcom had already moved to setup the Republic task force that would escort Selene to her new home on a prison planet built with high powered Force users in mind. It was a hollow victory of the Jedi Order; Selene wanted to get caught, she wanted to be sent to prison. That alone wasn't all that difficult to figure out after speaking with the Dark Sider for half a minute. She was running. From what? The Jedi Council discussed it, but it was Satele who sighed softly, leaned forward on a knee in her Council seat, and explained what she felt:

"It's not what is chasing her, it's who. She believes the Emperor himself is after her. I'd like to say she's wrong, and I can't say she's right, but there is an odd mixture of presence about her. She is watched, by spiritual and living entities alike. We cannot try to outfox the future, all we can do is make the best decision available to us in the present." And that, the vote reaffirmed, was sending the girl off to a prison world and hoping the key was lost. Had Satele felt the Emperor? No. Not first hand, at least, but it was enough of an unsettling feeling to warrant real caution.

The next item on the agenda was the Mandalorians. It was basilisk war droids. It was armor thought destroyed, at the very least lost to time. It was about arming a Mandalorian Clan with weaponry some Jedi thought best left in the past. Satele had explained the situation. She was left with very few options, and an extreme form of diplomacy seemed not too much of a stretch given the circumstances.

Master Bakarn furrowed his brows, "Extreme diplomacy, indeed."

Satele gave the fellow Master a dull stare for a few lingering moments continuing: Grim had taken most of Madog and began raiding any relatively easy targets in disputed territory. They weren't hostile to Republic forces in the area. They had even shared some Empire movements. It was a start, Satele hoped aloud, though one of her fellow Masters was less than excited at the prospect of counting diplomatic victories in mere starts.

That alone would have been memorable enough of a Council Meeting had Satele not taken up the topic of attachment and possession. It seemed unfair to call the point of agenda contentious. Half the Masters present stated their discomfort at the mere idea, while the other half seemed more open to the concept than even Satele might have suspected. "We're talking marriage within the Jedi Order, let us be clear."

"As opposed to outside the Jedi Order. In secret."

Satele didn't hesitate. She nodded, hard, and went about the unpleasant work of opening her past. "Yes. I tried to start a family outside the Order, Master Kiwiiks. Yes I kept that a secret. I have no plans of marrying Jace Malcom, if that's your concern."

"A marriage between the Jedi Grand Master and the Supreme Commander of Republic Forces? Who would be concerned with such a thing, Grand Master?" Master Din smiled even as he spoke, even if his words were not entirely just to tease. It was a very real concern, Satele freely admitted, but it was misguided.

"I am past romances, I should think, I merely concern myself with the future of our Order."

"And this is wisdom?"

Satele chuckled, "This is a discussion of ideas. Wisdom comes later after we've all discussed until we're blue in the face and half-sure which way we want to vote. May the Force guide us." Not even Satele could keep the playful hint at the corner of her pink lips from showing. There was a promise by all to bring the discussion up again, perhaps even tease the idea out for reception, but quickly the session ended with questions and details of Satele's mission to Corellia, mostly by Kyla. They had even agreed to let Satele borrow a few other Jedi, such as Balthasar.

The Jedi Knight was scary with a lightsaber. They could train, they could train with Brye. It would represent a wonderful chance to escalate the young woman's combat training, much as Dxun had been an introduction by fire. Satele was left smiling at the thought of the training, but the smile faded quickly as she swept from the Jedi Council Chambers and into the surrounding corridors. Jaslyn Dayne was surrounded by those relieved, while there were others watching from the sides--less than thrilled at the result of the Jedi Council's decision. All it took to find Brye was to close her eyes, and simply reach out.

The Starshine at 2000 ready to go. Knight Balthasar will be joining us. We've got a detour at a casino before Corellia, bring your lucky robes, Padawan.

Satele slipped down a set of stairs just across the corridor. A few Padawans near leapt out of their skin when they rounded up the first set of stairs and found Satele descending. A quick smile and quiet hello to both and she was going down one level of stairs, then a second, winding off the second level below the Jedi Council Chambers to the new location of their honored guest. There was a last request.

Selene's darkness looked even darker in the bright light of the chamber she was kept, Balthasar and Jace near her. The Dark Sider had come to call Balthasar a shadow, only for Satele to tell her that the Jedi already had something called Shadows. It was the biggest smile Satele had seen on the Dark Siders face since reading the memories between Jaslyn and Selene of their time alone. Selene had a secret to tell Satele, and only Satele.

"Lower," the Dark Sider insisted.

"Closer," the Dark Sider whispered, until Satele Shan was literally cheek to cheek with the girl. Selene's skin smooth and startlingly cold to the touch, the Dark Side girl smelled of travel and perspiration. And then Selene whispered her whisper, and Satele stood still as her mind wrapped the words up tightly, carefully, in her memory. Selene was a Queen. Her sister was a Princess of a Republic planet.

It was uncomfortable news for the Jedi, but Selene's sister and her sister's family could be innocents. Satele would find out, and help them if they were loyal to the Republic, she promised the Dark Sider. Balthasar led Selene himself to her transport, as Jace lingered behind. "She has a family. A Republic family. I promised to help them if they turned out loyal to the Republic."

It wasn't what Jace stayed for. In a heartbeat it seemed the two of them were embraced, Satele's arms clinging to the giant man's waist, his massive arms grabbing her and bringing her completely into his possession. "I'll see you again."


Satele smiled another tiny smile. "They haven't killed me yet. I'll make sure Theron survives Corellia. I'm heading there soon. Jace?...don't go on that transport with the Dark Sider." There was no real reason for the words to come out of Satele's mouth, but she heard them come all the same. Surprised of them as she was, Jace stared hard for a second before managing a little nod in her direction. He had little love for her mysticism...but it had kept him alive more than once before.

"Good luck."
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6 ATC 4: A Storm to Remember  - Page 3 Empty A Storm to Remember: A Temporary Solution

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:20 pm
...bring your lucky robes, Padawan.

Brye knew her friends in the Order considered her to be a little... sheltered. She always did her part, followed orders when the time was right; listened well and did not stray from the Jedi path. Many assume that Brye had never really been to a place of scum and villiany, that her assignments with Satele were all sunshines and rainbows; chasing pirates, navigating the ship through some pretty easy terrain.

Brye didn't talk much about the time with her previous Master, nor did she often divulge the details of some of the missions she accompanied Satele on. Perhaps the young Jedi did it on purpose - the less others knew about you, the less they'd expect, which would be the perfect time to catch them off guard.
Brye spent a good chunk of a year with her master on Coruscant, assisting the local police force with loose ends and the like. The made frequent visits to the underbelly of the world, for her Master thought it would be good training to learn in the presence of criminals, pirates, and just downright gross folk.

She had been to a casino once in that time frame, and it was an experience Brye had preferred not to replicate. It couldn't be helped, though. She was the Padawan and Satele the Master. It meant they had good reason to be stopping at a casino before making their way to Corellia; reasons Brye wasn't sure she wanted to know just yet.
A shiver went down her spine with the tease for her to 'bring her lucky robes.' No matter what the pair went through, it seemed Satele always had a sense of humor when the time called for it.

A quick drop in to the medbay to get some bandages removed, something that was long overdue, and then a stop at her Temple quarters to grab what was needed; soon after Brye was on her way to the Starshine. She was due by 20:00, and Bryethe knew she had time, but it never hurt to be early, especially when it came to meeting up with Satele.
On the ship and with what little belongings she required, mostly clothes and a couple sets of robes, and Brye was ready. She had sensed Satele nearby, along with the other Jedi she had mentioned, Balthasar. Brye hadn't had many interactions with the Knight, perhaps just two or three occasions that they had met and talked. The Padawan knew so much as his skill with a lightsaber; she could guess that some training would definitely come out of this trip.

After her things had been properly stowed, including a new lightsaber placed on her hip, Brye moved to the cockpit to prepare the engine checklist and ship's communication for takeoff. She sat in her usual seat as co-pilot and went about the usual procedures as she waited for the other two Jedi to enter the cockpit.
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