Star Wars: Order 66
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Nimm Deenia Empty Nimm Deenia

Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:56 pm
Imperial personnel files

NameNimm Deenia
SpeciesImperial Human
Pureblood percentage11%
HomeworldDromund Kaas
Age62 (looks 25)
RankSith Apprentice (Archaeologist)
MasterDarth Nyiss
Former master(s)Lord Arkanus
Sphere of influenceAncient Knowledge, Mysteries

Imperial Intelligence Reports

Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.
The Subject, one of Darth Nyiss’ apprentices, is outwardly 100% imperial human. She stands 171 cm tall and weighs around 66.7 kgs, all within normal parameters. Further investigation has revealed something odd. Old recordings and images from many years ago showing her looking exactly the same, when she should only have been an infant. The truth of this has proven impossible to find out. There is no evidence of physical degradation from overuse of the Force.

An in-depth investigation into recordings as well as a field study has revealed that the subject is fairly predictable in her preferences for clothing. She almost universally wears black, knee-length sith robes while in the empire, or practical more neutral clothes if she is outside imperial borders for some reason or other and needs to obscure her imperial ties.

She has a preference for the practical clothes suitable for whatever climate she finds herself in. Though simple in appearance, investigation revealed that the quality is top-notch. Any appearance of being tattered or worn is by design. She generally has a wide black leather belt with her lightsaber and tools on it, as well as combined half-gloves/bracers on both arms that appear technological in origin, but whose functionality is undetermined.  Rumors persist that her hands are covered in hairline scars that stem from traps, but as she always wears those gloves, that has not been possible to verify.


Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.
Covert field study has revealed that the subject is particularly proficient with the Force, but appears to limit herself to certain techniques, in spite of the fact that evidence implies she has both the raw power and experience to use far more advanced techniques. No amount of investigation has brought to light why. Below is an estimate of the subject’s skill levels with most techniques of the Force.

Basic Techniques
Force SpeedIntermediate Training
TelekinesisMaster Talent
Force ThrowExpert Training
Force ChokeExpert Talent
Telekinetic DefenseExpert Talent
Telepathic DefenseIntermediate Training
Force Sight (basic)Intermediate Talent
Force SenseIntermediate Training
PrecognitionIntermediate Training
Mind trickIntermediate Training
Force JumpExpert Training
Intermediate Techniques
Force lightningExpert Talent
Detoxify PoisonBasic Training
Droid DisableBasic Talent
Breath controlBasic Training
Force StasisIntermediate Talent
Advanced Techniques
Force CloakBasic Training
Force StealthIntermediate Training
Sith AlchemyBasic Training or Intermediate Training 
(investigation failed to uncover facts)

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.
The subject has proven herself an apt pilot with a variety of smaller ships and vehicles, but does not appear to be overfond of piloting fighters. She is also reasonably skilled at slicing her way through computer systems (sometimes literally), and has claimed to be familiar with the layout of most ship models in the imperial fleet as well as the common types of ships used by the so-called Galactic Republic. For obvious reasons, the latter has proven difficult to verify.

As Darth Nyiss’ personal archaeologist, the subject is an expert at dealing with traps such as those found in the tombs of ancient Sith. Tales of her Force-roasted Nexu rise occasionally, but they seem to be dual-natured in that it is either delicious or lethal. No significant deaths have been verified as tied to it, but a number of people who got on her wrong side have died from unknown causes.

While the subject has basic knowledge of all forms of lightsaber combat, analysis has revealed that she herself primarily uses a variant of the fifth form, with parts from the others mixed in as she deems it necessary. She is fond of using whatever is at her disposal in combat to win. Mostly redacted reports indicate that she is not above running from a fight if it is unwinnable. Such cases have at times been followed up by orbital bombardment. Whatever means necessary. She does not hold to antiquitated concepts such as “honor” in battle.

As befits any Sith her age, she has considerable combat experience, but it is more in smaller engagements than it is front line combat. Most notable of her military experience was her participation in the Sacking of Coruscant under the command of her master, Darth Nyiss. There a significant number of Jedi fell, as well as a significant number of artifacts acquired, including numerous Sith holocrons stolen by the Jedi Order over the years.

Names and pertinent details for all political and social associates. Including allies, enemies, rivals, underlings, apprentices and more.
Her primary political influence can be summed up into a single name: Darth Nyiss. Being one of the Darth’s personal apprentices, the subject has significant influence to draw on, provided it does not go against her master’s goals. Exactly where her master’s influence ends and her own starts has proven impossible to identify, as their goals appear to be perfectly in line with each other.

No specific rivals have been identified, but it is well-known that she bears particularly strong hatred for the Jedi Order, especially for those known as “Jedi Shadows”.

Curiously enough, the subject has no apprentices of her own yet, in spite of her long life. She has had a few captive Jedi that she toyed with before breaking, but none that truly became worth calling Sith. She assisted her master and her master’s other apprentices in dealing with a significant number of captured Jedi in the months after the Sacking of Coruscant.

Personality analysis of candidate.
The subject appears to be mentally sound. She is stubborn, but not to a fault. A good word to describe her is pragmatic, as one who looks for solutions rather than focusing upon the problems. Rushing things is not her style, unless it is necessary, of course. Her determined nature indicates, from acquired medical reports, that she has kept going with missions even with multiple broken bones. Evaluation indicated that she viewed such merely as added obstacles.

Her hatred of Jedi is second to none. In her eyes, Jedi are either potential Sith or—preferably—prey. Making them suffer before they die is something she has shown time and again to take joy in.

It can be concluded that getting her as an ally would be a significant asset, but also that it would be very hard to get her away from her master.

List and description of known and suspected flaws, obligations, vices and weaknesses.
The flaws of the subject, as is the case with the flaws of most Sith, are hard to identify on account of them being kept secret. However, some theories can be noted about probable and possible flaws for this particular subject. They are as follows:

  • Faulty connection to the Force? She doesn’t appear to use abilities she should easily be able to use given her experience and access to knowledge.
  • Excessive maltreatment of captive Jedi - Many captive Jedi that might have become productive Sith have been reduced to bestial wrecks at her hand. Her hatred of the Jedi is such that it can at times inconvenience the Empire.
  • Socially uncaring - The opinions of others do not matter as much to her as they perhaps should.
  • Reduced mobility in the right arm - An old medical report indicated her arm is reduced to 87% of its original functionality. There may be other reductions elsewhere, but no other medical reports were uncovered. Evidence indicates she has intentionally had them removed.
  • off-handed combat - Though originally right-handed, the subject has been forced to primarily use her left arm for wielding her lightsaber in battle due to aforementioned injuries.
  • Sub-par duelist - The subject can hold her own in a duel, but anyone talented at dueling is likely to beat her in a pure duel. She is known to use any means at her disposal to balance this, though. She has been known to flee such battles.
  • Peace is a lie - If it had not been ordered from the Emperor himself, the subject would have continued fighting the Jedi after the Sacking of Coruscant. Following her master’s secret project on Feena she was clearly anxious to go back into the thick of things. Enough so that her master publically instructed her to go to Korriban for studies.

Known interests of the candidate.

  • Hurting Jedi.
  • Sith tombs and artifacts.

Major achievements on record.

  • Archeology - Uncovered numerous artifacts of ancient Sith.
  • Participant - Sacking of Coruscant.
  • Pilfered Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Major failures on record. Confidential.

  • Killed/broke several Jedi that could have been turned.
  • Chastised for stepping out of line in relation to the Emperor’s Peace Treaty with the Republic.

Owned equipment of note.
As befits a Sith that keeps herself somewhat isolated from imperial society, it is difficult to uncover much details about her ownerships. While none have been identified, it is assumed that she has a significant number of Sith Artifacts. It is also taken for granted that she has access to multiple ships, albeit none of these larger than small freighters, some made by imperial shipyards, others made elsewhere. How many of her master’s assets she can utilize is also unknown.

Biographical Records:

Last edited by Ellri on Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:42 pm; edited 8 times in total
Posts : 50
Join date : 2020-04-25
Age : 101
Location : Niflheim

Nimm Deenia Empty Re: Nimm Deenia

Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:57 pm

Crew of the Aruk (Fury-class Interceptor):

Tala Delstee, pilot/navigator:
Daro Typhe, Corporal:
Helia Javik, Specialist:
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